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HomeCan You Join The Military With Asthma

Can You Join The Military With Asthma

Your Testicles Have To Be Normal

Can You Join The Army With ADHD or ASTHMA?

You have to have normal genitalia to be in the military. According to the Tucson recruiting office, one man who was trying to join couldnt because his testicles were too big. As a result, he was permanently disqualified. However, thats not the only concern. The absence of one or both testicles, whether congenital, acquired, or unexplained absence of a testicle is also unacceptable according to military standards.

Navy Policy On Asthma

OMK spoke with Officer Mendoza, a Navy recruiter stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, about the Navys policy on asthma.

This is what he had to say:

  • It is possible to enter the Navy if you have been previously diagnosed, but it can be very difficult. For starters, if you currently have asthma, it is not going to work.
  • The army has a very strict policy on this; If you are currently being treated for asthma, it will not help.
  • Also, any history of asthma after age 13 will require an exemption.
  • The exemption process will take place at your Military Entry Processing Station, or MEPS.
  • Before enlisting, you will be asked to take what is known as a pulmonary function test or PFT.
  • A PFT is essentially a non-invasive test that shows how well your lungs are working.

If you can pass this test, you can join the Navy.

How Do You Shut Up A Jehovah Witness

Politely interrupt to take control of the conversation.

  • When a Jehovahs Witness starts talking, interrupt with a polite, Excuse me to get their attention.
  • Try raising your hand an holding it between the two of you at chest level with your palm facing the other person and begin your interjection with, Hold on.
  • Also Check: Famous Athletes With Asthma

    Neurotic Anxiety Mood Somatoform Dissociative Or Factitious Disorders

    The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment and induction are a history of such disorders resulting in any or all of the below:

    a. Admission to a hospital or residential facility.

    b. Care by a physician or other mental health professional for more than six months.

    c. Symptoms or behavior of a repeated nature that impaired social, school or work efficiency.

    Coast Guard Asthma Policy For 2019

    US Military Asthma and ADD/ADHD Policy

    OMK spoke with Petty Officer Devoir, a Coast Guard recruiter stationed in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

    Heres what he had to say regarding the Coast Guards policy on asthma:

    With the Coast Guard, if youre taking any asthma medications it is a disqualifier.

    In the Coast Guard, the service person must have spirometer test, and the recruit must get doctors consultation.

    The recruit will not be able to do strenuous jobs.

    Well update the Coast Guards asthma policy regularly to reflect any changes.

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    Can You Join The Military With Asthma All You Need To Know

    WriterATTENTION!!! Subscribe to our FREE EVERYDAY JOB ALERTS and be the first to know about high paying job vacancies so you can apply IMMEDIATELY.

    Can you join the military with Asthma? This is a very popular question, and considering the potential trainees, this article has been created!

    Asthma is a chronic lung disease that makes it difficult for people to get air in and out of the lungs.

    One in 13 people have asthma and are often diagnosed in their youth before they have the opportunity to join certain careers including the military.

    If you have asthma and are considering joining one of the military branches, here is the information you need.

    Adult And Childhood Asthma Phenotypes

    Distinct adult and childhood asthma phenotypes depend upon on the type of airway cellular inflammation and the airway’s unique response to environmental stimuli., Purportedly, the asthmatic child and adolescent are different than adults with asthma., Adult asthma may be predestined in childhood asthma as early allergen exposures and viral infections intersect with genetic susceptibility., Although structural and biochemical dissimilarities between children and adults change over time, the inherited tendency towards respiratory symptoms never disappears.

    Asthma’s transformations over time are influenced by its clinical heterogeneity, airway structural changes, unrelenting airway inflammation, persistent airway remodeling, and fluctuating airway hyperreactivity. The age when various airway changes originate or end have not been precisely defined in adult and children. More men than women experience a worsening of their asthma as adulthood approaches. Presently, men predominate in the military services. Particular environmental stimuli, during military deployment, might institute an acute asthmatic attack or initiate a new case of asthma de novo in susceptible individuals.

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    Tumors And Malignant Diseases

    The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

    a. Benign tumors that interfere with function, prevent wearing the uniform or protective equipment, would require frequent specialized attention or have a high malignant potential.

    b. Malignant tumors , exception for basal cell carcinoma, removed with no residual. In addition, the following cases should be qualified if on careful review they meet the following criteria: individuals who have a history of childhood cancer who have not received any surgical or medical cancer therapy for five years and are free of cancer; individuals with a history of Wilms tumor and germ cell tumors of the testis treated surgically and/or with chemotherapy after a two-year, disease-free interval off all treatment; individuals with a history of Hodgkin’s disease treated with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy and disease free off treatment for five years; individuals with a history of large cell lymphoma after a two-year, disease-free interval off all therapy.

    Military Cost Of Asthma

    “Joining the Air Force with asthma?”

    Approximately 40% of young asthmatic recruits who wheeze subsequently became wheeze free in their late twenties. Even so, succeeding wheezing and asthma attacks may reappear even after an asthma-free interval of up to 7 years or more.

