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HomeCauseCan Asthma Cause Blue Lips

Can Asthma Cause Blue Lips

Can Cyanosis In Newborns Be Normal

How does asthma work? – Christopher E. Gaw

Cyanosis can be common in newborn infants and caused by several conditions. Some are not serious, but others can be potentially life-threatening.

Acrocyanosis is a harmless type of cyanosis that is often seen in healthy newborns. It is caused by blood vessel changes after birth that can make the hands and feet turn blue. Acrocyanosis appears as soon as a baby is born in healthy infants and can remain for up to 48 hours.

Newborn babies can also have a form of cyanosis, known as central cyanosis, for up to 10 minutes after birth. This is normal and caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood vessels at birth. It should disappear within minutes as the baby starts to breathe and more oxygen enters the bloodstream.

More serious causes of cyanosis in newborns include infections, heart disease and disorders that affect the metabolism or nervous system.

Central Cyanosis In Neonates

  • Transient cyanosis after delivery: central cyanosis should clear within a few minutes of the birth. Peripheral cyanosis clears within a few days. Increased sensitivity of the peripheral circulation to cold temperature may persist well into infancy.
  • Cardiac and circulatory causes include:
  • Fallot’s tetralogy.
  • Stenosis or atresia of the pulmonary valve or tricuspid valve.
  • Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (all four pulmonary veins drain into systemic veins or the right atrium, associated with a right-to-left shunt through an atrial septal defect.
  • Hypoplastic left heart.
  • Truncus arteriosus .
  • Persistent fetal circulation .
  • Respiratory causes include:
  • Birth asphyxia, birth injury or haemorrhage.
  • Transient tachypnoea of the newborn.
    • Acrocyanosis: benign, caused by spasm of smaller skin arteries and arterioles, causing hands and feet to be cold and mottled.
    • Erythrocyanosis: usually affects young women blotches of cyanosis occur in the lower legs.
    • Beta-blocker drugs.
  • Venous obstruction can occasionally produce a painful blue leg . Obstruction of the superior vena cava can cause cyanosis, venous engorgement and oedema affecting the face.
  • Vaping And Lung Damage

    • Talk with your teen about the dangers of vaping.
    • Vaping can cause severe lung damage. It can become permanent.
    • Vaping can even cause death .
    • Vaping tobacco also causes nicotine addiction.
    • For these reasons, the legal age to purchase vaping products is 21 in the US.
    • Encourage your teen to not start vaping or to give it up.
    • Warning: home-made or street-purchased vaping solutions are the most dangerous.

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    Signs You Actually Have Severe Asthma

    Breathing is just one of those things you take for granted until it feels like every inhale or exhale is a struggle. Unfortunately, people with severe asthma have to deal with breathing issues way more often than anyone should, and it can be completely terrifying.

    Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects the airways that extend from your nose and mouth to your lungs, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute . When youre exposed to triggers like animal fur, pollen, mold, exercise, and respiratory infections, these airways can narrow, restricting your airflow. This can then make the muscles surrounding your airways constrict, making it even harder to breathe, and cause your airways to produce more mucus than normal, further compounding the problem. All together, this can lead to asthma symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing , and chest tightness or pain, according to the NHLBI.

    Like most health conditions, asthma severity runs along a spectrum, Emily Pennington, M.D., a pulmonologist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells SELF. Some people have cases where they experience minor symptoms here and there . Others can have asthma that is basically an ever-present problem and might result in scary asthma attacks, which is when symptoms ramp up in severity and can even become life-threatening.


    How Do Doctors Diagnose Angina

    Blue Lips: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    The patients doctor or the Emergency Department doctor will immediately think of angina and other heart problems upon hearing the patients symptoms. Time is of the essence for diagnosing angina, and treatment will probably begin as the evaluation continues.

    Imaging and other tests


    • This painless test checks for abnormalities in the beating of the heart.
    • Electrodes are attached to the chest and other points on the body. The electrodes read the electrical impulses linked to the beating of the heart.
    • The ECG looks for signs of a heart attack or of impaired blood flow to the heart.
    • For many patients with angina, the ECG result is normal.

    A chest X-ray: A chest X-ray will show any fluid buildup in the lungs. It can also rule out some other causes of chest pain.

    There is no blood lab test that can tell with certainty that someone is having angina. There are certain blood tests that suggest that a person may be having a heart attack. These tests may be done if a heart attack is suspected.

    While these tests are being performed, the health care professional will be asking the patient questions and perform a physical exam that will help with the diagnosis. The questions will be about the symptoms and about the patients medical history including

    • previous operations,
    • allergies, and
    • habits and lifestyle.

    If, after these tests, the doctor suspects the patient may have coronary heart disease, additional tests will be performed to confirm the possibility.

    Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Asthma Without Inhaler

    Tightness In Sternum And Tightness Between Shoulder Blades

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    What Should I Do If I Think I Have Asthma

    If you suspect you might have asthma, you should see your doctor for a professional diagnosis. Dont ignore it if you do have asthma, the sooner you get it under control, the faster you can get back to living a full and active life. For more information on how Asthma Australia is helping people with asthma to breathe so they can live freely, visit About Us.

