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HomeExclusiveIs Cheese Bad For Asthma

Is Cheese Bad For Asthma

Is Cheese Bad For You Why You May Be Addicted To Dairy

Worst Foods for Asthma Sufferers Should Avoid

Are you having trouble giving up cheese? Well, you just may be addicted to it.

A 2015 study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine found certain foods are actually more addictive than others. It also revealed that these foods may share characteristics with drugs of abuse.

Pizza topped the studys list of addictive foods because of one particular ingredient: cheese. But why is cheese so addictive? And is it bad for you?

Some Myths About Mucus

There is a commonly held view that people with asthma should avoid milk and other dairy products, because they are said to promote the production of mucus, and hence trigger asthma attacks. This perception dates back more than 2000 years, when some alternative medicine systems attributed excess mucus production to the consumption of milk.

According to the National Asthma Council and the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy , it is rare for dairy foods to trigger an asthma attack.

Genuine allergies to cows milk are caused by a milk protein, and may cause a variety of symptoms, including hives, eczema, vomiting, diarrhoea and wheezing.

Fiber Inflammation And Lung Function

A study of 598 Dutch children demonstrated an inverse association between whole grain consumption and odds of asthma.Tabak et al also reported similar associations for concurrent wheeze and atopic wheeze with bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Dietary fiber intake has been positively associated with improvements in lung function., Kan et al observed that participants in the highest quintile of total fiber intake had higher FEV1 , FVC , FEV1/FVC ratio , predicted FEV1 , and predicted FVC than those in the lowest quintile of fiber intake . Likewise, Hanson et al observed similar associations between high dietary fiber consumption and higher measurements of FEV1 and FVC , and mean percent predicted FEV1 and FVC , when compared with subjects in the lowest quintile of fiber intake .

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of whole grains might explain these protective effects. Whole grain consumption is inversely associated with serum C-reactive protein, and tumor necrosis factor- receptor-2. Studies have also shown an inverse association between fiber intake and pro-inflammatory interleukin-6 , tumor necrosis factor- receptor-2, and C-reactive protein. Based on the total fiber intake of participants in the highest quintile and quartile , the recommended daily intake can potentially illicit these anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, dietary fiber might greatly influence inflammation and result in improved lung function.

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You May Not Want To Eat Almonds Every Day If Youre Worried About Kidney Stones

Although almonds contain a number of health-promoting micronutrients, they also contain the anti-nutrient oxalate. According to Healthline, oxalate is an organic compound found in many plant foods. Oxalate binds to minerals usually calcium to create crystals, and these crystals leave the body through both stool and urine. In some individuals, however, these crystals collect in the kidneys and become kidney stones.

While several substances can concentrate in the kidneys and become stones, the National Kidney Foundation notes that calcium oxalate accounts for 80 percent of all kidney stones. These stones can be extremely painful to pass and may require surgical removal. Theyre also much more common than you might think: Roughly 7 percent of women and 13 percent of men will get kidney stones at least once in their lives, and having one kidney stone puts you at a higher risk for additional stones in the future.

For people trying to avoid kidney stones, the bad news is that almonds are very high in oxalate, so you may want to add them to your list of the worst foods for your kidneys. The University of Chicago noted that individuals eating a low-oxalate diet must limit themselves to no more than 11 almonds a day.

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Dairy Product Rarely Trigger Asthma Or Allergic Rhinitis

21 Worst Foods For People With Asthma

Asthma and allergic rhinitis are normally triggered by inhaled substances, such as pollen, dust mite, mould spores or animal dander. Dairy products rarely trigger asthma or allergic rhinitis. When they do, nasal symptoms usually occure with symptoms of allergy, such as severe hives , throat or tongue swelling, or a drop in blood pressure.

Studies have shown that milk has no effect on lung capacity, and does not trigger symptoms in patients with asthma. When people report coughing after having cold milk, it is usually due to breathing in cool air as they drink. This symptom generally disappears if the milk is warmed.

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Medical Research On Marijuana For Asthma

Did you know that the ancient Egyptians used cannabis to treat various conditions, including possibly asthma? Legendary French writer, Marcel Proust used cannabis to manage his asthmatic symptoms so much so that he referred to his joints as anti-asthma cigarettes. In the 1920s, when it was still legal in many states, physicians often prescribed cannabis concoctions as a cough medication.

Then, prohibition kicked in and the tobacco industry swelled to an extraordinary level. Once the link between cigarettes and lung cancer was uncovered, all forms of smoking were labeled as extremely dangerous.

In the modern era, studies on the benefits of marijuana for asthma sufferers are virtually non-existent. We do know, however, that some molecular variations of THC can produce a bronchodilatory effect. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease, and cannabis is known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Foods That Are Bad For Asthma

Wheezing and swelling are your bodys reaction to specific triggers that aggravate the lung. This is better known as asthma. There is no one cause of asthma: it can be hereditary, but triggers can vary between individuals. Food allergies may be one cause of asthma-like symptoms. Unless you have this type of allergy, foods are unlikely to cause asthma. However, some food choices are worth discussing with your doctor, especially if you experience breathing difficulties after consumption.

