Breathing Problems During Exercise
If you have chest tightness, cough, wheeze or shortness of breath during exercise, your doctor may perform extra tests to see if you have a type of asthma called, exercise-induced asthma or exercise-induced bronchospasm. For some people, they will only have asthma symptoms during exercise. There are many benefits to exercise, so work with your doctor to find the best management steps and treatment options for you.
Diagnosing Asthma In Children
At Hassenfeld Childrens Hospital at NYU Langone, pulmonologistsdoctors who treat children with lung conditionsspecialize in diagnosing asthma, a condition in which the bronchial tubes, or airways, swell and tighten. This can make it difficult for a child to take a deep breath.
Asthma can appear at any age, and doctors arent entirely sure what causes it. Evidence suggests that asthma develops as a result of repeated exposure to the viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory infections, as well as to allergens and other irritants, such as pollen, dust, mold, cigarette smoke, air pollution, and pet dander, which is the dead skin shed by animals.
Exposure to these triggers stimulates the accumulation of cells in the lungs called eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that helps to protect the body from foreign substances. Eosinophils release substances that inflame the airways and make them sensitive to triggers.
When exposed to a trigger, the airways overreact. They become swollen and narrow and release mucus, leading to symptoms such as wheezing. An episode of severe symptoms that comes on suddenly is called an asthma attack.
What Is Good Asthma Care
Your doctor or nurse will tailor your asthma treatment to your symptoms. Sometimes you may need to be on higher levels of medication than at others.
You should be offered:
- care at your GP surgery provided by doctors and nurses trained in asthma management
- full information about your condition and how to control it
- involvement in making decisions about your treatment
- regular checks to ensure your asthma is under control and your treatment is right for you
- a written personal asthma action plan agreed with your doctor or nurse
It is also important that your GP or pharmacist teaches you how to properly use your inhaler, as this is an important part of good asthma care.
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If A Child No Longer Has Asthma Symptoms Can You Assume The Asthma Is Gone Too
Kids may become asymptomatic, but the âchronic stuffâ in their lungs probably doesnât go away, says Derek K. Johnson, a pediatric allergist in Fairfax, Va. Only a biopsy of lung tissue would offer certainty about the state of a personâs airways.
âTo follow changes , you need to look at it on a microscopic level. Itâs not something we do routinely,â says Johnson, the former director of the division of allergy and clinical immunology at Temple University Childrenâs Medical Center in Philadelphia.
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What Is Included In An Asthma Test
This exam will include an inspection of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, as well as possible lung X-rays.
Once the physical exam is complete, the doctor will test your lungs using a series of breathing tests. If your lungs are underperforming, they will determine whether the source of the problem is asthma or something else.
Its important to remember that there are different levels of asthma, so even if you are diagnosed, it may not be as severe as some other cases. Generally speaking, asthma severity ranges from 4 different levels:;
- Intermittent;
;Each requires a different level of treatment.
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Using A Peak Flow Meter
Some healthcare providers like to recommend a peak flow meter to anyone with a new diagnosis of asthma. It can be especially helpful in children. A peak flow meter may help them recognize the signs and symptoms of their asthma getting worse.
What Is a Peak Flow Meter?
A peak flow meter is a portable, inexpensive, hand-held device used to measure how air flows from your lungs in one “fast blast.” In other words, the meter measures your ability to push air out of your lungs.
Who Should Use a Peak Flow Meter?
Patients age 5 years and older are usually able to use a peak flow meter to help manage their asthma. Not all healthcare providers recommend peak flow meters to help children and adults manage their asthma. Many healthcare providers believe a peak flow meter may be of most help for people with moderate and severe asthma. If your asthma is mild or you do not use daily medication, a peak flow meter may not be useful for your asthma management. A peak flow meter is a helpful tool for school health staff to monitor a child’s asthma during the school day.
Why Should I Measure My Flow Rate?
Peak flow meter measurements can help your healthcare provider make decisions about your treatment and adjust your medicines, and the measurements also can alert you when your asthma symptoms are worsening.
Tests For Other Conditions
The doctor may also do tests for other conditions that can make asthma worse, like:
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
The Canadian Lung Association: “Signs and Symptoms of Asthma: Diagnosis.”
National Jewish Medical and Research Center: “How Is Asthma Diagnosed?”
American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: “About Asthma: Diagnosing Asthma.”
Mayo Clinic: âAsthma: Steps in testing and diagnosis.â
Medscape: âAsthma Guidelines.â
American Academy of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology: “What to expect at the doctor’s office.”
American Lung Association: “Spirometry and Other Lung Function Tests Fact Sheet.”
