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HomeMust ReadCan A Person With Asthma Play Sports

Can A Person With Asthma Play Sports

Type Of Exercise How Long It Lasts How Hard You’re Working

Asthma Myth: Playing sports and exercising with asthma

You may find some kinds exercise are harder on your breathing than others. If your asthma is well controlled, you should be able to do every kind of exercise and sport. The one exception is Scuba diving, which is not recommended for people with asthma because it can be dangerous for them.If you find a certain exercise harder to do, you can:Make sure you to a proper warm-up and cool-down.Take it at a slower pace- if other run eight laps during a practice, you can try running five laps.

Get Active With Asthma

  • Dont let your asthma stop you being physically active.
  • Choose an activity you enjoy and aim for at least 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity every day or most days.
  • Consider getting involved in structured exercise people with asthma who participate in physical training feel better.
  • Having asthma shouldnt stop you from getting involved in sports or physical activity, whether just for fun or more competitively. Many of our Olympic athletes have asthma.

Which Sports Are Best

Some sports may be better choices for people with asthma. Golf, yoga, and gentle biking are less likely to trigger asthma flare-ups. Sports like baseball, football, gymnastics, and shorter track and field events tend to be good for people with asthma, too.

Some sports may be more challenging for people with asthma. These include endurance sports like long-distance running or cycling or sports that demand a lot of energy without a lot of rest time . Cold-weather sports like cross-country skiing or ice hockey also can be difficult. But that doesnt mean you cant do these sports if you truly enjoy them.

Many athletes with asthma have found that with proper training and the right dose and use of medicine, they can play any sport they want.

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Asthma Sports And Kids

When a young soccer player has a wheezing fit on the field, you can bet there’s an extremely worried parent on the sidelines. What can a parent do when a child’s favorite sport sets off asthma attacks? The natural reaction may be to pull him off the team and have him do something safer, like play video games. After all, no parent wants to hear a child wheeze and gasp.

But before you make your child turn in his shoulder pads, consider this: Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center say that about 20 percent of kids who have asthma don’t get enough exercise — partly because their parents think it’s too risky. However, with the right treatment, most children with asthma can enjoy any sport they choose. Additionally, the latest government guidelines stress that keeping children fit by maintaining a healthy weight and exercising may also improve their asthma control. In fact, many Olympic athletes have asthma. Like them, your child can enjoy the many benefits of sports and exercise without jeopardizing his health.

A common source of asthma attacks

When a person has asthma, the bronchial tubes become extremely sensitive. If they’re exposed to something unusual, the tubes can suddenly squeeze tight, making it difficult for air to pass through. This is called an asthma attack, and it can be touched off by anything from cold air to a speck of dust, from tobacco smoke to magic marker fumes.

Different sports, different risks

Staying in the game

Find The Right Activity For You

How to Play Sports with Asthma

There are no bad activities for people with asthma. And you dont have to sign up for a marathon taking a daily walk, playing more vigorously with your kids or grandchildren, or doing some gardening all count.

Even just sitting down a little less during your day has major health benefits.

People with asthma tell us they enjoy:

  • Walking, especially with a walking group, because of the other benefits like being outside and meeting people
  • Yoga and tai chi because they let you set the pace and relax, as well as helping with breathing control
  • Some people with asthma say swimming really helps, but others report that the chlorine makes their symptoms flare up
  • NHS programmes like Couch to 5K and Strength and Flex are free, can be done at home, and are designed for absolute beginners
  • Walking netball or chair yoga are great for building up your confidence there are lots of other modified sports you could try search for inclusive sports groups in your area

What has helped me is to learn exercise can be done in one minute blocks and incorporated into my daily life. Asthma UK Readers Panel member

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How Do I Avoid Exercise

Warming up for ten to 15 minutes can reduce your asthma symptoms.3 The warm-up should be moderately vigorous, such as walking faster than three miles per hour, treading water, or bicycling five to nine miles per hour.5 The best warm-ups also include high-intensity intervals, such as jogging, swimming laps, or bicycling more than ten miles per hour.3 After warming up, some people experience a two-hour symptom-free window.

Using a short-acting beta-agonist , such as albuterol, before exercise can also reduce symptoms.3 This medication relaxes the muscles that surround your airway, allowing the airways to open up. Albuterol is taken five to 20 minutes before starting to exercise and is effective for two to four hours. If you have underlying asthma, taking your long-term control medications reduces airway inflammation and sensitivity.

Outdoor exercise exposes you to allergens and irritants, such as pollen and air pollution. When the outdoor air quality bad, try to exercise in the morning. Pollen and pollution levels are lowest shortly after sunrise.1 You can find information about local outdoor air quality at:

Does Exercise Improve Lung Function

Maybe. The authors of one review paper looked at eight studies with 262 children, ages 18 years and under.6 They concluded that swimming improves lung function and fitness. Another review paper included 17 studies with 599 people.7 The authors found that people who exercise had fewer asthma symptoms and a better quality of life. Their airways were less sensitive, and they had better lung function.

