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How To Live With Asthma And Allergies

The Best Us Cities For People With Asthma

Why Do People Get Asthma and Allergies?

Managing asthma can be a challenge. For many people, asthma triggers exist both inside the home and outside. Where you live can affect the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

There is no perfect community free of triggers for people with asthma, but understanding environmental risk factors can help you to develop a plan to minimize your exposure. You can take steps to manage the condition and live a healthy and happy life wherever you may be.

Dust Mites Are Caused By Having A Dirty Home

Two ways to prevent exposure to dust mites are to reduce humidity and block access to human skin. Using mattress or pillow covers can prevent dust mites from multiplying and keep them from irritating your skin and nasal passages. Washing your sheets regularly in warm water will also keep dust mite populations down.

Living Better With Severe Asthma And Allergy

Two physicians and a patient discuss how to improve control of asthma and allergy symptomsand how to advocate for treatment.

Latasha Phelan Wrights journey to her diagnosis and control of her severe asthma was long and stressful, beginning with treatment for allergies and breathing difficulties. She ended up in the hospital several times before being a referred to Njira Lugogo, M.D.,, a pulmonologist and director of the asthma program at U-M Health.

In a recent livestream, Wright shares her story and provides advice for patients living with asthma symptoms. Anna Kovalszki, M.D., of the Division of Allergy and Immunology and Lugogo answer common questions about allergies and asthma, including how to recognize symptoms, common therapies, and insights for patients with severe allergy and asthma on ways to improve their quality of life. Here are some highlights :

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Impact Of Climate Change

Climate change can impact asthma. Ozone or particle pollution can cause or aggravate asthma. These pollutant levels can be different depending on where you live. The American Lung Association produces an annual report listing the cities with the most and least ozone and particle pollution. You can also find information about daily pollution levels in your area at Airnow.7,8

Higher temperatures due to climate change can also increase ground-level ozone. Ground-level ozone can be the most harmful ozone for people with asthma. Spikes in ground-level ozone on hot days correspond to increased emergency room visits related to asthma. Warmer summers have also caused flowers to bloom earlier and longer, releasing more pollen. This can aggravate allergies and asthma.7

It may be better to live in a place with less overall air pollution or allergens so that the spikes are not as bad. On warm days, you can also check the air quality index before going outside.

Managing Mood Disorders And Asthma

Allergic Living

Research shows that both depression and anxiety are complications that can develop as a result of having uncontrolled asthma. A study found that people with asthma were almost twice as likely to develop depression compared with those who didnt have asthma.

Stress can exacerbate asthma, notes Grayson. If stress, anxiety, or any emotional concerns are interfering with your life or relationships, you should ask your doctor about whether it might be appropriate to see a mental health professional. Mental health concerns, like depression or anxiety, may also interfere with asthma medication and treatment plan adherence, Grayson adds. Those issues should be addressed so asthma can be better managed.

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What Causes Allergic Asthma

The cause of asthma isnt known. However, for those with allergic asthma, the reason symptoms start is related to allergens. This is the main difference between allergic asthma and other types of asthma allergens are inhaled and trigger asthma symptoms. When you experience severe asthma symptoms, its called an asthma attack.

Breathe Well Live Well With Asthma

At Asthma Australia, we want all people with asthma to breathe easy and to live a full and uninhibited life. Living with asthma, this is possible if the correct management is in place. Managing your asthma means taking control of your health. It means working with a doctor and medical professionals to determine an Asthma Action Plan, and using it every day. Find out more about Asthma Action Plans here.

It means prevention and reliever medications and your asthma are balanced, so the asthma is under control. And that means there are few symptoms or flare-ups, also known as asthma attacks.

If you or someone around live with asthma, make sure you know what first aid to apply and what medications are necessary. Take medical advice. Some companies or organisations that promote complementary medicines do not have an evidence base. Use proven medicines in consultation with your doctor.

Some times of life require extra care. Correct asthma management is critical for children and young people with asthma and during pregnancy.

For now, there is no cure though we are supporting research to try and help this.

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Best Cities To Live For People With Asthma In The World

It doesnt make sense to live somewhere that makes breathing difficult, which is why we created this list of the best cities to live for people with asthma in the world.

Living with asthma is hard, and its often a challenge to find a place with a suitable environment so you can breathe easy. Asthma is either related to allergies or physical activity, but its often both of those factors that contribute. I know a lot of people with asthma who have to carry around their inhalers in case they have an asthma attack while theyre outside. One time when I was in elementary school, someone had an asthma attack in the lunch line and had to go to the hospital. It was quite scary and it proves that it can often be the weather that causes asthma symptoms to flare up.

