Saturday, October 15, 2022
HomeHealthWhy Do People Have Asthma

Why Do People Have Asthma

Food And Food Additives Trigger Asthma

How does asthma work? – Christopher E. Gaw

Food allergies can cause mild to severe life-threatening reactions. They rarely cause asthma without other symptoms. If you have food allergies, asthma can be part of a severe, life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. The most common foods associated with allergic symptoms are:

  • Eggs
  • Salads
  • Fresh fruits

Food preservatives can trigger isolated asthma, especially sulfite additives, like sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium metabisulfite, and sodium sulfite, which are commonly used in food processing or preparation.

What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Adult Onset Asthma

Regardless of age, asthma symptoms can include:

;;;;;;;;;;; Dry cough, especially at night or in response to specific triggers

;;;;;;;;;;; Tightness or pressure in the chest

;;;;;;;;;;; Wheezing a whistling sound when exhaling

;;;;;;;;;;; Shortness of breath after exercise or physical exertion

;;;;;;;;;;; Difficulty breathing

;;;;;;;;;;; Colds that go to the chest or hang on for 10 days or more

Signs Of Asthma Absolutely Everyone Should Know

You might think you know the signs of asthma because hey, it seems like one of those health conditions that is absolutely unmistakable. Its kind of obvious if you justcant really breathe, right? Sure, but asthma symptoms can present with a lot more complexity and subtlety than that. Many people do not realize they have asthma and deal with daily symptoms, Purvi Parikh, M.D., an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network, tells SELF. Because of that, you should be aware of the signs of asthma so you dont write them off for months or even years without realizing you have this persistentand ultimately treatablehealth condition.

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How Can You Tell If You Have Asthma

It can be hard to tell if someone has asthma, especially in children under age 5. Having a doctor check how well your lungs work and check for allergies can help you find out if you have asthma.

During a checkup, a doctor will ask if you cough a lot, especially at night. He or she will also ask whether your breathing problems are worse after physical activity or at certain times of year. The doctor will then ask about chest tightness, wheezing, and colds lasting more than 10 days. He or she will ask whether anyone in your family has or has had asthma, allergies, or other breathing problems. Finally, the doctor will ask questions about your home and whether you have missed school or work or have trouble doing certain things.

The doctor may also do a breathing test, called spirometry, to find out how well your lungs are working by testing how much air you can breathe out after taking a very deep breath before and after you use asthma medicine.

Why Are More People Getting Asthma And Allergies

Why People Get Asthma And What You Need To Know

Some researchers put the increase in asthma and other allergic conditions over the last few decades down to the fact that we live in much cleaner, more urban conditions.;This means we have less contact with the friendly bacteria that thrive in more rural, natural environments.

Along with fewer childhood infections, this has resulted in lowered immunity, and more chance of allergies, including asthma.

The ‘hygiene hypothesis’

The idea that were missing out on exposure to useful microbes early in life began to be considered a while back with a theory known as the hygiene hypothesis. This was based on evidence that children growing up in large families, in unhygienic homes, had fewer allergies, including asthma.

More recent research suggests babies exposed to friendly bacteria in the first few months of their lives are thought to have less risk of developing asthma and allergies.

This is why some studies show that children growing up on farms have fewer allergies, and other studies show that having a dog in the house when your baby is very small can protect them from allergies and asthma. The studies are based on exposure to friendly microbes in babies less than two or three months old.;

But being around animals, or being in a natural environment, may not necessarily protect your child against asthma other factors need to be taken into account, such as if theres a family history of allergy and asthma.;

Also Check: What To Do When Having An Asthma Attack

What Is An Asthma Action Plan

Your healthcare provider will work with you to develop an asthma action plan. This plan tells you how and when to use your medicines. It also tells you what to do if your asthma gets worse and when to seek emergency care. Understand the plan and ask your healthcare provider about anything you dont understand.

What Was This Immune Response

Well, it was similar to if you inhale a respiratory virus today. Some immune cells released chemicals. And these chemicals induced cells lining your respiratory tract to leak some of their fluid. Blood vessels in the area were “told” to dilate. This response caused inflammation.1

This made airways red and inflamed. It made nasal passages red and inflamed. It made sinus passages red and inflamed. This inflammation irritated goblet cells, causing them to secrete more mucus. This was all needed to trap, kill, and remove parasites from their bodies.1

Of course, all of this caused symptoms. It caused itchy noses, runny noses, scratchy throats, coughing, sneezing, and wheezing. The guess is that this response was normal back then. It was needed to keep people healthy.

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Drugs And Food Additives

Beta blockers, which often are prescribed for high blood pressure, glaucoma, migraine headaches and angina, can cause bronchospasm, an airway tightening. Patients with asthma should consult their allergist about the use of these medications.

Food additives rarely trigger asthma. The most common food trigger for asthma is sulfite, a preservative used in such products as frozen potatoes and some beers and wines.

