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HomeMust ReadJuicing Recipes For Asthma And Allergies

Juicing Recipes For Asthma And Allergies

An Allergy Relief S Moothie Really Yes Really

Allergies and Asthma

In Episode 046 of the Vegetarian Zen podcast, we talk about the fact that following a plant-based lifestyle may help alleviate the suffering caused by seasonal allergies. So what better way to fight those allergies than with a delicious allergy and asthma relief smoothie !

Its true! Some fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds contain compounds that may help alleviate those sniffles you get from allergens. It is for this reason that we selected the ingredients for this delicious smoothie

Lets find out how each smoothie ingredient may help to provide allergy and asthma relief.

May Help: Fruits And Veggies

There’s no specific asthma diet that can get rid of your breathing troubles. But certain foods may have benefits. Fruits and veggies are a good place to start. They’re full of chemicals called antioxidants like beta carotene and vitamins E and C. These help stop particles called “free radicals” that damage cells and could inflame and irritate your lungs.

Orange Raw Honey Ginger And Lemon Juice

This drink is a citrus superhero. Its power-packed with vitamin C, which is a natural anti-histamine, and has been shown to reduce the amount of histamine your body makes . Less histamine means fewer runny noses and less congestion for you!

Raw honey contains propolis, which is essentially the immune system of the beehive. Its been used for centuries to support health and immune function.

One 2016 study showed ginger lowered production of certain inflammatory cytokines that activate histamine production, thereby leading to prevention and alleviation of allergic rhinitis symptoms .

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Fruits And Vegetables To Juice For Asthma

Fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin E also come highly recommended. Also known as tocopherol. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant which decreases the risk of asthma attacks.

A bit of quercetin in your juice wouldnt hurt either. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach are an excellent source of quercetin.

The substance is an anti-histamine, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent. Other sources of this powerful bioflavonoid include apples, red onions, raspberries, red grapes, and cherries.

When juicing for allergies and asthma, increased intake of vitamin C and beta-carotene has been noted to increase the lungs capacity. Whilst also relieving respiratory complications.

A breathing disorder such as asthma can, therefore, be naturally mitigated using fresh veggie and fruit juice.

Bottom Line: Get Your Food Allergies Under Control

Juicing for health, Juicing recipes, Natural asthma remedies

Again, while juicing can’t cure food allergies, it can help you manage your symptoms and identify potential triggers. Also, keep in mind that a lot of processed food comes into contact with various allergens. So, even though a product may not contain a trigger , it may have touched them, causing a reaction. Juicing enables you to pay more attention to what goes inside your body.


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Juicing For Lung Health: 5 Delish Lung Cleansing Juice Recipes

  • Date: February 26, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Juicing for lung health just makes sense. After all, without lungs, we cant survive. And so many of us have exposed our precious lungs to so much, from pollution to smoking. So what can we do to remedy the damage?

Whether youre living in a highly polluted area or youve recently quit smoking and youre looking for a way to detox your lungs, one of the best things you can do is to add a load of nutrients to your diet that will target and repair lung cells.

So which nutrients are best to give your lungs a whole lot of TLC?

And of course, you can get all of these through a steady supply of fresh fruits, veggies and herbs

What Are Food Allergies

Your body’s immune system is incredible – it locates and destroys pathogens and foreign objects to help you stay healthy. Most of the time, your immune system knows the difference between food elements and harmful diseases and bacteria. Unfortunately, sometimes, in some people, their systems attack food proteins as if they’re an unwanted invader.

When that happens, you can experience an intense allergic reaction. The degree of intensity varies with the person, so sometimes it can be mild, while other times it can be severe. One issue is that mild symptoms can be hard to spot or identify, meaning that people can have a food allergy without realizing it.

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May Help: Mediterranean Diet

It’s made up of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. You eat fish and chicken at least twice a week, and limit your red meat. Instead of butter, you cook with olive or canola oil, and you flavor with herbs instead of salt. There’s even a bit of optional red wine for adults. Some research suggests that people who eat this way may have fewer asthma attacks and are less likely to get the condition in the first place. More studies are needed.

