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Does Industrial Pollution Cause Asthma

Pollution: Why It Makes Your Asthma Worse

Does Air Pollution Cause Asthma?

Around two thirds of people with asthma tell us poor air quality makes their asthma worse, putting them at risk of an asthma attack.

This is because pollution can quickly irritate your airways and trigger asthma symptoms. Some pollution particles are small enough to get right into your lungs.

Air pollution is a possible risk factor for everyone with asthma, but some people are more at risk, and may be affected by pollution even on moderate or low pollution days:

  • Children and young adults with asthma have faster breathing rates and their lungs are still developing.
  • Older people with asthma, particularly if they have other long-term conditions too, like COPD or heart disease.
  • People with severe asthma, or asthma thats difficult to control.
  • People with hay feverpollen combined with pollution can mean you feel the effects of your allergy more.

Everyones asthma is different, and like all triggers, air pollution can affect some people more than others. If your asthma is well managed and you rarely have symptoms youll be much more able to cope with the effects, says Dr Andy

Reference Guide To Major Indoor Air Pollutants In The Home

The pollutants listed in this guide have been shown to cause the health effects mentioned. However, it is not necessarily true that the effects noted occur at the pollutant concentration levels typically found in the home. In many cases, our understanding of the pollutants and their health effects is too limited to determine the levels at which the listed effects could occur.

Faqs On Industrial Pollution

Q.1. What is industrial pollution?Ans: Pollution refers to adding any substance to the environment with a harmful or poisonous effect. Any form of pollution whose source can trace to industrial activities is called industrial pollution.

Q.2. How do industries pollute our water resources?Ans: Industrial wastewaters contain a variety of organic and inorganic residues. They heavily pollute all rivers and water bodies. The discharge of toxic industrial wastes contains poisonous chemicals such as cyanide, cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, chromium, which are highly poisonous. In addition, they make river water unfit for the use of man and aquatic plants and animals.

Q.3. How can industrial pollution be prevented?Ans: Pollution due to industries eliminated by the use of electricity in place of coal fuel. The extent of air pollution is minimized by the self-cleaning process of air. It can be achieved by increasing vegetation in the nearby locality and providing Green Belt between residential and industrial areas.

Q.5. How many types of industrial pollution are there?Ans: The different types of industrial pollution are air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution and thermal pollution.

We hope this article on Industrial Pollution has helped you. If you have any queries, drop a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Control Of Industrial Pollution:

The ultimate object behind the measures to control pollution to maintain safety of Man, Material and Machinery . The implementation of control measures should be based on the principle of recovery or recycling of the pollutants and must be taken as an integral part of production i.e. never as a liability but always an asset.

Some important control measures are:

1. Control at Source:

It involves suitable alterations in the choice of raw materials and process in treatment of exhaust gases before finally discharged and increasing stock height upto 38 metres in order to ensure proper mixing of the discharged pollutants.

2. Selection of Industry Site:

The industrial site should be properly examined considering the climatic and topographical characteristics before setting of the industry.

3. Treatment of Industrial Waste:

The industrial wastes should be subjected to proper treatment before their discharge.

4. Plantation:

Intensive plantation in the region, considerably reduces the dust, smoke and other pollutants.

5. Stringent Government Action:

Government should take stringent action against industries which discharge higher amount of pollutants into the environment than the level prescribed by Pollution Control Board.

6. Assessment of the Environmental Impacts:

Environmental impact assessment should be carried out regularly which intends to identify and evaluate the potential and harmful impacts of the industries on natural eco-system.

Studies Of Pm In China

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Studies of air pollution in China have focused on the analysis of important chemical constituents of PM2.5. A recent study compared PM2.5 collected from urban versus suburban areas of Beijing and from a positive matrix factorization identified the PM2.5 to be coming from seven sources: secondary sulphate/nitrate , coal combustion , traffic emissions , dust/soil , secondary organic aerosol and industry . In urban areas, there was a greater contribution from traffic emissions, combustion and secondary organic aerosol. More importantly, the potential health effects of PM2.5 on inflammatory biomarkers was related to the secondary sulphate/nitrate and dust/soil and pulmonary function deterioration to dust/soil and industry . Another study in Beijing examined the role of these particles and associated chemicals in causing mortality and morbidity and found that the short-term effects of PM2.5, sulphates, and NO3 were worse in the winter months and that traffic sources and re-suspended road dust were particularly important contributors to ill-heath in Beijing .

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Emissions From Industrial Sources

A great deal of industrial pollution comes from manufacturing products from raw materials iron and steel from ore, lumber from trees, gasoline and other fuels from crude oil, and stone from quarries. Each of these manufacturing processes produces a product, along with several waste products, which include air pollutants. Often, part or all of the polluting material can be recovered and converted into a usable product. Indeed, matter and energy that exit the facility via stacks, vents, pipes, and by other means represents a major financial loss. Thus, industry is increasingly embracing green and sustainable processes, not just for environmental reasons, but for economic ones as well .

