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Why Is Asthma Worse In Fall

Why Asthma Gets Worse In The Fall And What To Do

2 mins readAir Becomes More Dry in the Fall , Although this is a welcome change in terms of comfort after the hot, it can also contribute toHow to Survive Fall Allergies, Although the visuals are beautiful, itchy eyes and runny nose or congestion, and pollen can drift in through open windows and clog air conditioner filters, that the person cannot breathe, Hot, and there are people who have died from it.That said, In some places, The colors that the trees create are stunning visuals that are not found in any other season, Colder weather may lead to irritation in the lungs, allergens like dust mites and mold make themselves comfortable, the rate and depth of your breathing increases.If youre concerned about telling allergies apart from Covid-19, take this simple test, this can be dangerous, Asthma, chest tightness, & Immunology has put together a handy chart comparing their symptoms, Asthma and allergies affect millions of people and some dont even know it, physically disabled and now jobless, that there is not enough oxygen getting into the lungs/bloodstream etc, watery eyes in adults and children 12 years of age and older.Asthma and Allergies Symptom Test, Your results will point you toward resources to help you feel

Heres Why Your Asthma Gets Worse At Night

Having your sleep interrupted is annoying at best and, especially if it happens often, meltdown-inducing at worst. But when you wake up in the middle of a coughing fit or because you feel like youre breathing through a straw, the whole experience can take a terrifying turn.

Unfortunately, thats what some people with asthma have to deal with. It is very common for asthma to get worse at night, pulmonologist Ryan Thomas, M.D., director of the Multidisciplinary Severe Asthma Team at Michigan State University, tells SELF. This phenomenon, which experts sometimes refer to as nocturnal asthma, can make it far too difficult to get the amount of rest you need. It can also be a sign that you need to take steps to subdue your asthma before it gets even worse.

Your airways, which extend between your nose and mouth and your lungs, carry air in and out of your body, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute . Pretty key job, huh? But if you have asthma, those airways can get all puffy and inflamed when youre exposed to triggers like animal dander , pollen, mold, cold air, cigarette smoke, exercise, and respiratory infections like the flu, the NHLBI says. That swelling can then cause the muscles around your airways to tighten, and your airways may also expel more mucus than they usually do. The end result is the opposite of breathing easy: You might experience asthma symptoms like wheezing , coughing, shortness of breath, and chest pain or tightness.


Asthma Symptoms In Summer Season

Unlike the seasons discussed above, the summer season provides a relief for asthma patients. Even though relief is found in the summer season, there are still a few changes in the symptoms noticed during this weather. The excess heat during this season and the change in the humidity may affect the patients adversely. The weather in the summer season combined with the pollutants and poor quality of air leads to intensification of asthma symptoms. The sunlight and traffic-related pollution can also be a trigger to asthma. The humid air of the summer season and the increased pollution matters are an alarming sign to the asthma patients.

Viruses Can Influence Fall Asthma

“One aspect that makes fall asthma worse is the fact that many viruses are in the air, such as cold and flu,” says Dr. Parikh. The beginning of flu season increases the risk of asthma attacks; the Center for Disease Control and Prevention explains that asthmatics are more vulnerable to complications and attacks when they have flu because of their sensitive lung tissues, though they’re not more likely to get it in the first place.

If Youre Bothered By Ragweed And Mold

Why Is Asthma Worse in the Fall?

Youll want to limit your outside activities. If you are outdoors, shower and change your clothes when you come in to get rid of the pollen that may stick to you. Keep your child away from leaf-raking if they are allergic to mold. And if you are allergic, wear a NIOSH mask to reduce exposure to small particles. Children with allergies should avoid hay rides.

Youre Using Your Inhaler More Than Usual

If youve been having to use your quick-relief inhaler more often than usual, or youve started to feel like it doesnt help as much when you do use it, your severe asthma may be getting worse.

It can be hard sometimes to keep track of exactly how many times you use your inhaler during a given week. You may want to start keeping track of your usage in a journal or in the note-taking app on your phone.

Keeping a log of your inhaler usage can also help to identify what may be triggering your severe asthma symptoms. For example, if you mainly use your inhaler after being outdoors, an outdoor trigger like pollen may be causing your asthma to flare up.

Wet And Windy Weather Conditions:

Wet and windy weather can often cause problems for asthma sufferers.

Wet weather encourages mould growth and if it is also windy, this mould is blown through the air. If a person with asthma breathes in airborne mould, it will often triggers their asthma symptoms.

If you know wind and rain triggers your asthma, make sure to always keep an eye on the weather forecast.  Try to stay inside during particularly bad days with the windows closed and keep your reliever inhaler close at all times.

Treating Your Asthma At Center For Allergy And Asthma Of Georgia

No matter the cause of your asthma flare-ups, you can trust our board-certified team at Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia to help you find relief.

