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HomeExclusiveHow To Relieve Asthma Without Inhaler

How To Relieve Asthma Without Inhaler

Who Can Get Asthma

New way to treat asthma without an inhaler

Anyone can develop asthma at any age. People with allergies or people exposed to tobacco smoke and secondhand smoke are more likely to develop asthma.

Statistics show women tend to have asthma more than men, and asthma affects Black Americans more frequently than other races.

When a child develops asthma, healthcare providers call it childhood asthma. If it develops later in life, its adult-onset asthma.

Children do not outgrow asthma. They may have fewer symptoms as they get older, but they could still have an asthma attack. Your childs healthcare provider can help you understand the risks.

Identifying Your Asthma Triggers

  • 1Learn about common triggers. Coughing can be triggered by a variety of substances like allergens and irritants . Other common asthma triggers include:XTrustworthy SourceNational Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteResearch and education center within the National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Medications: these may include aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nonselective beta-blockers
  • Chemicals used to preserve foods: usually the sulfites found in a number of foods and drinks
  • Upper respiratory infections: such as colds and other viral infections of the lungsXExpert Source
  • Mucus Postnasal Drainage & Cough

    The membranes that line your nose, throat and bronchial tubes are very sensitive. Normally, they secrete up to two liters of mucus a day to moisten and protect themselves. When these membranes become irritated, congested, and swollen, they secrete an extra amount of mucus. This mucus helps to protect the lungs and nose from irritating particles and infection.

    If you have asthma, your membranes are more sensitive to irritants, such as smoke, cold air, strong odors and dust, causing them to secrete more mucus than normal. Infections may cause even more congestion, mucus, and discomfort. However, increased mucus or yellow mucus does not always mean that an infection is present. Check with your physician if you have more mucus than usual or if it is green or yellow-colored.

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    Create An Asthma Action Plan

    Dr. Firshein knows and understands the causes, symptoms, and risk factors for asthma, as documented in his two books: Reversing Asthma and Your Asthma-Free Child.

    Dr. Firshein will work with you to create a treatment plan based on your symptoms and triggers, as well as the severity of your asthma. Your treatment should be flexible, and it can change based on fluctuations in your symptoms.

    Call Dr. Firshein or request an appointment online to schedule a consultation. When you come to see Dr. Firshein, make sure to bring a list of your symptoms and triggers so he can best assist you.

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    How To Cure Asthma At Home Without Medication 6 Tips

    6 things to do if you

    Asthma is the lung disease which makes you feel difficulty in breathing. The possible reason is the obstruction in the flow of the air. Although the specific causes of this disease have not been determined, it is said that some factors including weather conditions, allergies, respiratory infections, air pollution, emotional problems, food allergies and certain medication may attribute to this disease. When you get asthma, you will suffer from several symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. If not treated, it will lead to some serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to find the suitable treatment for asthma. Besides medical treatments, there are many natural home remedies and effective techniques on how to cure asthma at home without medication that I would like to introduce to you.

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    Get Reacquainted With A Dust Cloth

    A review of vacuum cleaners, including ones with HEPA filters, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, found that although vacuums can suck up dust bunnies and other allergens that make you sneeze and wheeze, some work better than others. Both the machines and the act of vacuuming itself stir up allergens, worsening your exposure and your reactions. Furthermore, bacteria can live in the vacuum cleaner bag for up to two months. Those same bacteria get reintroduced into the air every time you turn on the machine. To help your asthma, try using a dust cloth with furniture spray or a cloth sweeper that attracts and holds fine particles it may be more effective and less expensive. If you rely on a vacuum cleaner, even in part, consider upgrading to one with the latest technology, make sure it works correctly, and change the filter and bag regularly.

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    How To Handle An Asthma Attack With No Inhaler

    Individuals who are chronic asthmatics often carry an inhaler along with them, in order to manage emergency situations which may be associated with sudden attacks. However an individual may occasionally forget to carry the required inhaler and may suffer from an asthma attack. What should the person do in a situation like this here are a few steps that can be beneficial in handling an asthma attack without an inhaler,

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    Of : Taking Medications

  • 1Create an action plan with your doctor. Your doctor will work with you to create a written plan that you can follow when you start having an asthma attack or coughing fit. The action plan should give you a list of steps to follow to get your breathing back to normal. It should also list emergency and medical contacts.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Lung AssociationNonprofit health organization dedicated to improving lung health through education, advocacy, and researchGo to source
  • The doctor will explain how the action plan moves from green to yellow to red. Each colored section should list symptoms you should look for, your medication and treatments, and a place for you to record your lung function.
  • 2Control your asthma with short-term medication. If youre having a coughing attack, youll probably be advised to use an inhaler. Your inhaler is designed to quickly get medication into your airways so they open.XExpert Source
  • Cbd For Inflammation Control:

    How To: treat ASTHMA Naturally and Permanently without Inhaler and Medications

    CBD is a natural supplement I take every day. Ive written extensively about how I use it to control my asthma symptoms and how much success Ive had with it. CBD is not a cure-all by itself, but if you take it in conjunction with the other methods Ive listed on this page it could be of great benefit to you.

