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HomeCauseDoes Asthma Cause Weight Gain

Does Asthma Cause Weight Gain

Will Medicine Help Me Breathe Better When I Exercise

Will My Child’s Asthma Medications Cause Weight Gain?

Yes. Exercising, particularly in cold air, may cause airway swelling or exercise-induced bronchoconstriction . Quick-relief asthma medicines, taken before exercise, usually control this. If you need repeated doses of quick-relief medicine during and after exercise talk with your doctor. Your medicines may need to be adjusted. Thanks to these medicines, many Olympic and professional athletes have successful sports careers even with their asthma.

It is important for everyone, including people with asthma, to be as active as possible for good health. Talk with your doctor about how you can be physically active while keeping your asthma well-controlled.

Does Being Overweight Affect Asthma

Have you ever asked yourself or your doctor does weight affect asthma?

While it might not seem like much, gaining 5 just pounds has been shown to worsen asthma control and quality of life. In one study published in the journal Respiratory Medicine, gaining 5 pounds, compared to those who gained less or lost weight, was associated with:

  • 22% poorer self-rated asthma control
  • 18% poorer self-reported quality of life
  • 31% increase in the odds of requiring a steroid burst

The authors concluded that strategies to prevent weight gain could help patients achieve better asthma control and improve asthma-related quality of life. A clearer understanding of the mechanisms by which body weight/BMI influences asthma control and other asthma-related outcomes will enable treatment specialists to formulate treatment programs that include a weight-management component.

In fact, few studies have rigorously examined treatments in overweight or obese asthmatics or the impact of weight loss in asthma.

What Are The Uses And How Is Budesonide Being Used

Budesonide can be prepared in many forms ranging from skin application, rectal enema, inhalation, oral or nasal preparation. Budesonide is used in the treatments of asthma, nasal polyp, allergic rhinitis and inflammatory bowel disease. The dosage of budesonide is different in each of the preparation and even in the same preparation the dosage is different for the types of conditions it treated.

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Why Are They Prescribed

Inhaled steroids reduce inflammation in the lungs, allowing you to breathe better. In some cases, they also reduce the production of mucus.

It can take a few weeks to see results from inhaled steroids. They cant be used to treat asthma attacks right when they happen, but they can prevent future attacks. In many cases, the longer you use the steroids, the less you will have to rely on a rescue inhaler.

Inhaled steroids are corticosteroids. They are similar to cortisol, which is a hormone thats produced naturally in the body. Every morning, the adrenal glands release cortisol in the bloodstream, which gives you energy.

Inhaled steroids work the same as cortisol. Your body cant tell whether the cortisol is coming from your body or from an inhaler, so the benefits are the same.

Side effects are generally mild with inhaled steroids, which is why doctors often prescribe them for use. In most cases, the benefits of the steroids outweigh any possible side effects.

Common side effects of inhaled steroids include:

  • hoarseness
  • sore throat
  • oral thrush

While theres conflicting evidence, studies have shown that inhaled steroids can stunt growth in children.

If youre taking a high dose or have used inhaled steroids for a long time, you may experience weight gain due to an increase in appetite.

Those who take inhaled steroids for long-term management have an increased risk of

Generally, inhaled steroids have very few side effects because the medicine goes directly into the lungs.

As I Work On Improving My Health I Need Help Managing The Symptoms I Am Having Now

Do asthma inhalers cause weight gain?

Losing weight or taking steps to improve your health takes time and is a personal decision that includes a lot of factors. The goal is to identify and reduce all of your triggers. Tell your doctor when and where you have symptoms, such as at bedtime, or in your office. Ask how you can manage these symptoms to avoid a full-blown asthma episode.

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What And How You Eat

Reducing your calorie intake is hard, but it may help to think in think in three-day cycles. Tell yourself that you only need to fight the temptation to eat more or indulge in high-calorie foods for the next three days.

If you can get through those first 72 hours on a reduced-calorie intake, youll likely feel some sense of accomplishment that can propel your success in completing your next three-day goal.

Eventually, this will get a little easier as you adapt to fewer calories and healthier meals.

Coordinated Medical Care Helps Manage Asthma And Obesity

According to the American Pediatric Association, there are few preventable asthma risk factors. However, in children at least, preventing the onset of obesity may prevent asthma. Your healthcare provider can help you determine a healthy weight for your child and discuss feeding and activity recommendations.

Exercise itself may help obese adults and children with asthma. Regular physical activity over at least a 10- to 12-week period may decrease asthma symptoms at night. If you are not used to exercising, start slow and build upon your endurance and fitness level over time. Your doctor can provide more specific advice based on you or your childs overall health.

Losing weight may also improve asthma control. Patients who lose weight via diet and exercise typically experience improvement in asthma symptoms. So do obese patients who undergo . One study of just over 2,000 patients found that bariatric surgery led to a 60% reduction in risk of an asthma attack.

People who have asthma and obesity will benefit from coordinated medical care. An experienced healthcare provider can help you lose weight and get your asthma under control.

