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Can You Join The Airforce With Asthma

Should I Join The Military With Asthma

“Joining the Air Force with asthma?”

Even if your symptoms become milder as an adult, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology states that asthma cant be outgrown.

Asthma is a chronic condition in which many people may develop milder symptoms or fewer attacks as adults. Environmental or lifestyle conditions, as well as other respiratory health problems, can trigger an attack well into adulthood.

In general, the waiver guidelines and requirements related to asthma are similar across all branches of the military.

Here are some specific rules that you may encounter across different branches of the U.S. military.

Spine And Sacroiliac Joints

The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

a. Arthritis.

b. Complaint of a disease or injury of the spine or sacroiliac joints with or without objective signs that has prevented the individual from successfully following a physically active vocation in civilian life or that is associated with pain referred to the lower extremities, muscular spasm, postural deformities or limitation of motion.

c. Deviation or curvature of spine from normal alignment, structure or function if

It prevents the individual from following a physically active vocation in civilian life.

It interferes with wearing a uniform or military equipment.

It is symptomatic and associated with positive physical finding and demonstrable by X-ray.

There is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, and kyphosis or lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the Cobb method.

d. Fusion, congenital, involving more than two vertebrae. Any surgical fusion is disqualifying.

e. Healed fractures or dislocations of the vertebrae. A compression fracture, involving less than 25% of a single vertebra is not disqualifying if the injury occurred more than one year before examination and the applicant is asymptomatic. A history of fractures of the transverse or spinous processes is not disqualifying if the applicant is asymptomatic.

f. Juvenile epiphysitis with any degree of residual change indicated by X-ray or kyphosis.

If Ive Been Disqualified From One Branch Of The Military Can I Join Another Branch

The Armed Forces use the same disqualifying medical conditions for every military branch.

Therefore, what is disqualifying in the Army is also disqualifying in the Navy.

However, one branch may approve a waiver while another branch may not based on the condition, your role in the military, and other factors.

Its possible to try and enlist in another branch after another denied your military medical waiver.

Once again it primarily depends on the health condition.

For example, someone with Schizophrenia is likely to get denied by every military branch, while another recruit with a small curvature of scoliosis might have better luck the second time around.

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Can You Join The Peace Corps With Food Allergies

Due to the lack of available health infrastructure in Peace Corps countries, the Peace Corps typically does not clear applicants who have a variety of allergic conditions, including life-threatening anaphylactic reactions, multiple allergens, multiple antibiotic allergies, poorly controlled asthma, or severe eczema.

While each medical application is assessed on a case-by-case basis, these conditions will likely prevent someone’s acceptance if they are not likely to complete the 27 months of service required without the threat of unreasonable disruption due to allergic reactions. If a potential volunteer only has mild or moderate non-life-threatening food allergies, it is possible that they will be able to serve after signing a form promising to carry an EpiPen at all times.

So Can You Join The Military With Asthma

Asthma Military Enlistment

In almost all cases, if you currently have asthma, you will not be able to join the Military, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. If you have or were diagnosed with asthma after age 13, you may still be able to enlist with an exemption. Before officially enlisting in any of the military branches, you will undergo whats known as a pulmonary function test, or PFT. This test will determine the extent of your asthma and whether it is a disqualifying condition.

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Does Asthma Go Away

No. Asthma does not go away, but it can be controlled. There are various ways to control asthma. Many people with asthma rely on a rescue inhaler to control sudden asthma symptoms. This method is useful as long as a person is around an inhaler. Many asthma sufferers carry a rescue inhaler at all times, just in case asthma flares up. However, an inhaler can only mask symptoms and does not cure the condition. The only way to truly cure asthma is to find the trigger, which is something asthmatics need to do for themselves. If a person has allergies, they should look at getting rid of the allergen or prevent it from being around them. If a person with asthma is around a lot of smoke, they should try to avoid that area or find another way to get past the smoke. Medications can help with asthma symptoms as well..

People Who Go To The Military Out Of High School Do Not Get The Chance To Study At College Level

Members in service are eligible for tuition assistance from the Military Tuition Assistance Program, which pays up to 100% of the tuition and school expenses, depending on the limits that the Department of Defense has established.

Other top-up programs such as the Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty and the Post-9/11 GI Bill pay the fees that the tuition assistance does not cover.

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Air Force Asthma Policy For 2019

OMK spoke directly with recruiter Staff Sergeant Socha, an Air Force recruiter stationed in Staunton, Virgnia.

Heres what he had to say regarding the Air Forces asthma policy:

With the Air Force, asthma is disqualifying if the service person carries an inhaler.

If they had childhood asthma but currently do not carry an inhaler it is possible to join the Air Force.

