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What’s Better For Asthma Humidifier Or Dehumidifier

Humidifier Vs Dehumidifier Vs Air Purifier

Indoor Air Pollution | Dehumidifier vs Humidifier

You now know the difference between a humidifier and a dehumidifier, but whats an air purifier?

This device does not affect the amount of humidity in the air. Instead, it runs air through a multi-layered filter, stripping the air of pollutants and releasing the clean air back into the environment.


Dehumidifiers are effective if you live in ahigh-humid region during the spring and summer months.

Humidifiersare effective if you live in acold, dry regionor experience dry winters.

Air purifiersare effective for regions that experienceheavy amounts of pollen or dander that irritates the lungs or for a home with cigarette smoke.

How Does A Humidifier Help

A humidifier will add moisture to indoor air which is overly dry that is, below 30% relative humidity, the minimum recommended humidity level. You can actually measure relative humidity with a simple, inexpensive gadget called a hygroscope. Dry air in your home is most common during the winter, due to the drying effects of our heating systems.

Small freestanding humidifiers like the type used for childhood illnesses are available. However, for more convenient, effective results, installation of a whole-home furnace humidifier is preferable.

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Plugging in too many devices can be a drain on your energy bill and your available outlets if you know you want an air purifier, too, skip the hassle and combine them with Sharps Plasmacluster. Beloved by reviewers and Prevention editors alike, it shows your rooms humidity level on an easy-to-read display and cleans your air while hydrating it. This device automatically adjusts the humidity setting based on temperaturethe higher the temperature, the less itll humidify, one reviewer explains. Were pretty happy so far.

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How Does The Air Become Dry

Youve probably noticed during cold months the frigid air dries out your skin and nasal cavities, this is because the humidity in wintertime is low. As you crank up the heat in your home, it increases the temperature but not the humidity, causing the air to become painfully dry in some cases, even causing skin around knuckles and joints to crack.

Additionally, if your home isnt properly insulated, it can wind up pulling outdoor air in, causing it to become even more dry and uncomfortable and losing more humidity in the process.

Do I Need A Humidifier Or Dehumidifier For Asthma And Allergy

Dehumidifier Or Humidifier For Asthma

June 25, 2020 By Lidia Wassenhoven

Asthma is a chronic disease condition that affects the airways of the lungs and the symptoms are similar to those caused by allergies. People living with asthma have inflamed airways that can become even worse if something triggers the symptoms. Asthma is incurable, but you can manage it. This article tells you all you need to know about asthma and if you need a humidifier or a dehumidifier for asthma and allergies.

Asthma causes the inflammation and narrowing of the airways in the lungs. They also produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult for air to pass through. Symptoms of asthma present themselves as periodic attacks characterised by the tightness of the chest and difficulty in breathing.

Now, asthma is characterised with difficulty in breathing. When something triggers your asthma symptoms, it makes it difficult for you to breathe correctly. You start coughing and wheezing, and you develop shortness of breath. An increase in physical activity sometimes causes this.

Asthma affects 1 in 13 people worldwide. According to CDC, more than 25 million people in America have asthma. This means 7.7% of adults and 8.4% of children in America have asthma. That is how prevalent the disease is. Asthma attacks can be controlled by taking medication or by using a quick-relief inhaler.

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Air Purifier Vs Humidifier Vs Dehumidifier

When we take a look at air purifiers and dehumidifiers, we realize that theyre both made to reduce allergens in a room, making it more comfortable for anyone dealing with asthma and allergies.

In the case of an air purifier, the device circulates air through a filter, trapping air-born pollutants and irritants . The dehumidifier is good for reducing the humidity levels in the air as it sucks in moisture. This way, its able to kill mold and microbes that attract moisture.

Hepa filters are very dense filters capturing harmful particles like dust mites, pollen, and airborne particles that could exacerbate allergies. As a result, a HEPA filter dehumidifier can also help with allergy relief.

The air purifier is able to circulate air through a filter, eliminating the air borne pollutants, which a dehumidifier cannot do. Furthermore, the air purifier may reduce the risk for mold developing, removing the spores from the air. As its not able to control humidity in your home, chances are the mold is going to come back if theres too much moisture. This why you should also use a dehumidifier as its the only device able to eliminate excessive moisture from your home. Even if its not going to clear or filter air, its still going to help eliminate specific allergens. A dehumidifier is going to keep dust mites and mold at bay as they thrive in humid environment. Once the humidity levels drop to more than 50%, most allergens are going to die.

Is A Dehumidifier Good For Asthma

Asthma is a frustrating, persistent condition in which a physical abnormality of the lungs results in sensitivity and occasional breathing difficulties. Environmental triggers and excessive bursts of cardio can cause the common symptoms of an asthma attack, such as a cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and breathlessness.

Asthma is a chronic condition that is untreatable, however, doctors can help asthmatic patients manage the condition with education about the common triggers, advice on possible lifestyle changes, and medication. One of the lesser-known tools that can be used in the battle against asthma is a dehumidifier.

