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If I Have Asthma Can I Join The Army

Can You Join The Army If You Have Asthma

Can You Join The Army With ADHD or ASTHMA?

Yes, you can join the army if you have asthma, you just cannot serve in certain roles. For example, the Army National Guard states that you cannot be a paratrooper, special forces, or a Ranger if you have asthma, but you can serve in other roles. Asthma can be managed just like any other condition, but you have to have the right medications. You will be expected to carry any medications that you may need with you at all times, especially on field exercises..

Air Force Asthma Policy For 2019

OMK spoke directly with recruiter Staff Sergeant Socha, an Air Force recruiter stationed in Staunton, Virgnia.

Heres what he had to say regarding the Air Forces asthma policy:

With the Air Force, asthma is disqualifying if the service person carries an inhaler.

If they had childhood asthma but currently do not carry an inhaler it is possible to join the Air Force.

Before joining the Air Force, the potential candidate would take a Pulmonary Function Test .

Keep in mind though that, in the Air Force, there would be specific jobs where asthma would be an issue.

We will update the Air Force asthma policy every 6 months to keep this content current and notify you of any changes.

Can You Join The Military With Ptsd

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder disqualifies you from military service in most cases.

The problem with PTSD is that the disorder is often linked to serious trauma like what you might experience serving the Armed Forces.

Therefore, serving the military might only make symptoms worse.

You should avoid service to find more effective ways to cope with the disorder.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Know If You Get Asthma

What Can I Do If I Am Found To Be Ineligible To Join The Army

In many cases, ineligibility means you will not be able to join in the Army or other military branches. However, in some circumstances the Army will provide waivers to help ensure potential recruits are able to join and serve. For questions about specific Army waivers and your potential eligibility, talk to a local recruiter to learn more about available options.

Significant food or other allergies are a limiting factor to entry.

Coeliac disease

While coeliac disease is manageable day-to-day within New Zealand, in certain situations there may be limited dietary options for a prolonged period. In such situations there is a risk of complications ranging from gastrointestinal symptoms to nutritional deficiency. This has potential implications not only for the individual, but also those around them. The Defence Force has an obligation to minimise risk to the individual and the organisation wherever possible, and accordingly if you have coeliac disease you may not be admitted entry to the Defence Force.

Military Personnel Who Develop Asthma While On Duty Will Be Discharged

Asthma In The Military

According to the militarys Medical Standards for Retention, the armed forces will only not retain a person if their condition persists even with treatment and hinders them from adequately performing their duties. However, some people may get a different assignment that is less likely to trigger asthma.

Recommended Reading: What Type Of Disease Is Asthma

Air Force Disqualifying Medical Conditions

The United States Air Force is considered slightly more selective than some of the other military branches.

The branch also factors in the Speciality Code you are seeking, as some USAF jobs require top-secret security clearance or special qualification .

Expect your medical health conditions to be closely analyzed if you are in a position that requires a lot of trust or advanced physical fitness.

Speak to an Air Force recruiter if you have any of the following conditions:

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Tumors And Malignant Diseases

The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

a. Benign tumors that interfere with function, prevent wearing the uniform or protective equipment, would require frequent specialized attention or have a high malignant potential.

b. Malignant tumors , exception for basal cell carcinoma, removed with no residual. In addition, the following cases should be qualified if on careful review they meet the following criteria: individuals who have a history of childhood cancer who have not received any surgical or medical cancer therapy for five years and are free of cancer individuals with a history of Wilms tumor and germ cell tumors of the testis treated surgically and/or with chemotherapy after a two-year, disease-free interval off all treatment individuals with a history of Hodgkin’s disease treated with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy and disease free off treatment for five years individuals with a history of large cell lymphoma after a two-year, disease-free interval off all therapy.

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Do Single Parents Get Deployed

Although the Army does not allow single parents to enlist, there are 37,000 single parents on active duty. According to the Army, 8,300 single parents are currently deployed. Legal experts said the Army tends to accommodate family needs, to a point. And most single-parent soldiers tend to tough it out.

Are There Physical Fitness Requirements To Join

Serving in the Army with Asthma?!?! ||

Yes, there are physical fitness requirements to join the Army. The Armys Physical Fitness Test is used to assess the physical endurance of a recruit. APFT is a 3-part fitness event: 2 minutes of push-ups, 2 minutes of sit-ups, and a timed 2-mile run. Recruits must pass the APFT to graduate boot camp.

The APFT physical fitness requirements vary by age and gender. Reference the table below to find your minimum fitness requirements.

The Army will continue to use the APFT until further notice.

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If you have any questions regarding the APFT or your physical fitness requirements, talk to your recruiter.