  • Asthma and Obesity. Asthma Initiative of Michigan.
  • The Link Between Asthma and Weight. American Lung Association.
  • Lang J, Bunnell H, Hossain M, et al. Being Overweight or Obese and the Development of Asthma. Pediatrics. 2018 142. pii: e20182119.
  • Asthma and Obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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    What Causes The Link Between Gerd And Asthma

    The mechanisms behind the association arent crystal-clear, but there are a few theories. One is that if someone has GERD, aspiration of stomach acid into the airways can cause irritation there, leading to breathing difficulties or a persistent cough.

    If you have acid reflux and you regurgitate high enough, you can get a bronchospasm that can trigger asthma, Dr. Vaezi notes. Another theory is that acid reflux may trigger a protective nerve reflex that causes the airways to tighten in order to prevent the stomach acid from entering the lungs this can lead to a bronchospasm too.

    There isnt a single test that can definitively identify reflux as the cause of asthma-like symptoms in those with GERD. But not responding to steroids is a big red flag to consider GERD in a patient with severe asthma, notes Kaiser Lim, MD, a consultant in pulmonary and critical care medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. To determine if reflux is exacerbating asthma, doctors typically consider a persons symptoms and their response to treatment. In terms of treatment, a doctor might prescribe aggressive use of acid-suppressing medication to see if the asthma-like symptoms improve, Vaezi says.

    When To See Your Doctor

    Can asthma cause weight gain?

    If you notice that you are gaining weight rapidly without any obvious reason, you need to see your doctor. It is also important to seek medical attention if other symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath, are also occurring.

    Some cases of weight gain are temporary or fluctuate, but others are more serious as they persist. Unintentional weight gain can be treated once a diagnosis of the cause has been made. With treatment and lifestyle changes, you can reduce your weight and maintain a healthier weight moving forward.

    In This Article

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    What Sleep Concerns Are Common In People Who Are Overweight

    Many health conditions can affect sleep, and some of them are found more often in individuals who are overweight or obese. The presence of one or more of the following conditions can compound insomnia and other sleep issues caused by obesity:

    • Obstructive sleep apnea : OSA is a sleep disorder in which the airway partially or fully collapses, causing loud snoring and breathing issues at night. OSA is seven times more common in individuals who are obese. Weight not only affects ones risk for OSA, but being overweight can increase the severity of OSA symptoms.
    • Gastroesophageal reflux disease : GERD is a chronic condition in which the contents of the stomach leak into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as heartburn. Obesity is a known risk factor for GERD. Symptoms are often worse when lying down, and GERD may be associated with disturbed sleep.

    Studies On Weight Loss And Asthma

    One of the earlier studies to focus on asthma outcomes was conducted by Dixon et al in 1999. Asthma was assessed preoperatively and at least 12 months after surgery using a scaled asthma score based on severity, daily impact, medications needed, hospitalisation, sleep and exercise. Patients were categorised into mild, moderate or severe asthma based on the National Asthma Campaign criteria. Although 10 had a history of severe asthma at baseline, none had severe asthma at the 12 month follow-up. The impact of asthma on daily living activities improved by 50%. There was a 57% decline in the number of patients that needed daily medications from 14 to six after weight loss. The mean preoperative scaled asthma score of 44.5 decreased to 14.3 at follow-up . The investigators reported a correlation coefficient of 0.21 between per cent weight loss and improvement in asthma scores.

    Macgregor and Greenberg in Australia described strong evidence of reversibility in their weight loss study. In a subset of five patients with asthma who had bariatic surgery, asthma symptoms improved following weight loss. The symptoms worsened after subjects regained some of their weight. Subsequently, the five patients underwent revisional surgery, lost weight again and the frequency of asthma symptoms decreased again. In the single patient in the study who did not lose weight despite surgery, the frequency of his asthma symptoms remained unchanged.

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    Dont Let Steroid Hunger Win

    If youre taking steroids in the long term, its common to feel hungrier than usual, which can lead to weight gain.

    The answer is to eat foods that are high in fibre and lean protein at each meal to keep you feeling fuller for longer, says Dr Andy. Also, make sure that you stay well hydrated, because your body can often mistake thirst for hunger.

    Next review due February 2022

    What Is The Role Of Inhaled Steroids In Asthma

    What Do Asthma Inhalers Do

    Inhaled steroids, also called inhaled corticosteroids, are considered to be the most effective medications for controlling asthma when taken regularly. They work continuously to reduce swelling of the airways. It can take weeks for an inhaled corticosteroid to reduce the inflammation in your airways, so be patient.

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    The Link Between Asthma And Weight

    • Health & Wellness
    • Lung Health and Diseases

    It’s no secret that many Americans struggle with their weight. If you’re one of them, you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 38 percent of adults in the U.S. are obese, defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or more . This is not just a problem for adults of course, it’s also a problem for children: around 21 percent of kids between the ages of 12 and 19 years old are also dealing with obesity.

    Why is this relevant to people with asthma?

