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Can Post Nasal Drip Trigger Asthma

Causes Of Constant Phlegm In Throat

Chronic Cough: Most Common Causes – Northwest Community Healthcare

Phlegm is quite common, normal, and required for proper bodily function. Your body produces about 1 to 1.5 liters of mucus per day.1

Mucus oils the engine so to speak, lubricating your tissues and keeping them from drying out. It also contains antibodies and enzymes that identify and destroy bacteria and germs. This sticky goo even traps dust and germs before they make their way into the rest of your body.2

Phlegm is produced by tissue in your throat, lungs, mouth, nose, sinuses, and gastrointestinal tract. Most of the time this mucus drips down your throat unnoticed. But certain conditions can cause the consistency to change, commanding both attention and throat clearing.

Here are a few of the most common causes of persistent phlegm in throat.

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Vitaae: A Great Way To Reduce Throat Clearing

The 4 nutrients above are the best nutrients for brain health. But you dont have to purchase them separately. You can get all of these scientifically proven nutrients in a 4-in-1 Brain Health Solution! This breakthrough patented BRAIN BOOSTING formula contains the most absorbable forms and therapeutic doses of each nutrient, making it easy to get the nutrients that are ESSENTIAL for your brain to stay healthy and sharp as you ageand fix chronic throat clearing at the same time! Click here to learn more about Vitaaeand to place your order today!


2- Watson S. The Truth About Mucus. WebMD. Apr 10, 2014. Accessed Apr 27, 2021.,of%20it%2C%20but%20because%20its%20consistency%20has%20changed.

3- Martinucci I, de Bortoli N, Savarino E, et al. Optimal treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. Ther Adv Chronic Dis. 2013 4:287-301. doi:10.1177/2040622313503485

4- Mayo Clinic Staff. Asthma. Mayo Clinic. Aug 11, 2020. Accessed Apr 27, 2021.

5- Leonie JT, Balter JA, Aldred S, Drayson MT, Jet JCS, van Zanten V, Higgs S, Raymond JE, Mazaheri A. Selective effects of acute low-grade inflammation on human visual attention,

NeuroImage, Volume 202, 2019, 116098, ISSN 1053-8119,

How Are Sinusitis And Asthma Treated

Treatment is important in preventing sinusitis from worsening. Again, since the conditions are linked, treating sinusitis may have the added benefit of improving your asthma symptoms.

If you have sinusitis and asthma, your health care provider might recommend that you use:

Always ask your health care provider before using nasal spray . Overuse can lead to more congestion. You might try spraying warm salt water into the nose, or breathing in steam.

If a secondary bacterial infection has developed in your sinuses, you’ll need antibiotics. Your health care provider will probably prescribe them for about 10 to 14 days. Just remember that antibiotics will only work in cases of bacterial infection. They will not help with viruses. Also, you need to follow your health care provider’s instructions and take all your antibiotic medicine, even if you start feeling better after a few days.

For people with allergies, controlling exposure to allergens is key. Not only will it reduce your asthma symptoms, but it will also reduce your risk of sinus infections. Avoid any allergic triggers and irritants, like cigarette smoke. You can also ask your health care provider if allergy shots might be helpful.

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Things You Should Do:

Talk to your doctor and ask him causes of postnasal drip like asthma. Besides, you should drink mineral water that would help you lessen the extent of mucus. You can use a saline nasal spray. Then you should gargle with salty water 4 to 5 times a day to get a better result.Besides, you should give up substances like alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine that cause dehydration.Over-the-Counter Medications:To be honest, Decongestants and antihistamines are Over-the-Counter medications that can help ease the symptoms of postnasal drip.