    An investigation, comprising the years 19951998, recorded 3,699 EPTS discharges because of asthma. From 1998 through 2002, approximately 17% of EPTS discharges among U.S. Army active duty enlistees was for asthma. A 2006 study, revealed that many Navy recruits were discharged early because of asthma.

    Exercise-induced bronchospasm , common among military recruits, has been linked to numerous cases of undetected asthma., Disappointingly, lung function testing for airways obstruction is rarely positive during extended remissions, between attacks, or among persons with exercise-induced bronchospasm. Likely, extreme physical performance and innumerable environmental stimuli are problematic for the soldier with exercise-induced bronchospasm.

    Nontraumatic military-related death because of asthma is rare with only 1 reported case detected among relatively healthy young military recruits not exercising. However, many nontraumatic deaths are associated with exercise, especially unrecognized pre-existing cardiac disease. Heat stress is a factor in roughly one-third of exercise-related death of recruits. There were 3 cases of asthma chronicled as exercise-related deaths.

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    Medical Conditions That Can Keep You From Joining The Military

    Below, you will find details from the Army‘s “Standards of Medical Fitness.” These standards generally apply to all other branches as well. Remember that most of these conditions are not necessarily permanently disqualifying, but they are red flags.

    If you have had a medical complication at any time in your life that is mentioned here, then you need to tell your recruiter. They will tell you whether your condition can be waived, or if it is permanently disqualifying. Remember that if you do not get an official waiver and your condition later is discovered, you most likely will be dishonorably discharged for fraudulent enlistment. The choice is yours.

    Navys Policy On Asthma In 2019

    OMK spoke with Officer Mendoza, a Navy recruiter stationed in Atlanta, Georgia, about the Navys policy on Asthma.

    Heres what he had to say:

    Its definitely possible to get in the Navy if you were previously diagnosed, but it can be very difficult.; For starters, if you currently have asthma, its not going to work out.

    The military has a very strict policy on this; if you are currently being treated for asthma, then you will not be able to serve.

    In addition, any history of Asthma after the age of 13 will require a waiver.

    The waiver process will happen at your Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS.

    Before enlisting, youll be required to perform whats known as a pulmonary function test, or PFT.

    A PFT is essentially a noninvasive test that shows how well your lungs work.

    If you can pass this test, you can join the Navy.

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    Spine And Sacroiliac Joints

    The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

    a. Arthritis.

    b. Complaint of a disease or injury of the spine or sacroiliac joints with or without objective signs that has prevented the individual from successfully following a physically active vocation in civilian life or that is associated with pain referred to the lower extremities, muscular spasm, postural deformities or limitation of motion.

    c. Deviation or curvature of spine from normal alignment, structure or function if

    It prevents the individual from following a physically active vocation in civilian life.

    It interferes with wearing a uniform or military equipment.

    It is symptomatic and associated with positive physical finding and demonstrable by X-ray.

    There is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, and kyphosis or lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the Cobb method.

    d. Fusion, congenital, involving more than two vertebrae. Any surgical fusion is disqualifying.

    e. Healed fractures or dislocations of the vertebrae. A compression fracture, involving less than 25% of a single vertebra is not disqualifying if the injury occurred more than one year before examination and the applicant is asymptomatic. A history of fractures of the transverse or spinous processes is not disqualifying if the applicant is asymptomatic.

    f. Juvenile epiphysitis with any degree of residual change indicated by X-ray or kyphosis.

    Surprising Medical Conditions That Could Bar You From Service

    Can You Join The Military With Asthma? Yes, But There

    Its no surprise that service members must be in good physical shape to serve in the military. However, there are some medical conditions that you might not know can bar you from service.

    The military lays out certain physical requirements that those wishing to serve must meet, and recruits must undergo a medical exam. When joining, they must also disclose significant medical conditions.

    Sometimes waivers from medical professionals are an option for certain medical conditions, particularly ones that relate to eyesight and weight. However, like depression and Crohns disease are likely to disqualify you from service, especially if they have affected your education or employment in the past.

    It is important to note that many conditions are not always permanently disqualifying and should not dissuade potential applicants. Recruiters and military doctors will determine if they will affect your duties.

    Here are eight surprising medical conditions that might prevent you from serving in the U.S. Armed Forces:

    1. Food Allergies

    If you have a history of food allergies, you might be disqualified from joining the military. This is because service members can serve in locations that do not have a wide variety of food options or that do not have easily accessible medical care in the case of reactions. Recruits who are merely sensitive to certain foods will not be disqualified.

    2. Celiac Disease

    5. Braces or dental ailments

    6. Motion sickness

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    Have You Always Been Able To Get A Waiver For Asthma

    Getting a waiver is a relatively recent development.

    Before 2004, a history of asthma at any age could disqualify someone from military service. After 2004, the cutoff for asthma symptoms after 13 was made when a study of 587 recruits found that a history of mild asthma was not associated with excessive medical care or early attrition from military service.

    The military has also acknowledged that the prevalence of asthma is increasing in the general public. By denying entry to a group of potential recruits, the military would be reducing the size of its recruitment pool.