Before joining the Air Force, the potential candidate would take a Pulmonary Function Test .

Keep in mind though that, in the Air Force, there would be specific jobs where asthma would be an issue.

We will update the Air Force asthma policy every 6 months to keep this content current and notify you of any changes.

Air Force Admits Nearly 2000 Airmen Under Medical Waiver Policy

Asthma in the Air Force | AF

The U.S. Air Force has admitted nearly 2,000 recruits on medical waivers for eczema, asthma, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other learning disabilities since a new medical policy went into effect nearly two years ago, according to recent statistics from the Air Force Surgeon General’s office.

Between Jan. 1, 2017, and September 2018, the service issued 1,908 waivers for the previously disqualifying medical conditions to airmen and officer candidates across the active-duty Air Force, Guard and Reserve, statistics show.

The service implemented its expanded medical policy via the Air Force Memorandum for Appearance and Accession Standards Review last January in an effort to give prospective airmen another chance to enlist or commission on a case-by-case basis.

The breakdown of new recruits spans four authorities: Air Education and Training Command, home of Basic Military Training the U.S. Air Force Academy the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Command, according to the collected data provided through the surgeon general.

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Can You Bring An Inhaler To Basic Training

Absolutely not. Inhalers are prohibited during the pre-deployment phase of Army training. Yes, a common inhaler is prohibited but those with a prescription for one will be allowed to keep it. The reason for this is because of several things. The first is that inhalers could be captured by the enemy and used on allies. The second is that if youre sick, then you are less effective in the battlefield. If youre not fit to fight, youre not going to be a liability in combat. So, no, you will not be able to bring your inhaler to basic, but you were probably already aware of that. You will not be able to have one until after you have finished your training..

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is also an anxiety problem.

The disorder causes persistent mental or emotional stress which is usually a result of some form of trauma.

Unfortunately, PTSD is a common mental illness that gets diagnosed to patients who previously served in the military.

While it is rarer for people to try and join the military with PTSD it is not completely abnormal.

Unfortunately, the military considers PTSD a disqualifying mental health condition.

If youve been diagnosed with PTSD you likely wont receive a waiver.

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What Is Asthma As Far As The Military Is Concerned

Most people understand what we mean when we say asthma it is a common respiratory condition that affects 7.7% of American adults and 8.4% of American children and that has become more common every decade in every group of people. To put it another way, 1 in every 13 people are affected by asthma.

However, the military has a specific definition for what asthma is they have no interest if you suffered from a tight chest when you were a kid and had to sit out of gym class every few weeks. Since 2004, they have been concerned with whether you have suffered from asthmatic symptoms since your 13th birthday. If you havent, then it is very probable that you will not have any problems joining the military and working to ensure the safety of American citizens.

It makes no difference if you were treated for asthma from the ages of 4 to 8 or 7 to 12 if you can prove that you have not received medication or any other kind of medical support since your 13th birthday, you are not an asthma sufferer according to the military definitions.

Serving With Food Allergies

ASTHMA TRIGGERS by Moms Clean Air Force

Food allergies can feel like a barrier for people who wish to volunteer, whether it is joining the military or the Peace Corps. Many service organizations station members in remote locations with limited food and healthcare options. For this reason, many organizations consider a history of food allergies as a disqualifying condition for people who want to join.

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What About If Youre Currently Serving

According to Recruiter Mendoza, if its discovered that you have Asthma while youre serving, youll be discharged.

With that said, we had someone contact us and said that this is not necessarily true.

Check out what he had to say below:

I would like to speak on the Navy discharging you for being diagnosed with asthma while currently serving: this just simply isnt true.

I have been enlisted for 10 years, and am looking to 20+ years of enlistment at this point.

I was officially diagnosed earlier this year with asthma, and no talk of discharge was ever brought up, except when I stated that I do not want this diagnosis to be one that would cause me to be discharged from service.

I am being treated with a single daily pill, and an inhaler to use before physical exercise and also on an as-needed basis.

I will not be discharged for being diagnosed with asthma.

DBoydstun, comment left on Aug 1, 2019

The biggest concerns would be for anyone thinking about becoming a Naval Aviator , Submariner, Diver, or Firefighter.

The Navys policy is pretty straightforward on this as well Any history of asthma , including childhood asthma and exercise-induced asthma, is considered disqualifying for aviation duties and training.

This includes even very mild asthma.

For all other rates , the recruit will perform a series of physical tests during MEPS.

If the doctor expects asthma, then youll be referred to a specialist.

What Happens If The Military Finds Out You Have Asthma

Military personnel who develop symptoms of asthma are frequently declared unfit for service pending medical review. This has ramifications for the recruit and leads to avoidable healthcare costs.

Can you join the military with exercise-induced asthma?

