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How To Cure Asthma Cough Naturally

How To Prevent Coughing

How To Stop Asthma Cough At Night Naturally?

In addition to learning how to treat a cough, you might want to learn how to prevent them in the first place.

To protect against flu, make sure you get your annual flu shot, usually starting in October. Other steps you can take include the following:

  • Avoid coming in contact with others who are sick. If you know you are sick, avoid going to work or school so you wont get others sick.
  • Cover your nose and mouth whenever your cough or sneeze.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Clean the common areas of your home, work, or school frequently. This is especially important for countertops, toys, or mobile phones.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after coughing, eating, going to the bathroom, or caring for someone whos sick.

With allergies, you can reduce flare-ups by identifying the allergens that affect you and avoiding exposure to them. Common allergens include trees, pollen, dust mites, animal fur, mold, and insects.

Allergy shots are helpful as well and can reduce your sensitivity to allergens. Talk to your doctor about what plan is right for you.

Seek emergency medical treatment if your cough is affecting your ability to breathe or if youre coughing up blood.

Respiratory tract infections involve body aches and fever, whereas allergies dont.

See your primary care physician if you experience the following symptoms in addition to your cough:

  • chills

Natural Asthma Remedy Risks

As you consider the different types of natural asthma remedies, itâs very important to carefully balance your desire to breathe easier with the possible dangers of the treatments, which may be unknown. Keep these things in mind:

  • Never use any dietary supplement before checking with your doctor.
  • Some natural herbal products, such as bee pollen, may trigger an asthma attack if youâre allergic to the specific plant.
  • Never stop using your asthma drugs without your doctorâs knowledge. If you donât follow your treatment plan, the results can be very serious and even deadly.

If youâre not sure about the claims on a natural dietary supplement product label, call your doctor before taking it. They can check the product to let you know if it has any health benefits.

Severity Of An Asthma Attack

Mild asthma is fairly common and usually can be addressed with natural remedies. Its good to know the symptoms of each stage though, so you know when to seek a doctors care.

  • Mild slight wheezing and difficulty breathing but adequate air intake. This can be intermittent or persistent .
  • Moderate conspicuous wheezing, respiratory distress at rest, use of abdominal muscles to breathe. These flare-ups can make regular activities and sleeping difficulty.
  • Severe obvious respiratory distress, blue skin , absent breath sounds.
  • Respiratory Failure severe respiratory distress, lethargy, confusion, sweating, low blood pressure.

If you or someone you know is having an asthma attack that resembles severe or respiratory failure, call 911 right away.

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Salt And Water Gargle

While the remedy may seem relatively simple, a salt and water gargle can help soothe a scratchy throat that causes you to cough. Mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water can help to relieve irritation.

Note that children under age 6 arent especially good at gargling. Its best to try other remedies for this age group.

Risk Factors Related To Cough Variant Asthma

Home Remedies for Asthma

People who have another allergic condition, regular asthma, or a relative with asthma are at a higher risk for CVA. Other risk factors include:

  • Being overweight
  • Vomiting
  • Urinary leakage and incontinence

All of these together can take a massive toll on you and have damaging consequences for both your personal and professional lives.

Moreover, prolonged negligence of this condition can give rise to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and can hamper your lung function to a significant degree. Poorly managed CVA can also lead to other serious complications that may be fatal, such as:

  • Pneumonia
  • Resistant asthma attacks that donât respond to treatment
  • Irredeemable constriction of the airways, which makes it hard to breathe in general, and not just during flare-ups
  • Collapsed lung
  • Complete lung failure

If CVA is not treated and managed correctly, it may progress into classic asthma. According to a study published in Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews in 2011, 30 percent to 40 percent of CVA cases in adult patients, unless adequately treated, may progress to classic asthma.

Also Check: How To Treat An Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

How Long Does Asthma Last

Since asthma is incurable, its course varies among individuals. If properly treated, children may get relief from intermittent asthma, or the condition may subside to a certain degree.

The disease can either progress with age or become less frequent if caused by viral infections alone in childhood. Active asthma should not be left untreated in the hope that it will resolve on its own, as this may lead to severe complications.

Include Ginger In Your Diet

Ginger is a popular natural treatment for various ailments, including asthma and CVA.

Being an excellent expectorant, it can help reduce the intensity and the duration of coughing bouts. It also helps reduce airway inflammation and inhibit airway contraction.

Moreover, it has immune-boosting properties that promote quick recovery.

  • Cut fresh ginger into small slices and crush them slightly. Put them in a cup of water and bring it to a boil. Drink this 3 or 4 times a day.
  • Another option is to chew fresh raw ginger on and off throughout the day.

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Spirometry Helps Diagnose And Manage Asthma

A spirometry test can confirm whether you have asthma or another disease. And it helps your healthcare provider decide on your treatment. A spirometry test can also show how well your treatment is working. If follow-up spirometry tests show that your asthma is well controlled, your treatment is working. If it shows that your asthma is not under control, your doctor may need to change your medicine or give you more medicine.

