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HomeMust ReadIs Smoking With Asthma Bad

Is Smoking With Asthma Bad

Other Health Benefits Of Smoking Cessation

How Dangerous Is Smoking With Asthma?

Quitting smoking not only will improve lung function, but will also improve overall health. Benefits include a lowered risk of lung cancer , a reduced risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, and a reduced risk of infertility in women of childbearing age.

The World Health Organization notes that there are benefits to smoking cessation even within minutes of the last puff. For example, within 20 minutes the heart rate and blood pressure drop.

Within one to nine months, coughing and respiratory issues decrease. Within 10 years, lung cancer risk drops to about half that of a smoker, and within 15 years, the risk of heart disease is the same as a nonsmokers.

Dont Smoke In The Car

Cigarette smoke in a car is high risk because its a small, enclosed space. Even opening a window won’t make enough of a difference. Children are particularly vulnerable to second-hand smoke in cars.

Thats why in England, Wales and Scotland its illegal to smoke in a car, or any vehicle, with anyone under 18 in it.

Why Does My Chest Feel Tight After Smoking

There are many different reasons why your chest could feel tight after youve smoked a cigarette or when youve begun to give up smoking. If you experience any chest pain or tightness speak to your doctor all call the NHS 111 helpline. It may be that youve been coughing more due to smoking and this has put pressure on your lungs, or you have a chest infection. Its best to get your pain looked at by a doctor as they can help find the cause of your symptoms and chest tightness.

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How Weed Can Help Asthma

Research suggests that in many cases, yes, weed can help asthma. Marijuana has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and inflammation directly contributes to bronchospasm. In the 1920s, physicians were well-aware of weeds therapeutic effects and used to prescribe it as a cough treatment for asthma sufferers. Research has shown that people who smoke weed develop a higher lung capacity than those who do not. However, chronic heavy use of smoked marijuana may have the opposite effect.

The best way to treat asthma with weed

In most cases, vaporizing or vaping weed is the best delivery method to relieve an asthma attack. Smoking and vaping weed both go to work immediately, helping to relax and open the constricted airways. Because you are inhaling vapor instead of smoke, vaping is easier on the lungs. Some people do find effective asthma relief from smoking weed and feel that the benefits outweigh any irritation. However, if vaporizing is an option, its likely the better of the two. Edible marijuana does hold potential as a long-term asthma treatment. But if you are in the midst of an attack, edibles wont help much since they take much longer to kick in.

Whether you smoke or vape cannabis to alleviate your asthma, you may experience a dry throat and/or coughing. Keep water on hand to help manage these potential side effects. Opting for calming strains of weed may also help to soothe the panicked feeling that naturally accompanies being unable to breathe.

Current Treatments Available For Asthma And Their Side Effects

Why Natural Treatments For Asthma Are Becoming Prominent?

Long-term control and prevention are important in preventing asthma attacks before they start. Treatment focuses on learning how to recognize your triggers, working towards avoiding them, taking medication and tracking your breathing to keep symptoms under control. If you have an asthma attack, youll need a quick-relief inhaler like albuterol.

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Asthma And Smoking When You Cant Avoid Smoky Places

If you cant always keep away from smoky places, it is important to manage your asthma on a daily basis. If you need to take your reliever medication more than two times a week , visit your doctor. Your asthma management plan might need to be adjusted.

Remember to take your reliever medication with you when you visit a smoky place.

Best Marijuana Strains For Asthma

There are thousands of marijuana strains out there, and choosing the best one for you can be a complicated endeavor. Looking at the body of evidence we can see that THC and CBD could be effective for asthma, even in very low concentrations . The terpenes eucaliptul, limonene and pinene could also alleviate some of the symptoms of asthma, and the entourage effect theory that suggests a potential synergy between cannabinoids and terpenes even suggest some of these terpenes could potentiate the effects of THC and CBD. If your physician and you decided to try marijana treatment for your asthma, you should look for chemovars high in these cannabinoids and terpenes. In case you live in a state where theres an active marijuana program, you could ask for the Certificate of Analysis of the product youre considering in order to examine the main cannabinoids and terpenes in it.

If you prefer avoiding the high associated with THC, you can look for chemovars like Ringos Gift, that are high in CBD and have both pinene and limonene. If you have any concerns about smoking marijuana, you can try other delivery methods, such as vaporizers, inhalers, tinctures or edibles. Some of the knowledge about these compounds is based on preliminary research, and though they are all generally recognized as safe by the FDA, you should consult with your treating physician before trying marijuana for asthma.

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What Does The Research Say About Smoking Weed For Asthma

At first glance, smoking weed and asthma may not seem like a good match. But in recent years, the use of medical marijuana has gained more acceptance. Some of the chemical compounds in marijuana have been found to have therapeutic benefits. For example, it has been found to decrease pain, anxiety, and nausea.

Research is mixed on whether the possible benefits of cannabis for people with asthma outweigh the risks. It does appear that potential benefits may depend on the way cannabis is used and how often. For instance, research published in the Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy indicated that marijuana may have a bronchodilator effect, opening the airways.

