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HomeFactsIs Asthma A Non Communicable Disease

Is Asthma A Non Communicable Disease

Can You Avoid Getting Asthma

Health Grade-7 Quarter-4 Non-Communicable Diseases: Asthma, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer etc.

Since asthma is not a communicable disease, you cannot avoid getting it. Additionally, there is no known cure for asthma or for other chronic lung diseases. However, even if you or a loved one develops asthma, you can take steps to control and maintain it. Asthma maintenance is the first step toward a happy, healthy lifestyle.

To gain control of your health and empower yourself, implement the following tips into your lifestyle.

Parental And Personal Smoking

In utero maternal smoking and parental smoking in early life has been shown to be temporally associated with increased asthma in young children . Recent evidence from multi-generational studies suggest that grandmaternal smoking while the mother is in utero and paternal smoking during his adolescence can independently increase the risk of subsequent offspring childhood asthma. These findings suggest that tobacco smoking may cause heritable modifications of the epigenome, which increase the risk of asthma in future generations .

Smoking also seems to interact with sex. Female smokers had a higher prevalence of asthma than female non-smokers, but this difference was less frequent for males, suggesting that females may be more susceptible. Many studies have found that personal smoking predisposes an individual to increased risk of incident or new-onset asthma, although smoking-onset in adolescence, or adulthood typically occurs after early-onset asthma . As non-atopic asthma becomes increasingly common compared with atopic asthma in adults, this is most likely because this phenotype frequently coincides with a substantial history of cigarette smoking and its potential to predispose to chronic airflow limitation . Smokers with asthma form a distinct group that are more likely to have suboptimal asthma control and develop asthma-COPD overlap syndrome in later life, characterized by incompletely reversed airflow obstruction following an inhaled bronchodilator .

Application Letter For The Master Of Public Health Program At New York University Essay

career opportunities in public health administration. My long term goal is to improve the public health environment in Bangladesh.Working as a medical professional in a developing country opens ones eyes to how parts of the world can still lag behind what one assumes to be the status quo of community health . Even so, focused efforts of well-meaning professionals can truly make a difference in the lives of communities that are otherwise hard-to-reach. Bangladesh has had its fair share of challenges

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Hypertension And Cardiovascular Disease

Hypertension , traditionally called Pressure, is the most common chronic condition that is managed by primary care physicians and other health practitioners in Jamaica. Data from the Jamaica Health and Lifestyle Survey 2016-2017 found that approximately 34% of Jamaicans 15 years and older years are affected and 40% of these persons are unaware of their condition.

Hypertension and its complications known as Cardiovascular Disease are leading causes of death in Jamaica, with 33.7% of all deaths being caused by Cardiovascular Disease.

Noncommunicable Diseases And Disorders

Health Grade

Diseases are classified as either communicable or noncommunicable. Communicable diseases are spread to other people and they are caused by viral, bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infection. Noncommunicable diseases, also known as non-infectious diseases, are not transferred and are typically caused by heredity, deficiencies in nutrition or factors involving the environment. Some noncommunicable diseases include

  • Respiratory disorders

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Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases

The Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases contributes to WHOs work to prevent and control chronic respiratory diseases. GARD is a voluntary alliance of national and international organizations and agencies from many countries committed to the vision of a world where all people breathe freely.

Global Perspective On Health Policy Essay

IntroductionA macro perspective on health policy issues can be helpful to identify how problems become policy issues and how these issues result in the creation of health care policy. The neglected epidemic of Chronic Disease also known as non- communicable diseases are a controversial issue that needs to be addressed in the world. In this paper, the writer will provide an explanation of how this issue has resulted from a policys creation. Identify the steps in the state and federal policy development

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Conflict Of Interest Statement

AC has received personal fees for consultancy from Regeneron/Sanofi, Philips and Boehringer Ingelheim consultancy and speaker fees from Novartis and speaker fees from Thermo Fisher Scientific. JP has received a travel grant from Boehringer Ingelheim. The remaining author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest

Causes Of Non Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable Diseases

Non communicable diseases are caused by improper lifestyle use of tobacco, smoking, abuse of alcohol, and lack in physical activity or exercise and poor consumption of food like use of more amount salt, sugar, fats, etc.

Causes of NCDs Click to Enlarge

Some non communicable diseases are inherited that is they are transferred from one generation to another. Inherited Diseases are transferred from their parents to off-springs and thus treating them is a difficult task. Either gene therapy is given to treat them or any by any other possible means.

This factors leads to non communicable diseases like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and other chronic non communicable diseases.

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive respiratory disease that makes it hard to breathe. The long name of this condition tells you a lot about the problem if you know what each of the words means.

  • What does chronic mean when applied to a disease? You should know it already from earlier study sessions in this Module.

  • A chronic disease is one that begins slowly, gradually gets worse over time and lasts for a long time, usually for the rest of the persons life.

Obstructive means that the disease involves blockages somewhere in the body, and pulmonary tells you that the disease affects the respiratory system.