American Medical Association: Essential Guide to Asthma.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: “Peak Flow Meters.”
Grayson, M. ACP Medicine, 2005.
National Asthma Education and Prevention Program: “Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma — 2002.”
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: “Asthma: How is Asthma Diagnosed?”
MedlinePlus: “Pulmonary Function Tests.”
National Lung Health Education Program: “Spirometry.”
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How To Perform A Pef
Before doing a home lung function test, to measure your PEF, remove any food, gum, and excess saliva from your mouth, as such obstructions could interfere with the efficiency of the test. Also check the peak flow meter for obstructions or foreign objects, then follow these eight simple steps to effectively perform the test.
After blowing into the peak flow meter a total of three times, record your highest value for the day. If instructed, also record the other readings.
What Are The Consequences Of Overdiagnosis
One of the problems of misdiagnosis is that there may be an alternative diagnosis that is not made in a timely fashion. Some of the final diagnoses in the study by Aaronet al. , such as ischaemic heart disease, subglottic stenosis and pulmonary hypertension, were serious and could lead to patient harm if unrecognised. In addition to this risk, patients are often on long-term inhaled therapy unnecessarily, leading both to potential side-effects and significant ongoing healthcare costs as these drugs are likely to be issued for many years after a diagnosis of asthma. In the past, many mild asthma patients were simply on an as required SABA inhaler, but increasingly this is discouraged with daily ICS therapy recommended for all but a few . This represents a burden to the patient and could conceivably cause side-effects such as an increased risk of adrenal suppression, diabetes, cataract formation and pneumonia . If the wrong diagnosis is made patients are also likely to remain symptomatic, and potentially have their asthma treatment stepped up, adding to both the cost and the potential for side-effects.
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Asthma And Other Diseases Can Have The Same Symptoms
When you have asthma, the lining of the airways;in the lungs swells and the muscles around the;airways get tight. Then the airways get narrow.
When you breathe, you have trouble moving air out of your lungs. As a result, you may cough, wheeze, feel short of breath, or have tightness in your chest. Exercise or cold air may make the symptoms worse.
However, those same symptoms can also be a sign of other lung problems, such as a common cold, bronchitis, or pneumonia. They can even be;symptoms of heart disease and other diseases.
It is important to know the cause of your symptoms to make sure you get the right treatment. The;treatment for asthma is very different from the;treatment for pneumonia or heart disease.
How To Use A Peak Flow Meter
When you first get a peak flow meter, ask your GP, asthma nurse, or pharmacist to show you how to use it and how to take a reading.
Take these steps to make sure you use your peak flow meter correctly:
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What Is A Chest X
An X-ray is an image of the body that is created by using low doses of radiation reflected on special film or a fluorescent screen. X-rays can be used to diagnose a wide range of conditions, from bronchitis to a broken bone. Your doctor might perform an X-ray exam on you in order to see the structures inside your chest, including the heart, lungs, and bones.
Skipping The Test Has Risks
Many people who need a spirometry test never;have one. Some healthcare providers only rely on;symptoms to decide whether a patient has asthma;or another disease.
If your doctor assumes you have asthma without;giving you a spirometry test, you could be taking asthma drugs when you dont need them. And the real cause of your symptoms would not be treated.
On the other hand, you and your doctor might;assume the cause of your symptoms is a mild;problem, when in fact it is asthma. If your asthma is not treated, you could have severe asthma attacks. About nine people die from asthma attacks every day in the U.S. Untreated or poorly managed;asthma can also cause scarring in the lungs, which can lead to COPD. Once the lungs are scarred, asthma medicines wont work as well.
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The Test Can Save Money
A spirometry test generally costs less than $100. Not having the test can cost a lot more money. If the test shows that you do not have asthma, this can save you hundreds of dollars a month for asthma medicines. If you do not have the test and you have asthma, an emergency room visit for an asthma attack can cost thousands of dollars.
Tips To Check Asthma Symptoms In Children
Asthma symptoms in children should be checked in time. Dealing with childhood asthma in time reduces severity.
Does your child cough incessantly without getting any better for days? Does he / she fall sick with cough and cold more often than what you feel is normal. If your answer is yes, then;it is possible that he / she is developing symptoms of childhood asthma.
Asthma is a very common viral infection in children, particularly toddlers during winter season. For children, upto five six episodes of cough and cold in a year is considered to be normal provided they get better on their own without any long term illness. Since asthma is a viral illness, antibiotics are not recommended in most of the cases, rather they can be harmful.
Asthma Symptoms In Children
It is very necessary to recognize asthma symptoms in children in time so that proper medication can be started and the severity and frequency of the problem can be reduced. ;Unrecognized asthma could be potentially life threatening for a child. Asthma badly affects mental and physical development of a child.