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What Are The 3 Types Of Asthma

Asthma is an inflammatory lung disease that causes episodes of wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Fortunately, medical science has developed a classification system to describe the different types of asthma and their severity. The most common classification system is known as the Global Initiative for Asthma guidelines and divides asthma into three categories: Mild intermittent asthma: Presentations of wheezing and shortness of breath that occur occasionally with no permanent alteration in lung function. Mild persistent asthma: Presentations of wheezing and shortness of breath that occur frequently and may cause a mild alteration in lung function. Moderate persistent asthma: Presentations of wheezing and shortness of breath that occur frequently and may cause a moderate to severe alteration in lung function..

What About If Youre Currently Serving

According to Recruiter Mendoza, if its discovered that you have Asthma while youre serving, youll be discharged.

With that said, we had someone contact us and said that this is not necessarily true.

Check out what he had to say below:

I would like to speak on the Navy discharging you for being diagnosed with asthma while currently serving: this just simply isnt true.

I have been enlisted for 10 years, and am looking to 20+ years of enlistment at this point.

I was officially diagnosed earlier this year with asthma, and no talk of discharge was ever brought up, except when I stated that I do not want this diagnosis to be one that would cause me to be discharged from service.

I am being treated with a single daily pill, and an inhaler to use before physical exercise and also on an as-needed basis.

I will not be discharged for being diagnosed with asthma.

DBoydstun, comment left on Aug 1, 2019

The biggest concerns would be for anyone thinking about becoming a Naval Aviator , Submariner, Diver, or Firefighter.

The Navys policy is pretty straightforward on this as well Any history of asthma , including childhood asthma and exercise-induced asthma, is considered disqualifying for aviation duties and training.

This includes even very mild asthma.

For all other rates , the recruit will perform a series of physical tests during MEPS.

If the doctor expects asthma, then youll be referred to a specialist.

Also Check: How To Treat Asthma Without Inhaler

Servicemembers With Asthma Can Breathe Easier About Deployment Risks

by Annette Boyle | Mar 8, 2021

EL PASO, TX A significant number of servicemembers deployed to southwest Asia report an increase in respiratory symptoms during and after their tours of duty, but epidemiological data have not demonstrated an increase in diagnoses of asthma or other respiratory illnesses. Whether deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan worsened existing asthma has remained an open question as well, until now.

In the United States, one in 12 people currently suffers from asthma, with higher rates seen among African Americans. While active asthma precludes military accession, individuals who have not experienced asthma symptoms since their 13th birthday are no longer precluded from joining the military. In some instances, the various challenges posed by service may reactivate childhood asthma. In addition, individuals who develop asthma while on active duty may stay in the service, if it remains under control, so understanding the impact of deployment on respiratory health has become increasingly important.

Many studies have examined the environmental conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan to better assess the risk of respiratory illnesses. The region has a great deal of geological dust and some locations experience high levels of vehicle exhaust and industrial air pollution. Military bases in the area also used burn pits to dispose of waste materials of all kinds, contributing to the existing environmental exposures.

Does Asthma Go Away

Can You Join The Irish Army With Asthma

But as a chronic lung condition, asthma doesnt completely go away once you develop it. Asthma is an inflammatory condition that narrows your airways, which in turn creates permanent changes to your lungs.

What are the 3 types of asthma?

Common asthma types include: Allergic asthma. Non-allergic asthma. Cough-variant asthma.

Also Check: Is Asthma A Disability Ada

Drug Issues With Add/adhd

The most common of these drugs are Ritalin and Adderall. If there is a documented use of Adderall in a non-prescribed basis as in an emergency room visit with such side effects as high blood pressure, stroke, or other aggressively disruptive behavior, you will likely be unable to obtain a waiver.

Waivers are only reviewed on a doctor prescribed program for minor attention deficit issues. Any depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental health problems associated with some ADD/ADHD diagnosis tips the scale into an area of medically disqualifying issues that are not waiverable.

Why Does It Matter

Being in the Army can be challenging both physically and mentally.Therefore, a history of health problems or the presence of health conditions that usually don’t affect your everyday life, can mean that you’re not able to join, or you might have to wait to join.

You will be sent forms asking about your medical history once you’ve submitted your application.

The medical team assess everyone individually, and make their decisions based on their professional opinion in keeping with prescribed army standards. These standards and guidelines are reviewed and amended regularly.

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Can You Join The Military With Asthma

This is a great question, and somewhat common. Many people experience asthma in their youth, and eventually grow out of it. The military makes concessions for applicants who had asthma in their youth, and will often grant waivers if the asthmatic conditions ceased or no longer required medication after a certain age.

But the military is less forgiving when the applicant still has asthma or requires any asthma medications. Why? To put it in simple terms: asthma can place the individual and others in harms way if the individual is deployed to certain environments or is exposed to certain chemicals or conditions.

Military members frequently work around austere environments, in hot, dry, and dusty conditions around various solvents, chemicals, and exhaust in hot and humid conditions and in other environments that can cause an asthma episode to flare up. Having an asthma attack at the wrong time can place the individual, and in some cases, the entire unit in danger.

