Coding Spotlight: Providers Guide To Coding Respiratory Diseases
Feb 1, 2020State & Federal / Medicaid
Category: Medicaid
ICD-10-CM coding
Respiratory diseases are classified in categories J00 through J99 in Chapter 10, Diseases of the Respiratory System of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting.
Pneumonia is coded in several ways in ICD-10-CM. Combination codes that account for both pneumonia and the responsible organism are included in Chapter 1, Certain Infectious And Parasitic Diseases and Chapter 10, Diseases of the Respiratory System. Examples of appropriate codes for pneumonia include:
- J15.0 pneumonia due to Klebsiella
- J15.211 pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus
- J11.08 + J12.9 viral pneumonia with influenza.
According to ICD-10-CM instructions, when coding J15:
- Code first associated influenza, if applicable
- Code also associated abscess, if applicable
Other types of pneumonia are coded as manifestations of underlying infections classified in chapter 1 two codes are required in such cases. Examples of this dual classification coding include I00 + J17 pneumonia in rheumatic fever. When the diagnostic statement is pneumonia without any further specification and the organism is not identified, the assigned code is J18.9 pneumonia, unspecified organism.
ICD-10-CM classifies influenza as the following categories:
- J09 due to certain identified influenza viruses
- J10 due to other identified influenza virus
- J11 due to unidentified influenza virus.
What Are The Symptoms Of Severe Asthma
- Recommendation based on pivotal trial that showed Dupixent significantly reduced severe asthma attacks and improved lung function in children aged 6 to 11
- Dupixent is the only biologic to show improved lung function in a randomized Phase 3 trial for children aged 6 to 11
- Data further reinforce well-established safety profile of Dupixent
What Are The Symptoms Of A Bronchial Infection
Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and rapid breathing. An attack may be brought on by pet hair, dust, smoke, pollen, mold, exercise, cold air, or stress. A chronic respiratory disease manifested as difficulty breathing due to the narrowing of bronchial passageways.
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How Is Acute Exacerbation Of Asthma Diagnosed
Hows an acute exacerbation of asthma diagnosed?Peak flow test. A peak flow test measures how fast you can exhale. Spirometry. Your doctor may also use a spirometer. Nitric oxide test. This test involves breathing into a mouthpiece that measures the amount of nitric oxide in your breath. Blood oxygen level tests.
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What Happens When Your Airways Are Sore
If you have asthma, the inside walls of your airways become sore and swollen. That makes them very sensitive, and they may react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When your airways react, they get narrower and your lungs get less air.symptoms of asthma include. wheezing.
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease And Asthma Chapter Specific Guideline
If you look at the code choice for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease there is a Code also note for reporting the type of asthma, if applicable. But what if the documentation is not clear on the type of asthma, and youre unable to perform a query? Is unspecified asthma a type of asthma? Is it appropriate to report J44.9 with J45.909? Why is it all so complicated? Have no fear! We can look to Coding Clinic to give us clarity on this scenario:
- AHA Coding Clinic 2017 Vol 4, Number 1: This coding clinic tells us that it is not appropriate to report unspecified asthma with COPD, as a type is not specified.
- AHA Coding Clinic 2017 Vol 4, Number 4: This coding clinic tells us that unspecified asthma with acute exacerbation is specifying an acute exacerbated state of asthma so we would report J45.901 along with J44.9 for COPD.
- AHA Coding Clinic 2017 Vol 4, Number 4: This Coding Clinic tells us to report only Emphysema if COPD and emphysema are both documented in a record, stating Emphysema is a specified type of COPD.
What Antibiotics Are Used For Copd
Antibiotics work by attacking the source of the infection. Antibiotics may be prescribed in some cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during exacerbations if there are signs of infection. Doxycycline, Amoxicillin, Penicillin, and Cephalosporins are examples of antibiotics that may be used to treat COPD flare-ups.
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What Is Status Asthmaticus
Status asthmaticus is described as asthma with acute symptoms that do not respond to standard treatment including the use of steroids and bronchodilators. Exacerbation is a sudden worsening of a disease and typically last several days. In coding, if patients have COPD and asthma documented, without any further specificity of the type of asthma,
Acute Bronchitis With Acute Exacerbation Of Asthma
If a patient has both acute bronchitis and an acute exacerbation of asthma, which condition should be sequenced first?
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What Are The Codes For Copd
COPD ICD 10 Code list and guidelines 1 As COPD is a group of diseases it is important to see the coding guidelines properly before deciding which code to be assigned. 2 Look for the notes Excludes 1, excludes 2, includes, code also, use additional. 3 Excludes 1 note has codes from category J43, J41, J42, J47 and J68.0 4 Asthma of specified type should be coded separately along with COPD. 5 Disease Airway Obstructive = Leads to COPD
What Dx To Use For Asthma Exacerbation
Showing 1-25: ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code J45.901 Unspecified asthma with exacerbation. Acute exacerbation of asthma with allergic rhinitis Allergic asthma with acute exacerbation Asthma, with acute exacerbation Asthma, with allergic rhinitis with acute exacerbation Exacerbation of asthma. ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code J45.901.