For acute symptoms of asthma, giving nebulizers is not recommended. Efforts should be to avoid these symptoms and help the child to lead normal and unrestricted life.
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Are There Different Tests To Diagnose Asthma In Children
Children under 5 years old dont normally have lung function tests. Instead, a doctor will do a physical exam and make note of all their symptoms. Theyll collect a detailed medical history and will ask questions about the family medical history.
There are many conditions that might look like asthma in young children, making diagnosis difficult. Your childs doctor might prescribe an inhaled medication called a bronchodilator. This medication is safe and temporarily opens the airways.
It might be a sign your child has asthma if the bronchodilator improves their breathing symptoms. Your childs doctor will make a diagnosis once there is enough evidence to support that asthma is causing your childs breathing difficulties.
Symptoms Like Coughing Wheezing And Feeling Breathless Could Mean You Have Asthma See Your Gp To Confirm A Diagnosis Of Asthma And Start Treatment
Find out why its important to get a diagnosis so you can start treatment for asthma, how asthma is diagnosed, and how you can take positive steps to stay symptom free after a diagnosis.
- tightness in the chest
- feeling short of breath.;
Not everyone with asthma will get all of these. For example, not everyone wheezes. But if youre experiencing one or more of these symptoms, make an appointment with your GP.
Most people with well-managed asthma only have symptoms now and then. But some people have symptoms a lot of the time, particularly the small percentage of people with;severe asthma.
A key thing with asthma is that symptoms come and go – you may not have them all the time.
Why its important to see your GP to confirm a diagnosis;
If youve noticed asthma-like symptoms, dont ignore them. Make an appointment with your GP or an asthma nurse as soon as you can. ;
The quicker you get diagnosed, the quicker you can get the right medicines to help you deal with your symptoms.
Asthma is a long-term condition that needs regular preventer treatment. If its not treated, it could lead to an asthma attack which can be life-threatening.
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Video: What Happens After Being Diagnosed With Asthma
Transcript of ‘What happens after being diagnosed with asthma?’
0:00 It can be really scary to be told you have asthma and it’s natural to worry about how it might affect your life. The
0:08 good news is that there’s lots of support out there to help you manage the condition and to help you to stay well.
0:15 You may wonder if your asthma can be cured. Well, even though we don’t have a cure for asthma at the moment, there’s so much we can do with the right medicines,
0:25 the right treatments, the right advice and support to help you stay well, so that the asthma won’t affect your life,
0:31 whether it be work or your play. You might find that when you’re just diagnosed with asthma it takes a little
0:38 bit of time to get your medicines just right so that you are living without symptoms every day. Be patient, hang on in there.
0:47 The most important thing is to develop a really good relationship with your doctor or nurse. With them you can draw up an asthma action plan, which you can
0:56 download from our website. That’ll really help you to manage your asthma well, and we know that you’re four times less likely to need to go to hospital if
1:04 you’ve got one of these. So, if you have just been diagnosed with asthma, try and stay positive. There’s so much you can do to stay well. You can visit our website,
1:14 or phone one of our friendly asthma nurse specialists, or even join a forum. Remember that we’re here to help.
Spirometry Helps Diagnose And Manage Asthma
A spirometry test can confirm whether you have asthma or another disease. And it helps your;healthcare provider decide on your treatment.;A spirometry test can also show how well your;treatment is working. If follow-up spirometry tests show that your asthma is well controlled, your;treatment is working. If it shows that your asthma;is not under control, your doctor may need to change your medicine or give you more medicine.
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Tests For Allergies Gerd And Other Conditions
Multiple conditions can cause coughing and other symptoms that are similar to asthma. Sometimes, these conditions occur alongside asthma and can make your asthma worse. Your doctor will want to run tests for these conditions. The exact tests youll have will depend on your exact symptoms, and the results of your lung function tests. Possible additional tests include:
- Gastroesophageal reflux assessment. The diagnosis of GERD in people with asthma is often a clinical diagnosis, based on the presence of classic symptoms. For people with symptoms that are suspicious for GERD but who do not have the classic symptoms, the next step would be to refer them to a gastroenterologist for evaluation and workup.
- Blood tests. There are no blood tests that can determine the presence or absence of asthma or gauge its severity. However, a complete blood count with differential white blood cell analysis to look for cells called eosinophils may be helpful in certain cases. Also, having a low amount of red blood cells can cause shortness of breath that is unresponsive to asthma therapies and would require further evaluation to determine the cause. Certain blood tests can also look for allergies or infections that might be the cause of your symptoms.