May Hurt: Dried Fruit

How to fight allergies naturally, histamine and antihistamine food

There are some foods you may want to avoid if you have asthma, and dried fruits are among them. Though fresh fruit, especially oranges and apples, can help control your asthma, the sulfites that help preserve dried fruit could make the condition worse for some people. Alcohol , shrimp, pickled vegetables, maraschino cherries, and bottled lemon juice also often have sulfites.

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Fight Seasonal Allergies With Food

Seasonal changes can cause a rise in allergy related disorders due to pollens in spring, ragweed in autumn, moulds in warm humid conditions and animal dander in warmer months. Spring brings lots of pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds which can trigger rhinitis, seasonal allergies, asthma flare-ups and other respiratory and allergic conditions. In the cooler months, asthma can be aggravated when the cool air comes into contact with the airways, the cooler weather also brings with it an increase in infections causing the airways to swell and react.

Think the only answer is anti-histamines, decongestants, corticosteroids and bronchodilators?Well did you know certain foods can help to reduce the severity and duration of those allergic reactions?

Here are some great food additions that can help to reduce those pesky allergies:


Bromelain found in pineapples, particularly the stems can help speed recovery of acute sinusitis. The bromelain content has potent anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects in studies thus reducing allergic type reactions and helps to reduce the reaction and improve recovery.



Lemons and other vitamin C rich foods such as peppers, citrus, strawberries and kiwi fruits may help to reduce the mast cells from releasing excess histamines, the natural chemical that causes the immune system to be over-reactive to environmental factors thus causing allergic reactions.


Coconut Water Kefir


Omega 3 Oils

Green Tea

Juicing Recipes For Allergies Relief

As far as pomegranate juice and asthma is concerned, it is recommended to steer clear off pomegranates. Yes pomegranates, although they are extremely nutritious, however, they have been associated with allergy flare-ups.

Some fruit and vegetable juices you may want to try are as follows

Spinach, Apple and Lemon Delight

For this combo, you will need a large handful of fresh spinach, a large apple, a wedge of lemon. You can add ice to serve.

Apple, Lemon and Pear Juice

You will need two apples, a lemon, and a large pear.

Experiment With The Following Ingredients

Other fruits and veggies you can experiment with include dark leafy greens such as broccoli, kale, and spinach, various nuts and seeds, lemons, limes, and oranges.

Others such as kiwifruit, green peppers, avocado, almonds, turnip greens, mustard greens, hazelnuts, papaya, red bell peppers, Garlic, beets, berries, ginger, and green tea make for excellent juice components.

Note that these fruit and veggie juice components are NOT meant to substitute asthma and allergy medicines. Consult your physician before commencing juicing for allergies and asthma.

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What Juicing For Allergies Entails

Hay fever season is a nightmare for millions of people, and for a good reason too. Itchy eyes, running noses, hives, and redness certainly arent exactly my idea of fun in spring and autumn.

Luckily, as far as allergies go, fresh fruit and vegetable juice really is the best remedy.

Allergy cure juice contains some potent anti-inflammatory agents that are responsible for dampening the symptoms of inflammation and providing relief.

Being organic juices, you can expect a multitude of more health benefits other than just juicing for allergies relief.

May Hurt: Food Allergies

Juice Ladys Remedies for Asthma and Allergies

You’re more likely to have a food allergy if you have asthma. And a food reaction could cause wheezing and other asthma symptoms. In some cases, it’s worse if you exercise after you eat certain foods. Try to notice what does it, and avoid it. Typical triggers are nuts, dairy, wheat, and shellfish, though everyone is different.

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Best Juice Cleanses For Food Allergies

Updated: by Romana Levko

We all need food to live, but sometimes, that food can be hazardous to our health. About one in 10 adults and one in 13 children have food allergies, often sending them to the hospital. In fact, someone goes to the emergency room about every three minutes because of a bad allergic reaction.

Since food allergies are so common, we thought we’d take a closer look at them, why they happen, and how juice cleanses for allergies may help. Here’s everything you need to know.

