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Does Asthma Cause Coughing At Night

How Do You Calm An Asthma Attack

Nighttime Wheezing: Could It Be Asthma?

A reliever inhaler is the best treatment for an asthma attack, but in case one isnt on hand, sit upright and force yourself to take long, deep breaths. It improves lung function, wont irritate airways, and slows your breathing, preventing hyperventilation. If symptoms worsen, seek emergency medical help immediately.

The Five Parts To An Asthma Treatment Plan

Step 1: Identifying and controlling asthma triggers

Children with asthma have different sets of triggers. Triggers are the factors that irritate the airways and cause asthma symptoms. Triggers can change seasonally and as a child grows older . Some common triggers are allergens, viral infections, irritants, exercise, breathing cold air, and weather changes.

Identifying triggers and symptoms can take time. Keep a record of when symptoms occur and how long they last. Once patterns are discovered, some of the triggers can be avoided through environmental control measures, which are steps to reduce exposure to a child’s allergy triggers. Talk with your doctor about starting with environmental control measures that will limit those allergens and irritants causing immediate problems for a child. Remember that allergies develop over time with continued exposure to allergens, so a child’s asthma triggers may change over time.

Others who provide care for your child, such as babysitters, day-care providers, or teachers must be informed and knowledgeable regarding your child’s asthma treatment plan. Many schools have initiated programs for their staff to be educated about asthma and recognize severe asthma symptoms.

The following are suggested environmental control measures for different allergens and irritants:

Indoor controls

To control dust mites:

To control pollens and molds:

To control irritants:

To control animal dander:

Outdoor controls

Video: Asthma And Your Sleep

Transcript for Asthma and your sleep

0:04 We hear from a lot of people on our

0:07 helpline and on social media that asthma does

0:10 interrupt their sleep on a

0:11 regular basis. As a health care

0:13 professional I know that unfortunately,

0:14 this means that your asthma is not quite

0:16 as well controlled as it can be. And it’s

0:18 worth making appointment with your GP or

0:20 your practice nurse to see what we can

0:21 do to help relieve those symptoms and

0:24 actually improve your quality of sleep.

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What Causes An Asthma Cough

An asthma cough still remains a condition, which is not completely understood. Therefore, its causes are also unclear. However, it seems like an asthma cough develops mostly after the following instances:

  • Exposure or breathing in cold air
  • Regular exposure to allergens and pollutants
  • Any upper respiratory tract infection, particularly sinusitis
  • Regular intake of aspirin
  • Consuming beta blockers for treating heart disease, heart failure, migraines, palpitations, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions

You need to be aware that beta blockers are also found in some eye drops that are used for treating certain eye problems like glaucoma. Regularly using these eye drops can also trigger an asthma cough.

In fact, allergies have been proven to have a clear connection with asthma. Many studies have shown that nearly 85% of all patients with asthma tend to have some form of nasal allergies. There seems to an immunological link associated with an asthma cough as well because of the fact that allergies are a resultant of our immune system causing an overreaction to an allergen that generally will not cause any reaction.

While anyone can get cough variant asthma at any time in their lives, it is usually more common in children who already have childhood asthma.Certain people, though, are at a higher risk for developing an asthma cough. Some of these risk factors that doctors assess and take into consideration before making a diagnosis of cough variant asthma include:

Keep Your Mattress Up Off Of The Floor

Asthma Cough At Night Child

While you technically can use some mattresses directly on the floor, we dont suggest that for people with allergies Placing your mattress on the floor means youre closer to dirt, dust, and other germs that can more easily make their way into your sleep space. Using a mattress foundation or bed frame limits your exposure to these irritants.

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Your Child Might Have A Dust Or Dander Allergy

It is impossible to avoid the presence of dust and dander in your house and this problem is only more pronounced if you have any furry family pets. These tiny particles settle on the floors, couches, beds and other surfaces in your home. For a child with a relatively mild dust or danger allergy this may not trouble them during the day. At night, when their face is resting on a surface collecting these particles they are breathed in in a higher concentration. This can cause irritation of the nose and throat and swelling of the sinuses that can lead to coughing. Washing your childs bedding more often can reduce this problem. A daily allergy medication may also be necessary.

Use Both A Humidifier And An Air Purifier

Dry air can worsen asthma symptoms by irritating the throat and nasal passages, and allergens in the air can cause sneezing and morning congestion. Without humidifiers and air purifiers, youre more likely to wake up with a sore throat or post-nasal drip, since the body overproduces mucus to protect passageways from debris. Investing in a humidifier and air purifier means more moisture in the air and less chance of irritation to the nose and throat.

Talk with a healthcare provider first before buying either of these devices. A humidifier can sometimes increase dust mites in the bedroom because it provides an ideal living environment. Air purifiers do balance those out, but some people, depending on the severity of their asthma, may want to avoid humidifiers entirely.

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How Do Healthcare Providers Diagnose Asthma

Your healthcare provider will review your medical history, including information about your parents and siblings. Your provider will also ask you about your symptoms. Your provider will need to know any history of allergies, eczema and other lung diseases.