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Best Humidifier For Asthma And How Humidifiers Help Asthma Sufferers

There are contrasting views on whether air moisturizers help, or trigger asthma attacks. Humidifiers do help, but only when used properly.

Pollution, wind, fog, all have negative effects on our health, especially for those who have an obstructive lung disease, such as asthma. Pulmonologists all over the world advice people to regularly use their prescribed therapy spend very little time outside during bad weather conditions and, in those times, reduce their physical activities to a minimum.

During the fall, the number of viral and bacterial infections grow, which makes it a sensitive time of year for the health of asthma sufferers.

Frequent colds, pollution, abrupt changes in air temperature, all have a bad influence on people with asthma, while fog makes it even worse, triggering asthma attacks in 70 percent of cases.

Outdoor factors do have a significant role in the overall health, but the rooms in which we live, eat and sleep, need to be ventilated very often, especially during the winter.

Radiators and heaters contribute to dry air, which hurts asthma sufferers, as dry air irritates the airways and can trigger an attack.

Asthma patients are greatly affected by the change of weather. Too dry weather is ideal for the allergens and pollens to float around in the air and trigger symptoms of asthma and allergies. These allergens not only made the breathing difficult and can cause the asthma attacks but they can aggravate the existing symptoms.

What Are Other Methods For Managing Humidity

Air Purifiers VS Humidifiers (Air Purifier Benefits VS Humidifier Benefits)

While dehumidifiers can certainly help to ease any humidity-induced asthma attacks, they will always work best alongside other medically approved methods for asthma management. As Shepherd notes, these include:

  • Reducing exposure to allergens or irritants that trigger asthma
  • Getting an annual flu shot
  • Weight management
  • Limiting exposure to any allergens including pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander.
  • Avoiding smoking of cigarettes, vaping
  • Breathing exercises such as the Buteyko technique

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The Difference Between A Humidifier And A Dehumidifier

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers both work to regulate the humidity in your home. The key difference is that a humidifier increases humidity, while a dehumidifier decreases humidity.

Humidifiers ease the problems brought by dry air by emitting water vapor or steam to increase the moisture level in the air . Many people overlook humidity levels and only focus on the temperature of a room. This is critical mistake, though, because humidity levels are very important to your health and can make the temperature of a room feel very different.

On the other hand, dehumidifiers are designed to keep your homes humidity level in check by drawing excess moisture out of the air. This process helps combat condensation, prevent mold growth, and reduce dampness on walls. Of course, this will also produce drier air in your home and increase comfort by removing that stuffy or sticky feeling from the air.

Many experts agree that the humidity level of your home should be between 30% and 50% for optimal health benefits and air purity. If your indoor humidity is below 30%, you will need a humidifier to increase moisture, while humidity levels upwards of 50% would warrant the use of a dehumidifier. Its essential to understand the humidity levels in your home and your region to make the right decision when it comes to a humidifier vs a dehumidifier.

When To Use A Humidifier

Asthma flare-ups may happen because of dry air. It irritates air passages and the nerves in the lungs, which lead to inflammation that might cause airway restrictions that are associated with asthma.

Humidifiers basically add a moisture level in the air until the humidity reaches a healthier level. Breathing moist air might help soothe the airways and reduce the chances of asthma attacks.

The level of humidity in your house must average around forty to fifty percent. If the humidity levels of your home are low, humidifiers might be required.

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Whats The Difference Between Dehumidifier And Humidifier

Both of these electrical appliances can be used residentially, commercially, or industrially to help balance the amount of humidity present in the air.

Now heres the big difference

  • Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air if humidity levels are too high.
  • Humidifiers add moisture to the air if its too dry.
  • The two main reasons people buy one or the other are because the dryness or humidity affects their health or damages their home.

    Well go over the effects of humidity and dry air in more detail later.

    But first, if youre curious about what the air quality is like in your home, you can measure it using a hygrometer, which is a common tool available at most home improvement stores.

    This is the best starting point for figuring out what could be causing you discomfort and the best device to help fix it.

    What Is The Difference Between An Air Purifier And A Humidifier

    Humidifier for Asthma: Pros and Cons

    An air purifier is used to clean the air by removing or otherwise inactivating pollutants from the air. The two basic components of an air purifier are a fan and a filter surface, though the specific filtration technology can vary, from traditional HEPA filters to ionizers to brand-new PECO technology. In most air purifiers, air is passed through the unit, pollutants are trapped or removed on a filter and clean air is emitted back into the room. Air purifiers do not add any moisture to the air.

    A humidifier, on the other hand, does not clean the air. It simply adds water to the air by boiling water into steam, vibrating water droplets into the air with ultrasonic technology, or by evaporating the water using a fan and a wick. Note that ultrasonic humidifiers might also introduce tiny mineral particles into the air if tap water is used instead of distilled water. The health effects of these particles are not very well known, but research suggests that they could have some effects on lung tissue . The EPA recommends using distilled water and regularly cleaning and disinfecting your humidifier.

