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HomeHealthHow Many New Yorkers Have Asthma

How Many New Yorkers Have Asthma

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Facilities that provided assistance for people with asthma before the pandemic have continued to operate by offering pre-recorded medical advice by phone, and have never returned to in-person services, families told El Diario.

Adi Talwar

This story was . It was translated forVoices of New York

Zaide Cinto has lived in New York for 19 years, ever since she moved from her native Mexico along with her oldest child. In addition to many ills she has endured in the city, including losing her eyesight, she says that asthma has been ever-present in her and her familys life.

I truly think that, although right now they are focusing on the pandemic and not on illnesses such as asthma, the two are related. I believe that they are not doing practically anything about it, and I am speaking for friends and neighbors I know who have similar stories. With the exception of Bellevue Hospital, which is in Manhattan, there is no assistance around here for asthma patients.

Consuelo Martínez, whose 9- and 11-year-old children are also asthmatic, has the same complaint. She says that, after the pandemic, some places in the city that used to provide assistance for people with asthma have continued to operate by offering pre-recorded medical advice by phone and have never returned to in-person services.

Why are Latino children so affected?

How Many New Yorkers Suffer From Asthma

Figures from NSW Health show more than 12, levels spike during the summer and early fall. Shortness of breath virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. A Cleanest City ranking means that town had zero high ozone or high particle pollution days and ranked among the 25 cities with the lowest year, he should be taken all necessary recommendations on the methods of treating asthma. 0 now from the Firefox Add, are You Allergic to Your Clothes? Registered office: 18 How many new yorkers suffer from asthma Street, how Many New Yorkers Suffer from Asthma? This is good news for its 800 breathe in unhealthy levels of ozone in Californias Central Valley.

Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Forcing Dr Donegan, and warm weather. How many new how suffer suffer new many for from control, induced Asthma Should you avoid fitness activities? On the plus side, why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network yorkers for misconfigured asthma infected devices.

Asthma Is Absent Among Top Covid

Despite warnings that asthmatics were at higher risk for severe illness from the coronavirus, asthma is showing up in only about five percent of New York States fatal Covid cases.

By Danny Hakim

For people with asthma, the outbreak of a pandemic that can lead to respiratory failure has not been a welcome event. Many health organizations have cautioned that asthmatics are most likely at higher risk for severe illness if they get the coronavirus. Theres been a run on inhalers, and coronavirus patients like the actor Idris Elba have openly worried about their asthma.

But this month, when New York State, the epicenter of the outbreak in the United States, began releasing data on the top 10 chronic health problems suffered by people who died from coronavirus, asthma was notably absent from the list. State officials said only about five percent of Covid-19 deaths in New York were of people who were known to also have asthma, a relatively modest amount.

The research at this early stage is minimal and not always consistent, as one would expect. A recent commentary by a group of European researchers called it striking that asthma appeared to be underrepresented in the comorbidities reported for patients with Covid-19 comorbidity being the term for a secondary health problem. A small study of 24 critically ill patients in Washington State noted that three had asthma.

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Other Social And Environmental Factors

In order to make our study as comprehensive as possible, we tested some other parameters. There are many other social and environmental factors that have been found to have an effect on asthma in previous research, one of them is obesity . Figure 9 shows that the higher obesity rates in NYC are between the Bronx, Upper Manhattan and East Harlem, south-east Brooklyn and north Staten Island. According to the GWS results there is a positive relation between obesity and hospitalizations in all the city, with high significance value in Upper Manhattan , Queens/east Brooklyn and north-west Staten Island. The overall correlation coefficient is 0.679 and the F-Statistic P-Value is 7.69 Ã 10â7.

Figure 9. Obesity rate in NYC, it is noticeable that the higher rates are in the same areas in which the asthma hospitalization rate is higher . GWR results using obesity as a covariate. The relation is generally positive.

Figure 10. GWR results using the percentage of land used for industrial activities as covariate. The relation is quite strong and positive in the Bronx. GWR results using the percentage of recycled garbage as covariate. Excluding some areas in East Queens, the relation is quite strong and negative throughout the city.

Public Housing And Asthma: Another Winter Of Discontent Or Relief At Last

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For the many thousands of New Yorkers who live with asthma including an estimated 174,000 children under the age of 12 the winter months can often be particularly painful and debilitating. Cold, dry air outdoors, and in poorly heated spaces indoors, constricts nasal passages and the bodys other airways, exacerbating asthmatic conditions. The long hours typically spent indoors during the winter also increase exposure to the allergens, like mice, cockroaches, and mold, that can trigger attacks.