May Help: Nuts And Seeds

They’ve got lots of good things in them, but one in particular that might be good for asthma is vitamin E. Almonds, hazelnuts, and raw seeds are good sources, as well as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale. Vitamin E has tocopherol, a chemical that could help cut how much you cough and wheeze from your asthma. Studies are under way.

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Food Allergy Green Juice

Even without food allergies, green juice is always a welcome addition to any detox diet or cleanse. Green juice recipes incorporate many “superfoods,” including kale, celery, broccoli, and more. That said, green beverages may not be as tasty as regular fruit juice, so keep that in mind. While it’s best to drink raw juice without any additives, feel free to add a spoonful or two of raw sugar to help improve the flavor.

Top Juice Recipe To Cure And Prevent Asthma Attacks

10 DIY Home Remedies for Asthma Without Inhaler

If you have asthma, there are certain stimuli that cause your airways to narrow. Some of its symptoms are coughing, shortness of breath, and sneezing. Though most asthma attacks are mild, there are cases wherein some people suffer from a life-threatening attack due to suffocation.

Asthma is caused by chronic inflammation and thickened nasal passages and bronchial tubes. By using an inhaler, you can help clear your airways. Through eating right and having a healthier lifestyle, you can prevent asthma attacks little by little and even cure this condition.

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What Causes Food Allergies

Proteins in various foods can trigger an allergic reaction since your body misidentifies them as pathogens. In the United States, the most common food allergy triggers are:

  • Peanuts and Tree Nuts
  • Soy and Wheat
  • Fish and Shellfish

It’s also important to note that food allergies are not the same as food intolerance. So, if you’re lactose intolerant, that doesn’t mean you’re allergic to milk or dairy. The elements of both reactions are fundamentally different. With an intolerance, your body can’t digest the food, which makes you sick. With an allergy, your body overreacts to the food proteins, giving you allergic symptoms.

Another way to tell the difference between an intolerance and an allergy is that you can likely have a small amount of food you’re intolerant to without getting a reaction. With a food allergy, even a tiny amount of the protein can trigger full-blown symptoms. This reaction is why some people have to be careful about food preparation and the contamination of surfaces.

Vitamin C Rich Juices

Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and has been proven to reduce allergy symptoms. It prevents the secretion of histamine by white blood cells and increases its detoxification.

When we talk about vitamin C, orange juice most often comes to mind. But there are many foods much higher in vitamin C than oranges. Here are some of the top vegetables and fruits, ranked highest to lowest in vitamin C content.

Yellow Bell Pepper Juice Green bell peppers are immature. Yellow bell peppers are the highest in vitamin C.

Jalapeno Juice Also contains capsaicin which reduces inflammation. Remove the seeds and membranes, and start with ¼ ½ a pepper.

Parsley Juice Parsley is a potent herb. Add it to juice blends in amounts that would normally be eaten.

Mustard Greens Juice Start with one small leaf, as its flavor is quite strong. Best combined with less intense leafy greens, like spinach and romaine.

Kale Juice Kale is one of the worlds best sources of vitamin C, containing 4x the amount found in spinach. A ¼ cup of kale juice provides over 84 milligrams of vitamin C.

Kiwi Juice This sweet and tangy fruit is full of vitamin C, K and E, and potassium.

Broccoli Juice A 2 broccoli stem is a good amount in a juice.

Watercress Juice This tender green is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Full of vitamins and minerals, it offers a host of health benefits.

Papaya Juice Firm fruit, peel and seeds removed, works best in a vertical slow juicer.

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Some Suggested Combos :

  • 2 green apples + 6 ribs of celery + a bunch of spinach + a bunch of parsley + ¼ lemon
  • ¼ pineapple + 1 fennel + 8-10 leaves of kale + 3-4 radish + ½ lemon
  • 1 cucumber + 2 medium-sized beetroots + 3 sticks of lemongrass + ½ lemon
  • ¼ pineapple + 1 cucumber + 2 capsicums + ½ bunch of watercress + ½ lemon
  • 2 cups of strawberries + 1 cup of cranberries + 1 pomegranate
  • 1 oz of wheatgrass juice + a squeeze of lemon juice

Learn how to make great-tasting green juices.