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What Is Asthma Exacerbation
Asthma exacerbation: It is nothing but an acute increase of symptoms in a person with asthma. This can be coded only with the Physician diagnosis. Status asthmatics : Another term for this is severe asthma exacerbation. It is considered as severe as this may lead to even respiratory failure due to hypoxemia.
What Is The Approximate Match Between Icd9 And Icd10
This is the official approximate match mapping between ICD9 and ICD10, as provided by the General Equivalency mapping crosswalk. This means that while there is no exact mapping between this ICD10 code J45.51 and a single ICD9 code, 493.12 is an approximate match for comparison and conversion purposes.
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Severity Key To Coding Asthma Encounters
Make sense of fifth digits to complete the picture.
Asthma is probably one of the most common conditions your pediatric practice diagnoses and treats. But no matter how familiar you are with the J45 code set, its always a good idea to remind yourself what makes the codes so specific.
Coding different asthma conditions accurately is simple if you follow the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute guidelines for asthma diagnoses and know the fifth digit ICD-10 codes for each degree of severity.
So, take a deep breath, read on, and refresh your asthma coding knowledge.
First, Ask Intermittent or Persistent Mild, Moderate or Severe
Unlike many ICD-10 codes, the J45 code set uses the severity of the symptoms rather than the etiology of the condition as its subdivisions. This is consistent with the current asthma guidelines determined by the NHLBI, which classifies the conditions this way.
The chart shows that the condition has four different states mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent, and severe persistent that correspond exactly with the following four code sets:
- J45.2, Mild intermittent asthma
- J45.4, Moderate persistent asthma
- J45.5, Severe persistent asthma
A fifth code, J45.9 is reserved for forms of the condition that do not fit neatly into the established categories, such as asthmatic bronchitis, childhood asthma, or exercise-induced bronchospasm.
Then, Add 0, 1, or 2 for Full Reimbursement
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Can J30 9 And J45 909 Be Billed Together
In other words, you cannot use the J30 codes with either J31. 0 or J45. 909. This may not seem clinically correct, but ICD-10 will need to be changed before the two codes can be billed together.
What is the ICD 9 code for asthma exacerbation?
In ICD-9-CM, asthma with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is coded as chronic obstructive asthma, unspecified , chronic obstructive asthma with status asthmaticus , and chronic obstructive asthma with exacerbation .
What is the ICD-10 code for J45 909?
2022 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code J45. 909: Unspecified asthma, uncomplicated.
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What Happens To Our Lungsduring Asthma Attack:
During asthma attack, muscles around the airway gets tighten and the lining inside the airways becomes swollen and produce extra mucus. This makes airway to become narrow and partially block airflow in and out of air sacs.
Below picture gives a clear understanding of the position of lungs , normal airway and airway during asthma attack .
Apart from knowing the symptoms and doing a lung physical examination the physician will also do few test measures like X-ray, spirometry, allergy testing, nitric oxide breath test or peak flow to determine the type of asthma and its severity. Hence a coder should definitely pay attention to these areas as well.
What Is Copd In Medical Terms
COPD is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed flow of air from the lungs. The disease is progressive in nature and typically will worsen over time. The most common cause of COPD is smoking tobacco. COPD is increasingly being used to document lung disease. The coder must review the record for further specificity of the disease.
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Coding Case Studies: Asthma
Medical Economics Journal
Get maximum reimbursement for treating asthma with the right codes
Getting paid requires accurate documentation and selecting the correct codes. In our Coding Case Studies, we will explore the correct coding for a specific condition based on a hypothetical clinical scenario. Check out the following scenario involving a patient presenting with asthma and see if you can choose the correct codes.
Clinical Scenario
6-year-old boy, established patient.
Mother says son has had an exacerbation of asthma symptoms during their family vacation to a dude ranch in Arizona last week. Mother says that there was a lot of secondhand smoke at the ranch.Mother says the albuterol inhaler was last used this morning, about 90 minutes prior to arrival, but seems less effective than usual. Father also has asthma.
General appearance: mild respiratory distress, alert.
ENT: oropharynx clear, no plaques or exudates, minimal nasal flaring noted, no accessory muscle use.
Respiratory: diminished breath sounds with mild expiratory wheezing heard throughout.
Cardiovascular: no murmurs, no rubs, no gallops.