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Dairy Foods And Asthma

Dairy foods have often been suggested as a common trigger for asthma, but there is little scientific evidence to support this myth. A review summarising the available evidence for the link between milk and asthma concluded: current evidence does not directly link milk consumption and asthma. The National Asthma Council Australia also does not routinely recommend avoiding dairy foods as a way to manage asthma. They also advise that milk and dairy foods do not increase mucus.

Unfortunately, most Australians are missing out on the health benefits that come from consuming milk, cheese and yogurt as they dont include enough dairy foods in their diet. It is estimated that eight out of 10 Australian adults and most Australian children need to increase their intake of the dairy food group in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Winter Is Here And So Is The Season Of Allergies It May Be Worse For Asthmatics Considering They Are More Prone To Allergic Reactions Than Others

10 Bad Foods for Your Lungs (Avoid with Asthma and COPD)
  • Sarika Rana
  • Asthma is a respiratory condition that is tough to completely cure
  • Winter is here and so is the season of allergies
  • When you are exposed to a food allergen, your immune system over-reacts

Every individual reacts to various foods differently, but there are certain foods that can trigger an asthmatic attack in this cold weather. Here are some foods suggested by Nutritionist Dr. Simran Saini from Fortis Hospital, which an asthmatic MUST AVOID.

1. Sour fruits

Citrus fruits increase the risk of asthma attack. The pulp in these fruits can be one of the major triggers of asthma. It is best to avoid them.

Citrus fruits increase the risk of asthma attack

2. Cold dairy products

Asthma patients should keep away from dairy products like milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese as much as they can, as they can easily trigger an attack, which may include wheezing and coughing.

Asthma patients should keep away from dairy products like milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheese3. Junk food

is not only bad for your waistline but also for your lungs. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, more servings of fast food were found to increase the risk of severe asthma by 39 percent for teens and 27 percent for children. Researchers revealed that it may be due to high levels of saturated and trans fat found in these foods, which can further weaken the immune system.

4. Preservatives

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Natural Remedies For Asthma

Now that weve covered the top foods you should avoid if you have asthma, lets take a breather and discuss simple, natural remedies that can help ease your asthma symptoms. Youll notice that many of these are foods as well however, these foods contain potent anti-inflammatory fatty acids that can help ease asthma symptoms, instead of exacerbate them.

How Does Milk Affect Asthma

I went through a long rabbit hole of research on the relationship between milk and asthma. I was expecting to find many articles that confirmed that dairy had a negative effect on asthma symptoms, but to my surprise, I found the opposite. Most research studies I read through concluded something along the lines of, It is unlikely that dairy products have a specific bronchoconstrictor effect in most patients with asthma, regardless of their perception.”2 Plainly speaking, the study found that dairy products did not cause constriction of the airways in those who have asthma .

Many people feel as if dairy creates additional mucus or phlegm in the throat. It may feel this way, but there has not been enough conclusive evidence that proves this to be true.3 Since dairy is a thick liquid, it can coat the throat and existing mucus. This is why it feels like you get more phlegmy after drinking milk or eating dairy products.

Therefore, according to scientific studies, milk is fine to keep consuming if you have asthma. If you feel better taking dairy out of your diet, that is wonderful! Keep doing what youre doing. However, if you have food allergies, milk could be one of them. If this is the case, then milk can certainly be bad for your asthma.

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Foods To Avoid If You Have Asthma

There is no particular kind of diet that can cure asthma. In fact, there is no known cure for it except the ones for controlling its symptoms. However, there are some foods that you may refrain from having if you want to keep an attack at bay. It is said that some of the worst asthma attacks experienced by sufferers are the ones triggered by the consumption of foods that have inflammatory components in them, causing the spasms of the bronchi.

Whether or not you have known food allergies, it is of utmost importance to be mindful of what you eat if you have asthma. Since different people have different triggers, you should identify which foods trigger an attack in you. The following is a quick list of foods that are known to cause an asthma attack in many:

Dairy Products

Cheese, milk, butter, ice cream, yogurt these and other dairy products are on the top of the list of foods that can trigger an asthma attack. Luckily, there are plenty of non-dairy substitutes for these products, perfect for an asthma sufferer like you. For instance, you may use soy milk for your cereals or coconut milk for making homemade ice cream and smoothies.

As earlier mentioned, soy milk may be used as a milk substitute. It is an entirely different story, however, if experience had taught you that soy is in fact your personal asthma trigger. Needless to say, you should steer clear of soybeans and other food products that are soy-based such as tofu and soybean oil.


