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HomeMust ReadHow Do People Grow Out Of Asthma

How Do People Grow Out Of Asthma

How Do I Manage Exercise

How does asthma work? – Christopher E. Gaw

There is no cure for asthma triggered by exercising or sports. Treatment focuses on preventing and relieving symptoms.

To avoid an episode, you should warm up for at least six minutes before starting exercise. Ask your provider to recommend the best warmup routine for your age and fitness level.

Your provider may recommend one medication or a combination of several medications. Some drugs open your airways while youre experiencing exercise-induced asthma. Other medications prevent an episode. These medications include:

At What Ages Are People Most Likely To Have Asthma

Recent figures show that young adults are the group most likely to have been diagnosed with asthma at some point in their lifetime. Between 2004-12, lifetime prevalence of asthma has declined in children and increased in adults.

Number of people per 100,000 ever diagnosed with asthma, by age group, 200412

Can Adults Outgrow Asthma

If youre an adult with asthma, youre not likely to outgrow it. Asthma is considered a long-term disease in adults. Though there’s no cure, you can live a normal, active life with good asthma management. You can even have long periods without any symptoms.

A 2012 Canadian study that followed more than 600,000 adults with asthma for 15 years found that almost 75% of them had symptom-free periods of two or more years.

Learning as much as you can about your asthma and working closely with your doctor is the best way to manage and control it.

Also Check: How To Control Asthma Without An Inhaler

Do Kids Grow Out Of Childhood Asthma

When a child is diagnosed with asthma, parents usually have a number of questions. How serious is asthma? Will the child grow out of it? How can it be treated? It can be difficult to get clear answers, as asthma affects different children in different ways.

Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses in Australia, affecting more than 10% of children. It is characterised by lower airway inflammation and recurrent flare-ups, often triggered by irritants such as viruses, allergens, laughing, or even exercise. This is where the airways smooth muscle contracts, bringing with it symptoms of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing.

The severity of the illness can range from mild and intermittent, to life-threatening. Although the majority of children have mild symptoms, and less than 5% have severe asthma, children unfortunately continue to die from the illness. In 2014, six children under 14 years and five between 15 and 25 years of age died from asthma.

How severe it is deemed to be depends on the frequency of symptoms , medications required to control symptoms, and lung function tests undertaken in children aged over six years.

Asthma Is Really Treatable

How Do Allergies and Asthma Interact?

As I said above, what we most want is for children with asthma to lead healthy, normal lives. And heres the thing: we can make that happen. Not only can we work to avoid and manage triggers, and not only can we use medications to relieve the symptoms there are medications we can use that can prevent them. A steroid inhaler or other preventative medication, used every day or during periods when asthma is worse or might get worse, can make all the difference. While some parents get nervous about using steroids, the dose is very low and while some families find daily medications challenging, there are all sorts of strategies to make it work. Its worth it. For some children, preventative medication can be the difference between wheezing all the time and not wheezing at all.

Which, you have to admit, is pretty great. So if your child has asthma, or you think they might have asthma, talk to your doctor and get your child started on the healthy, happy life they deserve.

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Things You Might Not Know About Childhood Asthma

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

Asthma is one of most common chronic diseases of childhood almost 9% of children in the United States suffer from it. And yet I find its a disease that lots of people dont understand even parents of children with asthma.

Lungs are made up of lots of little tubes that lead into bigger tubes they look almost like sponges. In asthma, the tubes get irritated and narrowed, making it hard for air to get in and out. Lots of different things can cause that irritation, such as allergies, cold air, chemicals in the air, exercise, the common cold, or even stress.

As a pediatrician, I see children with asthma almost every day and have lots of conversations with their families. Over the years, Ive found that there are lots of misunderstandings about asthma, and those misunderstandings can cause real problems for children with asthma.

Here are three things you might not know about childhood asthma.

Why Are More Children Getting Asthma

No one really knows why more and more children are developing asthma. Suggestions include the following:

  • Children are being exposed to more and more allergens such as dust, air pollution and second-hand smoke.
  • Children aren’t exposed to enough childhood illnesses to build up their immune systems.
  • Lower rates of breastfeeding have prevented important substances of the immune system from being passed on to babies.

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Mullein Tea Is The Best Natural Lung Medicine

Mullein is a wonderful, healing medicine that nearly everyone in North America or Europe can find growing wild. You might not know its name, but you would probably recognize its silhouette and its fuzzy leaves. Mullein has so many medicinal qualities and uses, its a must-know herb for anyone interested in self reliance. Today were going to talk about mullein tea.

Mullein tea is a healing, nourishing drink that is the best natural lung medicine. It also has lots of other benefits, which we will discover here.

Do Children Outgrow Asthma

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No. Asthma is a lifelong disease. Some children may have fewer symptoms in their teens but they still have asthma.