Assessment and PlanIntermittent asthma with acute exacerbation caused by exposure to second hand smokeNebulizer treatment given, with improvement 3-day course of oral prednisone
Family history of asthma
Exercise induced, cough variant, related to smoking, chemical or particular cause, occupational
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What Tests Are Done To Determine Asthma
Apart from knowing the symptoms and doing a lung physical examination the physician will also do few test measures like X-ray, spirometry, allergy testing, nitric oxide breath test or peak flow to determine the type of asthma and its severity. Hence a coder should definitely pay attention to these areas as well.
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What Is Acute Exacerbation Of Asthma
Acute asthma exacerbations are episodes of worsening asthma symptoms and lung function they can be the presenting manifestation of asthma or occur in patients with a known asthma diagnosis in response to a trigger such as viral upper respiratory infection, allergen, air pollution or other irritant exposure, lack of
Is Asthma A Copd
Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two main conditions of COPD. COPD can also be further clarified to be with acute exacerbation. Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the airways narrow and swell and extra mucous is produced. There is no cure for asthma and symptoms may be prevented by avoiding triggers and by the use
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What Is The Icd 10 Code For Copd
What is the ICD 10 code for COPD? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified J44. 9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2020 edition of ICD-10-CM J44. 9 became effective on October 1, 2019. Hereof, what is the diagnosis code for COPD?
Coding Tip: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease And Asthma
This Coding Tip was updated on 7/26/2022
Below are some definitions for clarification:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed flow of air from the lungs. The disease is progressive in nature and typically will worsen over time. The most common cause of COPD is smoking tobacco. COPD is increasingly being used to document lung disease. The coder must review the record for further specificity of the disease. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two main conditions of COPD. COPD can also be further clarified to be with acute exacerbation.
Asthma is an inflammatory condition in which the airways narrow and swell and extra mucous is produced. There is no cure for asthma, but symptoms may be prevented by avoiding triggers and using prescribed medications. The cause of asthma is either environmental or genetic. If asthma is present before age 12, the cause is most likely from genetics. If asthma presents after age 12, the cause is more likely to be environmentally induced. Asthma can also be further clarified as to severity as well as status asthmaticus or acute exacerbation.
Status asthmaticus is described as asthma with acute symptoms that do not respond to standard treatment including the use of steroids and bronchodilators.
Exacerbation is a sudden worsening of a disease and typically last several days.
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Common Terms Found In Medical Record Related To Asthma:
Asthma exacerbation: It is nothing but an acute increase of symptoms in a person with asthma. This can be coded only with the Physician diagnosis.
Status asthmatics : Another term for this is severe asthma exacerbation. It is considered as severe as this may lead to even respiratory failure due to hypoxemia. As soon as a patient comes to emergency room with asthma symptoms, physician treats initially with medicines such as bronchodilators. If patient has status asthmatics they do not respond to these medicines.
Inhaler : Medicine filled inhalers are given to patient to use comfortably at any place when symptoms occurs suddenly.
Nebulizer : Electricity powered machine filled with liquid medication which turns to mist and the patient breath in.
Nasal spray : A bottle with liquid medicine made with the ease of spraying to nose.
PFT : Pulmonary Function Test, use to check the lung function by measuring lung volume, capacity, rates of flow and gas exchange.
What Is Severe Persistent Asthma With Acute Exacerbation
Acute asthma exacerbations are episodes of worsening asthma symptoms and lung function they can be the presenting manifestation of asthma or occur in patients with a known asthma diagnosis in response to a trigger such as viral upper respiratory infection, allergen, air pollution or other irritant exposure, lack of
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How Do You Code Acute Exacerbation Of Chronic Abdominal Pain
coding acute and chronic pain
- 338.0, Central pain syndrome
- 338.3, Neoplasm-related pain
- 338.4, Chronic pain syndrome
- 780.96, Generalized painâused when the site of the pain is not specified General Coding Information Codes in category 338 may be used in conjunction with other codes to provide more
What Is The Scenario For Asthma
Scenario: Your provider assesses a patient with asthma who is currently experiencing episodes of acute exacerbation. The patient suffers from symptoms at least twice a week, limiting the patients daily activities somewhat. The patient also uses an inhaler more than twice a week, but not on a daily basis. Based on these symptoms, and the results of a pulmonary function test that records a forced expiratory volume in 1 second > 80%, your provider diagnoses an acute exacerbation of a mild persistent type of asthma.
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What Is The Cpt Code For Asthma
72-74 for Asthma Classification) ICD-10CC Code Description J45.2x mild intermittent J45.3x mild persistent J45.4x moderate persistent J45.5x severe persistent J45.90x unspecified X=0 uncomplicated X=1 with exacerbation X=2 with status J45.990 exercise induced bronchospasm J45.991 cough variant asthma J45.998 other asthma R05 Cough R06.00 Dyspnea R06.01
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