Which Racial Or Ethnic Groups Have Higher Asthma Rates

Why Certain People Get Asthma
  • See AAFAs groundbreaking research report on;Asthma Disparities in America.
  • Racial and ethnic differences in asthma frequency, illness and death are highly connected with poverty, city air quality, indoor allergens, not enough patient education and poor health care.
  • The rate of asthma and the prevalence of asthma episodes is highest among Black Americans.1
  • Black children are three times as likely to have asthma compared to white children.1
  • Compared to white Americans, Black Americans are five times more likely to visit the emergency department due to asthma.6
  • Black Americans are nearly three times more likely to die from asthma than white Americans7
  • When sex is factored in, Black females have the highest rate of fatality due to asthma. In 2019, Black women were three times more likely to die from asthma than white men.7

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How To Tell If Your Asthma Is Severe

Doctors differentiate severe asthma from other, milder forms of asthma according to the frequency and intensity of a persons symptoms.

For starters, severe asthma is persistent, which doctors define as asthma that causes symptoms more than twice a week, explains Patricia Takach, MD, an associate professor of clinical medicine in the section of allergy and immunology at the University of Pennsylvanias Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia. For many severe asthma sufferers, symptoms occur daily.

What Is A Chest X

An X-ray is an image of the body that is created by using low doses of radiation reflected on special film or a fluorescent screen. X-rays can be used to diagnose a wide range of conditions, from bronchitis to a broken bone. Your doctor might perform an X-ray exam on you in order to see the structures inside your chest, including the heart, lungs, and bones.

Also Check: How To Recover From Asthma Attack

Do We Still Need To Wear Face Masks To Prevent The Spread Of The Coronavirus

In July 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided new mask guidance due to the spread of delta variant of the coronavirus and rising COVID-19 cases. They now recommend that everyone in areas of high transmission wear a mask in public indoor places, even if you are fully vaccinated.

You are fully vaccinated two weeks after getting your second Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna shot or two weeks after getting one Johnson & Johnson shot.

If you have a condition or are taking medicines that weaken your immune system, talk with your doctor about which activities are safe to do.

On Aug. 23, 2021, the FDA approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and older. It has been named Comirnaty . Experts expect the FDA to authorize more COVID-19 vaccines as they complete clinical trials. If you have not received a COVID-19 shot yet, plan to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

What Causes Adults To Develop Asthma

Asthma or COPD? Some people have both.

At least 30% of adult asthma cases are triggered by allergies. People who are allergic to cats may have an increased risk for developing adult onset asthma. Exposure to allergens or irritants such as cigarette smoke, chemicals, mold, dust, or other substances commonly found in the persons environment might trigger the first asthma symptoms in an adult.

Prolonged exposure to certain workplace materials may set off asthma symptoms in adults.

Hormonal fluctuations in women may play a role in adult onset asthma. Some women first develop asthma symptoms during or after a pregnancy. Women going through menopause can develop asthma symptoms for the first time.

Different illnesses, viruses, or infections can be a factor in adult onset asthma. A bad cold or a bout with the flu is often a factor in adult onset asthma.

Smoking does not cause adult onset asthma; however, if you smoke or if you are exposed to cigarette smoke , it may provoke asthma symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Can Allergies Cause Asthma Attacks

Identifying An Asthma Cough

The purpose of a cough is to remove foreign particles and bacteria to prevent a possible infection. There are two types of coughs: productive and nonproductive. When a cough is productive, it means that a noticeable amount of phlegm expelled. This enables the lungs to get rid of harmful substances.

Coughing in people with asthma can be helpful because its one of the bodys natural defense mechanisms. A productive asthmatic cough will expel phlegm and mucus from the lungs. In most cases of asthma, the cough is considered nonproductive. A nonproductive cough is a dry cough. Its a response to an irritant that forces the bronchial tubes to spasm . Swelling and constriction of the airways, which prompts this type of nonproductive cough, characterize asthma.

An asthma cough is also often accompanied by wheezing. This is a high-pitched whistling sound caused by a constricted airway.

Question : Do Your Symptoms Feel Worse After You Exercise

You answered yes.

You answered no.

  • When we exercise, we all breathe more quickly and deeper than normal. In asthmatics, a reaction can be triggered when breathing in cold or dry air, leading to a narrowing of the airways.
  • If youre exercising outside, you are additionally more susceptible to breathing in other irritants, such as pollen, exhaust fumes or dust.

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The Impact Of Asthma On Daily Life

Asthma is often under-diagnosed and under-treated, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

People with under-treated asthma can suffer sleep disturbance, tiredness during the day, and poor concentration. Asthma sufferers and their families may miss school and work, with financial impact on the family and wider community. If symptoms are severe, people with asthma may need to receive emergency health care and they may be admitted to hospital for treatment and monitoring. In the most severe cases, asthma can lead to death.

Its Difficult To Say For Sure Why People Get Asthma But Thanks To Research Were Clear About Some Of The Risk Factors That Make Asthma More Likely

Why Do People Get Asthma and Allergies?

What causes asthma is different to what triggers asthma:

  • The causes are the underlying reasons why someone gets asthma in the first place.
  • Triggers are things like dust mites or pollen that can make asthma symptoms worse.

