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HomeMust ReadWhat's The Difference Between Asthma And Copd

What’s The Difference Between Asthma And Copd

Knowing The Differences Between Copd And Asthma Is Vital To Good Practice

Asthma vs COPD 6 Ways to Tell the Difference

This content was published in 2011. We do not recommend that you take any clinical decisions based on this information without first ensuring you have checked the latest guidance.

The Outcomes strategy for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma was launched in July 2011 by the Department of Health, with the overall aim to drive improvements in outcomes for patients.1;Once implemented, it is expected to help people to avoid lung disease and lead longer and healthier lives. The strategy recognises the role of community pharmacy in supporting the management of people with respiratory disease through medicines use reviews and new pharmacy services.

In addition, the introduction of national target groups for MURs in England, under amendments to the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework, aims to ensure the service is provided to those who will benefit most. One of the target groups is patients with asthma or COPD.2;Both diseases have a major impact in the UK in terms of mortality and morbidity3;and the aim of MURs with these patients is to support them to take their medicines as intended, increase their engagement with their condition and medicines, and promote healthy lifestyles, in particular stopping smoking.

Asthma Vs Copd: Us Prevalence And Economic Impact

The CDC reports that one in 14 Americans live with asthma, with a total of about 24 million Americans suffering the condition. Of these, 7.4 percent are adults and 8.6 percent are children.;As you can see, asthma is more common in children than adults, and boys develop asthma more often than girls.

Every day, an estimated 10 Americans die of asthma, and many of these deaths are avoidable and preventable. Since 1999, asthma-related deaths have increased by 26 percent.;African Americans are at a higher risk of death by asthma than other ethnic groups.

Asthma costs roughly $3,300 per patient annually including medical costs, time missed from work, and early death. Costs for asthma in the U.S. have risen from $53 billion in 2002 to $56 billion in 2006.

The World Health Organization estimates the 65 million people worldwide are affected by COPD, and over three million have died from the respiratory disease.

Direct healthcare expenditures for COPD in 2010 in the U.S. amounted to $29.5 billion. Indirect mortality costs were $12.4 billion and indirect morbidity costs were $8 billion.

Can Asthma Lead To Copd Later

Not everyone with asthma goes on to develop COPD. However, having asthma as a child or younger adult can affect how well your lungs develop, and that can increase your chances of having COPD when youre older. One recent study reported that over one in 10 children with persistent asthma went on to have COPD as a young adult.

This means that if you have asthma, its even more important that you dont smoke. Quitting will help to lower your chance of developing COPD in later life as well.Learn more about:

Don’t Miss: How To Help Someone Having An Asthma Attack

Pulmonary Rehabilitation For Copd

Pulmonary rehabilitation has clear benefits for patients with COPD. Exercise increases endurance, improves shortness of breath, increases maximal oxygen consumption, and improves quality of life. Numerous studies have documented improvement in symptoms, maximum oxygen consumption, and quality-of-life measures. A decrease in the number of hospitalizations has also been shown in patients who participate in pulmonary rehabilitation programs.

Benefits do vary among individuals, however, and consistent participation in an exercise regimen is necessary to maintain improvements. In addition, it has not been shown that pulmonary rehabilitation produces any change in pulmonary function tests or overall oxygen requirements for individuals.

Evaluating Asthma And Copd Symptoms And Causes

OurMedicalNotes: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Because they are both lung diseases that inhibit regular breathing, asthma and COPD share many similarities in both symptoms and causes. The inflammatory immune reactions that cause an asthma attack are often triggered by airborne substances like smoke, dust, pollen, pet dander, mites and mold spores. COPD is caused by long-term exposure to lung irritants, such as cigarette smoke, toxic fumes and chemicals, which results in damaged lung cells.

While there are many external factors like tobacco smoke and secondhand smoke that can cause COPD or asthma, inherited genetic factors can also play a role in susceptibility to either of the diseases. For instance,;alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency;is also referred to as inherited emphysema. Because of their similar causes and the way they affect the lungs, COPD symptoms can oftentimes look like an asthma attack and vice versa.

