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HomeMust ReadIs Chocolate Good For Asthma

Is Chocolate Good For Asthma

I 26 Best Foods For Asthma And Allergies

Is coffee good for asthma?

When it comes to best foods for asthma, there is evidence that people eating diets higher in vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, magnesium, flavonoids, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids seemed to have lower risks of asthma. These substances are mainly antioxidants which can protect the cells from damage. Regardless of the connection between asthma and diet, we all know that good nutrition is crucial to anyone, particularly those people with chronic diseases. If you do not take the right nutrients, then your body might be more susceptible to ailments and not able to successfully fight the respiratory viruses which often trigger asthma attacks. Here are some of the most basic guidelines of healthy foods for asthma:

Symptoms Of Food Allergies And Asthma

For most people, the usual symptoms of food allergies are hives, rash, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you have food allergies that trigger symptoms of an asthma attack, you will likely have these allergy symptoms, followed by coughing and wheezing. And if not caught quickly, anaphylaxis — swelling of the throat, cutting off your airway — may result.

If you suspect certain foods are asthma triggers for you, talk to your doctor. They can give you allergy skin tests to find out if youâre allergic to these foods.

Foods That Are Bad For Asthma

Wheezing and swelling are your bodys reaction to specific triggers that aggravate the lung. This is better known as asthma. There is no one cause of asthma: it can be hereditary, but triggers can vary between individuals. Food allergies may be one cause of asthma-like symptoms. Unless you have this type of allergy, foods are unlikely to cause asthma. However, some food choices are worth discussing with your doctor, especially if you experience breathing difficulties after consumption.

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The Dark Truth About Chocolate

Grand health claims have been made about chocolate, but while it gives us pleasure, can it really be good for us?

Chocolate has been touted as a treatment for agitation, anaemia, angina and asthma. It has been said to awaken appetite and act as an aphrodisiac. You may have noticed were still on the letter A.

More accurately, and to avoid adding to considerable existing confusion, it is the seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree that have, over hundreds of years, been linked to cures and therapies for more than 100 diseases and conditions. Their status as a cure-all dates back over 2,000 years, having spread from the Olmecs, Maya and Aztecs, via the Spanish conquistadors, into Europe from the 16th century.

The 19th century saw chocolate drinking become cheap enough to spread beyond the wealthy, the invention of solid chocolate and the development of milk chocolate. Later came the added sugar and fat content of todays snack bars and Easter eggs, which time-travelling Aztecs would probably struggle to associate with what they called the food of the gods.

Industry-funded research tends to set up questions that will give them desirable results

The responses of study participants can be affected by their beliefs and assumptions about chocolate, says Mellor. Research has also found people who volunteer for studies are more likely to be affected by their beliefs about an intervention than the population as a whole.

Cut Your Risk Of An Asthma Attack Triggered By Food

Is coffee good for asthma patients?
  • Avoid the foods youre allergic or sensitive to especially if youre at risk of anaphylaxis.
  • Always keep your asthma reliever inhaler with you, so you can deal with asthma symptoms quickly.
  • Use your preventer inhaler every day so youre less likely to react badly to asthma triggers, and your asthma is well controlled. ;If you have a food allergy and your asthmas not well controlled, it increases your risk of having a severe allergic reaction.
  • Talk to your GP or asthma nurse and get your updated with any new triggers. You can share your plan with friends and family. Its important that you manage your asthma and food allergy, or sensitivity, together to cut the risk of one making the other worse.
  • If you have an auto-injector, keep it with you and use it immediately if youre having severe anaphylactic symptoms.;

Top tips to avoid food triggers

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What Causes A Dairy Allergy

A dairy or milk allergy happens when your immune system goes into overdrive and thinks milk and dairy products are harmful. Most people with a dairy allergy are allergic to cows milk. Some people may also have a reaction against milk from other animals such as goats, sheep, and buffalo.

If you have a dairy allergy, your body is reacting against the proteins found in milk. Dairy contains two types of proteins:

  • Casein makes up 80 percent of milk protein. Its found in the solid part of milk.
  • Whey protein makes up 20 percent of milk. It is found in the liquid part.

You may be allergic to both types of milk protein or just one. Antibiotics given to dairy cows may also be linked to milk allergies.

Asthma And Diet: Foods To Avoid Or Limit

Just as there are foods and nutrients that support lung health, there are also foods that trigger asthma symptoms.

  • Chemical preservatives, colorings, and flavorings: Some asthma patients have increased sensitivity to these, which are found in most processed and fast foods.
  • Gassy foods: Certain foods are more likely to cause gas, which puts extra pressure on your diaphragm . Limit intake of beans, carbonated drinks, cabbage, garlic, fried foods, and onions.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: Although these are an essential fatty acid, they may increase inflammation when eaten in excess. You find these in refined oils, including flaxseed, hempseed, and grapeseed oils. You also find omega-6 in raw sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, and pistachios.
  • Sulfites: This is a preservative found in pickled foods, bottled lemon and lime juice, dried fruits, wine, shrimp, and maraschino cherries.