On the other hand, guidelines from the Global Initiative for Asthma say that regular exercise is not specifically helpful for lung function or asthma symptoms.2 They state that with the exception of swimming for children, there is no reason to recommend one type of physical activity over another. These guidelines do recommend exercise for its other benefits. They also point out that if you are in better shape, you may feel less shortness of breath.8

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Tips To Exercise Safely With Asthma

There are many steps you can take to avoid asthma symptoms during and after exercise:

Create an asthma action plan with your doctor. If your asthma is under good control when youre not exercising, you should be able to exercise without much difficulty, Dr. Roe says. Talk with your doctor about maintenance therapy that will keep asthma symptoms in check during exercise.

Talk to your doctor about a safe exercise routine. Your doctor may suggest that you take a simple stress test to see how you respond to exercise. He or she may also tell you to use a short-acting beta-agonist medication from an inhaler 15 to 20 minutes before your workout, Roe says.

Know your peak flows. At first it can be hard to distinguish between normal breathlessness from exercise and breathlessness thats related to asthma. To know for sure, check your peak flow, Roe suggests.

Using a peak flow meter will help give you an idea of a good reading when your asthma is under good control. When your reading is less than two-thirds the usual level, you may need medication. You should have a plan in place with your doctor about what to do if that happens, the Global Initiative for Asthma states.

With the right preparation, theres no need to shy away from working out with asthma. By making a plan with your doctor and using these safety tips, exercising without triggering an asthma attack is possible.

How To Relax The Airways

Childhood Asthma: A Guide for Families and Caregivers

Dr. Thiruchelvam says the primary goal is to ensure that you dont avoid exercise. Here are some practical things you can do if you have exercise-induced asthma:

Gaining and maintaining good control over exercise-induced asthma often requires teamwork. A primary care sports medicine physician can help you keep your asthma well-controlled, so that exercise is less likely to trigger symptoms.

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Can Asthma Give Athletes An Advantage In Competition

In the 2008 Beijing Games, 17 percent of cyclists and 19 percent of swimmers had asthma. They captured 29 and 33 percent of the medals in those sports, respectively.

When elite athletes with asthma appear to perform better than athletes without asthma, it is sometimes referred to as the asthma advantage.

How is this possible? A rigorous warm-up generates a refractory period in which the airways are primed to stave off an asthma flare during exercise. Athletes with asthma essentially become protected from asthma symptoms, Dr. Olin says.

As a result, these athletes who typically train intensely for long periods of time are able to compete at their highest level.

What is not known is how these athletes perform at a higher level than their non-asthmatic counterparts.

What Type Of Sports Are Best For People With Asthma

Some types of exercise cause fewer asthma symptoms than others.4 Sports that require bursts of energy are easier on the lungs than distance events. Examples include football, baseball, wrestling, or sprinting. Recreational activities such as walking or hiking are also good options. Swimming might be a good choice since the air is humid and warm. However, some people are irritated by chlorine byproducts.

If you enjoy endurance events such as running or cycling, or very active sports like soccer or field hockey, work with your health care provider to find a treatment that works for you. Cold-weather sports, such as skiing, ice-skating, or hockey, can be challenging for people with asthma. Cold air often triggers asthma symptoms, but wearing a scarf, face mask, or special heat-exchange mask over your mouth and nose can warm and humidify the air.3,4

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Signs That Exercise Is Triggering Your Asthma Symptoms

Whether youre out for a run, playing team sports, or cycling to work, dont ignore important signs like:

  • needing to use your reliever inhaler
  • stopping to catch your breath.

Exercise or allergy?

  • If exercise is the trigger, you might notice symptoms coming on after youve exercised. You may need about 30-60 minutes to recover.
  • If an allergy is the trigger, , you might notice symptoms during exercise.

Normal exercise symptoms or asthma symptoms?

Its normal to breathe faster or more deeply when we do any strenuous exercise, whether thats Zumba or running up the stairs.

So how can you tell if youre breathless because of the exertion or because your asthma symptoms are flaring up?

Look out for these asthma signs:

  • Feeling very short of breath, or like you cant breathe enough air in
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • A tight feeling in your chest.

If you have any of these symptoms when you exercise, see your GP to review your asthma.

Always carry your reliever inhaler

Always have your blue reliever inhaler with you so you can quickly deal with asthma symptoms or an asthma attack. Call 999 if your reliever inhaler is not helping.

How Do Athletes Manage Asthma

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Before playing sports, it’s important to have your asthma under control. That means you aren’t having lots of symptoms or flare-ups. To make this happen, you need to take all asthma medicine just like your doctor tells you to, even when you feel OK.

Your doctor will also tell you some other things you can do to avoid flare-ups, such as:

  • skipping outdoor workouts when there’s lots of pollen in the air
  • wearing a scarf or ski mask when you play outside during the winter when it’s very cold and dry
  • breathing through your nose instead of your mouth while exercising
  • making sure you always have time for a careful warm up and cool down

Make sure your coach and teammates know about your asthma. That way, they’ll understand if you need to stop playing because of breathing trouble. It’s also helpful if your coach knows what to do if you have a flare-up.

