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Can Asthma Patient Take Ibuprofen

Asthma Morbidity After The Short

Ibuprofen: Important Warnings and Precautions


Samuel M. Lesko, Carol Louik, Richard M. Vezina, Allen A. Mitchell Asthma Morbidity After the Short-Term Use of Ibuprofen in Children. Pediatrics February 2002 109 : e20. 10.1542/peds.109.2.e20

Objective. To test the hypothesis that short-term use of ibuprofen increases asthma morbidity in children.

Methods. A randomized, double-blind, acetaminophen-controlled clinical trial was conducted. Children who had asthma and a febrile illness were randomly assigned to receive either acetaminophen suspension or ibuprofen suspension for fever control. Rates of hospitalization and outpatient visits for asthma during follow-up were compared by randomization group.

Results. A total of 1879 children receiving asthma medications were studied. Rates of hospitalization for asthma did not vary significantly by antipyretic assignment compared with children who were randomized to acetaminophen, the relative risk for children who were assigned to ibuprofen was 0.63 . However, the risk of an outpatient visit for asthma was significantly lower in the ibuprofen group compared with children who were randomized to acetaminophen, the relative risk for children who were assigned to ibuprofen was 0.56 .

Coronavirus And Ibuprofen: Separating Fact From Fiction

BBC News

Stories have been circulating online suggesting its dangerous to take ibuprofen if you have coronavirus. Alongside genuine medical advice, false messages have been spreading, distorting the facts.

Speaking to the BBC, medical professionals said that ibuprofen is not recommended for managing coronavirus symptoms.

The NHS says that, while there is currently no strong evidence that ibuprofen can make coronavirus worse, until we have more information take paracetamol to treat the symptoms of coronavirus, unless your doctor has told you paracetamol is not suitable for you.

Those already taking ibuprofen for other conditions should not stop without consulting a doctor, though.

Both paracetamol and ibuprofen can bring a temperature down and help with flu-like symptoms. But ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not suitable for everyone and can cause side-effects especially for people with asthma, heart and circulatory problems.

The NHS website previously recommended both paracetamol and ibuprofen, but has since changed its advice.

There is also some evidence linking ibuprofen to more severe illness from other respiratory infections.

Risks Associated With Beta

People often worry taking a beta-blocker will make asthma or COPD worse. While selective beta-blockers are not as likely to cause pulmonary side effects as non-selective beta-blockers, they can cause pulmonary side effects, especially at high doses.

When taking these drugs, you may experience shortness of breath, wheezing, or more subtle respiratory effects that can be measured with diagnostic tests. Non-selective beta-blockers may lead to asthma or COPD exacerbations.

If you have asthma or COPD, your provider might suggest selective beta-blockers instead of non-selective beta-blockers. However, cardioselective beta-blockers have risks and side effects as well.

For example, they may reduce forced expiratory volume . This is more common when you first start taking them. FEV1 is a measure of the volume of air that you can expire with maximal effort in one second. In most cases, the FEV1 will normalize within a week or two once your body adapts to the drug.

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How To Take Ibuprofen

Make sure you take ibuprofen as directed on the label or leaflet, or as instructed by a health professional.

How much you can take depends on your age, the type of ibuprofen youre taking and how strong it is. For example:

  • adults can usually take 1 or 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours, but shouldnt take more than 1,200mg tablets in the space of 24 hours
  • children under 16 may need to take a lower dose, depending on their age check the packet or leaflet, or ask a pharmacist or doctor for advice

The painkilling effect of ibuprofen begins soon after a dose is taken, but the anti-inflammatory effect can sometimes take up to 3 weeks to get the best results.

Ibuprofen shouldnt be used to treat conditions that are mainly related to inflammation.

Dont take more than the recommended dose if it isnt relieving your symptoms.

Adults can take at the same time if necessary, but this isnt recommended for children.

Contact your GP or phone the NHS 24 111 service if your symptoms get worse or last more than 3 days despite taking ibuprofen.

How To Take And Store

Asthma and ibuprofen: Effects, risks, and alternatives

You can take most antihistamines with or without food.