Asthma. Asthma , including reactive airway disease, exercise-induced bronchospasm or asthmatic bronchitis, reliably diagnosed and symptomatic after the 13th birthday is disqualifying.

Can you join the police with asthma?

Yes. If your asthma is well-controlled on medication you are still eligible to apply. You will require a current report from your General Practitioner or a Respiratory Specialist. A current bronchial provocation test is required.

Can you get rid of asthma?

Theres no cure for asthma. However, its a highly treatable disease. In fact, some doctors say todays asthma treatments are so effective, many people have near-complete control of their symptoms.

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What Services Are Available For Asthma In The Military

Because asthma and related respiratory problems can worsen over time, its important that military servicemembers obtain a thorough evaluation of their health in order to help get treatment to control symptoms, even if youre already in the military.

As with signs of any medical condition during military service, asthma symptoms should also be taken seriously. Every effort should be made to determine whether an individual can continue with military service in order to avoid unnecessary risk to their own life or to the lives of others who serve with them.

Medical research supports the involvement of people with asthma in the military with basic treatment for symptoms.

Research from 2015 in Federal Practitioner suggests that most service members with asthma can remain on active duty when management with inhaled therapies that allows them to meet standards and perform required duties.

Researchers involved in this 2015 study also suggest that an asthma diagnosis should be given along with the following tests to confirm the accuracy of the diagnosis:

  • how strongly the airways react to asthma triggers
  • how the heart behaves during asthma diagnosis tests

You may have a greater chance of receiving a waiver if:

  • you are currently being treated for asthma
  • your symptoms appear to be well controlled
  • your symptoms are relatively mild

Poorly controlled symptoms are likely to lead to a waiver disapproval and disqualification from joining the military.

Drug Issues With Add/adhd

Serving in the Army with Asthma?!?! ||

The most common of these drugs are Ritalin and Adderall. If there is a documented use of Adderall in a non-prescribed basis as in an emergency room visit with such side effects as high blood pressure, stroke, or other aggressively disruptive behavior, you will likely be unable to obtain a waiver.

Waivers are only reviewed on a doctor prescribed program for minor attention deficit issues. Any depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental health problems associated with some ADD/ADHD diagnosis tips the scale into an area of medically disqualifying issues that are not waiverable.

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Are There Physical Fitness Requirements To Join

Yes, there are physical fitness requirements to join the Army. The Armys Physical Fitness Test is used to assess the physical endurance of a recruit. APFT is a 3-part fitness event: 2 minutes of push-ups, 2 minutes of sit-ups, and a timed 2-mile run. Recruits must pass the APFT to graduate boot camp.

The APFT physical fitness requirements vary by age and gender. Reference the table below to find your minimum fitness requirements.

The Army will continue to use the APFT until further notice.

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If you have any questions regarding the APFT or your physical fitness requirements, talk to your recruiter.

How Can I Join The Airforce With Asthma

Asthma: The Air Force will use the Methacholine Challenge Test to provide an objective measure of candidates with an ambiguous or uncertain history of asthma. Candidates who successfully pass this test will be processed for a waiver.

How do I get a military waiver for asthma?

Asthma, only if requiring treatment after a recruits 13th birthday, may disqualify an individual from serving. This is a change from the militarys previous disqualification of all candidates with any history of asthma. If the individual carries an inhaler, he or she is likely to be disqualified.

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Less Talented People Join The Military

The same 2020 study found that most recruits had average or slightly-above-average cognitive skills. Although there is an assumption that advanced technology requires less skilled individuals, researchers argue that people with higher skill levels are better placed to work with complex and sophisticated technology.

What Can Cause Asthma In The Military

Asthma Air Force Pt Test

Being in the military can trigger symptoms of asthma, which is why branches of the military are so strict about only accepting applicants with histories of asthma if symptoms have not been present for at least 5 years, or since the age of 13.

In the military, your airways may be exposed to many irritants, from allergens to cold air, which can cause symptoms to surface or resurface.

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Tumors And Malignant Diseases

The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

a. Benign tumors that interfere with function, prevent wearing the uniform or protective equipment, would require frequent specialized attention or have a high malignant potential.

b. Malignant tumors , exception for basal cell carcinoma, removed with no residual. In addition, the following cases should be qualified if on careful review they meet the following criteria: individuals who have a history of childhood cancer who have not received any surgical or medical cancer therapy for five years and are free of cancer individuals with a history of Wilms tumor and germ cell tumors of the testis treated surgically and/or with chemotherapy after a two-year, disease-free interval off all treatment individuals with a history of Hodgkinâs disease treated with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy and disease free off treatment for five years individuals with a history of large cell lymphoma after a two-year, disease-free interval off all therapy.


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