Here we look at what causes asthma, and where its possible for you to lower the risk. The good news is that some of these risk factors are things you can do something about.

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Do I Have To Wear Face Masks On Public Transportation

Masks are still required for travel on all public transportation even if you are fully vaccinated.

As of Aug. 27, 2021, the updated mask guidance from CDC says that masks are still required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation. This includes traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.

Why Does Someone Get It

Over 10% of people have some history of asthma. It often runs in families. The heritable nature of asthma is not well understood, however, and geneticists cannot define the precise manner in which it is passed from parents to children. All we can say is that families with asthma are more likely to have children with asthma. Although there appears to be an inherited predisposition to develop asthma, severity varies considerably among asthmatics, even among members in the same family. If asthma is present in both parents, the likelihood of a child having asthma is even greater, but even then not all of the children will have asthma. Even among identical twins, both do not necessarily have asthma, although this is more likely than if they were just siblings or nonidentical twins. This suggests that there is some additional factor that we do not yet fully understand, other than inheritance, that influences the development of asthma.

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How Do You Treat Asthma In Dogs

Your veterinarian will likely recommend medications to treat your dogs asthma. These can include bronchodilators to help open up the airways, antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions, and steroids to decrease inflammation in the airways. If your dog is having a severe asthma attack, they may need to be hospitalized and given oxygen.

Asthma in dogs is sometimes treated using a nebulizer. If you or a family member have asthma, you might be familiar with this medical device. It converts liquid medication into a mist so it can be inhaled directly into the lungs.

Your dog may not be too keen on using a nebulizer at first since it needs to be placed over their mouth and nose. But you and your veterinarian can help them get used to it with patience and rewards.

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What Are Common Asthma Attack Triggers

Living with Asthma

An asthma attack happens when someone comes in contact with substances that irritate them. Healthcare providers call these substances triggers. Knowing what triggers your asthma makes it easier to avoid asthma attacks.

For some people, a trigger can bring on an attack right away. Sometimes, an attack may start hours or days later.

Triggers can be different for each person. But some common triggers include:

  • Air pollution: Many things outside can cause an asthma attack. Air pollution includes factory emissions, car exhaust, wildfire smoke and more.
  • Dust mites: You cant see these bugs, but they are in many homes. If you have a dust mite allergy, they can cause an asthma attack.
  • Exercise: For some people, exercising can cause an attack.
  • Mold: Damp places can spawn mold. It can cause problems for people with asthma. You dont even have to be allergic to mold to have an attack.
  • Pests: Cockroaches, mice and other household pests can cause asthma attacks.
  • Pets: Your pets can cause asthma attacks. If youre allergic to pet dander , breathing in the dander can irritate your airways.
  • Tobacco smoke: If you or someone in your home smokes, you have a higher risk of developing asthma. The best solution is to quit smoking.
  • Strong chemicals or smells.

With asthma, you may not have all of these symptoms. You may have different signs at different times. And symptoms can change between asthma attacks.

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Are There Any Special Considerations For Adults Who Develop Asthma

People with multiple medical conditions need to be aware of how their illnesses and the medications they use may affect one another.

If you take more than one medication, talk with your physician about ways to simplify your medication program. Explore the possibility of combining medications or using alternate ones that will have the same desired effect. Be sure to discuss potential drug interactions with anything you take including vitamins or herbal supplements.

What Is An Asthma Trigger

A;trigger is anything that irritates your airways. Asthma is caused by two types of;triggers.;

  • Allergic trigger: cause allergic reactions. Allergic triggers include things like dust mites, pollens, moulds, pet dander,
  • Non-allergic trigger: are usually irritants. Non-allergic triggers include things like smoke, cold air, certain air pollutants, intense emotions

Learn more about different types of asthma triggers and how to manage them.

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Can Asthma Reappear In Adults After Disappearing Years Ago

Asthma is usually diagnosed in childhood. In many patients; however, the symptoms will disappear or are significantly reduced after puberty. After age 20, symptoms may begin to reappear.

Researchers have tracked this tendency for reappearing asthma and found that people with childhood asthma tend to experience reappearing symptoms through their 30s and 40s at various levels of severity.

Regardless of whether your asthma is active, you should continue to avoid your known triggers and keep your rescue medications or prescriptions up-to-date and handy in case you need them.

Bronchodilation And Bronchoprovocation Tests

Why People Get Asthma And What You Need To Know

These tests gauge how well the lungs respond to either a quick-relief asthma medication or an intentional disturbance to normal airflow. They usually are done if spirometry is normal in spite of asthma symptoms.

  • Bronchodilator responsiveness testing: A bronchodilator is a fast-acting medication that provides quick relief of asthma symptoms. This test involves administering a bronchodilater and, 10 to 15 minutes later, repeating an initial spirometry test and comparing the results. If the medication brings about an increase in airflow of 12%, it is an indication that asthma is the cause of symptoms.
  • Bronchoprovocation challenge testing: This test involves inhaling either aerosolized chemicals or cold air, or performing exercises, to see if it induces;asthma symptoms. By measuring lung function after exposure to these;triggers, a doctor may be able to diagnose asthma.

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