People generally take second-generation antihistamines in the morning. However, suppose your healthcare provider prescribes both an antihistamine and a leukotriene modifier for allergic asthma. In that case, it’s common to take the antihistamine in the morning and the leukotriene modifier in the evening.

You should store most antihistamines at room temperature. Read the product label for exact ranges to ensure they don’t get too warm or cold.

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Studies Seemed To Confirm That Tylenol Was Guilty

Study after study showed a clear link between Tylenol and asthma. A study published in August of 2008 showed that, compared to those in the control group, children who were given Tylenol at least once a month was 50% more likely to experience asthma symptoms. Even those who were given Tylenol once a year had a 40% greater chance of developing asthma.2,3

Study after study like this seemed to confirm early suspicions that Tylenol was guilty. Other studies showed that Tylenol was also guilty of causing asthma attacks in those diagnosed with asthma. However, some studies showed no link between Tylenol and asthma. So, this kind of added to the confusion.

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How Do You Know If You Have Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory problem usually occurs due to the inflammation of bronchial tubes but how do you know if you have asthma? Normally, people experience symptoms like coughing, wheezing, tight feeling in chest and allergies as well. These symptoms simply points to the asthma. Are these symptoms enough to find out whether you have asthma or not? Its a no. Some people will not experience in the same way.

Symptoms for asthma attack can be mild to severe. Mild attacks are common. Mild asthma attacks might cause during exercise or due to the cold. Sometimes mild asthma attack tends to last longer. Well, in this case, immediate treatment is required. Seeking medical treatment at prior will keep asthma under control. But how do you know if you have asthma? Here are some signs and symptoms that will help you to know about it.


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What Does My Test Result Mean

For both the PCR and the lateral flow tests, your result will be either:

  • negative


This means that the test did not find coronavirus.

You usually dont need to continue self-isolating if you get a negative result. But, unless you have had both your vaccinations, you need to self-isolate if:

  • someone you live with tests positive
  • youve been told youve been in contact with someone who tested positive.

If you still feel unwell after a negative result, stay at home until youre feeling better. Contact a GP if your symptoms get worse or do not go away.

If youre being sick, have diarrhoea, or have a high temperature, stay at home until 48 hours after theyve stopped.

You should check with your employer before going back into work.

You can read more about what your test result means and what to do on the NHS website.


This means the test found signs of coronavirus.

What you need to do depends on the type of test you had:

Positive PCR test

Positive rapid lateral flow test

If you did a rapid lateral flow test at home and the result was positive, you should self-isolate immediately. You need to report the result and get a PCR test done to confirm the result. You should continue to self-isolate until you get the result of the PCR test, and then follow the advice given when you get the result. Anyone you live with who has not had both jabs should also self-isolate until you get the result of the PCR test.

Unclear or void

Asthmatics With Nasal Polyps Should Avoid Nsaids Others Use With Caution

Ibuprofen vs. Aleve vs. Turmeric vs. Tylenol (Updated with Aspirin) Pharmacist Chris Explains

NSAID-induced bronchospasm should be suspected in any patient whose asthma control worsens on initiation of a NSAID. Patients with a history of asthma should be warned of this reaction and to seek medical help if symptoms worsen on initiation of a NSAID.

NSAIDs should be used with caution in the presence of asthma and avoided in asthmatics with nasal polyps. As it is difficult to identify âat riskâasthmatics, it would seem prudent to prescribe paracetamol instead of aspirin unless there are any specific contra-indications.

Patients should be reminded to read labels of over-the-counter medicines as some, such as cough/cold preparations, may contain aspirin. Ibuprofen, diclofenac and other NSAIDs are also available over-the-counter.

