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HomeNewsCan You Join The Royal Marines With Asthma

Can You Join The Royal Marines With Asthma

Skin And Cellular Tissues

10 Years ago I signed up for the ROYAL MARINES!

The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

a. Acne, severe or when extensive involvement of the neck, shoulders, chest, or back would be aggravated by or interfere with the wearing of military equipment, and would not be amenable to treatment. Patients under treatment with isotretinoin are medically unacceptable until eight weeks after completion of course of therapy.

b. Atopic dermatitis or eczema, with active or residual lesions in characteristic areas , or documented history thereof after the age of 8.

c. Contact dermatitis, especially involving rubber or other materials used in any type of required protective equipment.

d. Cysts.

Cysts, other than pilonidal, of such a size or location as to interfere with the normal wearing of military equipment.

Pilonidal cysts, if evidenced by the presence of a tumor mass or a discharging sinus. History of pilonidal cystectomy within six months before examination is disqualifying.

e. Dermatitis factitia.

f. Bullous dermatoses, such as Dermatitis Herpetiformis, pemphigus and epidermolysis bullosa.

g. Chronic Lymphedema.

h. Fungus infections, systemic or superficial types, if extensive and not amenable to treatment.

i. Furunculosis, extensive recurrent or chronic.

j. Hyperhidrosis of hands or feet, chronic or severe.

k. Ichthyosis, or other congenital or acquired anomalies of the skin such as nevi or vascular tumors that interfere with function or are exposed to constant irritation.

m. Leprosy, any type.

If Ive Been Disqualified From One Branch Of The Military Can I Join Another Branch

The Armed Forces use the same disqualifying medical conditions for every military branch.

Therefore, what is disqualifying in the Army is also disqualifying in the Navy.

However, one branch may approve a waiver while another branch may not based on the condition, your role in the military, and other factors.

Its possible to try and enlist in another branch after another denied your military medical waiver.

Once again it primarily depends on the health condition.

For example, someone with Schizophrenia is likely to get denied by every military branch, while another recruit with a small curvature of scoliosis might have better luck the second time around.

Drug Issues With Add/adhd

The most common of these drugs are Ritalin and Adderall. If there is a documented use of Adderall in a non-prescribed basis as in an emergency room visit with such side effects as high blood pressure, stroke, or other aggressively disruptive behavior, you will likely be unable to obtain a waiver.

Waivers are only reviewed on a doctor prescribed program for minor attention deficit issues. Any depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental health problems associated with some ADD/ADHD diagnosis tips the scale into an area of medically disqualifying issues that are not waiverable.

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Moving Forward With Asthma

As a safety measure, members that are allowed in under the new policy for enlisting with Asthma are not allowed to take on combat jobs or jobs that would require them to be subject to respiratory issues.

There are many jobs in the military in which you are not required to be out in the elements.

Some of the jobs may be in the information technology fields, medical fields, and administrative fields.

This allows members with medical issues to still serve their country while keeping their physical health in order.

The Armed Forces previously restricted entering due to Asthma because of the requirements of the training environment in relation to fitness and physical health.

Also, some jobs in the Armed Forces require members to be deployed in areas where the environment may not be conducive to breathing issues.

Moreover, in order to treat Asthma, individuals may be required to take a medication or carry around a steroid inhaler which may not always be available to them.

Applicants that have been diagnosed and experience asthmatic issues after they turn 13 can still attempt to enlist as long as they have all of their medical documentation, are in good cardiovascular shape and possibly be subject to a pulmonary function test in order for a waiver to be considered.

Once accepted in the military, the asthma condition can be better treated with free healthcare for service members.

What About If Youre Currently Serving

Can You Join The Military With Asthma? Yes, But There

According to Recruiter Mendoza, if its discovered that you have Asthma while youre serving, youll be discharged.

With that said, we had someone contact us and said that this is not necessarily true.

Check out what he had to say below:

I would like to speak on the Navy discharging you for being diagnosed with asthma while currently serving: this just simply isnt true.

I have been enlisted for 10 years, and am looking to 20+ years of enlistment at this point.

I was officially diagnosed earlier this year with asthma, and no talk of discharge was ever brought up, except when I stated that I do not want this diagnosis to be one that would cause me to be discharged from service.

I am being treated with a single daily pill, and an inhaler to use before physical exercise and also on an as-needed basis.

I will not be discharged for being diagnosed with asthma.

DBoydstun, comment left on Aug 1, 2019

The biggest concerns would be for anyone thinking about becoming a Naval Aviator , Submariner, Diver, or Firefighter.

The Navys policy is pretty straightforward on this as well Any history of asthma , including childhood asthma and exercise-induced asthma, is considered disqualifying for aviation duties and training.

This includes even very mild asthma.

For all other rates , the recruit will perform a series of physical tests during MEPS.

If the doctor expects asthma, then youll be referred to a specialist.

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How Different Is The Process To Join The Navy As An Officer

Similar to joining as a Rating, you will need to register your interest in a role in the Royal Navy.