    People with a BMI of 30 or more have a much higher risk of having asthma than those with a lower BMI. Seven percent of adults with a BMI in the normal range have asthma but 11 percent of adults with a BMI classified as obese have asthma. And, for reasons we don’t yet understand, this seems particularly a problem for women – nearly 15 percent of women who are obese suffer from asthma.

    It’s not entirely clear why carrying extra weight should cause asthma. Certainly extra weight around the chest and abdomen might constrict the lungs and make it more difficult to breathe. It’s probably a lot more complicated than that though. Fat tissue produces inflammatory substances that might affect the lungs and a number of studies have suggested that these substances affect asthma.

    What we do know is that obese patients often use more medications, suffer worse symptoms and are less able to control their asthma than patients in a healthy weight range.

    Acid Reflux In A Nutshell

    Most people will experience the uncomfortable feeling of esophageal burning at least once in their life. In some cases, the wave of digestive juices can literally take your breath away. This very unpleasant, yet quite common problem is called acid reflux.

    Many still think that heartburn is caused by too much stomach acid. However, much like the flat earth theory, this is a misconception. Heartburn happens when the acidic digestive juices of your stomach re-enter the esophagus .

    If this happens several times per week, it might be a sign of GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease , a condition in which the esophagus becomes inflamed from stomach acid damage. Symptoms of GERD include:

    • regurgitation

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    How Do Asthma Treatments Work

    Asthma treatments work in these ways:

  • They relax the muscles that tighten around the airways. They relieve the squeeze. They can be short- or long-acting. By opening the airways, they help remove and reduce mucus. These medicines are bronchodilators or beta agonists.
  • They reduce the swelling and mucus inside the airways. These medicines are anti-inflammatories .
  • Bronchodilators

    Bronchodilators can be short- or long-acting. If you use short-acting bronchodilators more than two days a week, talk with your doctor about your asthma control. You may need to make changes to your treatment plan to better control your asthma.


    Anti-inflammatories come in many different forms. They are also called controllers because they help to control or prevent asthma symptoms. They reduce swelling and extra mucus inside the airways. They will not relieve sudden symptoms.

    Other Types of Medicines and Treatments

    Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy

    The 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma Management Guidelines recommends single maintenance and reliever therapy, also known as SMART. SMART uses one inhaler that has two medicines as a quick-relief and controller medicine. When on SMART, you can either take your medicine only as needed to relieve sudden symptoms, or you can take it daily as a controller and as needed for quick relief. This is based on your age and the severity of your asthma.

    Does Weight Loss Affect Asthma

    How To Lose Weight Gained From Medications: Guide To Preventing Medication Induced Weight Gain

    Several studies have suggested that weight loss from bariatric surgery improves asthma control in obese patients. One study found that medication refills decreased by as much as 50% following bariatric surgery. More recent publications have demonstrated improvements in asthma symptoms as well as pulmonary function tests 5 years following surgery. One of the main limitations of all studies involving bariatric surgery and asthma is a small size, limiting the generalizability of the results.

    While these reports are promising, bariatric surgery is a fairly radical step. The procedure has its own risks and complications. If lifestyle modifications targeting weight loss produce similar results, surgery is not worth the risk.

    A small randomized clinical trial that involved diet and exercise demonstrated improved quality of life in 83% of participants and asthma control in 58% of participants following a 510% weight loss. In the dietary intervention, participants consumed 2 meal replacement shakes, one main meal, and 2 snacks per day, along with receiving dietary counseling. In the physical activity, intervention patients received a gym membership and 1 hour per week of personal training with a tailored physical activity program. While this study and a few others are promising, to date, no large, multi-center trials have been undertaken to see if these results can be replicated.

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    Chest Mechanics And Physical Activity

    In a recent systematic review, Lucas and Platts-Mills described five prospective studies in adults and children that reported a relationship between decreased physical activity and asthma, suggesting decreased physical activity precedes asthma. Likewise, in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II, participants who exercised for 4 h or more/day had a lower prevalence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness compared with those who exercised for less than 1 h . Dysfunctional chest wall mechanics, due to extrinsic chest wall and intra-abdominal adipose tissue, are hypothesised to prevent full downward excursion during deep inspiration with a resulting decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1 s, forced vital capacity and total lung capacity, and a set-up for development of the latch phase. This state is thought to lead to sustained airway obstruction with increased airway hyper-responsiveness. During physical activity, deeper breaths are taken which increase end tidal volume, avoiding the latch phase. Another mechanism by which physical activity may exert its influence may be through an inflammatory pathway. Participation in physical activity has been linked to lower high sensitivity C reactive protein levels, although not consistently. This effect was stronger among individuals who engage in vigorous activity compared with moderate and light activity, suggesting a dose effect.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Copd Stage 3

    If youre in stage III of COPD, you typically get problems like: Flare-ups more often. More shortness of breath.You may also have:

    • Colds more often.
    • Swelling in your ankles, feet, and legs.
    • Tightness in your chest.
    • Trouble taking a deep breath.
    • Wheezing, rapid breathing, and other breathing issues when doing basic tasks.

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