Here are the symptoms that may be found in both those with asthma and those with COPD:

Although the symptoms of COPD and asthma have a great amount of overlap and similarities, there are some subtle differences among them. For example, the chronic cough often experienced by those with COPD tends to produce far more phlegm and mucus than the amount produced by asthma. For this reason, a chronic cough is much more common in those with COPD than with asthma.

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Copd Causes Chronically Obstructed Airways

This may be due to airways that are drawn taught due to emphysema. It may be due to airway inflammation. This inflammation may be eosinophilic such as in asthma. This may be reversible with corticosteroids. But, inflammation may be neutrophilic and less responsive to corticosteroids. COPD inflammation may also respond to another type of bronchodilators called muscarinics. There are other treatments to help allay symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.

Is It Really Copd The Difference Between Asthma And Copd

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an ongoing lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. Its also a disease thats often misdiagnosed as asthma. Although most patients are correctly diagnosed by their doctors as having either asthma or COPD, up to 20% of patients with respiratory symptoms are difficult to accurately diagnose.

Because differentiating between asthma and COPD;is essential for determining the appropriate treatment, understanding what sets these two lung diseases apart may help you decide whether or not you should further discuss your diagnosis with your doctor, or seek a second opinion.

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Differences Between Copd And Asthma

There are a number of other differences between COPD and asthma as well.

  • Often diagnosed during childhood or adolescence

  • Symptoms more likely to occur episodically and/or at night

  • Commonly triggered by allergens, cold air, exercise

  • People who have asthma are more commonly nonsmokers

  • Comorbid conditions include eczema and allergic rhinitis

  • Treatment usually involves inhaled steroids

  • Airflow restriction mostly reversible

  • Likely to cause morning cough, increased sputum, and persistent symptoms

  • Exacerbations commonly triggered by pneumonia and flu or pollutants

  • Most people who have COPD have smoked or had significant secondhand smoke exposure

  • Comorbid conditions include coronary heart disease or osteoporosis

  • Treatment usually involves pulmonary rehabilitation

  • Airflow restriction is permanent or only partially reversible

Once you develop COPD, your symptoms will generally be chronic. Over time, with COPD, you are likely to experience symptoms that are not typical for asthmalosing weight, decreased strength, and diminished endurance, functional capacity, and quality of life.

Contact Post Acute Medical Today

Difference Between COPD and Emphysema

If you have asthma or COPD, learn more about the cardiopulmonary health services available to you by contacting Post Acute Medical today. At Post Acute Medical, we concentrate on quality care, patient satisfaction and long-term positive outcomes. Providing high-quality care to our patients is our top priority.

Find out how Post Acute Medical can help you manage your COPD or asthma by;locating the facility nearest you;and calling for more information.

Also Check: What Is Asthma Caused By Smoking

Main Differences Between Asthma And Copd

  • The main difference between both COPD and Asthma is that COPD is a progressive disease mainly caused by excessive smoking and cannot be reversed. It sometimes remains till the death of the patient, whereas asthma is a reversible disease mainly caused by inflammatory reactions and can be cured completely.
  • Both of them also differ in terms of their initial treatment. Bronchodilators are the initial treatment of COPD, while inhaled corticosteroids are considered as initial treatment for the patient suffering asthma.
  • COPD is not common among every age group. It mostly occurs after the age of 40 years. Children or teenagers cannot suffer from this disease, while asthma can happen to any aged person. A teenager can also suffer from this disease.
  • Asthma patients may also be allergic such as atopic dermatitis, whereas COPD patients do not have these allergies as such.
  • Smoking is the main cause of COPD. A non-smoking person can never have COPD, whereas Smoking indeed increases the risk of asthma, but you can also diagnose with asthma even if you have never smoke in life.
  • Breathing does not return to normal, usually in the case of COPD, while it can return to normal in Asthma.
  • Asthma produces less mucus and phlegm when compared with COPD.
  • What Causes Asthma And Copd

    The main cause of COPD is tobacco smoke. COPD also affects people who inhale fumes from cooking fuel and heating in poorly ventilated homes.