Some of the links I post on this site are affiliate links. If you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission . However, note that Im recommending these products because of their quality and that I have good experience using them, not because of the commission to be made.

The Juice Ladys Remedies For Asthma And Allergies: Delicious Smoothies And Raw

The Juice Lady

The Juice Ladys Remedies for Asthma and Allergies: Delicious Smoothies and Raw-Food Recipes for Your Ultimate Health Download by Cherie Calbom. Download The Juice Ladys Remedies for Asthma and Allergies: Delicious Smoothies and Raw-Food Recipes for Your Ultimate Health by Cherie Calbom in PDF EPUB format complete free.

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Diy Allergy Shot To Fight Pollen Naturally

Combat your seasonal allergies with a shot, and we’re not talking about the kind with a needle. We’re talking about a juice shot filled with spices and honey to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Check out the video and the recipe ahead, then brew up a batch. Hopefully it will keep the sneezes at bay!

Apple Pineapple And Kale Juice

This is one of my favorites because of the pineapple! My kids love it, and so do I.

Pineapple is sweet and delicious, but it also contains vitamin C and bromelain, which is an enzyme thats a little like natures built-in antihistamine.

Blend with kale, and an apple, and you have a healthy serving of B vitamins, plus quercetin and beneficial fiber.

Want more healthy tips and delicious ideas to stay well?

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Which Foods Can Help Allergies

There are many different foods that can help allergies in different ways:


If theres one juicing ingredient that tops the bill for allergies, its pineapple. It is the only natural source of an enzyme called bromelain. Not only has bromelain been proven to significantly reduce inflammation and act as a natural pain killer, its also particularly effective against allergies.

One research trial found that bromelain positively affects allergies in different ways not only in helping to reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction, but also decreasing sensitivity to allergens.


This underrated herb contains lots of plant compounds that can help fight allergies. One of the major ones is quercetin, which has been shown to have antihistamine properties. Also present are vitamins A and C, lutein and zeaxanthin to help protect the eyes.

Parsley also contains apigenin, an anti-inflammatory flavonoid, and adiponectin. During research regarding this hormone, scientists reported that people suffering from allergic rhinitis had significantly lower levels of adiponectin than people with no symptoms.

Citrus Fruit

All citrus fruit is overflowing with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Research studies have found vitamin C has remarkable effects on the immune system in terms of reducing the allergen response.


Several research trials have demonstrated the significant effectiveness of quercetin on the regulation of histamine production.


Fresh Smoothie For Seasonal Allergies

How to Improve your Asthma Symptoms With This 1 Drink In No Time

Yes, this is not a juicing recipe, but smoothies and juices can have similar effects. In fact, it’s often better to incorporate foods into a smoothie because then you get more nutrients. For example, apples have many polyphenols in the skin, and they’re full of dietary fiber. If you only extract the juice, you lose a lot of both ingredients.

The other reason that this is a smoothie is that it incorporates a banana and a sweet potato. Since both of those options can’t really yield fresh juice, a smoothie is the only option.

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What Are The Best Juicing Recipes For Allergies

  • Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms that can range from uncomfortable to life-threatening.
  • Allergies are an inappropriate response from the immune system to benign substances.
  • Juicing can help fight allergies by combining ingredients that boost the immune system and act as natural antihistamines, decongestants and anti-inflammatories to improve symptoms.

Picture the scene: me, at eight years old, with a beautiful white rabbit as my birthday present. I was in lovethat is, until I started coughing and wheezing as I petted her. One trip to the doctor later, and Snoopy the rabbit had been found a new home. Id had an allergic reaction.

According to the Asthma Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 50 million people in the US are affected by allergies, and with more than ten million new cases diagnoses annually, allergies are increasing.

As an adult, Ive used antihistamines for most of my life to control allergies, but what if there are more natural ways to treat them? As I became interested in juicing, and aware of the numerous health benefits, I wondered if juicing could help.

The good news?

It does at least for me, anyway. I developed some juicing recipes for allergies which Ive included in this post so you can try them out too.


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