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    When Should You See A Doctor For Upper Back Pain

    Sudden pain in the upper back can be a sign of a heart attack. or go to your nearest emergency room for upper back pain when:

    • The pain radiates from your chest or also involves the jaw, neck, shoulder or arm.

    • You have other symptoms, including , anxiety, , , lightheadedness, weakness, nausea or .

    • You have sudden crushing pain or pressure in the left upper back or shoulder.

    You should also seek emergency medical care for upper back pain when:

    • You have new bowel or bladder problems.

    • You have a fever or chest or abdominal pain.

    • You have sustained a back injury, such as a blow to the upper back or a car accident, fall, or .

    Most cases of mild upper back pain will resolve with home treatment. However, there are times when seeing a doctor is the safest option to make sure nothing serious is causing the pain. See your doctor when upper back pain:

    • Interferes with your sleep, work, or daily activities

    • Is constant or severe, does not respond to rest, or is worse when you lie down

    • Persists for more than two weeks despite home management

    • Occurs with , redness and swelling on the back, or weakness, or in the arms, chest or legs

    • Radiates or spreads to the arms or legs

    Chest Pain In Children And Adolescents

    Childhood Asthma: What Can I Do About It?
  • Surendranath R. Veeram Reddy, MD
  • Harinder R. Singh, MD
  • *Division of Cardiology, The Carman and Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Mich
  • After completing this article, readers should be able to:

  • Enumerate the most common causes of chest pain in pediatric patients.

  • Differentiate cardiac chest pain from that of noncardiac cause.

  • Describe the detailed evaluation of a pediatric patient who has chest pain.

  • Screen and identify patients who require a referral to a pediatric cardiologist or other specialist.

  • Explain the management of the common causes of pediatric chest pain.

  • Recommended Reading: Can You Join The Army If You Have Asthma

    When To Contact A Medical Professional

    Bluish skin can be a sign of many serious medical problems. Call or visit your health care provider.

    For adults, contact your doctor or call the local emergency number, such as 911 if you have bluish skin and any of the following:

    • You cannot get a deep breath or your breathing is getting harder, or faster
    • Need to lean forward when sitting to breathe
    • Are using muscles around the ribs to get enough air
    • Have chest pain
    • Is not moving around much
    • Has a limp or floppy body
    • Nostrils are flaring out when breathing
    • Does not feel like eating
    • Is irritable
    • Has trouble sleeping

    In general, cyanosis that occurs acutely is more likely to be an emergency than when it is present for a long time.

    Allergies And Bronchial Asthma

    How do asthma and asthma attacks develop?

    Low CO2 values in the bronchi cause chronic constriction of airways . In addition to this direct effect, chronic hyperventilation makes immune reactions abnormal. The immune system becomes too sensitive in relation to intruders from outside , but weakens the responses to various pathogens, like viruses and bacteria.

    The immune system becomes hypersensitive and seemingly innocent events like breathing cold air or inhaling dust particles can trigger an inflammatory response in asthmatics, excessive production of mucus, a sense of anxiety or panic, more hyperventilation, and further constrictions of airways.

    Similar effects take place during physical exercise causing sports induced asthma.

    As a result, mucus makes air passages narrower creating a feeling of suffocation and causing asthma attacks. During an attack, an asthmatic may try to clear the mucus by coughing it out, but that further reduces CO2 concentrations in the lungs and makes air passages narrower. The smart solution to these problems is to do the opposite. How?

    This YouTube video provides an overview of problems related to asthma.

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    What Are The Signs Of A Severe Asthma Attack

    Asthma may lead to a medical emergency.

    Rescue inhalers can help you: otc inhalers

    Seek medical help immediately for:

    • Fast breathing with chest retractions
    • Cyanosis which is tissue color changes on mucus membranes and fingertips or nail beds â the color appears grayish or whitish on darker skin tones and bluish on lighter skin tones
    • Rapid movement of nostrils
    • Ribs or stomach moving in and out deeply and rapidly
    • Expanded chest that does not deflate when you exhale
    • Infants with asthma who fail to respond to or recognize parents

    What Are The Symptoms Of An Asthma Cough

    Cyanosis: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Cough variant asthma or an asthma cough is usually known to have no other symptom apart from a chronic dry and nonproductive cough. A nonproductive cough means that it does not produce any mucus. Lasting for more than 8 to 10 weeks in adults and more than 5 weeks in children, an asthma cough is not considered to be a serious condition on its own. However, a chronic cough is irritating and disrupts your daily life.

    Sometimes, to understand whether or not your cough is happening due to asthma, doctors may assess if you have any of these related symptoms:

    Keep in mind that it is necessary to treat an asthma cough properly and in time because if it is left untreated and ignored, then it may progress into regular asthma. If you notice the following symptoms, your asthma cough might well be developing into classic asthma:

    • Tightness feeling in the chest
    • Difficulty in breathing followed by shortness of breath
    • Asthma attacks when you feel that the air is not able to reach your lungs due to the narrowing of the airways

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    After An Asthma Attack

    For several days following a flare-up you are at greater risk of additional asthma attacks. During this time period:

    • Avoid your asthma triggers
    • Use a peak flow monitor to keep track of your breathing
    • As always, take your medications as instructed, even when you feel great

    When you stray from your doctors orders regarding asthma treatment, you put yourself at risk of a serious condition called airway remodeling.