    In general, the waiver guidelines and requirements related to asthma are similar across all branches of the military.

    Here are some specific rules that you may encounter across different branches of the U.S. military.

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is also an anxiety problem.

    The disorder causes persistent mental or emotional stress which is usually a result of some form of trauma.

    Unfortunately, PTSD is a common mental illness that gets diagnosed to patients who previously served in the military.

    While it is rarer for people to try and join the military with PTSD it is not completely abnormal.

    Unfortunately, the military considers PTSD a disqualifying mental health condition.

    If youve been diagnosed with PTSD you likely wont receive a waiver.

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    Miscellaneous Conditions Of The Extremities

    The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:

    a. Arthritis.

    Active, subacute or chronic arthritis.

    Chronic osteoarthritis or traumatic arthritis of isolated joints of more than a minimal degree, which has interfered with the following of a physically active vocation in civilian life or that prevents the satisfactory performance of military duty.

    b. Chronic Retropatellar Knee Pain Syndrome with or without confirmatory arthroscopic evaluation.

    c. Dislocation if unreduced, or recurrent dislocations of any major joint such as shoulder, hip, elbow or knee; or instability of any major joint such as shoulder, elbow or hip.

    d. Fractures.

    Malunion or non-union of any fracture, except ulnar styloid process.

    Orthopedic hardware, including plates, pins, rods, wires or screws used for fixation and left in place; except that a pin, wire or screw not subject to easy trauma is not disqualifying.

    e. Injury of a bone or joint of more than a minor nature, with or without fracture or dislocation, that occurred within the preceding six weeks: upper extremity, lower extremity, ribs and clavicle.

    f. Joint replacement.

    g. Muscular paralysis, contracture or atrophy, if progressive or of sufficient degree to interfere with military service and muscular dystrophies.

    h. Osteochondritis dissecans.

    i. Osteochondromatosis or multiple cartilaginous exostoses.

    j. Osteoporosis.

    k. Osteomyelitis, active or recurrent.

    How Likely Is A Medical Waiver To Be Approved

    Asthma in the Military + Letter from a USMC Recruit

    Unfortunately, I cannot predict that outcome. I dont play a doctor on the Internet, and Im not involved in the recruiting process, MEPS processes, or any appeals boards. This is not my area of profession and I do not speak for the military. So I dont want to give any false impressions.

    What I can tell you is that some medical conditions are simply ineligible for waivers. Other conditions may be waiverable, provided the member meets the medical standards for waivers as outlined in the DODI .

    The best thing you can do is arm yourself with the applicable knowledge and have the willingness to do the legwork required to get the medical examinations, file the paperwork, etc.

    Finally, dont lie when trying to join the military. It never ends well. In fact, it can end with a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of pay and benefits, or even legal action. Its simply not worth the stain on your record.

    For more information, you can read this Guide for Getting a Medical Waiver to Join the Military. This article and podcast explain the medical waiver process and the process for finding information, submitting documents, and much more. Its very helpful.

    Relevant Resources:

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    Medical Records And Exams

    When enlisting in any branch of the military, there is a point where you must undergo a medical examination, as well as a review of medical records by experts in the field.

    As part of your initial request, you must declare any medical deficiencies and disclose related documentation showing the extent of the disorder.

    Previously, asthma was an automatic disqualifying factor upon joining the military.

    This means that it was not a factor that could be waived, which means that no matter what, you cannot enter.

    With competition for benefits and wages in the civilian job market and ever-changing politics, branches like the Air Force and Navy decided to find ways to allow more people in and essentially increase their numbers.

    Respiratory Disqualifications For The Military

    Regardless of the branch of military you are applying for, you will have to disclose your asthma history in the medical screening process. In the Respiratory System Disqualification section of its website, the Air Force states:2

    A history of recurrent bronchospasm for any reason, including asthma, reactive airway disease and exercise-induced bronchospasm, that bronchospasm, which was reliably diagnosed and treated beyond age 13, is disqualifying for entry to military service and entry to service academies. Waivers may be possible, but only if convincing evidence suggests that a diagnosis was erroneous or that the condition has credibly resolved. Ongoing use of medication to treat or prevent bronchospasm does not convey resolution of such a condition and will result in waiver denial.

    The Army and Navy have similar asthma policies. The Coast Guard states in its policy that as of 2019, taking any asthma medications is seen as a disqualifier and a spirometer test and doctors consultation will be necessary. The Marines also require a pulmonary function test and a doctors consultation.3

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    How Do I Get A Waiver For Asthma

    The best way to obtain a waiver is to go through the appropriate channels and get it from the doctor who performs the medical. Before you get excited, if you still suffer seriously from asthma, you are unlikely to pass the medical regardless of how much you want it or are otherwise capable.

    If the Military Entrance Processing Station decides that your condition is too severe to serve active duty, there wont be much you can do about it for that specific branch of the military. If you can convince the Surgeon General that you are not as sick as it appears from your medical records, it may be possible that you will get a chance.

    However, he is a medical professional, not you. The military will not likely take kindly to you challenging the word of their top doctors without a very good reason.


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