Industrial pollution is also emitted by industries that convert products to other products automobile bodies from steel, furniture from lumber, paint from solids and solvents, and asphaltic paving from rock and oil.

Seyedeh Belin Tavakoly Sany, … Rosli Hashim, in, 2019

What Are The Effects Of Pollution In Industries

Pollutants discharged from the industries have widespread implications, and one of the unpleasant effects is on water bodies. Industries demand lots of water for efficient production such as cooling, cleaning, and treatment and as such, the water drawn from the water sources is never the same after use.

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Understanding Air Pollution Statistics

  • estimated: We dont know exactly how many early deaths are linked to air pollution. The estimate of 36,000 comes from a 2018 report led by Kings College London. Its based on the governments estimates of early deaths from particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide.
  • equivalent: 36,000 early deaths is an average across the UK population. It helps show the health impact of air pollution. The effects of air pollution are complex it will impact people differently depending on their health. For example, it can make existing illnesses worse.
  • early deaths: The 36,000 figure refers to the number of people dying earlier than they should from a condition that air pollution contributes to, including lung disease, heart disease and stroke.
  • linked: Air pollution doesnt cause deaths on its own. Most of the early deaths will be caused by an existing heart or lung condition, but air pollution may have made the condition worse.

Industrial Pollution Affects The Environment And Our Health

Why does Asthma UK study pollution and asthma?

Industrial pollution is a side effect of the industrial revolution that has been going on for hundreds of years. The term industrialization was coined by John Stuart Mill in 1848. At its core, it is the transition from an agrarian society to an industrialized one. This includes new ways of producing goods like mass production and manufacturing processes, as well as new forms of transportation like automobiles and trains.

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In the eastern U.S., many particles come from power plants that burn coal to produce electricity. In the western U.S., many come from diesel buses, trucks, and heavy equipment, as well as agriculture and wood burning, according to the ALA. Breathing particle pollution year-round can shorten life by one to three years. It causes many other health effects, premature births to serious respiratory disorders, even when the particle levels are very low. It makes asthma worse and causes wheezing, coughing and respiratory irritation in anyone with sensitive airways. It also triggers heart attacks, strokes, irregular heartbeat, and premature death.

What Is Asthma Uk Doing To Protect People From Pollution

  • Asthma UK works in partnership with the Healthy Air Campaign to try and encourage behaviour that helps cut air pollution and persuade government to take action to comply with legal limits for air quality.
  • We are working with decision makers, such as the Mayor of London, to represent people with asthma and to try to improve air quality and reduce pollution.
  • We are that includes easy access to alerts on air quality to help people with asthma protect themselves.
  • We are into pollution and asthma so that we can better understand the role air pollutants have and find ways to combat their effects.

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Fragrance And Strong Odors

It is not uncommon for certain people to have a fragrance allergy, which generally occurs when a perfume or a fragranced substance comes in contact with skin. Other people may experience a reaction to the smell of the fragrance itself in which the aerosolized molecules act as irritants and trigger everything from rhinitis to a severe asthma attack.

Referred to as fragrance sensitivity, the reaction is related to abnormal activation of the autonomic nervous systemwhat regulates involuntary functions of the body .

The exact mechanism for odor-induced asthma is poorly understood, but it is believed certain strong scents can trigger a chain reaction in which nerve receptors in the nose can suddenly overreact and release neurotransmitters that stimulate respiration, airway constriction, and mucosal secretions.

A 2014 study in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that stronger, undiluted scents, like perfumes and colognes, were more likely to trigger asthma than those that were diluted and perceived to be more neutral or “pleasant.”

The fact that “pleasant” smells are less likely to cause asthma suggests there may be a psychological component to odor-induced asthma. It is theorized that an abrupt exposure to a strong scent can trigger a stress response in which inflammatory compounds, called cytokines, are spontaneously released into the bloodstream, provoking an asthma attack.

Air Pollution Allergic Rhinitis And Asthma In Mainland China

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The role of pollution in the prevalence and exacerbations of allergic diseases in Asia has been previously reviewed . Overall there is good evidence to support the notion that there has been an increase in allergic rhinitis in China, similar to the increase observed in all western countries. In Chinese school children aged 13-14 years, the prevalence of physician-diagnosed allergic rhinitis increased from 17.4% in 1994-1995 to 22.7% in 2001 .

In a carefully done study in Beijing in 2009-2010, the daily number of outpatient visits for allergic rhinitis was associated with increasing concentrations of SO2 and also of PM10 and NO2 . Besides, all the three air pollutants were associated with increased possibility of hospital visits for every 10 µg/m3 increase of pollutant concentration. In a cross-sectional questionnaire study in 11 large cities in China, there was a correlation between the adjusted self-reported prevalence of AR with the concentration of SO2, but not with NO2 and PM10 or with meteorological factors such as average temperature, relative humidity, hours of sunshine and precipitation .

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The Links Between Air Pollution And Childhood Asthma

Researchers have long linked asthma a serious and life threatening chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life of more than 23 million Americans with exposure to air pollution. Air pollution can make asthma symptoms worse and trigger asthma attacks. The estimated six million children in the United States with asthma are especially vulnerable to air pollution.