Your healthcare provider may order a chest X-ray, blood test or skin test. Your provider may order spirometry. This test measures airflow through your lungs.

How Is Asthma Treated

How To Stop Asthma Cough At Night Naturally?

Take your medicine exactly as your doctor tells you and stay away from things that can trigger an attack to control your asthma.

Everyone with asthma does not take the same medicine.

You can breathe in some medicines and take other medicines as a pill. Asthma medicines come in two typesquick-relief and long-term control. Quick-relief medicines control the symptoms of an asthma attack. If you need to use your quick-relief medicines more and more, visit your doctor to see if you need a different medicine. Long-term control medicines help you have fewer and milder attacks, but they dont help you while you are having an asthma attack.

Asthma medicines can have side effects, but most side effects are mild and soon go away. Ask your doctor about the side effects of your medicines.

Remember you can control your asthma. With your doctors help, make your own asthma action plan. Decide who should have a copy of your plan and where he or she should keep it. Take your long-term control medicine even when you dont have symptoms.

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You Asked: Why Is My Asthma Worse At Night

Suddenly, your chest tightens, and your breathing starts to resemble wheezing. Asthma attacks can be a startling experience, especially if they happen while you are asleep or nearly asleep. Genny Carrillo, MD, ScD, associate professor at the Texas A&M School of Public Health, director of the Program on Asthma Research and Education, discusses how nighttime asthma attacks can be avoided.

The Impact Of Asthma On Daily Life

Asthma is often under-diagnosed and under-treated, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

People with under-treated asthma can suffer sleep disturbance, tiredness during the day, and poor concentration. Asthma sufferers and their families may miss school and work, with financial impact on the family and wider community. If symptoms are severe, people with asthma may need to receive emergency health care and they may be admitted to hospital for treatment and monitoring. In the most severe cases, asthma can lead to death.

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Does Melatonin Improve Sleep In Asthma

Researchers have revealed that the hormone melatonin plays a vital role in improving the sleep cycle in asthma patients. Melatonin helps in regulating human circadian rhythms and is believed to have sleep-inducing activity. Additionally, melatonin studies suggest that it affects smooth muscle tone and inflammation too. Both of which helps in improving the sleep cycle for asthma patients at night.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Asthma Cough Night

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive inflammation of the lungs that makes breathing difficult. It is caused by long-term exposure to irritating gases and/or dust particles, most often cigarette smoke.

Symptoms may take years to develop. They include a chronic cough with mucus , wheezing, chest tightness, fatigue, constant colds, swollen ankles, and cyanosis Depression is often a factor due to reduced quality of life.

Treatment is important because there is a greater risk of heart disease and lung cancer in COPD patients. Though the condition cannot be cured, it can be managed to reduce risks and allow good quality of life.

COPD is commonly misdiagnosed and so careful testing is done. Diagnosis is made through patient history; physical examination; lung function tests; blood tests; and chest x-ray or CT scan.

Treatment involves quitting smoking and avoiding exposure to other lung irritants; use of inhalers to ease symptoms; steroids; lung therapies; and getting influenza and pneumonia vaccines as recommended.

Rarity: Common

Top Symptoms: fatigue, cough and dyspnea related to smoking, cough, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping

Symptoms that always occur with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : cough and dyspnea related to smoking

Symptoms that never occur with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : rectal bleeding

Urgency: Primary care doctor

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Why Can’t I Catch My Breath After A Coughing Fit

A coughing fit may make it more difficult to catch your breath if it occurs along with a narrowing of the airways that allow you to inhale. Asthma and emphysema may cause an inability to catch one’s breath following a series of coughing fits. Steam or an inhaler may be treatments for a coughing fit.

Clean Sheets + A Clean Body = A Good Night’s Sleep

If you are coughing at night and you are not sick, it may be time to do some detective work. Take a good look at your room and see if you need to vacuum, wash your sheets, or shower before bed if you have allergies.

Some people may also have problems if they have acid reflux, and that can trigger their asthma when they lay down at night to sleep.5

Talk to your doctor and see if they can help you find out what’s going on.

Let’s all get a good night’s sleep. I don’t know about you, but I am a much nicer person when I get a good night’s sleep!

Also Check: What Is The Blood Test For Eosinophilic Asthma

What Are Symptoms Of Childhood Asthma


  • Wheezing is when the air flowing into the lungs makes a high-pitched whistling sound.
  • Mild wheezing occurs only at the end of a breath when the child is breathing out . More severe wheezing is heard during the whole exhaled breath. Children with even more severe asthma can also have wheezing while they breathe in . However, during a most extreme asthma attack, wheezing may be absent because almost no air is passing through the airways.
  • Asthma can occur without wheezing and be associated with other symptoms such as cough, breathlessness, chest tightness. So wheezing is not necessary for the diagnosis of asthma. Also, wheezing can be associated with other lung disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
  • In asthma related to exercise or asthma that occurs at night , wheezing may be present only during or after exercise or during the night, especially during early part of morning .