Antonio Guillem/

Asthma is when the airways become inflamed and narrow, which makes breathing difficult. It can also cause chest pains and wheezing. Its a chronic and incurable disease and everyone has different triggers. It is, however, very treatable and sufferers can still function normally. I think its best if those with more severe asthma find places that have suitable weather and environmental conditions to make sure breathing is as thoughtless as possible. Some places that are perfect for those with asthma might coincide with the countries with the best climate in the world.

You can start to breathe easy with the best cities to live for people with asthma in the world.

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Kovalszki: The underlying process is a person has a propensity for developing allergies, often driven by genetics and family history but also driven by what theyre exposed to. So, if they are exposed to things that can potentially increase the rate of allergic inflammation, such as car exhaust fumes or factory pollution, for example, been shown to increase . For example, patients with pets in their home might notice if their dog licks their hand, they develop hives. That is a skin manifestation of the same allergy that will drive their asthma to develop and get worse. The manifestation of the allergy can come out in the nose, lungs, skin, GI tract , but the underlying mechanism is all the same.

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Best Places To Live With Asthma: The Ultimate Guide

Asthma sufferers know that where you live can have a huge impact on your symptoms. This list considers five cities with characteristics that can help you breathe easier when finding a place to live.

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects over 26 million Americans â thatâs nearly 8% of the U.S. population. While it canât be cured, medication and lifestyle changes help control symptoms and avoid potentially life-threatening asthma attacks. There are dozens of asthma triggers, and people with the condition must take into account a cityâs environment when planning a move.

Different people are sensitive to a multitude of different asthma triggers. Because of this, there is no one âidealâ city for people living with asthma. We selected the locations listed in this article based on environmental factors and public response to controlling asthma symptoms.

Check out the best places to live and buy a home with a Partner Agent.

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Question: Who Should Use A Nebulizer

Dr. James: Any person with asthma can use a nebulizer to deliver asthma medicine into the lungs. A nebulizer is different from an asthma inhaler. Some people with asthma prefer to use nebulizers when their asthma has flared up a lot. Other people are unable to use asthma inhalers effectively and prefer nebulizers. Most people with asthma use inhalers with or without spacer devices to administer their medicines due to ease of use, cost, and how easy they are to carry.

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Other Things Play A Role

Lists of good and bad places to live with asthma often include a look at other things like:

  • Poverty: More people living in poverty means fewer people with access to medical care.
  • Lack of insurance: Again, it means fewer people with asthma will be getting care.
  • Number of asthma doctors: Without enough specialists, people who canât travel easily wonât get care.
  • Number of ER visits: A high ranking means people arenât seeing a doctor regularly.

Allergic Asthma Vs Non

Living With Allergic Asthma

You may be asking, What is the difference between allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma? After all, the symptoms are similar. It turns out the main difference is the cause of symptoms.

For people with allergic asthma, an outdoor or indoor allergen may trigger symptoms. For a person with non-allergic asthma, there may be other triggers. These triggers include smoke, pollutants, exercise, viruses, and many other things. Interestingly, a person with allergic asthma may experience intensified symptoms from these triggers.

People with allergic asthma will require treatment for their asthma symptoms, similar to non-allergic asthma, but they may also require treatment for their allergies.

It is believed that allergic asthma is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Genetics often play an important role in the development of asthma. Having a family member with asthma or allergies increases the risk of asthma. So understanding your family medical history is important.

What are some other key differences between people with allergic asthma compared to people with non-allergic asthma? Researchers have learned that people with allergic asthma are usually younger and more likely to have positive skin allergen testing than people with non-allergic asthma. People with non-allergic asthma are more likely to be female and develop more severe disease than those with allergic asthma.

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What Does Allergic Asthma Feel Like

Distinguishing between non-allergic vs. allergic asthma can be challenging. This is because the asthma symptoms remain the same cough, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath. The major difference is people with allergic asthma normally experience symptoms after inhaling an allergen. They may also experience other non-respiratory allergy symptoms such as hives on the skin.

Does an asthma attack triggered by allergies feel different than a typical asthma attack? No, there is not really any difference between the two. But if you know you have allergic asthma, you may be able to predict when you may be most at risk for an attack. By knowing what triggers your asthma, you can be extra cautious if exposed.

Can You Apply For Disability If You Have Asthma

Yes in most cases you can apply for disability if you have asthma, according to the AAFA. Asthma and allergies are usually considered disabilities under the ADA.

Thanks to a change that was made to the ADA in 2008, conditions that may show symptoms only at certain times, like asthma, are included under its umbrella, meaning that people with asthma are protected by the law, according to the AAFA.

If you need to ask for changes to be made at your workplace, talk with your employer or, if possible, a disabilities service coordinator at your workplace. You can also contact the Department of Justices ADA hotline at 800-514-0301 or 800-514-0383 . Operators can answer questions, provide free informational materials, and explain how you can file a complaint. You can ask them about legal options if you feel there has been a pattern of discrimination or there is a public safety risk.