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    Are There Natural Remedies For Asthma Attacks

    The typical treatment for an asthma attack is a quick-acting with . Sit upright and take slow, steady breaths. Try to stay calm. Follow the asthma action plan that youâve set up with your doctor. If your breathing doesnât get better or if youâre so short of breath that you canât talk, get medical help right away.

    Some breathing exercises can help with symptoms of an asthma attack.

    • Pursed-lip breathing. This slows your breathing and helps hold your airways open longer so your lungs work better. With your closed, breathe in slowly through your nose. Then breathe out through your , with your lips pursed like youâre whistling, for twice as long.
    • Belly breathing. This technique uses the same steps as pursed-lip breathing. But as you breathe in, focus on the movement of your belly. Picture it filling with air like a balloon. It may help to keep your hands on your belly so you can concentrate on the air going in and out.

    After An Asthma Attack

    You should see a GP or asthma nurse within 48 hours of leaving hospital, or ideally on the same day if you did not need hospital treatment.

    About 1 in 6 people treated in hospital for an asthma attack need hospital care again within 2 weeks, so its important to discuss how you can reduce your risk of future attacks.

    Talk to a doctor or nurse about any changes that may need to be made to manage your condition safely.

    For example, the dose of your treatment may need to be adjusted or you may need to be shown how to use your inhaler correctly.

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    Keep Your Distance From Kitty Litter

    Pets are a common source of allergens cats more than dogs. Although the best asthma relief advice might be to find your furry friend another loving home, few people want to make that change. So, to live with a cat and be as wheeze-free as possible, consider making some key changes. Many people are allergic to cat urine, says Lee, so keep the litter box in a remote area of your home and put someone else in charge of emptying it. Cat dander and cat saliva also often provoke asthma reactions. When a cat licks and cleans itself, particles of saliva float on air currents for six to eight hours. To limit dander, use a dry cat shampoo weekly to help remove excess dander from the cat. That way, itâs less likely to stir up around the house.

    Keep Medications In A Cool Dry Place

    How to help an asthma attack without an inhaler ...

    A person should store inhalers at a controlled room temperature of about 77°F , though a range of 5986°F is usually safe.

    Leaving medication in a car or another environment likely to experience extreme temperature changes can reduce its effectiveness.

    If this happens, consult a doctor or pharmacist. They may recommend replacing the product.

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    So What Are The Symptoms You Should Watch Out For

    Which signs of asthma you might experience differs from person to person and some are more common than others, Raymond Casciari, M.D., a pulmonologist at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California, tells SELF. Its possible that youll have such a mild reaction to one of your personal asthma triggers that you dont take much note of it. But if the effects get worse, they can turn into an asthma attack, which is a potentially life-threatening exacerbation of asthma symptoms. Thats why its so important to know the common signs of asthma, including the more subtle ones.

    These are classic asthma signs you should know:

  • Shortness of breath: This is an obvious complication that happens when you cant get enough oxygen due to the way your airways and their surrounding muscles are reacting to asthma triggers, Sadia Benzaquen, M.D., a pulmonologist and associate professor in the department of internal medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, tells SELF.

  • Cough: When an irritant gets into your throat or airways, it stimulates nerves that prompt your brain to make the muscles in your chest and abdomen expel air from your lungs with a cough, according to the Mayo Clinic. Since a sensitivity to irritants can cause asthma symptoms, coughing is a hallmark sign of this condition, says Dr. Benzaquen. In fact, its the most common sign of asthma Dr. Parikh has seen people ignore.

  • Some people may have these less common signs of asthma:

    Emergency Tips To Survive An Asthma Attack Without Inhaler

    If you forget your inhaler due to negligence or unforseen circumstances, follow these emergency guidelines.

    Zee Media Bureau/Salome Phelamei

    New Delhi: Living with asthma can be tough and terrifying. But the good thing is that there are ways that can help reduce your symptoms and risk of having an asthma attack.

    An asthma occurs when the airways in the lungs become swollen or inflamed and are blocked by mucus, making breathing difficult. The chest tightens and the lungs seem to produce a wheezing sound.

    If you have asthma, you probably would never go out without your inhaler. But, if you forget your inhaler due to negligence or unforeseen circumstances, follow these emergency guidelines:

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    How To Prevent An Asthma Attack

    Preventing an asthma attack is easier to do if you know what triggers your asthma.

    Avoidance of the triggers can help prevent an asthma attack in many cases, says David Stempel, MD, Senior VP of Clinical and Medical Affairs at Propeller Health. Asthma attacks can be further mitigated by taking preventative medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and in some cases using a short-acting bronchodilator, like albuterol, 15 minutes prior to exposure to a trigger like exercise.