Control Of Polymeric Mucin Production

Home Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

The induction of Muc5ac in allergically inflamed mice is dependent upon two important signaling pathways: the IL-13/IL-4 receptor-α complex and the epidermal growth factor receptor . The functional dominance of these signaling pathways, however, does not translate into a simple intracellular pathway for Muc5ac gene activation. The principal signaling molecule activated by IL-13 is signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 . STAT6 signaling in mouse airway Clara cells is necessary and sufficient for Muc5ac induction and airway hyperreactivity in response to IL-13 . STAT6 binds to a canonical motif, 5â²-TTCN4GAA-3â², but this motif is not present in the conserved promoter regions of any mammalian MUC5AC orthologs . One indirect mechanism that may explain IL-13-mediated Muc5ac promoter activation is STAT6-dependent downregulation of forkhead box a2 . Foxa2 is a critical negative regulator of Muc5ac expression, and genetic deletion of Foxa2 in mice leads to constitutive Muc5ac overproduction resembling mucous metaplasia .

Transcriptional control of Muc5ac production gr2

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Upper Airway Cough Syndrome

Upper airway cough syndrome is treated with first-generation antihistamines and medicines taken as tablets. A response to treatment helps confirm the diagnosis. Decongestants should only be used for a short time.

Talk to your doctor if you are constantly clearing your throat or have an irritating cough. Finding out the cause of your symptoms and treating the cause should make you feel a lot more comfortable.

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Objective And Subjective Measurements

All patients were referred to the Otolaryngology Department and underwent thorough nasal endoscopy and sinus computed tomography . The findings from these examinations were interpreted using the LundKennedy endoscopy score and the LundMackay CT score, respectively. Pulmonary function testing includes the evaluation of forced vital capacity , FEV1, and the FEV1/FVC ratio. Percentages of the predicted values for these tests can be calculated according to age, sex, height, and ethnicity. Participants completed the ACT and the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-22 questionnaires at the same time to evaluate their asthma control and sinonasal symptoms. Additional data regarding the patients clinical characteristics were collected from their medical records.

The ACT includes 5 items regarding asthma control: activity limitations, shortness of breath, waking up because of asthma symptoms, use of asthma relief medication, and a global evaluation of asthma control. The ACT items evaluate symptoms that were experienced during the last 4 weeks and are scored from 1 to 5, with a maximum score of 25 indicating perfectly controlled asthma.

The SNOT-22 questionnaire is the most widely used and validated self-reported measure of nasal symptom severity and health-related QoL among patients with sinonasal conditions. The SNOT-22 questionnaire evaluates various symptoms, physical problems, functional limitations, and emotional consequences of having a sinonasal disorder.

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Problems That Can Develop If You Have Postnasal Drip

You probably dont give nasal mucus a thought until its aggravated by a cold or allergies. Then, it can dominate your days until the underlying cause is over. While in most cases,postnasal drip is a temporary symptom that clears up with time, it can have complications, or it may be part of other rare health conditions that may not clear up naturally.

When postnasal drip becomes chronic, visitAlexis Furze, MD in Newport Beach. As an otolaryngologist and facial surgeon, Dr. Furze is uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat many of the conditions that cause post nasal drip and its complications.

Chronic Post Nasal Drip: Missing A Simple Solution

Causes of Chronic Cough

Chronic post nasal drip can be a particularly annoying symptom in our clients. Or sometimes they arent even aware of it until I point out how often they seem to need to clear their throat. Either way, it can be a recipe for digestive issues or being more prone to viral or bacterial infections over time. Its just another opportunity to help clients to be wildly satisfied with simple solutions!

Certainly, there are many possible causes to PND. Anything to which a clients immune system is having an ongoing negative reaction can make their symptoms chronic: a laundry detergent, a perfume, new curtains in the home, or some other food like eggs. Immune system inflammation can cause a wide variety of reactions including such disparate symptoms as headache, eczema, achy joints, depression, PND, weight gain, or acid reflux. Frankly, I have been surprised at how often in my practice we find clients have food sensitivities. And indeed in 80%+ cases of PDN, we find the true root cause is a reaction to dairy foods which thickens mucus secretions.

The old adage Disease begins in the gut is often completely true! If you wish to learn more about food sensitivities in depth, as well as immuen intolerance overall and how it affects the rest of the body, you will get great value from the SAFM Asthma, Allergy, and Immune Intolerance clinical course.