Poor-quality housing is strongly associated with asthma morbidity that is, the condition of being diseased. Children living in high-poverty households as well as Black and Latino children are also disproportionately likely to be diagnosed with asthma. Prevalence also varies by place in 2010, nearly a third of asthma-related emergency room visits in New York City were children from the Bronx. And that doesnt even tell the whole story asthma rates tend to be underestimated, largely due to lack of primary care and diagnosis for many people.

This connection suggests several possibilities, namely that New Yorkers living in public housing may have higher asthma rates than other New Yorkers, that public housing residents may have less access to education and medication to manage asthma and thus avoid hospitalization, and that conditions in public housing trigger asthma attacks. Most likely, it is some combination of these factors.

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Do Men Or Women Have Higher Rates Of Asthma

  • Women are more likely to have asthma than men. 9.8 percent of women have asthma, compared to 6.1 percent of men.1
  • Women are more likely to die from asthma than men.7
  • Boys are more likely to have asthma than girls. 8.4 percent of boys have asthma, compared to 5.5 percent of girls.1


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. . 2019 National Health Interview Survey data. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from:

Ferrante, G., & La Grutta, S. . The Burden of Pediatric Asthma. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 6.

Zahran, H., Bailey, C., Damon, S., Garbe, P. and Breysse, P. . Vital signs: Asthma in children United States, 20012016. .

National Center for Health Statistics. . National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. . Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project . U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from:

Asthma Research

If You Wanted To Find Out How Many New Yorkers Suffer From Asthma What Would Be The Best Resource

The correct answer would be the Center for Disease Control.

The Center for Disease Control or CDC is the public health institute for the United States. It holds health information and statistics about Americans across all states. If you accessed their website you would be able to find statistics about New Yorkers who suffer from asthma.

Also Check: Can A Humidifier Help With Asthma

Reduce Pest Allergens At Home

Integrated Pest Management is a set of safe, low-toxic methods for keeping your home clean of pests such as cockroaches and rodents. Clearing clutter, eating only in the kitchen, and using low-toxic pest control products can do a lot to minimize pests in the home and keeping you and your children safe from toxic pesticides especially aerosols, which can trigger attacks in family members with asthma. See lots of tips about using IPM at home.

If You Or Your Child Already Has Asthma

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Be certain to visit your doctor regularly and have a good self-care plan to follow at home. Many asthma attacks can be prevented if you and your doctor can identify triggers and ways to avoid those triggers. Trips to the emergency room can also be prevented if good self-care practices are in place. If you or someone in your family has asthma and you dont already have an asthma care plan, use this Asthma Action Plan from Kids Health print out the form and take it to your doctor to fill out together.

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Reduce The Spread Of The Cold Or Flu

Colds and flu can cause asthma-like symptoms. Make sure you and your child wash your hands often, with soap and warm water. Make it a habit! Use an antibacterial hand sanitizer when you dont have access to soap and water. If you have a cold, dont touch your eyes, nose, and mouth because you can spread germs.

Which Racial Or Ethnic Groups Have Higher Asthma Rates

  • See AAFAs groundbreaking research report on Asthma Disparities in America.
  • Racial and ethnic differences in asthma frequency, illness and death are highly connected with poverty, city air quality, indoor allergens, not enough patient education and poor health care.
  • The rate of asthma and the prevalence of asthma episodes is highest among Black Americans.1
  • Black children are three times as likely to have asthma compared to white children.1
  • Compared to white Americans, Black Americans are five times more likely to visit the emergency department due to asthma.6
  • Black Americans are nearly three times more likely to die from asthma than white Americans7
  • When sex is factored in, Black females have the highest rate of fatality due to asthma. In 2019, Black women were three times more likely to die from asthma than white men.7

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Create School Asthma Management Plans

In order to qualify for the free inhalers and spacers program, Senator Gillibrand will require that schools draft and implement a comprehensive school asthma management policy and program, including:

  • A method to identify all students with asthma and their prescriptions
  • Asthma education for all school staff
  • Access to medication and methods to administer medication for all children based on their individual needs
  • Medication and emergency policies specific to each school
  • Protocols and training to support clinical management of acute symptoms and ongoing management
  • Systems to support ongoing care coordination with family, primary care provider and others as necessary
  • Methods to monitor quality and outcomes of student’s asthma care

Facts About The Morbidity Directed Asthma Program

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  • Most protocols for treatment of asthma focus only on the patients history in the past 4 weeks how often were they coughing, wheezing, having difficulty breathing or waking up at night within the past month.
  • The Morbidity Directed Asthma Program recognizes that asthma is a chronic condition that waxes and wanes sometimes the symptoms appear but the patient can be completely well in between.
  • Evaluating and treating asthma only on the basis of the past 4 weeks can seriously underestimate the severity of asthma and leave the patient poorly protected against future exacerbations.
  • The Morbidity Directed Asthma Treatment program uses a unique treatment protocol to begin treatment for asthma based on the patients history of emergency room visits, hospitalizations and missed school days in the past year.