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What To Consider Before Joining A Clinical Trial

A person with asthma may decide to join a clinical trial to receive a treatment or medication that may not be otherwise available, or they might be motivated to help others with asthma and expand broader medical knowledge, says Grayson. And in some cases, you may have access to medical care or medication for free, potentially even after the trial is over, notes Williams.

The study researchers will screen your eligibility if you apply, but you should also consider your own commitment. You should only join a clinical trial if you plan to follow the researchers directions, such as taking medication as instructed, says Grayson.

Another reason you may not be a good candidate is if you are uncomfortable with the possibility that you might be unknowingly assigned to a placebo arm of a trial and not receive the active treatment or experimental therapy, Grayson adds.

Little Airways Big Voices

Living with asthma: A family’s story

The Little Airways, Big Voices initiative aims to bring the voice of families impacted by asthma in childhood to the forefront of drug development and research. The Allergy & Asthma Network, American Lung Association, American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders, and Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America are collaborating on this initiative. To learn more, visit

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Im Pregnant Can I Take Allergic Rhinitis Medicines

If your allergic rhinitis is troublesome, or if effective treatment for your allergic rhinitis helps control your asthma symptoms, your doctor might recommend that you take medicine while you are pregnant.

If you discover that you are pregnant while using medicines for allergic rhinitis, tell your doctor straight away.

Some corticosteroid nasal sprays have a good safety rating during pregnancy. Most allergic rhinitis medicines have no particular safety concerns for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking any medicines when you are pregnant.

Is It Safe To Have Playdates If My Child Has Food Allergies

Once your child is old enough to start having playdates with friends, there are a few steps to take in order to ensure a fun and safe afternoon. Show the parents your childs action plan, how to use an epinephrine auto-injector and explain the signs and symptoms of a reaction.

Pack a safe snack for your child and the same snack for the friend to eat together during their playdate. Make it clear that no other snacks are allowed and that anything else must be pre-approved.

Babysitters, Playdates and Food Allergies: A Matter of Trust

Recommended Reading: What Is The Difference Between Allergic And Nonallergic Asthma

Can I Drink Coffee If I Have Food Allergies

If you are a coffee drinker and you have food allergies, it can be complicated to navigate, whether youre at home or your local café.

Most cafés now use multiple milk options along with flavors and syrups. For example, hazelnut coffee could pose a risk for someone with a nut allergy. There is also additional risk of cross contact from surfaces, spoons, heating wands, pitchers and stirrers.

If you are going to order coffee, choose a drink that is less complicated to make . Tell the barista about your food allergies so they are aware and then observe the process to make sure you feel comfortable.

How Do I Know If My Asthma Treatment Plan Needs Updating


Asthma is a condition that requires constant attention. An up-to-date Asthma Action Plan is important for disease control and to prevent asthma attacks. If you start to regularly experience symptoms during everyday activities, visit your asthma specialist to discuss whether you need to adjust your treatment plan.The Rules of Two is another way to find out if your treatment plan is working. If you answer yes to any of these questions, make plans to visit your asthma specialist.

  • Do you need to use your quick-relief inhaler TWO or more times a week?
  • Does your asthma wake you up TWO or more times a month?
  • Do you refill your quick-relief inhaler TWO or more times a year?
  • Do you use prednisone TWO or more times a year for flares of asthma?
  • Does your peak flow vary when more than TWO TIMES 10 from baseline when you have asthma symptoms?

The Rules of Two is a registered trademark of the Baylor Healthcare System.

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What Is Immunotherapy

Specific allergen immunotherapy is an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis in some people and can achieve lasting relief from symptoms.

Your doctor might suggest immunotherapy if your allergic rhinitis is mainly due to one allergen that you cannot avoid. It can only be prescribed by an allergy specialist.

Treatment must be continued for 35 years.

Oral and injectable forms of immunotherapy are available in Australia. Oral immunotherapy involves daily treatment at home. Injectable immunotherapy involves weekly to monthly injections. Side effects can occur, but serious allergic reactions are rare. It is unsafe for people with severe or poorly controlled asthma.

How Do I Avoid Cross

Wash hands Wash hands in soap and water before preparing a meal. Commercial hand wipes will also help hand sanitizers do not.

Wash all surfaces, utensils and equipment Wash cutting boards, dishes, pots, pans and countertops thoroughly with hot, soapy water after preparing food. Consider having dedicated dishes, pans and sponges that allergens dont touch.

Keep safe foods safe Store allergen-safe foods on a separate shelf in the refrigerator and cupboard. Use stickers to identify allergen-safe foods.

Use the no sharing rule Never share food, utensils or drinks.

Avoid buffets or cafeterias Buffets and cafeteria-style serving has a greater risk of cross-contact due to shared utensils and spilled foods.

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