  • Ayres JG, Fleming DM, Whittington RM. Asthma death due to ibuprofen. Lancet 1987 1:1082.
  • Bosso JV, Creighton D, Stevenson DD. Flurbiprofen cross-sensitivity in an aspirin-sensitive asthmatic patient. Chest 1992 101:856-858.
  • Chen AH, Bennett CR. Ketorolac-induced bronchospasm in an aspirin-intolerant patient. Anesth Prog 1994 41:102-107.
  • Zikowski D, Hord AH, Haddox JD, Glascock J. Ketorolac-induced bronchospasm. Anesth Analg 1993 76:417-419.
  • Slepian IK, Mathews KP, McLean JA. Aspirin-sensitive asthma.Chest 1985 87:386-391.
  • Power I. Aspirin-induced asthma Brit J Anaes1993 71:619-620.
  • Sitenga GL, Ing EB, Van Dellen RG, et al. Asthma caused by topical application of ketorolac. Ophthalmology 1996 103:890-892.
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    What Strong Painkillers Can I Take

    I was going to phone the asthma nurse but the helpline isnt open until tomorrow.

    I have fairly mild asthma, mostly well controlled. Ive developed a cold overnight and my peak flow is down today. Im not coughing which is my usual symptom but my chest feels a little tight. Im using Salbutamol regularly to try and ward off an attack, cant double up on the preventer as I already take the max dose.

    There is an added complication Ive recently had major abdominal surgery. Ive been taking Diclofenac as the main painkiller since I left hospital just over 2 weeks ago. I know that if I am having an asthma symptoms I have to stop taking it as it can make the asthma worse, but Im still in pain and I dont think I can manage with just paracetamol yet. If I get to the point where I am coughing it is going to hurt even more.

    I have some cocodamol which I could take instead of normal paracetamol. Is there anything else I can take?


    Hi Jinglfairy

    Im worried about continuing it now that I do have symptoms in case I make the asthma worse.

    Guess Ill have to see how I get on today and call the out of hours number if needed.

    Thanks for your help.

    However, Im no kind of expert so Id agree that you should go back to a different GP for advice but first Id go with your original idea of ringing the helpline as they may have more ideas which you can take to the GP and more knowledge about painkillers with asthma.

    Hi Philomela,

    Rose xx

    Tip Sheet: Asthma And Pain Relievers

    If you have asthma, take over-the-counter pain relief medications with care and keep these tips in mind.

    If you have asthma, you need to be very careful with over-the-counter pain medicines. Remember: No drug is risk-free. Here are some tips from the experts for using these medicines safely.

    Show Sources

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    Asthma: Will Ibuprofen Affect Me

    Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile

    I have both asthma and arthritis. The arthritis is quite painful, but when I try to buy ibuprofen from a pharmacist, they refuse because I have asthma. I have taken ibuprofen many times with no problems. Should I avoid it?

    Dr Fred Kavalier answers your health question:

    About 20 per cent of adults with asthma have what is called aspirin induced asthma. They develop potentially severe asthma symptoms if they take aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen. Asthmatics who are sensitive to aspirin and NSAIDs often have nasal polyps, an allergic skin rash called urticaria, and chronic nasal allergies. If you have ever had an allergic or asthmatic reaction to these drugs, you should never take them again. But if you are over 40 and have taken ibuprofen with no problems, the risk in taking it again is very small. As a rule, asthmatics should use paracetamol. If you really need ibuprofen, be aware of any effect it has on your asthma. If you ever feel it makes it worse, do not take it. All children, asthmatic or not, should avoid aspirin.

    Please mail your questions for Dr Fred to . He regrets that he is unable to respond personally to questions.

    What About Contrast Dye For X

    Ibuprofen and Asthma: Interactions and Warnings

    Sometimes when you have an x-ray, you have to get a shot of contrast dye to make the x-ray picture show up. Some contrast dyes might make your asthma worse. It is important that you tell your doctor or the x-ray technician that you have asthma. Sometimes they can give you another medicine before you get the contrast dye, so the dye wont cause problems.

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    Medications That Can Worsen Asthma

    When we think of triggers for asthma, the use of medicines for other medical problems doesnt usually come to mind. Usually, medicines help a persons medical conditionsdoesnt worsen them. However, there are some medicines that a person can take that can worsen asthma symptoms, or cause other respiratory symptoms such as coughing. Therefore, it is important that you inform each and every doctor that treats you about your asthma and other medical problems.

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    People Who Cannot Take Ibuprofen

    The NHS advises towards taking ibuprofen in case youve had an allergic response to it previously.