However after this you will need to take the Naval Service Recruiting Test.

This is followed by medical and eye tests, as well as the same fitness test as Ratings.

Next stage involves an interview and is then followed Admiralty Interview Board which is specific to people applying to join the navy as an officer.

After the AiB, you will begin your training after a Security and Reference Check.

Surprising Medical Conditions That Will Disqualify You From Military Service

A medical waiver may be in the cards.

BySarah Sicard | Updated Jul 19, 2021 3:31 PM

In order to join the military, you need to qualify medically. And while there are some obvious stipulations, like the fact that you cant be carrying diseases that will endanger your platoon, there are other disqualifying conditions that might surprise you.

All the disqualifying diseases, disorders, and conditions adopted by the U.S. military are listed within the International Classification of Disease code, under the United Nations World Health Organization.

Task & Purpose reached out to Lt. Michele Stein, a Navy recruiter, who shared some lesser-known medical conditions, and in some cases, ways you can get around them. In addition, Stein also asked around her station in Tucson, Arizona, for crazy, surprising medical disqualification stories. We compiled our favorites, and here are six unusual conditions that can keep you from joining the military.

Also Check: Is Asthma A Small Airway Disease

Immigrating To The Us

The U.S. military isn’t allowed to assist foreign nationals in obtaining entrance into the United States. Immigration to the U.S. and eventual naturalization as a citizen is handled by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. Foreign nationals may visit the USCIS website to start the process of immigration to the United States. Many resident aliens in the U.S. began their journey by applying for family- or employment-based immigration visas, the granting of which may be immediate or could take several years, depending on different factors.

Air Force Asthma Policy For 2019


OMK spoke directly with recruiter Staff Sergeant Socha, an Air Force recruiter stationed in Staunton, Virgnia.

Heres what he had to say regarding the Air Forces asthma policy:

With the Air Force, asthma is disqualifying if the service person carries an inhaler.

If they had childhood asthma but currently do not carry an inhaler it is possible to join the Air Force.

Before joining the Air Force, the potential candidate would take a Pulmonary Function Test .

Keep in mind though that, in the Air Force, there would be specific jobs where asthma would be an issue.

We will update the Air Force asthma policy every 6 months to keep this content current and notify you of any changes.

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What Is Required To Join The Royal Navy

Royal Navy rating

To apply to be a Royal Navy rating, you will need to be aged 16 or over and if you are under the age of 18, you will need the consent of a parent or guardian.

The shortest Royal Navy career is four years but you can choose to serve 22 years and more if you wish.

Each role in the Navy has its own joining process which can include assessments, physical tests, multiple choice exams and a medical.

You will need to be medically fit to join and common conditions such as Asthma within the last four years , a medical condition that requires a prescription, a BMI that exceeds 28 and a few more health issues can either delay or bar you from entering the Naval service.

There are many other factors that you will need to look into before you apply to be a Royal Navy rating and you can find them here.

Royal Marines commando

Royal Marines commandos are the UK’s most elite soldiers.

As a commando, you can be expected to be pushed to your limit every single day.

You do not need any qualifications for this job role but you must be aged between 16 and 32.

To be an officer, you will need A-levels or above and to be aged between 18 and 25.

Again, if you are under 18, you will need consent from a parent or guardian.

You will also need to go through a medical to be considered.

For more information about eligibility, please see here.

Royal Navy officer

Officers are the managers within the Royal Navy.

They make important decisions and take responsibility for their department.

Can You Join The Military With Asthma

Can you join the military with asthma? The short answer is it depends. The military has a long and varied history of how they handle recruits with different medical conditions. Generally, the rule is medical conditions that impact availability and effectiveness are automatic disqualifiers. Asthma is a chronic lung disease that makes it hard for people to breathe, especially during bouts of prolonged exercise. In this article, well look at how all 5 branches of the military view asthma and what to do if you have asthma and still want to serve your country.

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Can You Decline A Deployment

The military can deny the request. Officers can request to resign their commission after serving their minimum obligation to the military. It takes time and the military can deny the request. There are assignments that can be declined under certain conditions, but combat deployments generally arent one of them.

What Job Roles Are There In The Royal Navy

Can You Join The Military With Asthma in 2021? [Yes, But]

There are more than 100 different job roles within the navy from air traffic control to engineers and chefs.

For the first step in your journey to join the Royal Navy you need to register your interest in one of the roles.

But dont worry you dont need to be 100 per cent certain on the perfect role for yourself at this point especially with so many varied opportunities available.

To work out which job role is perfect for you, you can use the Royal Navy role finder to help you start your journey.

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Do Raf Check Medical Records

All candidates who wish to join the Royal Air Force have an assessment to determine whether they satisfy tri-Service and single Service medical entry standards. The report received from your GP will be scanned into an electronic recruiting medical record held by the contractor and will be reviewed by a contractor ME.