You may also discover that eating large meals triggers an asthma attack, as it puts pressure on your diaphragm, similar to the effect that eating gassy foods has.

Before making any major dietary change, whether adding or eliminating foods, always talk to your doctor first.

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Is There An Asthma Diet

Patients who have asthma quickly learn that managing their lifestyle is one of the keys to managing the condition. Certain activities may trigger an asthma attack; even the foods they eat may play a role. Of course, the condition varies greatly from patient to patient, so there is no specific asthma diet, but a variety of studies from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine demonstrate that the foods we eat may have an impact on both the frequency and severity of asthma attacks and symptoms.

In particular, respiratory specialists recommend a well-balanced, plant-based diet with few if any processed foods. Of course, we recommend a natural food diet for all patients; its the central piece of a holistic approach to health and wellness, but it is particularly valuable for patients managing chronic conditions such as asthma.

Coffee And Asthma The Risks

During Pregnancy, Tylenol May Increase Asthma Risk, Chocolate May Be Beneficial

As with just about anything, consuming too much of one thing can cause unwanted side effects. There is one main concern with coffee and asthma.

If you have a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease , then coffee may aggregate this condition. GERD can cause asthma symptoms to become worse if you have both asthma and GERD. So, if this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to avoid coffee altogether.

Apart from this, coffee can cause other side effects, especially when consumed in large quantities. The first, being anxiety and rapid heart rate. Caffeinated coffee will cause your body to release adrenal, the hormone responsible for the fight or flight response. This can cause some people to feel anxious or stressed.

Since coffee is most known for giving people energy, it can also keep you from falling asleep when you need it. The half-life of caffeine in the human body is about 4-6 hours. For example, if you drink 100mg of caffeine at 8:00 a.m, youll have about 50mg still left in your body between 12:00-2:00. So, if your consuming coffee late in the day around 5:00 p.m, you may find it difficult to fall asleep at the appropriate time.

Coffee can cause frequent urination, which can lead to dehydration if you are not drinking enough water. If you notice that you are having trouble controlling your bladder or are having to urinate more than usual, you may want to cut back on the caffeine intake.

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Can We Eat Chocolate For Asthma

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain theobromine, which — like caffeine and theophylline — is a mild bronchodilator.

Let that sink in a minute.

There was actually a study done showing that theobromine and caffeine both produced a peak bronchodilator effect within two hours, and this effect lasted six hours.1

Pretty neat, hey?

Both theobromine and caffeine are also related to theophylline, which is a bronchodilator. Theophylline was also a top-line asthma medicine during the 1970s and into the 1990s. Keep in mind, however, that while theobromine and caffeine are bronchodilators, this effect, if realized at all, is only mild. So, this is not to say that you should be eating chocolate instead of seeking actual treatment.

How Asthma Attacks Happen

When you have an asthma attack, your airways narrow and it gets hard to breathe. This can result from spasms of the muscles around the airways, inflammation and swelling of the mucosal membrane that lines them, or high amounts of mucus inside them. You might have shortness of breath, wheeze or cough as your body tries to get rid of mucus.

Why do you have asthma and your friend doesn’t? No one knows for sure. Allergies play a role for many people, as do genetics.

If you or a loved one has asthma, it’s important to understand what your triggers are. Once you figure that out, you can take steps to avoid them. As a result, youâll have fewer and less severe asthma attacks.

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Plan For Pollen During Easter Egg Hunts

The Easter weekend is peak pollen time for some trees, such as Alder, Elm and Birch. If you have an allergy to pollen, you might have already noticed itchy eyes, sneezing and congestion, along with worse asthma symptoms.

If youre heading outdoors for an Easter egg hunt, or to walk off that Easter Sunday roast, consider taking some hay fever medication. Speak to your GP or pharmacist about which hay fever medication might help you.

Drinks With Vitamin D

Is milk chocolate good for you?

A 2016 study notes that children and adults with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to experience asthma symptoms and that those who include vitamin D in their diet are less likely to require hospitalization due to asthma.

Fortified cows milk or plant-based milk may contain vitamin D, which might help prevent asthma attacks in some cases.

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Citrus Fruits And Tomatoes

Citrus fruits and tomatoes, though valuable sources of fiber and nutrients, may also worsen asthma symptoms. Though foods affect people with asthma differently, Cutler lists citrus fruits and tomatoes as common symptom triggers. If you suspect acidic fruits such as these negatively influence your symptoms, try avoiding oranges, nectarines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tomatoes and tomato products, such as tomato paste, sauce and juice. Since fruits provide antioxidantsnutrients that strengthen your immune systemincorporate nonacidic varieties such as berries, kiwi, plums, red grapes and mangoes into your diet regularly.

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It Can Cause Esophagus Damage And Lead To Esophageal Cancer

While acid reflux is more of a discomfort than a serious health risk, you do need to be vigilant about whatâs going on in your digestive tract, especially if you experience frequent acid reflux. According to the NIH, 5% of people with symptoms of GERD may develop Barretts esophagus, a risk factor for developing esophageal cancer wherein the esophageal cells transform into cells akin to those in the intestines. And in general, GERD patients are more at risk for esophageal cancer, so itâs important to see your doctor regularly.