Wheat / Gluten


Other Foods Linked To Asthma

5 Top Foods That Cure Asthma

Dairy isnât the only food that could affect your breathing. Other foods many people are allergic to include:

  • Eggs

Cleveland Clinic: âFood Allergies & Asthma.â

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: âAsthma Triggers and Management.â

American Lung Association: âAsthma and Nutrition: How Food Affects Your Lungs.â

Mayo Clinic: âAllergies and asthma: They often occur together,â âAsthma.â

Frontiers in Pediatrics: âAsthma and Food Allergy in Children: Is There a Connection or Interaction?â

Journal of Asthma and Allergy: âThe impact of food allergy on asthma.â

Food Allergy Research & Education: âTree Nut Allergy.â

National Health Service : âDairy and alternatives in your diet.â

World Health Organization: âFood additives.â

European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: âNew risks from ancient food dyes:

cochineal red allergy.â

Allergologia et Immunopathologia: âSafety of ingestion of yellow tartrazine by double-blind placebo controlled challenge in 26 atopic adults.â

Consumer Reports: âThe best healthy butter substitutes.â

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: “What Is a Food Allergy?”

National Asthma Council Australia: “The asthma milk myth — busted!”

Canadian Family Physician: “Milk consumption and mucus production in children with asthma.”

Food Allergy Canada: “Asthma.”

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The Ice Cream And Asthma Connection

What I do not understand is the ice cream connection. Yes, you read that correctly. And if we are talking preferences, it must be the lactose-free variety because of my lactose intolerance and IBS these days. When I was young, my mother used to tell me I could not have my all-time favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream when my asthma was out of control. To be fair, my asthma was out of control often growing up. It was severe. So, I believed her claims, because she was my mother.

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Dispelling Asthma And Dairy Concerns

To dispel this notion, though, scientists from Australia took a closer look at the asthma and dairy link. It’s interesting to note that they couldn’t find any relationship between dairy intake and bronchial symptoms that typically appear in an asthma attack. These findings were included in the January 1998 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

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Helps Slow Down Aging


One compound in broccoli, called nicotinamide mononucleotide , has been found to offer anti-aging benefits. NMN produces another compound important for energy metabolism this compound fuels energy in our bodies, potentially eliminating some of the signs associated with aging .

And the vitamin C in the veggie fights free radicals that otherwise tend to speed up the aging process. Vitamin C also contributes to collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles.

Broccoli is often considered better than sunscreen in protecting the skin against skin cancer. In fact, you could smear broccoli extract over your skin before bath. The sulforaphane in it works wonders on your skin.

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The Itchy Dozen Worst Foods For Eczema

Can I Cure my Asthma, Eczema & Allergies by eliminating Milk & Cheese from my Diet?

People are often surprised to find the Itchy Dozen includes some of the so-called ‘good’ foods for eczema. I know the Itchy Dozen contradicts some popular beliefs published in online blogs. However, according to Australian research conducted over the past thirty years, these foods could be the reason your skin is dry, flaky and incredibly itchy .

I’ve seen this information help hundreds of so called ‘hopeless’ cases of eczema. People who have had eczema for 20, 30 or 40 years and more, who thought they were stuck with eczema for life, are seeing their eczema clear up for the first time. It can really change lives but it requires a change in beliefs about healthy eating. This quote sums it up:

“One man’s medicine is another man’s sleepless night itching.”

So a food that is good for an eczema-free person, such as avocado, could trigger a bout of maddening itching in another person.

Not counting allergy foods , here are the surprising foods and beverages most likely to give you itchy eczema …

1. Dairy products

Dairy products, including cows milk, yoghurt, butter and cheese, are the second most common allergy food seen in eczema sufferers .

  • Yoghurt is particularly bad for eczema as it often contains added sugar, fruit flavourings, amines and a natural colour called Annatto which can trigger eczema.

Calcium deficiency can cause eczema

If you are itchy, one heaped scoop of Skin Friend PM mixed into water or food will quickly calm down the itch.

2. Grapes

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What Are The Traditional Remedies For Asthma

Unfortunately, asthma is a long-term condition, and at present, there is no permanent cure. When it comes to treatment, the goal is to control the condition which involves:

  • Preventing chronic issues such as coughing fits.
  • Reducing reliance on quick-relief medication.
  • Enabling you to sleep through the night and maintaining your existing activity level.
  • Preventing serious asthma attacks that require immediate medical attention.

Asthma management involves discovering your triggers and avoiding them. In terms of medication, patients may be prescribed a variety of inhaled medications.

Citrus Fruits And Tomatoes

Citrus fruits and tomatoes, though valuable sources of fiber and nutrients, may also worsen asthma symptoms. Though foods affect people with asthma differently, Cutler lists citrus fruits and tomatoes as common symptom triggers. If you suspect acidic fruits such as these negatively influence your symptoms, try avoiding oranges, nectarines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tomatoes and tomato products, such as tomato paste, sauce and juice. Since fruits provide antioxidants–nutrients that strengthen your immune system–incorporate nonacidic varieties such as berries, kiwi, plums, red grapes and mangoes into your diet regularly.

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Does Dairy Cause Mucus

For centuries, people have believed that milk increases your body’s production of mucus. That’s one reason why many with asthma stay away from dairy products.

But studies have found no scientific evidence that dairy leads to more mucus. While milk’s texture can mean it leaves a coating on the back of your throat, it doesn’t narrow or create extra mucus in your airways.


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