Our highly-qualified medical team will work closely with you to develop an individualized care plan which targets your asthma symptoms. Request a same-day or next-day appointment for a Telemedicine or in-office visit at any of our Metro Atlanta locations via phone at 285-5200 or online via our contact form.

Asthma Symptoms In Spring Season

Spring season could rightfully be called as the pollen season; and pollen is an effective allergen for people suffering from asthma. Pollen, especially, when inhaled can inflame airways and will lead to asthma attacks. The high pollen counts will result in an increase in asthma. It is an important seasonal cause for increasing asthma; but, unlike winter problems, pollen concentrations can be predicted easily. The pollen counts are high at the time of 4 a.m. to 10 a.m., so it is better to avoid being outdoors during these particular hours of the day.

This season is a one-two hit. This is because, during this season, trees and grasses release pollens. So, when you are recovering from tree pollens the grass pollens will attack. It may cause symptoms like sneezing, itching and running nose which are the symptoms of asthma and not cold or flu. A study on asthma and immunology suggests that the changes in weather such as in humidity and temperature are an important reason for asthma exacerbation. It also suggests that a 10% change in the humidity and a 10-degree increase in temperature will lead to an uptick in asthma symptoms.

Were Here When You Need Us

Nothing is more important than your health, which is why we often receive mold removal or remediation calls from families looking for relief. We understand that you are doing everything you can to protect your family, which is why we take our professionalism extremely seriously. We believe that no one should live or work in a building that makes them sick.

Why Is Asthma Worse In The Fall

Asthma symptoms are only triggered during the spring and summer season when the humidity is at its highest, right? Not necessarily.

Because viruses account for 80% of asthma attacks, the fall season can actually bring about a high number of asthma symptoms among Americans. Thats why our team at AFC Urgent Care of North Carolina wants to share some tips on keeping asthma symptoms at bay this fall.

Fending Off Asthma Attacks During A Pandemic

THURSDAY, Oct. 1, 2020 — Falling leaves, pumpkins and apples are signs of fall. And so is asthma.

Asthma attacks tend to increase in early autumn. During the coronavirus pandemic, it’s especially important for people with the disease to know how to prevent flare-ups, a lung expert says.

“There are two different types of asthma flare-ups,” said Dr. Pushan Jani, an assistant professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

“First, you have those who suffer asthma year-round, and then there are some people who have seasonal asthma, which is triggered by different allergens and pollen in the air,” he said in a UTHealth news release. “This time of the year increases the attacks for seasonal asthma and can make those who suffer from persistent asthma control worse.”

Every fall, Jani said he sees a significant increase in asthma-related hospitalizations as various types of pollen, such as ragweed, and mold fill the air.

The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic, the start of the flu season and high pollen levels mean that people with asthma need to protect themselves so they don’t end up in the hospital.

Stock up on any medications or inhalers needed to control flare-ups, Jani advised.

Get an allergy test. “If you are unaware of what triggers these attacks, get tested. This will help pinpoint what you should look out for to avoid a huge attack and possible hospitalization,” he said.

More information

What Are Some Common Misconceptions About Allergies And Asthma

Why Is Asthma Worse in the Fall?

One common misconception about allergies is that its all in your head. However, allergies are a legitimate medical condition and occur due to a response by your immune system. Another misconception is that once you react to something, youll know how your body will respond in the future. Its important to see an allergist who will determine if it was an allergic reaction. If you have, there is a potential for a more severe reaction, like anaphylaxis, in the future. Our physicians can determine if it was an allergic reaction, provide treatment options, and prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector to use if you have a more severe reaction.

Asthma is limiting. Not true! Those with controlled asthma can exercise and enjoy their life as they want. Its important to take medication as prescribed to help keep your asthma under control. There are many athletes who even complete in the Olympics who also have asthma. Another misconception for asthma is that the medications are dangerous. Inhaled medicines that treat inflammation are the safest and most effective means of treating asthma. Untreated asthma can lead to loss of lung function.

One of our goals at Family Allergy is to remove the limitations, to the greatest extent, that allergies and asthma can place on our patients and give them their lives back. Scheduling an appointment for allergy testing can be the first step towards finding relief.

How Do Allergens Affect Asthma

Approximately 60% of patients with asthma have allergic asthma, and in children, this number is closer to 80%. This means that environmental allergens not only cause a runny nose, sneezing, and eye itching, but can also trigger shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing in individuals with allergic asthma.  An allergen is typically a harmless substance such as dust mites, pollen, or mold. However, for those allergic to one of these substances, it triggers a response in your immune system. These allergens affect the passages in the airways of the lungs to become inflamed or swollen, resulting in asthma symptoms.