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How To Stop Asthma Cough

Home Remedies for Cough Variant Asthma | How to get rid of asthma | Asthma Treatment | Asthma Cough

This article was co-authored by Shaun Berger, MD. Dr. Shaun Berger is a board certified Pediatrician based in the San Diego, California metro area. Dr. Berger provides comprehensive primary care for newborns, children, and adolescents, focusing on preventive medicine. Dr. Berger earned a BA in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego and an MD from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Berger then completed a residency at the UCSF/Fresno Community Medical Centers/Valley Childrens Hospital where he was elected Chief Resident. He has been awarded the UCSF Foundation Award and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.There are 16 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 76,283 times.

Many people are familiar with common asthma symptoms like tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing. Coughing is another troublesome symptom of asthma, the inflammatory lung disease which narrows the breathing airways. To stop an asthma-related cough, identify and avoid your triggers, take medication to treat your asthma, and make yourself comfortable.

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What Is A Chest X

An X-ray is an image of the body that is created by using low doses of radiation reflected on special film or a fluorescent screen. X-rays can be used to diagnose a wide range of conditions, from bronchitis to a broken bone. Your doctor might perform an X-ray exam on you in order to see the structures inside your chest, including the heart, lungs, and bones.

How To Cure A Phlegmy Cough

A cough is a mechanism used by the body to clear our airways, but it also usually appears when we suffer from a cold, asthma, lung infection, allergies or sinusitis. Coughs also affect active and passive smokers. If the cough is not treated, it can become constant, affecting our throat and chest and preventing us from carrying out our daily activities. When accompanied by phlegm it can even be embarrassing, so now we will show how to cure a phlegmy cough using homemade remedies.

One of the most effective remedies is water vapour or steam: Simply boil water and breathe the vapour. You can add salt to the water or even special herbs to help respiration, these are available at the herbalists, which will help you get rid of phlegm and feel much better.

To do this, put the water in a pot and boil it. Once the water is hot, add herbs such as eucalyptus and put your head above the pot to inhale the vapours of the mix. Cover your head with a towel so the vapour wont spread all over the room and youll be able to breathe them.

Another effective combination thanks to its expectorant power is honey with white pepper. Prepare a tea of your choice and add a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of white pepper. You can repeat the process three times a day to help you cough up the phlegm faster. Have a look at our article how to use honey to treat a cough for more details.

  • Mix one-forth teaspoon of salt in a glass of water
  • Gargle with the mixture

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Tests For Allergies Gerd And Other Conditions

Multiple conditions can cause coughing and other symptoms that are similar to asthma. Sometimes, these conditions occur alongside asthma and can make your asthma worse. Your doctor will want to run tests for these conditions. The exact tests youll have will depend on your exact symptoms, and the results of your lung function tests. Possible additional tests include:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux assessment. The diagnosis of GERD in people with asthma is often a clinical diagnosis, based on the presence of classic symptoms. For people with symptoms that are suspicious for GERD but who do not have the classic symptoms, the next step would be to refer them to a gastroenterologist for evaluation and workup.
  • Blood tests. There are no blood tests that can determine the presence or absence of asthma or gauge its severity. However, a complete blood count with differential white blood cell analysis to look for cells called eosinophils may be helpful in certain cases. Also, having a low amount of red blood cells can cause shortness of breath that is unresponsive to asthma therapies and would require further evaluation to determine the cause. Certain blood tests can also look for allergies or infections that might be the cause of your symptoms.

Is Magnesium Sulfate Effective

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The scientific evidence supporting the use of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of severe asthma is mixed.

Authors of a 2013 study recruited 508 children from British hospitals who had severe flare-ups of asthma that had not responded to standard inhaled treatment.

The researchers randomly assigned the children to receive either nebulized magnesium sulfate or a placebo, in addition to standard asthma medications.

They concluded that nebulized magnesium sulfate in combination with standard treatment did not produce a clinically significant improvement in the childrens asthma symptoms.

However, the authors noted that children with more severe asthma symptoms showed the most significant response to magnesium treatment.

In 2014, another large British trial set out to establish how effectively magnesium sulfate could reduce asthma symptoms.

The authors recruited 1,109 adults with severe acute asthma and randomly assigned participants to receive either IV magnesium, nebulized magnesium, or standard therapy alone.

The researchers were reportedly unable to demonstrate a clinically worthwhile benefit of magnesium sulfate treatment. However, they found some weak evidence that IV magnesium sulfate could reduce the number of hospitalizations due to asthma attacks.

The findings of a systematic review, published in the same year, were more positive. The researchers analyzed data from 14 trials that had compared IV magnesium sulfate treatment to placebos in adults with acute asthma.