Symptoms can be different depending on whether the asthma episode is mild, moderate, or severe.

In most children, asthma develops before 5 years of age, and in more than half, asthma develops before 3 years of age.

Why Is Asthma Worse At Night

What to do if asthma affects your child’s sleep at night

If you have asthma, you may notice that your symptoms are worse during certain times of the day. For example, some people have worse asthma symptoms during the spring;or experience asthma exacerbations when it’s cold outside.

But for some, asthma symptoms may be especially bothersome at night. An increase in coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath can develop just as you try to get some sleep.

An increase in asthma symptoms at night can make it difficult to get proper rest, leaving you fatigued the next day. If asthma symptoms often flareup at night, you may end up with sleep deprivation, which can affect work or school, as well as your overall health.

Understanding why asthma may become worse at night and what you can do may help you get the sleep you need.

Read Also: What Causes A Wheeze In Asthma

What Do Asthma Symptoms At Night Mean

If your child is coughing or wheezing at night its a sign their asthma is;not well managed.

Its important to see your childs GP or asthma nurse if asthma symptoms are affecting their sleep.

Your GP/asthma nurse can:

  • check that your child is taking their asthma medicines as prescribed -;sometimes its easy to let their routine slip a bit
  • consider increasing or changing your childs asthma medicines
  • check your childs inhaler technique, and that you know how to help them use their inhalers correctly. We have tips for helping your child use their inhalers.

If your child hasnt yet been diagnosed with asthma, coughing or wheezing at night could be signs of asthma.

Coughing and wheezing;can be symptoms of other things too. For example, if your child has a cold its very common for them to cough during the night.

Can Anxiety Cause Coughing Fits

Anxiety does not cause coughing fits unless they are psychological in origin. Anxiety can, at times, cause hyperventilation and shortness of breath, but neither of those symptoms can cause coughing fits. Coughing fits are more often due to cough-variant asthma, post-nasal drip, or even gastroesophageal reflux disease .

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Your Child Might Have An Underlying Illness

Some illnesses can appear to be almost asymptomatic. For example, walking pneumonia often has very few symptoms despite being just as serious as regular pneumonia cases. A night time cough can be caused by the fluid in the lungs moving while your child is laying down. This makes it difficult to breathe and causes coughing. If your childs cough has come on suddenly then a visit to the doctor might be in order to see if there is some underlying cause that isnt obvious.

How Should I Handle My Child’s Na

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Each person is different. If you lessen the amount of time your child spends around triggers, that will help with their asthma symptoms and NA. It’s also important to keep the sleeping area clean.Â;

Change sheets regularly. Wash bedding in hot water. Wipe down shelves, ledges and nearby furniture to lessen the amount of dust in the room. Don’t let your child sleep in the same room with pets.Â;

Try to use allergy-free sheets. Make sure pillows have a cover and look for allergy-free material.Â;

Try to have your child sleep at a slight incline. If you lift your child’s head four to six inches by adding blocks under the bed post, this can help with GERD symptoms.Â;

Using a humidifier also helps to keep the air moist in your child’s room.Â;

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Why Do Asthma Cough At Night

In many cases, you would experience asthma symptoms at an increased rate during your sleep. Night time cough, wheezing and forceful breathing are most common symptoms and even dangerous for ones health. Sleep may cause changes in the bronchial functioning, the outside temperatures and hormone secretions may be deduced as the reason for the asthmatics to cough at night time.

As per few studies, seventy percent of deaths and eighty percent of respiratory arrests caused by asthma occur during nocturnal hours. Its mostly seen that many people understand that severe symptoms are most commonly associated with the increased risk of death.

The airways tend to get narrow during sleep that may cause increased blood flow resistance. This can be a main trigger to night time coughing that can further cause tightened airways.

What Types Of Asthma Are There

Healthcare providers identify asthma as intermittent or persistent . Persistent asthma can be mild, moderate or severe. Healthcare providers base asthma severity on how often you have attacks. They also consider how well you can do things during an attack.

Asthma can be:

  • Allergic: Some peoples allergies can cause an asthma attack. Molds, pollens and other allergens can cause an attack.
  • Non-allergic: Outside factors can cause asthma to flare up. Exercise, stress, illness and weather may cause a flare.

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Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases

The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases contributes to WHOs work to prevent and control chronic respiratory diseases. GARD is a voluntary alliance of national and international organizations and agencies from many countries committed to the vision of a world where all people breathe freely.

Other Ways To Prevent Asthma Attacks At Night

Chronic coughing: Possible causes and treatment

If a persons asthma is under control, then it would be rare for them to have a nocturnal asthma attack, said Carrillo. However, everybody has their own asthma triggers, so it is important to be mindful of your triggers, even when sleeping.She recommends four steps you can take to create an asthma-friendly sleep:

  • Avoid sleeping near strong odors like perfumes or bed linen sprays
  • Use pillow covers to prevent dust mites
  • Wash your bed linens in hot water on a regular basis
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom, especially if you are sensitive to their dander
  • Get your flu shot and stay ahead of any respiratory illnesses

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