What To Do When Asthma Stops You Sleeping

  • If you have asthma symptoms, sit up and take your reliever inhaler as prescribed. 
  • Always make sure your inhaler is beside your bed before you go to sleep, so you dont have to search for it in the middle of the night.
  • Give yourself a bit of time to check your reliever medicine has dealt with your symptoms before you go back to sleep, says Dr Andy Whittamore. This is better than falling asleep straight away only to wake up soon after with asthma symptoms because your reliever didnt help enough.
  • Some people find propping themselves up with extra pillows helps as it keeps the airways open.

Ways Humidity Affects Asthma

Allergens, chemicals and strong scents are common triggers for the almost 25 million Americans with asthma. But high humidity can be just as troublesome.

People with asthma have inflamed airways that are sensitive to things that may not bother other people. Thats why humidity, and all that comes with it, can be a problem for people with asthma.1 Here are some reasons why.

1. Humid air feels harder to breathe in. Some believe moist air is heavier and harder to breathe. Heat and humidity usually occur together. So when the air is harder to breathe, your body temperature can go up, causing you to sweat. This can lead to dehydration, which can make you breathe faster. All of this combined can trigger asthma symptoms.

Consider spending time outdoors in the mornings or evenings when heat and humidity levels tend to be lower. This can be especially important if you exercise outdoors.

2. Humidity can mean extreme temperatures. Since humidity usually is highest in the summer, extreme heat can aggravate your airways, just like extreme cold air can. Asthmatic lungs tend to be more sensitive to extreme temperatures.2

Sudden changes in temperature can affect your lungs too. If youve ever left a dry, cold air-conditioned building to go outside into hot, humid air, you know the change in air and temperature can be quite a shock. If you have asthma, the sudden change can actually cause an asthma attack.

Why Does Cold Weather Make My Asthma Worse

When its cold, the air is colder and drier 

Breathing in dry, cold air irritates your airways. Your lungs then react to this by becoming tighter and this makes it more difficult to breathe.

Our bodies are designed to respond to changes in air temperature. However, some people are more sensitive to changes in temperature and may have a stronger reaction, which includes asthma symptoms that are set off by cold air. The good news is, your asthma is less likely to be triggered by cold weather if its well controlled.

You can also help yourself by trying to breathe through your nose more, rather than just your mouth. This is because when you breathe through your nose, cold air is warmed up by passing through your nose, throat and then your upper airways. If you just breathe through your mouth, this warming up process doesnt happen, which means the cold air dries out the moisture in your lungs.

Cold air makes you produce more mucus

When its cold, you might produce more mucus than you normally would.

This is because when cold air enters your nose, the vessels in your nasal cavity get bigger and congested, which causes more mucus to be produced. This extra mucus is produced because your body is trying to create perfect conditions, by adding warmth and humidity, while also filtering the air thats going into your body. This extra mucus is why you can get a runny nose in winter.

Cold weather brings colds and flu

Cold weather forces us indoors 

Tips From Other People With Asthma

If your asthma is keeping you awake at night, youre not alone.

In our recent sleep survey, 45% of people told us they have difficulty sleeping because of their asthma at least once a week, and nearly 50% said theyd had an asthma attack at night.

Here are some of the things that people tell us help them get a good nights sleep, which our nurses agree might be helpful:

  • Ease a dry throat with a glass of water
  • Try a nasal saline rinse or use decongestants to unblock a stuffy nose
  • Take regular exercise
  • Relax in the evening using mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises or yoga
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening.

If you find reading about other peoples experiences useful, or have some advice to share, join the conversations on our HealthUnlocked forum.

Is your child disturbed by symptoms at night? Read our advice on asthma and your childs sleep.

What Are Allergies And Asthma

An allergy is an immune reaction when your body mistakes a harmless substance, like pollen, for a harmful one. The body releases a substance called histamine, which can cause a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itching, hives, and wheezing when released into the body. In some cases, reactions can occur in several places throughout the body. Welts or hives may appear, spasm in the lungs may cause coughing or wheezing, the throat, and tongue may swell even anaphylaxis may occur. Common allergens that may trigger allergies are pollen mold, animal dander , food, and medications.

Allergies can be a trigger for people with asthma. Allergic asthma is the most common form of asthma, a chronic lung disease. Many things can trigger asthma, and the first step, when diagnosed, is to determine what triggers to avoid. Triggers could include smoke, stress, exercise, or cold air. These are things that dont bother most people, but these triggers can make the inflammation worse for those with asthma.

Keeping Your Home Clean

Dust, dirt, mold, and pollen can be avoided inside your home where you have more control over your environment. Simple changes like taking your shoes off before or as soon as you enter your home, and asking others to do likewise, drastically reduces the amounts of dust, dirt, and pollen that enter your home. Vacuuming often with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter also helps reduce these irritants.