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Exercise Tips For People With Allergic Asthma

Engaging in regular physical activity is important for your health, even if you have allergic asthma. Here are some tips to help you exercise and engage in sports more safely:

Some mild symptoms of allergic asthma that occur while exercising may resolve on their own. More severe reactions could require medical attention. Seek emergency medical help right away if you experience:

  • an asthma attack that doesnt improve after using your rescue inhaler
  • rapidly increasing shortness of breath
  • wheezing that makes breathing a challenge
  • chest muscles that strain in an effort to breathe
  • an inability to say more than a few words at a time due to shortness of breath

How Is An Asthma Cough Diagnosed

It is quite difficult to understand when you need to seek medical opinion for your asthma cough. In most cases, because the only symptom is a chronic cough, people tend to ignore the problem and continue on with their lives. However, if your cough has lasted for more than 8 weeks and you cannot clearly identify any reason behind it, then you should consult your doctor.

Your doctor will begin by prescribing breathing tests that measure your lung capacity and lung function. You will probably be made to have these tests from time to time so that your doctor can understand the effectiveness of your medications. In some cases, allergy testing is also prescribed, particularly if the doctor suspects an allergen trigger behind your asthma cough.

Some doctors may also suggest a methacholine challenge test. In this test, when you inhale methacholine, it triggers a bout of coughing and bronchial spasms. While this trigger is observed in everyone, a person suffering from asthma will have an increased sensitivity to the test.

Also Check: How To Improve Your Lungs With Asthma

Other Tips For Sleeping With Asthma

Other ways to reduce asthma symptoms at night include:

  • Cut down on allergens in your bedroom. Consider using an air purifier next to your bed and keep airflow in your room through the night.
  • Wash your bedding in hot water every 1-2 weeks to get rid of dust mites and other irritants that may be on your sheets.
  • Consider switching to bedding made of natural cotton, as opposed to synthetic polyester depending on your allergies.
  • Keep pets off your bed, especially when youre in it.
  • Keep asthma medication on your nightstand or another easily accessible place, and take them as directed by your doctor.
  • Set the thermostat in your bedroom slightly higher in the evenings. Sleeping in a cold environment can be an asthma trigger.

When To Seek Medical Help

How to Treat Asthma Naturally – Cure Asthma with Foods & Remedies

Often, a rescue inhaler is enough to treat an asthma attack.

If youre unable to get your asthma attack under control, you may need to seek emergency medical attention. Go to the nearest ER if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • extreme shortness of breath or wheezing, especially in the morning or at night
  • needing to strain your chest muscles to breathe
  • symptoms not subsiding after youve used a rescue inhaler
  • having difficulty speaking

Recommended Reading: How To Get Rid Of Asthma Without Inhaler

What Are The Signs Of Asthma And Bronchitis

In its early stages, the main sign is chronic coughing, or coughing that persists for longer than a month. The cough is usually dry or harsh, and gagging is common after coughing. It can appear similar to coughing up a hairball.

As the disease progresses, the cat may appear to have less energy and may have difficulty breathing. Breathing may become noisy, and the pet may wheeze when exhaling. In later stages, the gums may develop a bluish tinge as a result of lack of oxygen. Cats with asthma or chronic bronchitis rarely have a fever and usually their appetite remains normal.

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Asthma And Other Diseases Can Have The Same Symptoms

When you have asthma, the lining of the airways in the lungs swells and the muscles around the airways get tight. Then the airways get narrow.

When you breathe, you have trouble moving air out of your lungs. As a result, you may cough, wheeze, feel short of breath, or have tightness in your chest. Exercise or cold air may make the symptoms worse.

However, those same symptoms can also be a sign of other lung problems, such as a common cold, bronchitis, or pneumonia. They can even be symptoms of heart disease and other diseases.

It is important to know the cause of your symptoms to make sure you get the right treatment. The treatment for asthma is very different from the treatment for pneumonia or heart disease.

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My Cat Started Having Coughing Spells I Thought She Was Trying To Cough Up A Hairball My Veterinarian Has Diagnosed Feline Asthma And Bronchitis What Is This Condition

Feline asthma affects a fair number of cats and is often associated with bronchitis. Asthma is technically an acute or chronic inflammation of the airways associated with several physiologic effects including:

  • increased responsiveness to various noxious stimuli
  • narrowing/constriction of the airways
  • reversibility of airway constriction
  • the presence of inflammatory cells within the airways

The term feline bronchitis describes the coughing and/or wheezing that comes from inflammation in the lower airway. Asthma and bronchitis are typically considered as two parts of the same syndrome. This syndrome may also be referred to as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .

If the cats airways are sensitive to certain stimuli, exposure to those agents can cause an inflammatory response and the cat will experience bronchial spasms, increased mucus production, and possible accumulation of mucus in the airways. Inability to clear the bronchi of mucus can lead to airway obstruction and may leave the cat susceptible to secondary respiratory infections. Chronic airway obstruction may trap air in the tiny lung passages called alveoli, leading to over-inflation and lung damage.

Coughing is a significant finding since there are relatively few causes of coughing in cats.


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