4.2.1 The lungs in COPD

People with COPD have inflammation in their lungs that causes the production of large amounts of mucus a clear slimy fluid secreted by cells lining the inside of the lungs. The mucus is a very good place for bacteria to grow, so lung infections are common in people with COPD. The mucus blocks the fine bronchioles and causes wheezing squeaky breathing you can often hear a quiet whistling or squeaking sound coming from the lungs when the person breathes in.

4.2.2 Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

The symptoms we have just described are known as chronic bronchitis . Because the airways are constantly irritated and inflamed, the lining of the bronchioles becomes thicker and the space in the middle of the tube becomes smaller . This further restricts the amount of air that can get into and out of the lungs.


Organizations Supporting The Meeting

Impact of air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis

The interactions between air pollution and pollen in the urban environment are potentially important for patients suffering from allergic rhinitis . Urban traffic air pollutants can interact with pollen. They can trigger nasal symptoms and even impact sleep and work activity. POLLAR is a project of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology . POLLAR is based on an application, the Allergy Diary , that will be combined with a new tool allowing queries on allergen, pollen, sleep quality and disorders as well as existing longitudinal and geolocalized pollution data .

The Reference Site Collaborative Network of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

Seventy-four Reference Sites of the EIP on AHA were recognized in 2016 by the European Commission for their commitment to excellence in investing and scaling up innovative solutions for active and healthy ageing. The RSCN brings together the EIP on AHA Reference Sites into a single forum. The goals are to promote cooperation, share and transfer good practice and solutions in the development and scaling up of health and care strategies, policies and service delivery models, while at the same time supporting the action groups in their work.

Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases demonstration project

GARD has approved some demonstration projects to strengthen its activities and implementation strategy. MASK is one of them .

Figure 2

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Risk Factors Of Non Communicable Diseases

These factors are the chances of getting the diseases due to some factors. Below this level there is less risk of the causes of the diseases and above this level the risk increases. Risk factors for non-communicable diseases are sub-divided into two categories according to control over them.

Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases Click to Enlarge

If no control over non communicable diseases:

  • Age.
  • Blood pressure.
  • How to Prevent Non Communicable Diseases

    Prevention is better than cure. And to prevent non communicable disease keep a check on risk factors and try to reduce them.

    Doing physical activity and exercises daily. Add this to your routine for prevention of non communicable diseases.

    Keep a check on your diet. High consumption of salt, sugar and fatty acids may cause high or low blood pressure, diabetes and blockage in cardiovascular regions respectively.

    Prevent yourself from the exposure of UV rays to be prevented by cancer and other non communicable diseases.

    Add fruits and green leafy vegetables to your diet as they are the best oxidative and free radical scavengers.

    Read: Yoga for Blood Pressure Hypertension Treatment

    Learning Outcomes For Study Session 4


    When you have studied this session, you should be able to:

    4.1 Define and use correctly all of the key words printed in bold.

    4.2 Describe the main structures in the respiratory system and how they are affected by COPD and bronchial asthma.

    4.3 Describe the major risk factors for COPD and bronchial asthma, and the screening questions you can use to detect early signs of COPD.

    4.4 Describe the major symptoms and signs of COPD and bronchial asthma, and how they affect patients lives.

    4.5 Explain how you can educate people in your community to prevent or reduce the impact of COPD and bronchial asthma.

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    How Does Body Weight Affect The Likelihood Of Developing Diabetes

    Being overweight or obese is a leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Being overweight can keep your body from making and using insulin properly, and can also cause high blood pressure. The Diabetes Prevention Program , a major federally funded study of 3,234 people at high risk for diabetes, showed that moderate diet and exercise of about 30 minutes or more, 5 or more days per week, or of 150 or more minutes per week, resulting in a 5% to 7% weight loss can delay and possibly prevent type 2 diabetes.

    The Socioeconomic Impact Of Ncds

    NCDs threaten progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes a target of reducing premature deaths from NCDs by one-third by 2030.

    Poverty is closely linked with NCDs. The rapid rise in NCDs is predicted to impede poverty reduction initiatives in low-income countries, particularly by increasing household costs associated with health care. Vulnerable and socially disadvantaged people get sicker and die sooner than people of higher social positions, especially because they are at greater risk of being exposed to harmful products, such as tobacco, or unhealthy dietary practices, and have limited access to health services.

    In low-resource settings, health-care costs for NCDs quickly drain household resources. The exorbitant costs of NCDs, including treatment which is often lengthy and expensive, combined with loss of income, force millions of people into poverty annually and stifle development.

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    If Its Not A Communicable Disease What Causes It

    Studies are still being conducted on the exact cause of asthma. However, answers may lie in its definition. Simply put, asthma is caused by inflamed airways that make the lungs bronchi constrict and spasm, reducing oxygen intake. As already mentioned, many individuals with asthma either gained it through their gene pool or their lungs simply weaken over time. Unfortunately, many things can trigger this reaction by inflaming the airways.

    Regarding childhood asthma, triggers typically consist of one or more of the following.