Listen to your body and follow the instructions your doctor gave you for handling breathing problems. If you keep your asthma in good control, you’ll be in the game and not on the sidelines!

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What Are The Best Exercises For Someone With Asthma

For people with exercise-induced asthma, some activities are better than others. Activities that involve short, intermittent periods of exertion, such as volleyball, gymnastics, baseball, walking, and wrestling, are generally well tolerated by people with exercise-induced asthma.

Activities that involve long periods of exertion, like soccer, distance running, basketball, and field hockey, may be less well tolerated, as are cold weather sports like ice hockey, cross-country skiing, and ice skating. However, many people with asthma are able to fully participate in these activities.

Swimming, which is a strong endurance sport, is generally better tolerated by those with asthma because it is usually performed in a warm, moist air environment.

Maintaining an active lifestyle, even exercising with asthma, is important for both physical and mental health. You should be able to actively participate in sports and activities.

Can Weather Affect A Person’s Asthma

Yes. Weather conditions can bring on asthma symptoms. Some people’s asthma symptoms get worse at certain times of the year. For others, a severe storm or sudden weather change can trigger a flare-up.

  • Cold, dry air is a common asthma trigger and can cause bad flare-ups. That’s especially true for people who play winter sports and have exercise-induced asthma.
  • Hot, humid air also can be a problem. In some places, heat and sunlight combine with pollutants to create ground-level ozone. This kind of ozone can be a strong asthma trigger.
  • Wet weather and windy weather can cause problems, too. Wet weather encourages the growth of mold, and wind can blow mold and pollen through the air.

If you think weather may be triggering your asthma, work with your doctor to track your symptoms using an asthma symptoms trigger diary. Do you think that your asthma might be triggered by pollen, mold, or other allergens? Ask your doctor about allergy testing.

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How To Exercise With Asthma:

1. Keep your blue rescue inhaler on you at all times.2. Check that your asthma is under control. If it’s not under control, exercise could be dangerous.3. Take your medications as directed. If you’re having trouble breathing, you should take your rescue medicine . Your doctor may also ask you to take your blue rescue inhaler or another bronchodilator fifteen minutes before you exercise.4. Warm up and cool down properly

  • Before exercising, warm up slowly by walking, stretching, and doing other low-level activities.
  • After you’ve finished exercising, cool down slowly for at least 10 minutes. Don’t stop exercising all of a sudden. If you’ve been running, taper the run to a walking pace. If you’ve been swimming, finish your swim with a slow paddle. Give your body time to adjust.

5. Protect yourself from other asthma triggers while you’re exercising

6. If you have symptoms, stop exercising and take your blue rescue inhaler

  • Sit up. Wait a few minutes to see if your symptoms improve.
  • If your symptoms improve a lot, warm up again and slowly go back to exercising.
  • If your symptoms don’t improve, take another dose of your blue rescue inhaler. Wait a few minutes to see if your symptoms improve.

7. If your symptoms still don’t improve, follow these instructions:

  • STOP any activity
  • Take your blue rescue inhaler
  • Sit up
  • If the medicine is not working, call 911
  • If symptoms are not getting better, keep taking your blue rescue inhaler until the ambulance arrives

Can I Prevent Exercise

Cincinnati Sports Medicine – Breathing Issues And Asthma | Cincinnati Children’s

With planning and preparation, you may be able to avoid an asthma episode. Before physical activity, you should:

  • Allow yourself time to warm up: Before starting any physical activity or exercise, warm up for six to 10 minutes. Warmup routines vary depending on your age, health and sport or activity. Talk to your provider about the right one for you.
  • Check pollen and air quality: Before going outside to exercise, check the air quality index. If pollution and pollen levels are high, you may want to stay indoors.
  • Cover your mouth and nose: Use a mask, scarf or gaiter to protect your airways from cold, dry air.
  • Manage asthma symptoms: If you have asthma, work with your provider to get symptoms under control before you start an exercise program. Follow your providers instructions when using inhalers and taking asthma medications.
  • Tell coaches and teachers: If your child has asthma, make sure teachers and coaches are aware. Adults should know what symptoms to watch for, what to do if symptoms appear and how to help with medications.
  • Watch for symptoms: Monitor yourself for symptoms of sports-induced asthma. Have a plan in place if you notice signs of an EIB episode. Remember that symptoms can appear minutes after you finish exercising.

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Why Does Exercise Trigger Asthma

During normal breathing, the air we take in is first warmed and moistened by the nasal passages. Because people tend to breathe through their mouths when they exercise, they are inhaling colder and drier air.

In exercise-induced asthma, the muscle bands around the airways are sensitive to these changes in temperature and humidity and react by contracting, which narrows the airway. This results in symptoms of exercise-induced asthma, which include:

  • Unusual fatigue while exercising
  • Shortness of breath when exercising

The symptoms of exercise-induced asthma generally begin within 5 to 20 minutes after the start of exercise, or 5 to 10 minutes after brief exercise has stopped. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms with exercise, inform your doctor.


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