Abass A. Toriola Complaints

Coughing is your bodys natural way of eliminating unwanted stuff from your airways. So, its not necessarily a big deal when you cough sometimes after eating or drinking it simply means your body is trying to prevent some particles from going down into your lungs.

Coughing after eating or drinking can be very frustrating. Worse, if you have to go into several bouts of coughing every time after eating certain foods, it means something is wrong with the way your body handles such foods. And you need to find out the cause, since it could be a sign of some serious health problem. Ice cream and cold drinks are notorious for this.

Here are 6 common causes of coughing after eating ice cream and cold drinks.

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Caffeine Before A Lung Function Test

Those with asthma or think they may have asthma will have a pulmonary function test ordered by their doctor. This test measures how well you can breathe, as well as how capable your lungs are at providing oxygen to the rest of the body.

Since weve discussed how coffee, or just caffeine in general, can be beneficial for your asthma symptoms, it is essential that you avoid caffeinated drinks before this test. Having a caffeinated beverage beforehand may give you a false reading on your lung function test. This may result in not being prescribed the proper medication you need to treat your asthma.

If your doctor orders a pulmonary function test to be done, discuss with them what else should be avoided. This ensures you get the treatment options that are right for you.

The Relationship Between Food And Asthma

Is coffee good for asthma patients?

Asthma does not look the same for every patient. For some, it has little effect on their daily lives. Others, however, suffer frequent attacks, which may even be life-threatening. Treatment methods vary according to the severity of the condition, but most patients manage symptoms with a rescue inhaler or prevent them with a controller inhaler.

In an asthma patient, the lungs airways are inflamed; they become too narrow or too swollen and produce an excess of mucus. During an asthma attack, the surrounding muscles also become tighter. All of this combines to make breathing difficult and patient experiences the common asthma symptoms: coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and a tightness of the chest.

An asthma diet is one that helps improve or reduce these symptoms. For example, studies suggest that, over the last few decades, the Western shift toward a diet high in processed foods may have contributed to an increase in asthma cases. In contrast, nutrient-rich foods help decrease risk and improve lung function.

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Easy To Include In Your Diet

The exact amount of cocoa you should include in your diet to achieve health benefits is not clear.

The European Food Safety Authority recommends 0.1 ounces of high-flavanol cocoa powder or 0.4 ounces of high-flavanol dark chocolate containing at least 200 mg of flavanols per day to achieve heart health benefits .

However, this number has been deemed too low by other researchers, who claim higher amounts of flavanols are required to see benefits (

heart health, include 0.1 ounces of high-flavanol cocoa powder or 0.4 ounces of high-flavanol chocolate in your diet. Adding cocoa can give a delicious chocolate taste to your dishes.

Foods That Trigger Asthma Attacks

May 31, 2018

Asthma attacks are no fun and sometimes they seem to come out of nowhere. Although individuals with asthma have different triggers that cause an attack, some foods are more prone to cause asthma than others. If your body is sensitive to a certain food, your immune system will attack it in different ways. For asthma sufferers, its likely to be an asthma attack. If you or a loved one suffers from asthma, avoiding certain foods may help reduce the severity and frequency of asthma attacks. Below are some foods that are known to trigger asthma attacks:


Many people are allergic to eggs and develop skin reactions such as hives. However, asthma sufferers should be aware that if they have even a slight egg allergy or sensitivity, it may cause an asthma attack instead of hives.


Asthma essentially causes inflammation in the throat and tightens the airway, making it difficult to breathe. Salt contributes to these symptoms because it encourages fluid retention that can increase inflammation. Individuals with asthma should consider reducing their salt intake to reduce the chances of asthma attacks.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits may be healthy and tasty, but they are not the best food for individuals with asthma because they contain a preservative called sulfite that can cause asthma attacks. ;If you want dried fruits, consider drying them yourself, without preservatives. Otherwise, stick to the fresh stuff.



Mushrooms & Cheese

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How Dark Chocolate Can Help You Beat Persistent Coughs

Research and clinical trials have shown that chocolate is a very effective remedy for chronic coughs. Researchers with the Hull Cough Clinic tested chocolate on 300 patients who suffered from a chronic cough, and found that about 60 % of them saw immense respite when administered chocolate. Studies indicate that the theobromine content in chocolate is decidedly the most efficacious and safest cough suppressant there is.

Can Chocolate Make My Asthma Worse

chocolate can reduce asthma symptoms

If you are allergic to chocolate, or common ingredients found in chocolate, eating it can make your asthma worse. Asthma is the result of inflammation and swelling in the lungs that restricts your airways, leading to shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and chest pain. Because most allergy symptoms are the result of inflammation in soft tissues throughout the body, eating chocolate can make your asthma worse. If you notice that eating chocolate causes your asthma symptoms to increase, stop eating all foods that contain chocolate until your doctor can evaluate you.

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