    Epidemiological Definitions Of Asthmapart Of The Challenge

    Health News: (English) World Asthma day is being observed

    Definitions are key to our understanding of the epidemiology, pathophysiology and etiology of asthma, and ascertaining similarities or differences between childhood and adult asthma. Yet variation in asthma severity, age-of-asthma onset, allergic vs. non-allergic phenotypes and type of airway inflammation add complexity to the standard definitions used in large population-based studies .

    Despite attempts to reach a consensus definition for epidemiological studies, as many as 60 different definitions of childhood asthma have been used across 122 published studies . Although some of these definitions may appear almost identical, the multiplicity in the way the primary outcome is defined can have a substantial impact on the estimated prevalence and risk factors. As an example, the above study has shown that the agreement between four seemingly very similar and commonly used definitions was overall relatively low , and well-over a third of children in a study could move from being considered asthma cases to controls depending on the definition used . These differences need to be considered when interpreting results of meta-analyses of asthma epidemiology.

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    Five Examples Of Non Communicable Diseases


    Osteoporosis is a non communicable disease and it is a medical condition in which bones becomes brittle and weak. Bone density in body decreases and it doesnt produces enough bone.

    Osteoporosis Click to Enlarge

    Osteoporosis is also known Porous Bone. Bones becomes so brittle that it may fall due to coughing also.

    Mostly, this occurs in wrist, hip and spine. Osteoporosis occurs in both males and females. Mostly, females after menopause.


    Cancer is non-transmissible or non communicable disease. It is the proliferated growth of the normal cells of the body that becomes malicious due to some factors like UV rays, some cancerous foods, etc.

    Cancer Click to Enlarge

    Cancer in women can affect breast, lung, and cervix and in men it can affect prostate, lung, etc. The most common of all is lung cancer in both males and females.

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    Alzheimers disease occur mainly over the people of age around 60. Alzheimer is also one of a non communicable diseases known as dementia.

    Alzheimers Click to Enlarge

    It causes memory loss in people who leads to getting lost, loss in functions, personality change and delusions.

    Heart disease:

    Heart disease includes many heart disease and disorders related to heart. This non communicable disease includes the fatigue, sudden pain, irregular rhythms of the heart.

    Heart Diseases Click to Enlarge

    Diabetes Click to Enlarge

    Behaviours That Lead To Disease Often Emerge During Childhood And Adolescence

    Each year, non-communicable diseases claim 41 million lives: Thats about 70 per cent of all global deaths.

    While non-communicable diseases tend to manifest in adulthood, many have their origins in behaviours adopted during childhood and adolescence. Risk factors for these diseases are often preventable: Appropriate health interventions before, during and after pregnancy, and through childhood and adolescence, can significantly reduce their prevalence.

    Main types of non-communicable diseases

    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Chronic respiratory diseases, including asthma
    • Mental health conditions
    • Air pollution
    • Physical inactivity

    Addressing non-communicable diseases improves individual well-being and advances development. Because these diseases have implications for nutrition, education and the environment, greater action is needed from Governments, businesses and communities to prevent them from becoming epidemics.

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    Pseudoscience Of Chiropractic And Its Effects On Society

    Pseudoscience of chiropractic Chiropractic is an invalid and harmful therapy, which is created on the basis of pseudoscientific ideas. Chiropractors use manual therapy, especially manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues to treat diseases and proclaim a cure-all and vaccination opposition. Only one of therapy was used in the medicine and would not allow any vaccine inoculation to be made available to people, which is chiropractic theory. Chiropractic followers set up

    Modifiable Behavioural Risk Factors

    Over 70 percent of deaths in Guyana caused by non ...

    Modifiable behaviours, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and the harmful use of alcohol, all increase the risk of NCDs.

    • Tobacco accounts for over 7.2 million deaths every year , and is projected to increase markedly over the coming years .
    • 4.1 million annual deaths have been attributed to excess salt/sodium intake .
    • More than half of the 3.3 million annual deaths attributable to alcohol use are from NCDs, including cancer .
    • 1.6 million deaths annually can be attributed to insufficient physical activity .

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    Asthma: Causes Symptoms And Treatment

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    • Pages: 3
    • This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students’ samples.

    Asthma is a global non-communicable disease which has a huge public health implication for both adults and children. It is characterized by mortality and morbidity Research indicate that prevalence in asthma is higher in children compared to adults. Middle income countries are the most affected due to environmental factors . It is a chronic disease that affects airways, these are the tubes which transport air in as well as out of the lungs. The interferes with the breathing process due to bronchoconstriction and inflammation of the airways. It is a condition whereby airways swell and narrow as extra mucus is produced.

    The narrowing of the airways means that breathing becomes labored. This condition triggers wheezing, cough and shortness of breath. The problems and conditions related to the disease points ranges from a minor discomfort to a serious and life-threatening asthmatic attack . The disease cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be managed and controlled. It is not possible to treat the disease since it changes over time and hence the need to trace and understand the inherent signs and symptoms and adjust treatment accordingly . Based on these facts, it is important to analyze causes, signs and symptoms as well as treatment of asthma and this forms the basis of this research.


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