Additional research published in Nature, also indicated the same results and found the chemicals in marijuana may have a potent dilating effect on the airways, which could ease asthma symptoms. But the same research also found that some people with asthma may experience increased bronchospasm when smoking weed for asthma, which could make symptoms worse.

As expected, men that smoked cigarettes had decreased lung function. The study also indicated that moderate marijuana users slightly improved their lung function test. The study did caution that the potential effects of heavy use on lung function are less clear, but findings suggest it may cause a decline in lung function.

Prevalence Of Cigarette Smoking

CDC: Tips from Former Smokers: Jessica S.s Asthma Tip Ad

The World Health Organization has estimated that there are 1.25 billion smokers worldwide, with approximately two-thirds living in developing countries. In many developed countries, at least one in four adults smoke cigarettes. The prevalence of smoking in USA and UK males is 26 and 27%, respectively, and, 21 and 25%, respectively, in females , . The total percentage of smokers varies between European countries, e.g. 38% in Germany, 30% in France, 29% in Italy and 18% in Sweden. Prevalence rates of smoking are higher in those countries with lower incomes and among young adults, particularly females . Smoking rates are, in general, much higher in underdeveloped countries. Former smokers accounted for 27% of the male and 21% of the female population in the UK .

There is much less information on smoking rates in adult asthmatic patients, but active cigarette smoking is common, with prevalence rates similar to the general population. Current smoking rates among asthmatic patients from the USA and UK range from 1735% . In the USA, particularly high rates were found in adults presenting to hospital emergency departments with acute asthma . An additional number of adult asthmatics are former smokers, with prevalence rates ranging from 2243% , . Thus, in most developed countries, at least one-half of the adult asthmatic population are likely to be current or former cigarette smokers.

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What Is Thirdhand Smoke

Thirdhand smoke is residue from tobacco smoke. When a cigarette is smoked, chemicals in the smoke stick to surfaces and dust for months after the smoke is gone. The chemicals in the residue then react to other pollutants in the air, like ozone, to create harmful particles you can easily inhale.1

Thirdhand smoke particles are extremely tiny, easily making their way into your lungs. These particles can stick to skin and clothing. Adults and children then breathe in the residue or absorb it through their skin or mouth. Some experts believe thirdhand smoke may be worse for those with asthma than nicotine.

Smoking outdoors does not reduce the threat of thirdhand smoke. Airing out rooms or cars doesnt help. Open windows, fans, air filters or confining smoking to certain rooms or outside will not reduce thirdhand smoke either.

The effects of tobacco go beyond its smoke. Doctors measure cotinine, a chemical found in tobacco, to find out how much nicotine in the body. Cotinine can be found in the urine of those who come in contact with thirdhand smoke.

Can Smoking Harm My Child

Secondhand smoke harms children with asthma even more than adults.

When a child is exposed to tobacco smoke, their lungs become irritated and produce more mucus than normal. Since children’s airways are smaller, the side effects of secondhand smoke affect them faster and can also affect lung function in later life.

Children of parents who smoke are also more likely to develop lung and sinus infections. These infections can make asthma symptoms worse and more difficult to control.

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Is Smoking Weed Stems A Bad Idea

Every cannabis enthusiast has often wondered if smoking weed stems is a bad idea or not.

This is a wonderful question because you dont want to waste your stems.

If there are any extra parts, it is logical to think about smoking the rest of it. However, smoking the stem is indeed bad for you.

There are hardly any THC levels in the stems.

In fact, its virtually nonexistent. THC is the most important ingredient of marijuana. Its the ingredient that makes you feel euphoric and high that you are craving for.

However, when you smoke the stems, youll get nothing but an excruciating headache and disgusting taste.

The health issues from the stem are basically the combustion and inhalation of the plant material that is very similar to the negative health issues of smoking the bud itself.

However, the bud has plenty of psychoactive components that can give you the euphoric high experience that the stem will not be able to.

In fact, smoking stem is like smoking sandpaper, and its pretty useless to do that.

Here are some reasons why:

Rolling A Joint Or Spliff

Vaping makes lung bacteria more harmful and cause more inflammation

This may be the most tried and definitely most tested method on this list. A spliff consists of mixing cannabis and another herb or tobacco and then rolling it up. We dont suggest using tobacco for obvious reasons, but if you must you must!

To use hash in a joint or spliff, youre going to want to roll the hash into a snake, using the same motions you would if you were a kid making a snake from Play-Doh. Once completed, lay it on top of your cannabis or tobacco, and proceed to roll the joint. Voila, you have yourself a hash filled spliff!

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Treating Asthma In Smokers

Inhaled 2adrenoreceptor agonists play a central role in the relief of asthma symptoms. However, there are no clinical studies specially designed to evaluate any interference of smoking on the efficacy of such agents .