Think, for a moment, about someone having an asthma attack when they are the only qualified individual for a certain job. Not only does that unit lose the qualified person, but someone else is pulled from their job to assist the other person. This can become magnified if the unit is out in the field, in the line of fire, if there are no medical facilities nearby, etc. I think you get the point.

My Asvab Scores Are Too Low Does This Mean I Can No Longer Join

“Joining the Air Force with asthma?”

Not necessarily. The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery helps the Army determine who is or isnt qualified to become an enlisted Soldier. However, we understand extenuating circumstances can impact ones ability to test or test well. The Army does offer ASVAB waivers for potential recruits. The easiest way to learn about your eligibility, the waiver process, and your next steps is to talk with your recruiter.

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Which Medicines Are Available To Treat Asthma

Medications to treat asthma can be divided into three groups:

  • Relievers e.g. Ventolin, Bricanyl These provide relief from asthma symptoms within minutes by relaxing the muscles that surround the airways. This allows the airways to open up and it becomes easier to breathe. You should always carry your reliever with you, in case of emergency. If you require your reliever three or more times a week, it could be a sign that your asthma is not well controlled and you should check with your doctor.
  • Preventers e.g. Flixotide, Pulmicort, Qvar If you have asthma, you will probably find that your doctor prescribes you a preventer and a reliever inhaler. This is because preventers will directly reduce swelling and inflammation in the airways. They will also reduce over-sensitivity in the airways, so exposure to triggers will be less likely to cause symptoms. Preventers must be taken every day to be effective. They will not be effective if used on an as and when basis. They do not give quick or immediate relief of symptoms and may take a couple of weeks to work, so do not stop using your preventer if you notice no improvement after the first week. Most patients find that they need their reliever inhaler less often once they are using a preventer regularly
  • Other treatments. If despite using a regular preventer, your asthma is not well controlled your doctor may suggest adding in other treatments.
  • These include:

    Navy Policy On Asthma

    OMK spoke with Officer Mendoza, a Navy recruiter stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, about the Navys policy on asthma.

    This is what he had to say:

    • It is possible to enter the Navy if you have been previously diagnosed, but it can be very difficult. For starters, if you currently have asthma, it is not going to work.
    • The army has a very strict policy on this If you are currently being treated for asthma, it will not help.
    • Also, any history of asthma after age 13 will require an exemption.
    • The exemption process will take place at your Military Entry Processing Station, or MEPS.
    • Before enlisting, you will be asked to take what is known as a pulmonary function test or PFT.
    • A PFT is essentially a non-invasive test that shows how well your lungs are working.

    If you can pass this test, you can join the Navy.

    Read Also: What Are The Treatment Modalities For Asthma

    Navys Policy On Asthma In 2019

    OMK spoke with Officer Mendoza, a Navy recruiter stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, about the Navys policy on Asthma.

    Heres what he had to say:

    Its definitely possible to get in the Navy if you were previously diagnosed, but it can be very difficult. For starters, if you currently have asthma, its not going to work out.

    The military has a very strict policy on this if you are currently being treated for asthma, then you will not be able to serve.

    In addition, any history of Asthma after the age of 13 will require a waiver.

    The waiver process will happen at your Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS.

    Before enlisting, youll be required to perform whats known as a pulmonary function test, or PFT.

    A PFT is essentially a noninvasive test that shows how well your lungs work.

    If you can pass this test, you can join the Navy.

    I Used To Take Drugs Can I Still Join

    Can I Join The Territorial Army With Asthma

    If you have a history of drug dependence, you will need to provide evidence that you have abstained from the use of these drugs for at least the last 3 years prior to joining the Army.A history of occasional use of recreational drugs wonât stop you from joining, but you must stop using any such drugs before you join.

    After joining the Army, you must not use recreational drugs. The Army carries out random, compulsory drugs testing, and you can expect to be tested while youâre in training. If you fail any of the tests, youâre very likely be discharged.

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    Can I Join The Royal Navy With Asthma

    Yes, people who have asthma can join the Royal Navy. The UK Armed Forces offer a range of medical treatments for asthma, including carrying or using an inhaler. You will still have to meet the normal entrance requirements, however. The basic UK Armed Forces entry requirements are as follows: Minimum age of 16 Minimum height of 4 ft 11ins Minimum weight of 7st 12lbs UK Residency UK National.

    Can You Join The Army With Exercise Induced Asthma

    Can I join the military with sports induced asthma?

    Can you get kicked out the military for asthma?

    Can you join the army if you have asthma?

    Just like with the Navy, if you currently are being treated for asthma, its grounds for immediate disqualification from Army service. However, if you havent had any Asthma symptoms past the age of 13, youre good to go. If you have had Asthma past the age of 13, but do not currently have Asthma, you can still get in with a waiver.

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