The pattern of wheezing seen in young children can make this issue confusing. About two-thirds of children who wheeze when they have a cold do not have wheezing after age six. Many of these children may be initially diagnosed with asthma. This does not mean they “outgrew” their asthma–it usually means that they probably didn’t have asthma in the first place.

If your child has symptoms , it is important to talk with your child’s doctor. If your child has asthma, your doctor will help you develop a treatment plan so your child can lead a healthy, active life.

Also Check: Can Cold Weather Affect Asthma

What I Realized About My Asthma After A Tickle Fight Triggered An Attack

When I was 3 years old, I had my first asthma attack. I dont remember what it was like on account of I was 3 but it was a pretty important moment in my life all the same. I had to get a nebulizer and start taking regular medication. The doctors said I would probably grow out of it.

When I was 10, I came down with a cold. It exacerbated my asthma, and we went to the ER on a Friday night. Apparently, I screamed and struggled wildly while I was in the ER. I dont remember what that was like either on account of I was delirious but my mom said it took four people to get me under control. The next thing I remembered was waking up on a Tuesday morning. The doctors said I would probably grow out of it.

Common colds arent the only things that trigger my asthma attacks, though. Sometimes its cold weather, warm weather or a sudden or gradual change between the two. Sometimes its damp air or dry air, dust, smoke, pollen or aerosol sprays. Sometimes its something in grass after its been mowed. Sometimes its strong emotions, and often it takes very little physical exertion.

When I was 12, my teacher insisted I climb a mountain as part of a class trip. I insisted it was a terrible idea, but she was unsympathetic. When I had an asthma attack at the top , she scolded me for falling behind the rest of the class. I was pretty sure I would grow out of it.

Who Is Most Likely To Outgrow Asthma

It might be easier to point out who is not likely to outgrow asthma. While most wheezing in early life is due to viral respiratory infections such as the respiratory syncytial virus, differentiating viral illness from asthma can be difficult. Children who experience multiple wheezing episodes before age 3 and contain at least one of the following risk factors are at increased risk of continuing to wheeze:

  • Parent with asthma
  • Have a diagnosis of eczema

Or 2 of these symptoms:

  • Food allergy
  • Wheezing episodes not associated with colds
  • Elevated levels of eosinophils in the blood

Research at National Jewish Health found that only 6% of children followed for 9 years were considered in complete remission from asthma with no asthma activity meaning no asthma symptoms, medication use, or urgent care visits for asthma.

The following factors have been associated with increased likelihood a period of remission or improving asthma:

  • Boys are more likely than girls
  • Older the age at diagnosis
  • Wheezing only with a cold, but otherwise being symptom-free
  • Lower levels IgE and other biochemical indicators of asthma severity
  • No diagnosis of allergic diseases like eczema
  • Less need for rescue medication and fewer asthma attacks

Don’t Miss: What’s Asthma

Can You Really Grow Out Of Asthma

“If you have asthma your airways are inflamed and sensitive to triggers such as cold air, pollution, cold and flu viruses or allergies that set off your asthma symptoms ,” says Dr Andy Whittamore, clinical lead at Asthma UK.

“For some children diagnosed with asthma, the condition might improve or disappear completely as they get older but for many people, asthma is a lifelong condition,” he adds.

However, it may not always be asthma causing the problem. Asthma-like symptoms can be down to allergies, which is why it may appear that a child has outgrown their asthma.

“True asthma does not go away, just as diabetes or hypertension don’t go away,” states Dr Thomas Antalffy, inventor of the Smart Peak Flow device.

If you feel your asthma symptoms are relieved, it may simply be lying dormant so it’s important to be vigilant.

“There may be periods where your symptoms do not affect your day-to-day life and these periods could last years or even decades. However, asthma symptoms can be triggered again by a change in circumstances, such as a new workplace, stress, or hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause,” says Whittamore.

“If you’re taking your asthma medicines as prescribed and feeling well, this is a sign that they are working,” so don’t assume you no longer need treatment, he warns.

If symptoms do come back, it’s vital that you don’t ignore them and that you speak with your GP.

Can you really ‘grow out’ of asthma?

Can You Really Outgrow Asthma

Research On When Kids Get Asthma &  When They Grow Out Of ...

If you’re one of the 25 million Americans who have asthma, you probably want to know if you’re always going to be living with it. If you’re a parent of one of the 7 million U.S. children with asthma, you probably want to know if your child might outgrow it. The short answer: That depends. Here’s why.

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Will Asthma Symptoms Return After Remission

One characteristic of asthma is inflammation, which changes the way your lungs function. Even if your asthma improves, its important to remain vigilant againstyour triggers.

According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, colds and allergies are the most common triggers especially in children.

Its possible to experience improved asthma for a long period of time, and then for your symptoms to return during allergy season or if you get sick.