To receive clinical tips like this one right to your inbox, to receive our weekly newsletter.

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    Whats The Connection Between Sinusitis And Asthma

    Many studies have shown a connection between sinus infections and asthma. One study showed that, when compared with those who only have asthma, people who have both sinusitis and asthma:

    • Tend to have more severe asthma symptoms
    • May have more severe asthma flares
    • Are more likely to have disturbed sleep

    The risks of developing sinusitis may not be the same for everyone with asthma. The same study showed that sinusitis coupled with asthma was more common in women than men. It also may be more common in whites than other racial groups. Acid reflux and smoking may increase the risk of someone with asthma developing sinusitis, too.

    The study also suggested that the more severe a persons asthma is, the more debilitating the sinusitis. In people with severe asthma, sinusitis seems to make the asthma symptoms harder to control.

    Is It Allergies Or A Cold

    Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between allergies and the common cold. There are more than a hundred strains of cold viruses. Each tends to become widespread at certain times of the year, which is why you may mistake a cold for a seasonal allergy. Allergies occur at the same time every year and last as long as the allergen is in the air . Allergies cause itching of the nose and eyes along with other nasal symptoms. Colds last about one week and have less itching of the nose and eyes.

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    What Happens When I Can Feel Post Nasal Drip

    This can mean that the tissues in your nose are producing mucus in excess. Excess mucus production can be due to a wide variety of medical conditions, and can include infection from the common cold or the flu, acute or chronic sinus inflammation , allergies, overactivity of the nerve that controls mucus production, a normal side effect of pregnancy, and exposure to airborne irritants. The excess of this mucus is what you are experiencing dripping down the back of your throat.

    Can Postnasal Drip Trigger Asthma

    Symptomatology of Respiratory Disorders

    Postnasal drip is a lay term that refers to the sensation of nasal mucus that builds up or drains into the back of the throat.Ã Your glands in the nose and throat produce mucus continuously , that helps to cleanse the nasal membranes, helps warm the air you breathe, and traps inhaled foreign matter. Mucus also helps to fight infection.

    In normal situations, the throat is moistened by the secretions from the nasal and throat mucous glands. This is part of the mucous-nasal cilia system that defends us from disease. When the amount of mucus secreted by the nose and sinus is increased or thickened, our bodies naturally try to get rid of it by causing us toà coughà and clear our throats.

    Sometimes, postnasal drip syndrome is associated with asthma, as the thick mucus secretions drain from the back of the nose to the back of the throat, causing throat clearing, cough, and bronchial constriction.

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    How Do You Treat Postnasal Drip

    Post-nasal drip can be a symptom of a variety of conditions, so diagnosing the root cause is often essential to determining the proper treatment. Most home remedies work by loosening, thinning, or drying up the mucus. Drinking a lot of fluids, particularly water, can help flush out the back of the throat.

    Otitis Media In Children

    Most cases of otitis typically occur in young children when a cold, throat infection or allergies cause fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. Ear infections are often painful because of inflammation and the buildup of pressure and fluids. A narrow passage called the eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat and nose. The eustachian tube functions to control the airflow and pressure inside the middle ear.The eustachian tube can become blocked by swelling in the nose and throat , swelling of the middle ear mucous membrane or swelling of the mucous membrane of the eustachian tube itself. The blocked eustachian tube prevents the air pressure in the middle ear from equalizing. A negative pressure is created, and this can draw fluid into the air-filled space of the middle ear. Fluid trapped in the middle ear can lead to thicker mucous, the presence of bacteria, inflammation, infection and postnasal drip in children.

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    How Can You Prevent Sinusitis

    There’s no sure-fire way of preventing sinusitis. But there are some things you can do to lower your risk:

    • Use regular steroid sprays to prevent sinus inflammation. This is particularly important if you’ve had recurrent or chronic sinusitis.
    • Avoid allergens and irritants, if you have allergies.
    • Take your asthma medication as recommended. Keeping your asthma symptoms under control can reduce your risks of developing serious sinusitis.