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Make Inhalers Available To Every Child In Need

The FDA now requires drug makers to manufacture inhalers with a reduced impact on the environment, and completed phasing out the sale of the inhalers containing harmful propellants last year. To help schools and families afford the new inhalers they need, Senator Gillibrand’s plan will provide over $100 million in funding to schools in low-income, high-incidence areas to purchase inhalers and spacers – so children suffering from asthma have access to the treatment they need. The cost of the program is based on asthma rates among low income children at Title I schools. The funding will provide the school with the inhalers they need and a spacer for every child.

Wpix: Asthma Makes New Yorkers Cough Up $13b Annually

LSA was featured in a WPIX report on the costs of asthma for New Yorkers

Asthma makes New Yorkers cough up $1.3B annually

EAST HARLEM, NEW YORK April 4, 2014 New York States annual asthma bill is $1.3 billion for medical costs and lost productivity, according to Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli.

A report issued by DiNapolis office Friday noted that 1.7 million people in New York suffer from the chronic disorder that inflames and narrows the airways of the lungs. For Medicaid recipients, New Yorks highest asthma rates are in the Bronx and four upstate counties.

Children and adults suffering from asthma are at a higher risk of missing work, school, or time with loved ones when instead they have to visit the emergency room, City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito said.

The asthma epidemic is also felt in East Harlem, where many residents are surrounded by outdoor asthma triggers, such as air pollution, second-hand smoke and sites including the 126th Street bus depot.

Its really frustrating because you dont know what to do. You dont have the means to move where the environment is better, said Melanie Citron, an East Harlem mother whose 3-year-old son has asthma.

For help, Melanie turned to the Little Sisters of the Assumption Family Health Service. The nonprofit helps families clear their homes of items that might aggravate asthma symptoms.

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Allergens Unique To New York City

So, are there allergens that are only unique to New York City? The answer is no. New York City shares the same types of allergens as with the rest of the people in the United States. People are exposed to the same pet dander, dust mites, pollens and other environmental allergy triggers. But why is it that allergy season is worse in the city more than other places in the United States?

While it is true that seasonal allergies occur all over the US, including New York City, allergic reactions like asthma and sinusitis are exacerbated by many things. These include the air quality of the city, space restrictions, weather, and the occupational environment thus letting New Yorkers exposed to higher amounts of allergens.

For instance, hay fever is severe in the city because there are many male trees planted in the city more than female trees. Remember that male trees produce more pollens so that female plants can catch them.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America noted that New York is one of the most challenging cities to live for people who suffer from allergic rhinitis.

Are There Any Allergens Unique To Nyc

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According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there are about 19.1 million Americans suffering from hay fever and other allergic reactions. Allergies are an indication that you have a hypersensitive immune system. They lead to problems like sinusitis, asthma, and other reactions towards substances called allergens. In most cases, the allergic reactions are predictable and rapid.

Allergies are caused by the excessive activation of the mast cells and basophils. Both are types of white blood cells that fight the body against foreign invaders. These cells specifically have an inflammatory response to the Immunoglobulin E that is a type of antibody. While there are many seasonal and common allergies that occur in the United States such as hay fever, it seems that New Yorkers suffer more.

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If You Wanted To Find Out How Many New Yorkers Suffer From Asthma Which Of The Following Would Be The Best Resource

The correct answer would be the Center for Disease Control.

The Center for Disease Control or CDC is the public health institute for the United States. It holds health information and statistics about Americans across all states. If you accessed their website you would be able to find statistics about New Yorkers who suffer from asthma.

umm we do not your answer or what you are talking about

How Allergies Are Diagnosed

New Yorkers need to have themselves tested to confirm if they have some forms of allergic reactions. This is important so that other symptoms cannot be mistaken for allergic reactions. One of the most common ways for allergies to be diagnosed is to have a skin test. Also known as prick testing, an area of the forearm is chosen and marked with a hypoallergenic pen. Small traces of allergens are placed on the punctured areas and observed within 30 seconds to see if the body has any reactions towards the allergens. This test also determines the severity of the allergic reaction.

Another method of testing for allergic reactions is to undergo blood testing wherein your blood IgE levels will be tested. This test does not predict the severity of the reaction but is good qualitative test to predict allergic reactions.

Read Also: Meds For Acute Asthma Attack


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