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    Air Purifier Vs Dehumidifier: What Are The Main Differences

    An air purifier circulates the air via a filter. The filter traps airborne pollutants and irritants, such as pollen, smoke, or dust.

    A dehumidifier, in contrast, only sucks the moisture present in the air. Hence, it can reduce the overall air humidity levels. This helps kill microbes and bacteria that thrive in the moisture.

    However, a dehumidifier cannot filter or purify the air, while an air purifier can remove spores from the air and prevent mold buildup. The downside is that the air purifier cannot control indoor humidity levels. Therefore, excess moisture may allow mold to regrow.

    Air Purifier VS Dehumidifier: Which is Better for Allergy Relief?

    If you are allergic to dust, mold spores, pet dander, or pollen, you can benefit the most from an air purifier. Thats because by eliminating all types of airborne pollutants, an air purifier will ensure the indoor air doesnt irritate your sinuses. A dehumidifier, although it can keep the air less-humid and easy to breathe for the lungs, it cannot remove pollutants that trigger allergic reactions.

    It is, however, recommended that before deciding between an air purifier and a dehumidifier, visit a doctor to discuss your symptoms. A certified doctor can help you determine which of these devices can improve your situation.

    How much Electricity do Dehumidifiers Use?

    How Much Electricity do Air Purifiers Use?

    Which is more energy efficient?

    The Cost Comparison

    What Is The Best Humidity Level For Asthma

    High humidity is hard to breathe for people with asthma. Humid air activates nerves in the airways that make them get narrow. This makes it hard for asthma patients that already have narrow airways to breathe.

    It is stagnant enough to carry pollutants and allergens that can trigger your asthma symptoms. These allergens thrive when the humidity levels are very high, like 60% to 80%. To control the humidity levels, you can install a hygrometer or humidistat to regulate it.

    However, a low humidity level can also trigger asthmatic symptoms. The best humidity level for asthma and allergies is anyone from 30% to 50%. Anything lower or higher can affect you negatively.

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    Usage Of A Humidifier And A Vaporizer

    Vaporizers inhale extracts from plants or other foreign sources, providing health benefits. Also, a vaporizer is useful for extracting plant plants and herbs essences for inhalation. Humidifiers are most useful in winter climates and when the air is dry and cold. A vaporizer is perfect for use at night as it eases the dryness and stuffiness of nasal passages. Most users prefer to use them at night to get comfortable sleeping hours.

    Furthermore, avoid using the vaporizer throughout the day to prevent filing the air with too much moisture. Having excess moisture in the air may lead to fungus or mold growth in the room. Proper usage will reduce the risk of respiratory issues occurring in the future. Its vital to keep your room humidity level below 50%, purchase an interior hygrometer to measure the humidity in the air.

    The humidifier and vaporizer will also need to be maintained regularly for them to function correctly. Depending on the make and model you settle for. Read the instruction manuals carefully for assistance. For better results and care of your vaporizer, use distilled water. Tap water contains minerals that may clog up the machine and ruin its functionality. Do not overfill the tank to avoid spills, use the fill line as a guideline on where to keep the water level.

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    Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the bestproducts, and articles are reviewed by healthcare professionals for medical accuracy. Youcan learn more about ourreview process here.We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links.

    Is the air in your home stale, humid, and muggy? Does it trigger flare-ups in your allergy symptoms or breathing problems? an allergist based in Los Angeles and is part of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, tells Verywell Health that dust mites and mold are the most common indoor allergies and they thrive in conditions of high humidity levels. Dr. Meth says a dehumidifier can significantly inhibit dust mite and mold growths which will help people with allergies and asthma breathe easier and live healthier.

    Dehumidifiers are a great solution to balancing your air quality. These machines keep your home, clothes, and furniture fresh and dry. However, Dr. Meth warns dehumidifiers arent for everyone. They can be harmful to people with very dry skin who need more moisture in the air. I recommend that people should keep humidity levels lower than 50% and that people clean out their dehumidifiers regularly to prevent mildew and bacteria growth, Dr. Meth advises.

    Here are the best dehumidifiers on the market.

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    Which One Exactly Do You Need

    Whether youre fighting allergies or not, one thing is clear: we all want and need fresher air in our homes. Despite of what one may think, the pollutants arent just outside, but inside our home too.

    Using home devices that clear up the air or suck in moisture should be on your essential list next time you go shopping. Once you get there, you may find yourself in a pickle. Should you get an air purifier or a humidifier? Do you also need a dehumidifier?

    Lifestyle Tips For Asthma

    Keeping your homes air at an appropriate humidity level may help, but its not enough to control asthma completely.

    If you have asthma, your doctor has probably prescribed controller and rescue medications for you. Its important that you follow your doctors directions and continue to use any asthma prevention medications you are prescribed, even when your symptoms are under control.

    In addition to taking your prescriptions, these tips may help you to better manage asthma:

    • Identify and avoid asthma triggers, such as pollen, animal dander, and dust mites.
    • Do not smoke or vape.

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