Other possible asthma triggers are:

  • cigarette smoke

Theres also a greater chance that your symptoms will return if you have:

  • a personal or family history of asthma
  • allergies
  • eczema

Smoking or living with someone who does can also increase your risk of developing returning asthma symptoms.

You may not be able to entirely prevent your asthma symptoms from returning, but managing and treating your condition can help reduce their recurrence. Avoiding your triggers is one way you can help prevent asthma flare-ups.

The Symptoms Can Come And Go

Many times, Ive had parents tell me that their child doesnt have asthma because they hardly ever wheeze. Its certainly possible common, even to have some wheezing with a bad cold or lung infection and not have asthma. But if that has happened a couple of times or more, then we generally call that asthma.

Its understandable to want to dodge the diagnosis who wants their child to have a chronic disease? But its actually really helpful to make the diagnosis, because that way we can be watchful and figure out what triggers a childs symptoms. Once we know the triggers, and know the signs that an asthma attack is beginning, there is so much we can do to help the child. We can avoid triggers, like by staying away from cats, or doing lots of hand washing to avoid illness. We can manage the triggers, like by wearing a scarf over the mouth and nose in cold weather, or by using an inhaler before vigorous exercise. We can be sure they get a flu shot, as influenza can make children with asthma very sick.

The goal is always to help children with asthma lead the healthiest, most normal lives possible. We cant even begin to do that if we dont make the diagnosis.

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Keep Taking Prescribed Medications

Long-term controller medications may also help treat your asthma and prevent symptoms from returning. Its important not to stop taking your prescribed medications even if your symptoms are better.

If you stop taking your medications as prescribed, this could cause your symptoms to return at a higher severity, leading to an over-reliance on fast-acting inhalers and other rescue medications.

When To See Your Doctor

Breathing better for asthma control
  • severe trouble breathing, such as rapid breathing, indrawing of muscles between their ribs when inhaling, and grunting when exhaling
  • blue lips or fingertips, darkened skin
  • chest, throat or neck pain
  • fever and constant coughing or wheezing that doesnt respond to prescribed medicines
  • vomiting that wont allow them to take oral medicine.

Also see your doctor if your child has asthma and is uneasy, drowsy, confused or lethargic .

Recommended Reading: Can You Buy Asthma Inhalers Over The Counter

Can You Grow Out Of Asthma Or How Do You Know When Asthma Symptoms Fade

If a child does not exhibit asthma symptoms for a prolonged period of time, it is known as asthma in remission or the child or the patient has grown out of asthma.

A child is nearing asthma remission if he or she:

  • Does not exhibit symptoms like wheezing, cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath
  • Is active without having to depend on medicines and flares
  • Has a common cold viruses and allergy that does not trigger a flare or requires medicine
  • Requires less rescue medication for when symptoms tend to act up.

However, it should be noted that asthma symptoms can return. Sometimes, they make a comeback during adulthood. The symptoms can be triggered by something totally different than before. In most kids, the symptoms decline during adolescence. However, they might re-appear when a person enters his or her 30s or 40s, studies suggest.

Causes And Triggers Of Asthma

Asthma is caused by swelling of the breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. This makes the tubes highly sensitive, so they temporarily narrow.

It may happen randomly or after exposure to a trigger.

Common asthma triggers include:

  • allergies
  • smoke, pollution and cold air
  • exercise
  • infections like colds or flu

Identifying and avoiding your asthma triggers can help you keep your symptoms under control.

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Toss Out The Inhaler If You Outgrow Asthma Not So Fast

By Lynne Peeples, Reuters Health

4 Min Read

NEW YORK – Tossing out the inhaler may not always be the best response to outgrowing asthma, new research suggests.

About 1 in every 10 children in the U.S. has the chronic lung disease. If he or she is also among the roughly 1 percent of children with a peanut allergy, using an inhaler could prove lifesaving even after asthma symptoms have disappeared, researchers found.

Children with the common duo of conditions are known to be at a greater risk of life-threatening allergic reactions to peanuts, making it especially important for their asthma to stay well controlled with an inhaled steroid or other anti-inflammatory medication. What has not been clear is what should be done when a youngster with a peanut allergy outgrows their asthma.

Research shows that about 60 to 70 percent of kids with asthma will outgrow it by the time they reach their teens. Normal practice is to withdraw the therapy, lead researcher Dr. Michael Shields of Queens University of Belfast, in the United Kingdom, noted in an email to Reuters Health. But is this always a wise decision?

If allergic inflammation persists in the airway of a peanut-allergic kid, then maybe not, Shields said.

For each child, the researchers measured the level of nitric oxide in exhaled breath, which is thought to reflect the degree of inflammation in the airways.

Given these findings, they say the term outgrown may be misleading.


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