    Symptoms of an allergic response may embody wheezing, a runny nostril or pores and skin reactions.

    The nationwide well being physique additionally advises individuals with uncontrolled hypertension to avoid the painkiller.

    To make certain ibuprofen is protected for you, do inform the pharmacist in case youve had any of the next well being points:

    • Stomach ulcer
    • A gap within the abdomen
    • Liver fibrosis
    • Crohns illness
    • Ulcerative colitis

    Also focus on along with your GP in case youre capable of take ibuprofen in case youve had any of the well being points talked about above.

    Other severe negative effects of ibuprofen may embody black poo or blood in your vomit, that are indicators of inner bleeding.

    Also name your GP right away in case your ankles turn into swollen, theres blood in your urine otherwise youre not capable of urinate in any respect these are indicators of a kidney drawback.

    Meanwhile, extreme chest or abdomen ache could possibly be indicative of a gap within the abdomen or intestine.

    Common negative effects of the mediation can embody:

    • Headaches

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    Tips For Wearing A Face Mask With Asthma

    The Public Health Agency of Canada currently recommends that Canadians wear non-medical face masks while in public spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained such as on public transit, or at the grocery store.

    Be sure to check your provincial or territorial authority for up-to-date guidance.

    Wearing a face mask is NOT a substitute for physical distancing or frequent handwashing. Wearing a non-medical face mask is an extra measure that can be taken to protect those around you. When worn properly, a person wearing a non-medical mask can reduce the spread of their own infectious respiratory droplets.

    Make sure you wear your mask properly. It should cover both your nose and mouth. If your mask gets soiled or wet, be sure to wash and dry it before wearing it again. You can read information about appropriate use of non-medical masks, and how to properly place, remove and clean a non-medical mask from the Public Health Agency of Canada.

    The vast majority of people with asthma can wear a non-medical mask safely. If you are unable to wear a non-medical mask without experiencing breathing issues, do not wear a mask. Instead, make sure you are practicing physical distancing by maintaining a 2-metre distance. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider as soon as possible to go over your Asthma Action Plan and review your asthma symptoms and control. Your healthcare provider may suggest or ask you to consider other options to protect yourself.

    Contents Of An Asthma Action Plan

    What Is Allergic Asthma?

    An asthma action plan includes:

    • how to care for your day-to-day asthma
    • key things that tell you when your asthma is getting worse or a flare-up is developing, and the steps you should take to manage it
    • symptoms that are serious enough to need urgent medical help .

    Review your asthma action plan with your doctor every 6 months, or after a severe asthma flare-up.

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    Most Studies Only Involve Tylenol

    Keep in mind that since acetaminophen is the most commonly used pain reliever and fever reducer, its the one most often used in studies. It is generally considered a weaker pain reliever to ibuprofen, although it is more widely used because its better tolerated than Aspirin and ibuprofen, which have both been shown to irritate the stomach.3

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    If You Suspect You Might Have Asthma Definitely Head To The Doctor

    Your doctor will probably give you a physical exam first to examine the general state of your health. After that, theyll likely put you through some lung function tests, such as a spirometry, which checks how much air you can exhale after taking a deep breath as well as how fast you can expel air, according to the Mayo Clinic. Or they may do a peak flow test, which measures how hard you can breathe out. If you cant exhale enough air or breathe out quickly, it may be a sign your lungs arent working well, which could point to asthma, Dr. Benzaquen says.

    There are other exams they can use, too, like exposing you to methacholine, a known asthma trigger, to see if your airways narrow, or allergy testing, since allergies and asthma are so often connected.

    If you are diagnosed with asthma, itll be within one of four categories, according to the Mayo Clinic. Mild intermittent asthma means you have minimal asthma symptoms for up to two days a week and up to two nights a month, while mild persistent asthma means youre experiencing symptoms more frequently than twice a week, but not more than once on any given day. Moderate persistent asthma ups the ante: Youre dealing with symptoms once a day and more than one night a week. Finally, severe persistent asthma involves constant symptoms most days and frequently at night too.

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