    When you have asthma, your airways react to different particles present in the environment. These are called asthma triggers. Exposure to these triggers causes asthma symptoms to worsen. Common asthma triggers include infections, pollen, dust, pet dander, and pollutants, and tobacco smoke.

    Don’t Miss: How To Help Someone With Asthma

    What Are Symptoms Of Emphysema

    Symptoms of emphysema may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and an increased production of mucus. Often times, symptoms may not be noticed until 50 percent or more of the lung tissue has been destroyed. Until then, the only symptoms may be a gradual development of shortness of breath and tiredness , which can be mistaken for other illnesses. People who develop emphysema have an increased risk of pneumonia, bronchitis, and other lung infections. See your doctor if any of these symptoms arise:

    • Shortness of breath, especially during light exercise or climbing steps
    • Ongoing feeling of not being able to get enough air
    • Long-term cough or smokers cough
    • Wheezing

    How Can I Prevent Copd

    Difference Between Bronchitis and Asthma

    With asthma, find out your triggers and do what you can to avoid them. Be sure to keep your inhaler accessible as you never know when an attack will hit and manage your symptoms accordingly.

    Smoking is often the cause of COPD; the best thing you can do is divorce yourself from the habit and start making health a bigger priority. Other triggers to avoid are second-hand smoke, dust, and pollutants. These may cause further damage to your lungs and increase the speed of COPD symptoms.

    Asthma and COPD are separate diseases that can occupy the same space. Having asthma doesnt mean you will also contract COPD, but always exercise caution with your lungs. You only get one set of lungs, so take care of them as best you can

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    Asthma Is Caused By An Overactive Immune Response

    Researchers think this is due to asthma genes. These genes tell immune cells to recognize otherwise innocuous substances in the air as harmful. These immune cells initiate an all out assault on these substances. This results in the release of chemicals that cause airway inflammation. This inflammation is what causes asthma symptoms.

    Similarities And Differences In Regular Standard Treatment Of Asthma And Copd

    • In both diseases the adequate treatment may reduce symptoms and number of exacerbations and improve the quality of life.

    • Treatment of asthma is characterized by suppression of inflammation.

    • Treatment of COPD is characterized by decreasing of symptoms.

    The GOAL of treatment in ASTHMA is to: reduce inflammation and to achieve¸total control . The GOAL of treatment in COPD is to: reduce symptoms, prevent exacerbations and decrease mortality . In both asthma and COPD almost the same drugs are used, but not in the same order and the same efficiency in treatment.

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    Know About Asthmatic Bronchitis

    Asthma and bronchitis are defined as two inflammatory airway diseases. While they have distinct differences, as outlined above, asthma and acute bronchitis can occur together. This is known as asthmatic bronchitis.

    A number of factors can contribute to asthmatic bronchitis. What triggers the symptoms in one person may be different than what causes a flare-up in another; however, the following are the most common factors:

    • Pollution
    • Weather
    • Viral or bacterial infections
    • Emotions

    As you may have guessed, the symptoms of asthmatic bronchitis are a combination of asthma and bronchitis. They include shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, tightness in chest and the production of phlegm.

    Due to a virus or bacteria bronchitis can be contagious, however chronic asthmatic bronchitis is not contagious.

    Respiratory diseases affect people of all ages- children, teens, adults and seniors. Most of these diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis and COPD, are chronic and all have a significant impact on the individual with the disease, as well as on family, the community and the health care system. Its in everyones interest to gain a better understanding of respiratory ailments, not only so current patients can breathe easier, but so that we can prevent future generations from suffering.

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    Asthma Vs Copd: Differences In Symptoms Causes And Treatment Options

    COPD and Emphysema Medical Coding

    Written byEmily LunardoPublished onJune 14, 2016

    Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are both respiratory conditions that are chronic and affect a persons breathing. With many shared similarities, the two can easily be misdiagnosed for one another and that is why testing is so important to determine the exact diagnosis.

    According to a presentation given at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Annual Scientific Meeting, nearly 50 percent of older adults with an obstructive airway disease have overlapping characteristics of COPD and asthma.