    Severe asthma attacks can cause brain damage or death.

    In this condition, your lungs become scarred. This reduces the effectiveness of your asthma medications and weakens your ability to breathe. You can avoid airway remodeling by working with your doctor to develop and maintain a treatment plan that works for you, reducing your risk of asthma attacks.

    If you need medical assistance, contact CareFinders at 1-866-608-FIND to make an appointment with a physician, or call 911 immediately if it is an emergency.

    How Do You Monitor Asthma Symptoms

    Monitoring your asthma symptoms is an essential piece of managing the disease. Your healthcare provider may have you use a peak flow meter. This device measures how fast you can blow air out of your lungs. It can help your provider make adjustments to your medication. It also tells you if your symptoms are getting worse.

    Also Check: What Can Cause Asthma Exacerbation

    When Should Adults See A Doctor About Blue Lips Or Skin

    The sudden onset of blue-tinted lips that can be explained by a triggering event will likely resolve without medical intervention. But if your lips or skin become blue suddenly and the cause is unknown, you may need to seek help right away.

    If youre experiencing blue discoloration of lips and/or skin along with one or more these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately:

    • Difficulty breathing
    • Fever
    • Confusion

    If the onset of your blue lips or skin is gradual, its a good idea to watch for other symptoms and wait a day or two to allow discoloration to resolve on its own. If the symptoms dont resolve after that point, you may want to make an appointment with your care provider.

    Q What’s The Cause Of My Baby’s Skin Turning Blue

    Asthma & COPD Treatment / Pharmacology (Inhaler Progression)
  • There are two reasons why the blood under your baby’s skin may look blue:
  • The lungs are not getting enough oxygen. Since it is the oxygen that makes the blood turn red in colour, blood cells without oxygen remain blue.
  • The underlying blood is displays a slow movement, so the normal veins underneath that carrying blue, oxygen-poor blood back to the heart are more noticeable.
  • Also Check: Do Chihuahuas Cure Asthma

    What Are Blue Lips

    Blue lips occur when the skin on the lips takes on a bluish tint or color. This generally is due to either a lack of oxygen in the blood or to extremely cold temperatures. When the skin becomes a bluish color, the symptom is called .

    Most commonly, blue lips are caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood. This may happen when you are at high altitude or if you are choking, or it may be due to chronic underlying conditions such as lung diseases or chronic heart defects. A lack of oxygen in the blood can lead to a blue coloration of your skin that is most quickly seen in your hands, feet and lips.

    Blue lips are a symptom that can indicate a severe medical condition and should always be promptly evaluated by a medical professional.

    Blue lips are a serious symptom that may be caused by a serious or life-threatening underlying condition. If you, or someone you are with, have blue lips with other serious symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest pains, , fainting or change in level of consciousness or , seek immediate medical care .

    Care Advice For Asthma Attack

  • What You Should Know About Asthma:
  • Over 10% of children have asthma.
  • Your child’s asthma can flare up at any time.
  • When you are away from your home, always take your child’s medicines with you.
  • The sooner you start treatment, the faster your child will feel better.
  • Here is some care advice that should help.
  • Asthma Quick-Relief Medicine:
  • Your child’s quick-relief medicine is albuterol or xopenex.
  • Start it at the first sign of any wheezing, shortness of breath or hard coughing.
  • Give by inhaler with a spacer or use a neb machine.
  • Repeat it every 4 hours if your child is having any asthma symptoms.
  • Never give it more often than 4 hours without talking with your child’s doctor.
  • Coughing. The best “cough med” for a child with asthma is always the asthma medicine. Caution: don’t use cough suppressants. If over 6 years old, cough drops may help a tickly cough.
  • Caution: if the inhaler hasn’t been used in over 7 days, prime it. Test spray it twice into the air before using it for treatment. Also, do this if it is new.
  • Use the medicine until your child has not wheezed or coughed for 48 hours.
  • Spacer. Always use inhalers with a spacer. It will get twice the amount of medicine into the lungs.
  • Asthma Controller Medicine:
  • Your child may have been told to use a controller drug. An example is an inhaled steroid.
  • It’s for preventing attacks and must be used daily.
  • During asthma attacks, keep giving this medicine to your child as ordered.
  • Allergy Medicine for Hay Fever:
  • Fluids – Offer More:
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    Q What Are The Principal Reasons For Cyanosis

  • The three primary reasons of cyanosis include – Decreased pumping of blood by the heart orreduced cardiac output often seen in heart failure or circulatory shock Diseases ofcirculation like thrombosis or embolism, and constriction of blood vessels of the limbs,fingers, and toes .

    Acute Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome


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