Removing all the carpet in your home and replacing it with hard surface flooring can reduce the amount of irritants even further. Carpet is a magnet for dust, dirt, pollen, mold, and other pollutants. To learn more about the nasty things lurking in your clean carpets check our post: Whats hiding in your carpets?

Periodically checking your home for leaks can prevent problems before they start. Inside bathroom and kitchen sink cabinets, behind appliances, inside roofs, in the crawl space and basements are likely places to find tiny leaks and mold growth. Check out our post Top 10 Ways to Prevent Water Damage to stop problems before they start.

What Triggers Asthma In The Home

Why Fall Is Worst Season for Your Childâs Asthma

Not everyone with asthma responds to the same allergens. Some kids are super allergic to pollen, for instance, while others can run through a field of ragweed without a care in the world.

Several common allergens often trigger flare-ups and many are hard to avoid if youre stuck inside. Some of the most common indoor asthma triggers include:

  • Pests such as cockroaches or rodents.
  • Secondhand smoke.

You Cant Maintain Your Normal Exercise Routine

You may notice that youre unable to keep up with any type of physical activity if your severe asthma symptoms are getting worse.

Talk to your doctor if you find yourself coughing or having to use your inhaler more often at the gym or during activities like jogging or playing sports. If your chest tightens more often during everyday physical activities like climbing the stairs or walking around the block, you may need to change your medications to get your symptoms under control.

Brace Yourselves: The Biggest Week For Asthma Attacks Is Coming

Take extra precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season.

With the spread of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and the start of flu season, it’s important more than ever to be aware of Asthma Peak Week and the September Asthma Epidemic. Keep your asthma under control, avoid your triggers, and take precautions to avoid catching COVID-19, the flu, and other respiratory infections.

Every September, asthma hospitalizations rise. Doctors see more people with asthma episodes and attacks. The third week of the month is the worst. It is called the September Asthma Epidemic or Asthma Peak Week.

Everyone with asthma needs to take extra precautions during September. This is especially important as emergency rooms and hospitals are full due to the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Children tend to be the most affected during the month. But that doesnt mean adults arent at risk. Parents and grandparents can be affected too.

As we head into Asthma Peak Week, its important to know if your asthma is under control, how to avoid getting sick and what to do if you do get sick.

What If I Get Sick Anyway

No matter how hard you try, sometimes you still get sick. As soon as you become sick, contact your doctor. The sooner you treat the illness or asthma episode, you have a better chance of keeping it from getting worse.

  • Contact your doctor as soon as possible once you realize you are sick. If you think you may be contagious or have COVID-19, call your doctor first to avoid spreading the illness to others.
  • Tell your doctor all the symptoms you are having and how long you have had them.
  • If you suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19 or the flu or are having symptoms of either, share that information with your doctor. Stay home to reduce the risk of spreading illness to other people.
  • Let them know what medicines you have been taking and how often including prescription and over-the-counter.
  • Follow your new treatment plan, if your doctor gives you one. Asthma can be serious and you may need a course of OCS to fight the inflammation and help you breathe.
  • Get plenty of rest. Drink water and eat healthy foods. Continue to avoid your asthma triggers.
  • Know your Red Zone signs on your Asthma Action Plan. If you move into the Red Zone, contact your doctor right away or go directly to the emergency room.

If you get sick with a respiratory illness, dont ignore it or try to push through it. That can make your asthma harder to get under control if you get to the point where you need emergency treatment. It can also have serious consequences.

How Can I Stay Healthy During September

The best way to deal with illness or asthma attacks is to prevent them before they begin.

  • Stick to your Asthma Action Plan. Take your long-term control medicine as prescribed by your doctor. If you move into the Yellow Zone of your plan, take action early so you can get back in the Green Zone.
  • Get the COVID-19 vaccine. Three options are available now Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. The COVID-19 shots can reduce your chances of having more severe illness and being admitted to the hospital.
  • Get the flu shot. The yearly vaccine is available now. It takes two weeks to take effect in your body, so get the shot as soon as its available usually in September.
  • Talk with your doctor about getting the pneumococcal vaccine. You get the shot once and then get a booster later if you need it. You do not need this shot yearly. It helps prevent pneumonia and other illnesses.
  • Wear a mask. They not only help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, but they reduce the spread of other respiratory infections and your exposure to pollen. Have your children over 2 years old wear masks too. Studies from 2020 have shown that children had fewer asthma-related emergency room visits thanks to face masks, along with other preventive steps.1,2
  • Practice steps to avoid getting sick. Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds. Dont touch your eyes, mouth, and nose. Stay away from people who are sick.
  • Remove shoes before entering your home.

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