    What Are The Treatments For Allergic Rhinitis

    Post Nasal Drip Treatment Options – Andrew Florea, MD

    The first and best option is to avoid contact with substances that trigger your nasal allergies . When prevention is not enough, consider using over-the-counter or prescription medicines:

    • Antihistamines are taken by mouth or as a nasal spray. They can relieve sneezing and itching in the nose and eyes. They also reduce a runny nose and, to a lesser extent, nasal stuffiness.
    • are taken by mouth or as a nasal spray or drops. They help shrink the lining of the nasal passages which relieves nasal stuffiness. These nose drops and sprays should be taken short-term.
    • Nasal corticosteroids are used in nasal spray form. They reduce inflammation in the nose and block allergic reactions. They are the most effective medicine type for allergic rhinitis because they can reduce all symptoms, including nasal congestion. Nasal corticosteroids have few side effects.
    • Leukotriene receptor antagonists block the action of important chemical messengers other than histamine that are involved in allergic reactions.
    • Cromolyn sodium is a nasal spray that blocks the release of chemicals that cause allergy symptoms, including histamine and leukotrienes. This medicine has few side effects, but you must take it four times a day.

    Nasal allergy symptoms may disappear completely when the allergen is removed or after the allergy is treated. Talk to your pharmacist and health care provider about what is best for you.

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    Fundraising For Asthma Uk

    Im very positive and determined not to let severe asthma control my life. In 2015 I decided to run the London Marathon for Asthma UK to show people that, despite having a life-threatening condition, its still possible to achieve things if youre properly supported. I honestly dont think I wouldve been able to train and complete the marathon if I didnt have the support of my new healthcare team. And Asthma UK has been a great help for me since my diagnosis.

    Running the marathon was one of the proudest achievements of my life and proved that I can still do great things despite everything Ive been through. Im looking forward to running the London Marathon again for Asthma UK in 2017.

    The Basics Of Diagnosing Asthma

    Your doctor will probably start your examination by delving into your past medical history and asking whether any of your relatives have allergies or asthma. You’ll also be asked to describe your symptoms, their severity, and what, if anything, is triggering them.

    Triggers could include cold air, dust, hairsprays, perfumes, household cleaner vapors, cigarette or cigar smoke, and air pollution, Asciuto says.

    Doctors also try to narrow down the list of culprits by asking these additional questions:

    Next, your doctor will listen to your breathing with a stethoscope and may order one or more of these diagnostic tests:

    Its also important to note that you can have asthma without experiencing any of the hallmark symptoms. There’s no single patient profile for asthma, says Dr. Fineman. “Some will have more coughing, some more wheezing, and some have more problems breathing with exercise, he says.

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    What Are Links Between Rhinitis Sinusitis And Asthma

    Studies show Allergic Rhinitis is very common in those diagnosed with Allergic Asthma, and uncontrolled rhinitis can lead to more severe asthma.This happens when inflammatory chemicals get into the bloodstream and travel to the lungs , thereby making inflammation there worse. This makes airways increasingly hypersensitive to asthma triggers. Many of these same chemicals can recruit other chemicals and cells that may enhance the inflammatory response, resulting in persistent rhinitis and asthma symptoms. Another accepted theory is the one that involves reflexes.1-2, 4-5, 9

    The Link Between Sinusitis And Asthma Or Allergies

    cough variant asthma: :: Post Nasal Drip And Acid Reflux ...

    According the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, there is a link between chronic sinusitis and asthma in some people. Both asthma and sinusitis may be triggered by inflammation to an allergen or irritant. In addition, postnasal drip caused by sinusitis may trigger coughing arising from the throat which can aggravate asthma symptoms.

    Additionally sinusitis has been associated with more severe cases of asthma. So having asthma increases the odds of getting a sinus infection, and a sinus infection can make your asthma harder to control.

    Chronic sinusitis can sometimes be associated with allergic conditions such as hay fever. An allergic response can cause drainage channels to become blocked and result in an infection or inflammation in the sinuses.

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