Do Single Parents Get Deployed

Although the Army does not allow single parents to enlist, there are 37,000 single parents on active duty. According to the Army, 8,300 single parents are currently deployed. Legal experts said the Army tends to accommodate family needs, to a point. And most single-parent soldiers tend to tough it out.

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Adhd Medication Rules Are Unreasonable

The military should relax its enlistment standards, but much more needs to be done beyond that, including reforming overly restrictive policies regarding ADHD medication. While few cases are known of people with ADHD who are able to take medication while serving, for the most part, an applicant with ADHD is not able to take medication immediately prior to enlisting and while on active duty.

Realistically, and perhaps in alignment with the militarys reasoning if a person with ADHD cannot function well and be productive without medication, then they are probably not a good fit for the military. You dont want to be in a combat environment, for example, and run out of medication.

But an individual with ADHD who is being treated with medication is not necessarily too ADHD to be an effective soldier. Again, it all depends on the individual. A good argument can be made that taking the appropriate medication will make a soldier who is already capable into one who is even more capable.

The main benefits of drug therapy for adults with ADHD are significant improvements in attention, concentration, and mental alertness, along with a significant decrease in physical restlessness and impulsivity. Common results from taking the proper ADHD medication are significant increases in efficiency and productivity.

Medical Conditions That Can Keep You From Joining The Military

What Recruiters Don’t Tell You! (Navy Medical Advice)

Below, you will find details from the Army‘s “Standards of Medical Fitness.” These standards generally apply to all other branches as well. Remember that most of these conditions are not necessarily permanently disqualifying, but they are red flags.

If you have had a medical complication at any time in your life that is mentioned here, then you need to tell your recruiter. They will tell you whether your condition can be waived, or if it is permanently disqualifying. Remember that if you do not get an official waiver and your condition later is discovered, you most likely will be dishonorably discharged for fraudulent enlistment. The choice is yours.

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You Cant Have Flat Feet

Though this is one of the most widely argued-about conditions that can bar you from the military, the answer is yes it is real. While someone who has flat feet can serve in the military, it depends on the severity. If someone has symptomatic flat feet, which indicates that the condition causes the person chronic physical pain, then he or she cannot serve.

Personality Conduct And Behavior Disorders

The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

a. Personality, conduct or behavior disorders as evidenced by frequent encounters with law enforcement agencies, antisocial attitudes or behavior, which, while not sufficient cause for administrative rejection, are tangible evidence of impaired capacity to adapt to military service.

b. Personality, conduct or behavior disorders where it is evident by history, interview or psychological testing that the degree of immaturity, instability, personality inadequacy, impulsiveness or dependency will seriously interfere with adjustment in the Army as demonstrated by repeated inability to maintain reasonable adjustment in school, with employers and fellow workers, and with other social groups.

c. Other behavior disorders including but not limited to conditions such as authenticated evidence of functional enuresis or encopresis, sleepwalking or eating disorders that are habitual or persistent occurring beyond age 12, or stammering of such a degree that the individual is normally unable to express themselves clearly or to repeat commands.

d. Specific academic skills defects, chronic history of academic skills or perceptual defects, secondary to organic or functional mental disorders that interfere with work or school after age 12. Current use of medication to improve or maintain academic skills.

e. Suicide, history of attempted or suicidal behavior.

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Neurotic Anxiety Mood Somatoform Dissociative Or Factitious Disorders

The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment and induction are a history of such disorders resulting in any or all of the below:

a. Admission to a hospital or residential facility.

b. Care by a physician or other mental health professional for more than six months.

c. Symptoms or behavior of a repeated nature that impaired social, school or work efficiency.

My Asvab Scores Are Too Low Does This Mean I Can No Longer Join

Is joining the Royal Marines after University a foolish ...

Not necessarily. The Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery helps the Army determine who is or isnt qualified to become an enlisted Soldier. However, we understand extenuating circumstances can impact ones ability to test or test well. The Army does offer ASVAB waivers for potential recruits. The easiest way to learn about your eligibility, the waiver process, and your next steps is to talk with your recruiter.

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What Is The Royal Marines Fitness Test

3.9/5Fitness TestRoyal Marines

In respect to this, how do Royal Marines get fit?

2 x 2 mile runs and a long walk will not get you fit enough to pass your PJFT. You need to be running around 4 miles at least 5 times a week, including sprint and hill sessions and banging out the press ups, sit ups and pull ups at every opportunity. Look at what is required for the PJFT and train specific for that.

Beside above, what is the pass rate for the Royal Marines? There actually are simple Around 75 – 85 percent. Before commando training starts you are required to pass the potential course – this has a 50 – 60 percent failure rate.

Consequently, how many pull ups for Royal Marines?

Pullups follow situps. A minimum of 3 are required to stay on the course but any less than 5 will be looked at critically and 16 will gain the maximum of 5 points.

Are the Royal Marines Special Forces?

The Navy’s branch of the special forces is equally as skilled and equally as secretive about their operations. The SBS, or the Special Boat Service, mainly recruits from theRoyal Marines, a part of the military already considered to be an elite force.


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