EPA studies the link between air pollution and asthma so that action can be taken to reduce the health burden associated with the disease. Childhood asthma research at the Agency covers a variety of topics including the impact of certain air pollutants on asthma, how exposure to air pollution may contribute to asthma, and which children may be particularly vulnerable.

Three recent studies on childrens asthma are highlighted below.

African American Adolescents are More Vulnerable to Air Pollution Than Other Children

This study reported that low levels of outdoor ozone were associated with respiratory changes and other outcomes in African American children with difficult-to-treat asthma, even when they used asthma therapies such as inhalers to modify the adverse effects of air pollutants.

The study concluded that ozone may impact at risk populations even at low concentrations and that the impact is more widespread than just respiratory outcomes.

Exposure to Coarse Particulate Matter Linked with Asthma in Children

Air Pollution May Impact DNA Associated with Asthma

Learn More:

Impact Of Air Pollution On Human Health

High levels of ambient air pollution are harmful to peoples, especially for those with chronic pulmonary disease. The impact of air pollutants on the respiratory system has been consistently reported in recent years . As indicated by the American Thoracic Society provided guidance on definitions of what constitutes and adverse effect of air pollution , air pollution was associated with many respiratory diseases. The detrimental effects include decrease in pulmonary function , increase of infections , increase in respiratory symptoms , acute exacerbations of COPD , onset of asthma, more hospitalizations, increased respiratory mortality , and higher prevalence of childhood asthma .

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Things That Affect Your Exposure To Outdoor Air Pollution

On any given day, the types and amount of pollution we breathe vary by our location, the time of day, and even the weather.

Proximity: Air pollution levels are higher the closer you are to an emissions source. For most of us, our highest exposure to air pollution occurs near busy roadways. But it could be a burn barrel or backyard fire pit, too.

Time and season: Fine particle levels are often highest in the morning, but can be elevated at any time of day. Ozone is a summertime pollutant. Ozone levels are highest in the afternoon and evening.

Temperature: Fine particle levels often increase during unseasonably warm winter days. Most unhealthy ozone days occur when daytime high temperatures exceed 90°F.

Weather: Minnesotas weather patterns usually help keep air pollution below unhealthy levels, but on days with fog, light or no wind, or temperature inversions, weather conditions can allow pollution to build to unhealthy levels.

Effects Of Land & Soil Pollution

Air Quality and Asthma

Land and soil pollution has substantial consequences for humans, animals, microorganisms and aquatic life. Contaminated land and soil can cause various problems on the skin, respiratory problems, and even different kinds of cancers.

These toxic substances come into contact with the human body directly through eating fruits and vegetables that have been grown in polluted soils, being consumed through drinking water that has been contaminated, direct contact with the skin, and breathing in air polluted with particles and dust.

Deforestation is the biggest concern when it comes to land degradation and soil erosion. Clear cutting of vegetation and tree cover creates harsh conditions that destroy ecosystems and habitats.

Deforestation also creates an imbalance in atmospheric conditions, reducing the amount of carbon that is naturally taken out of the atmosphere. This is a serious problem considering that most pollution created by people is carbon based.

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Asthma And Air Quality

Are you one of the 24.6 million people living in the United States affected by asthma? More than 1,000 people are admitted to the hospital each day because of this chronic lung disease, which costs the nation around $56 billion each year in both direct costs such as hospitalizations and indirect costs including missed work days and decreased productivity. To educate the public on the disease, its management, and its triggers, people and organizations dedicated to asthma control and education recognize May as Asthma Awareness Month, this week as Air Quality Awareness Week, and today as World Asthma Day.

What is asthma? Who is impacted?

Whats an asthma trigger?

Certain events or stimuli can trigger asthma symptoms in affected individualsthese catalysts are broadly called triggers, and while they vary for each individual, they can include exercise respiratory infections allergens such as pollen, mold, animal dander, and dust mites occupational exposures and air pollution.

Asthma triggers and the weather

Controlling asthma symptoms

Is There A Group That Keeps Track Of Air Pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency checks and reports on air quality in the United States. Because of their efforts, the nations air quality has greatly improved over the past 20 years. The EPA, in cooperation with local air-quality boards, measures the level of pollution in the air over many large cities and a number of rural areas.

Newspapers, television and radio stations often give air-quality reports in areas where pollution is a problem. The Pollution Standards Index is a scale of air quality that ranges from 0 to 500 and is used in many weather reports. A PSI score of more than 100 indicates unhealthy air conditions.

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Link Between Environmental Air Pollution And Allergic Asthma: East Meets West

Qingling Zhang1, Zhiming Qiu1, Kian Fan Chung2, Shau-Ku Huang3,4

1 State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510120, China 2 National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London & Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust, London, UK Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, 115 Zhunan, Taiwan 4 Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA

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Keywords: Allergy environmental air pollution particulate matter ozone nitrogen dioxide asthma

Submitted Sep 09, 2014. Accepted for publication Dec 03, 2014.

doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.12.07


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