    Presenter and allergist William Busse said, Based on symptoms alone, it can be difficult to diagnose COPD vs. asthma. The pathway to a diagnosis of COPD or asthma smoking vs. a long-term persistence of asthma can be quite different. In every patient, but in older patients in particular, we need to take a thorough history and perform a physical examination, as well as measurements of lung functions. In patients with COPD and asthma, the changes in lung function may be severe, and it is not often readily apparent, which is the predominant, underlying condition asthma or COPD. Treatment will differ depending on diagnosis.

    Aside from symptoms, treatment methods can also be similar in COPD and asthma. For example, bronchodilators are used in both COPD and asthma. Both patients are also advised to avoid triggers, especially smoke.

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    Inflammatory Mediators Involved In Asthma

    Chemokines are important in the recruitment of inflammatory cells into the airways and are mainly expressed in airway epithelial cells . Eotaxin is selective for eosinophils, whereas thymus and activationregulated chemokines and macrophage-derived chemokines recruit Th2 cells . Cysteinyl leukotrienes are potent bronchoconstrictors and proinflammatory mediators mainly derived from mast cells and eosinophils . Cytokines orchestrate the inflammatory response in asthma. Key cytokines include IL-1 and TNF, and GM-CSF. Th2-derived cytokines include IL-5, which is required for eosinophil differentiation and survival; IL-4, which is important for Th2 cell differentiation; and IL-13, needed for IgE formation . Histamine is released from mast cells and contributes to bronchoconstriction and inflammation . Nitric oxide , a potent vasodilator, is produced from syntheses in airway epithelial cells . Exhaled NO is increasingly being used to monitor the effectiveness of asthma treatment . Prostaglandin D2 is a bronchoconstrictor derived predominantly from mast cells and is involved in Th2 cell recruitment to the airways .

    Airway structural cells involved in the pathogenesis of asthma are: airway epithelial cells, airway smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts and airway nerves .

    Are The Symptoms Of Asthma And Copd The Same

    Asthma and COPD can both cause wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and chronic cough. However, the frequency and predominating symptoms in asthma and COPD are different. With COPD, you are more likely to experience a morning cough, increased amounts of sputum, and persistent symptoms. If you have asthma, you are more likely to experience symptoms in episodes and/or at night. Additionally, asthma symptoms are likely to occur after exposure to specific triggers.

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    Symptoms And Signs: 6 Similarities Between Copd Vs Asthma

    COPD is caused by long-term exposure to lung irritants that damage lung cells. The main cause of COPD in the United States is cigarette smoke followed by other tobacco smoke . Other possible causes of COPD include chemical or toxic fumes, and inherited factors, like alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, but these causes are far less common than cigarette smoking.

    Although cigarette smoke may trigger asthma in some patients, asthma triggers are different from person to person, and most commonly include airborne substances such as pollen, dust, mites, mold spores, pet dander, and/or many other substances. Inflammatory immune reactions to asthma triggers in the airways is the main cause of asthma.

    Are Asthma And Copd The Same

    [PDF] Airway disease: similarities and differences between ...

    The symptoms of asthma and COPD are similar in that they can both lead to:

    These symptoms are experienced differently in asthma and COPD. With COPD, you are more likely to experience a daily morning cough productive of phlegm. Changes in the coughing pattern and color of phlegm are often used by your doctor as clues if a COPD exacerbation is present. Daily coughing is characteristic of chronic bronchitis, a type or variant of COPD.

    Chest tightness and intermittent cough are more common with asthma. These symptoms will wax and wane with your asthma control. When your asthma is well controlled, you experience periods of time when you are symptom-free.

    However, the pathophysiology of asthma and COPD are very different. While the symptoms may be similar, the process leading up to the symptoms is different.

    Both asthma and COPD may be considered inflammatory diseases, but the inflammation comes from different types of cells.

    In the pathophysiology of asthma, inflammation results acutely from the production of eosinophils, while inflammation in COPD primarily involves the production of neutrophils and macrophages over many years.

    Several questions may help you know which condition you might have:

    To make this issue a little more confusing, some COPD patients can have an asthma component. Additionally, some asthma patients smoke and are at risk for developing COPD-like any other smoker.

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