    What Types Of Asthma Are There

    How To Treat Asthma Without An Inhaler

    Healthcare providers identify asthma as intermittent or persistent . Persistent asthma can be mild, moderate or severe. Healthcare providers base asthma severity on how often you have attacks. They also consider how well you can do things during an attack.

    Asthma can be:

    • Allergic: Some peoples allergies can cause an asthma attack. Molds, pollens and other allergens can cause an attack.
    • Non-allergic: Outside factors can cause asthma to flare up. Exercise, stress, illness and weather may cause a flare.

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    What Are The Different Types Of Asthma Medicines And Treatments

    There are four types of asthma medicines and treatments:

  • Quick-relief medicines These medicines work quickly to relieve sudden symptoms. You take them as needed and at the first sign of symptoms.
  • Controller medicines These medicines help control asthma by correcting the underlying changes in the airways, such as swelling and excess mucus. They can be one or a combination of medicines.
  • Combination of quick-relief and controller medicines These medicines are used for both short-term relief and control.
  • Biologics This type of treatment targets a cell or protein to prevent swelling inside the airways. They are for people with certain types of persistent asthma and are given by injection or infusion.
  • The difference between these asthma treatments can be confusing. It is important to understand what each treatment does and how they help your asthma. Learning how to use each correctly can you help keep your asthma well-controlled. Always take your medicines as directed by your doctor and follow your Asthma Action Plan.

    References To Studies Included In This Review

    • Chong Neto HJ, ChongSilva DC, Marani DM, Kuroda F, Olandosky M, Noronha L. Different inhaler devices in acute asthma attacks: a randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled study. Jornal de Pediatria 2005 81:298304.
    • Panicker J, Sethi GR, Sehgal V. Comparative efficiency of commercial and improvised spacer device in acute bronchial asthma. Indian Pediatrics 2001 38:3408.
    • Quetulio JJ, Rivera CR, Go OC. A practical alternative spacer for delivery of inhaled bronchodilators for children with acute exacerbations of bronchial asthma. Chest. 2002:P115.
    • Singhal T, Garg H, Arora HS, Lodha R, Pandey RM, Kabra SK. Efficacy of a homemade spacer with acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2001 68:3740.
    • Zar HJ, Brown G, Donson H, Brathwaite N, Mann MD, Weinberg EG. Homemade spacers for bronchodilator therapy in children with acute asthma: a randomized trial. Lancet 1999 354:97982.
    • Zar HJ, Streun S, Levin M, Weinberg EG, Swingler GH. Randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of a metereddose inhaler with bottle spacer for bronchodilator treatment in acute lower airway obstruction. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007 92:1426.

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    Home Remedies For Asthma

    1. Best Foods for Treating Asthma

    Eating a healthy diet supplies asthma sufferers with antioxidants and nutrients to combat environmental toxins, control inflammatory responses and reduce dietary triggers. Eating a wide variety of foods can ensure that you or your child gets all the nutrients needed to support strong immunity. There have been numerous studies that show consuming the right foods can be the one of the best home remedies for asthma.

    Some of the most beneficial foods to include in your asthma diet plan are:

    • Brightly colored carotenoid foods: This compound gives fruit and vegetables their orange or red color and can help reduce asthma attacks. are the basis of vitamin A, which is involved in the maintenance of healthy mucous membranes that line the air passageways. Severity of asthma correlates with low vitamin A, so increase your intake of things like root veggies, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy greens and berries. A study of 68,000 women showed that those who ate more tomatoes, carrots and leafy greens had much lower rates of asthma and that people prone to asthma tended to have low levels of circulating carotenoids in their blood.
    • Foods with folate : Folate reduces allergic reactions and inflammation. It might be capable of lowering wheezing by regulating inflammatory processes as well. High-folate foods include green leafy vegetables, beans and nuts.

    2. Avoid Foods that Can Make Asthma Attacks Worse

    3. Supplements for Asthma

    5. Other Home Remedies for Asthma

    Of : Identifying Your Asthma Triggers

    6 Things to Do If You Don
  • 1Learn about common triggers. Coughing can be triggered by a variety of substances like allergens and irritants . Other common asthma triggers include:XTrustworthy SourceNational Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteResearch and education center within the National Institutes of HealthGo to source
  • Medications: these may include aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nonselective beta-blockers
  • Chemicals used to preserve foods: usually the sulfites found in a number of foods and drinks
  • Upper respiratory infections: such as colds and other viral infections of the lungsXExpert Source
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    What Should I Do If I Have A Flare

    Get help if you feel like a flare-up is about to happen. Let people around you know what’s going on, and then remember your asthma action plan. That’s the written plan created with your doctor that tells you which medicine to take and what to do next. Don’t ignore the flare-up or hope it will go away on its own. It won’t and you might end up in the emergency room.


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