The therapeutic response to corticosteroids varies markedly between individuals up to one third of the asthmatic smokers show evidence of insensitivity to these drugs . Since this condition is not universal, these drugs should be included in most asthma treatments. The reduction or complete absence of responsiveness among asthmatic smokers remains heightened in long-term treatments and is independent of the type and the formulation of the corticosteroids . However, when detecting this clinical situation it is necessary to consider a possible non-adherence to asthma treatment, the correct use of the devices and/or the continuous use of some form of tobacco.

A possible mechanism for the corticosteroids insensitivity or resistance may be the increased airway mucosal permeability in smokers, which could lead to increased clearance of inhaled corticosteroids from the airways. Smokers also have decreased histone deacetylase activity, which is necessary for corticosteroids to suppress cytokine production .

Stop Smoking To Lower The Asthma Risks For Your Baby And Child

Smoking during pregnancy can affect how well your babys lungs develop in the womb, and how well their lungs work once your baby is born.

Theres more risk of your baby being born early if you smoke, so their lungs wont have a chance to develop fully before theyre born.

Smoking during pregnancy means your baby is more likely to wheeze or develop a cough that wont go away.

Theyll be more at risk of getting asthma, or other breathing problems.

If you smoke around your baby or child theyll be more at risk of coughing and wheezing, whether they have asthma or not.

Babies and children under two are more likely to develop bronchiolitis if their parents smoke.

If your child has asthma, smoking around them puts them at risk of asthma symptoms and asthma attacks.

And children who live with people who smoke are three times more likely to start smoking themselves than children in smoke-free homes.

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How Does Smoking Affect Asthma

Smoking with asthma can prevent your asthma medication from working as it should do, meaning that the condition is harder to control. You may experience more episodes of breathlessness, coughing and wheezing than you would if you did not smoke. This can make completing daily tasks a lot harder to do and could mean that your inhaler is no longer a suitable treatment.

Along with advice to help you quit smoking, we and your GP can offer add-on treatments that could help you manage your condition effectively.

If you have recently been diagnosed with asthma or been living with the condition for a while, youll know that properly managing your condition can help to control your symptoms. This could mean using your inhalers as directed or avoiding asthma triggers, such as allergies or smoking. If you smoke you may experience flare-ups, where you need to take more asthma medication to control your condition.

The Dangers Of Secondhand Smoke

Quitting smoking with asthma

Secondhand smoke is a well-known asthma trigger. If you smoke, consider quitting, especially if your child has asthma. Secondhand smoke can harm the lungs, cause long-term breathing problems, and make existing breathing problems worse.

Kids with asthma who live in households with smokers:

  • may have flare-ups more often
  • are more likely to have to go the emergency room with severe asthma flare-ups
  • are more likely to miss school because of their asthma
  • must take more asthma medicine
  • have asthma that’s harder to control, even with medicine

Even kids who don’t have asthma are at risk of problems if their parents smoke. These kids are more likely to get upper respiratory infections, middle ear infections, and even pneumonia. Being exposed to smoke from 10 cigarettes per day may put kids at risk of developing asthma, even if they’ve never had any breathing problems before.

Cigarette smoke can also get absorbed into upholstery, clothing, and carpeting, leaving carcinogens that can’t be washed away with soap and water. Kids who touch, mouth, play on, or breathe near contaminated surfaces may develop breathing problems from this kind of “thirdhand” smoke.

And here’s the best reason of all to quit smoking: Children whose parents smoke are more likely to smoke when they get older.

You don’t have to quit on your own. Talk to your doctor about possible strategies â from support groups to medication. If you do continue smoking, don’t smoke in the house or car.

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Asthma And Smoking Cessation

Apart from the obvious consideration that quitting smoking has an overall health advantage, abstinence from smoking may also be beneficial for several specific aspects of asthma control. In spite of the reported deleterious effects of smoking on asthma symptoms, lung function and corticosteroid responsiveness, only a few studies have examined the role of smoking cessation on asthma outcomes. Overall, these studies show improvements in symptoms and lung function in those asthmatics who quit smoking successfully .

How Does Smoking Affect Children Living With Asthma

Children are more vulnerable to the effects of breathing in second hand smoke, as they breathe more rapidly compared to adults. Smoking can be a trigger for many children living with asthma, and it can bring on symptoms or even an asthma attack.

Studies have shown that the prevalence of asthma in children increases with the number of smokers living in the home.** Thats why if your child has asthma, and you or a family member smoke, youll want to keep them from inhaling as much smoke as possible.

Ways you can protect your child from second hand smoke:

  • Give up smoking or cut down the amount you smoke
  • Ask friends, family and child minders not to smoke around your child
  • Smoke outside rather than in your home
  • Keep your car smoke free. It is now illegal to smoke in a car if children are on board in England and Wales
  • Wash your clothes regularly and change them often as smoke can linger on fabric

Youll also want to talk to your children about the dangers of smoking, and how it can negatively impact their asthma. This could help them in the future to not start smoking or try a cigarette.

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