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HomeWhat Are Some Home Remedies For Asthma

What Are Some Home Remedies For Asthma

Worsening Of Asthma During Menstrual Periods

It is common for the symptoms of asthma to worsen during menarche . This problem usually subsides once the menstrual cycle becomes regular. Some women with severe asthma experience aggravation at the time of or before menstruation.

The attacks can be caused by certain medications used for period pains, including aspirin and other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and mefenamic acid . Oral contraceptive pills, usually, do not affect asthma control.

Are There Natural Remedies For Asthma Attacks

The typical treatment for an asthma attack is a quick-acting inhaler with medication. Sit upright and take slow, steady breaths. Try to stay calm. Follow the asthma action plan that youâve set up with your doctor. If your breathing doesnât get better or if youâre so short of breath that you canât talk, get medical help right away.

Some breathing exercises can help with symptoms of an asthma attack.

  • Pursed-lip breathing. This slows your breathing and helps hold your airways open longer so your lungs work better. With your mouth closed, breathe in slowly through your nose. Then breathe out through your mouth, with your lips pursed like youâre whistling, for twice as long.
  • Belly breathing. This technique uses the same steps as pursed-lip breathing. But as you breathe in, focus on the movement of your belly. Picture it filling with air like a balloon. It may help to keep your hands on your belly so you can concentrate on the air going in and out.

Common Names For Nigella Sativa

  • Black cumin
  • Black seed
  • Kalonji

Some preliminary research suggests that nigella sativa extract may offer some bronchodilatory support to help open the airways in those with asthma. A small study with 15 participants found that boiled extract of nigella sativa improved pulmonary function tests, including forced expiratory volume , peak expiratory flow , and maximal mid expiratory flow . Although, the bronchodilatory effect was not as effective as the drug theophylline that was used as a comparison. More research is needed to explore nigella sativa’s potential use for asthma, an effective dosage, or any adverse effects.

Understanding The Symptoms Of Asthma

If you dont already know that you have asthma, the following symptoms can be very similar to a heart attack. Or if you have any concerns at all that this could be the case, be sure to get emergency treatment immediately.

With that said, asthmatic symptoms can be brought on by a simple cold, overexertion, upper respiratory infections, heart disease, a panic attack, COPD, or allergies. In a simple sentence, asthma happens when the airflow to and from the lungs is blocked.

Some symptoms of asthma you may experience are:

How To Help Someone With An Asthma Attack Without An Inhaler

Asthma Cough Treatment Natural

Asthma is a very common condition with around one in 13 of us affected. Its been increasing since the 1980s and affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Theres currently no cure for asthma, but typically with the right treatment plan and lifestyle changes, most people diagnosed with asthma are able to live normally without severe symptoms. 

However, very occasionally, a person with asthma may be caught off guard. They might find themselves facing an attack without an inhaler to help them. Fortunately, this doesnt need to be as bad as it might sound. With the right assistance, they could get through an attack using some simple coping techniques. 

If you know someone with asthma, learning more about their condition, as well as what you can do to help them, can be valuable. 

Practice Breathing Exercises And Mindfulness

Learn breathing techniques like belly breathing and pursed-lip breathing. These techniques help you regulate your breathing and prevent an asthma attack even while engaging in activities that cause asthma. Meditating and practicing yogadaily, help you focus on your breathing, and improve your overall fitness.  

Food Triggers Should Be Avoided

If animal dander is a problem, owning a pet can be a major hassle. Keep the pet out of the house, or at least out of your bedroom, and wash your pet often. Keeping humidity levels at a rate beneficial to your health is crucial, but avoid the use of humidifiers.

Once you know what your triggers are and how to control them, you should make a plan of action with your physician. Your doctor will help you figure out if any of your current medications are affecting your asthma, and what asthma medication is right for you.

You should follow your asthma plan properly with the correct usage of your medication. If youre unsure about the use of your medication, consult your doctor, who can teach you how to properly use the inhaler or other treatment methods.

Controlling your asthma is crucial, but if your asthma symptoms are not under control, it can get worse. If your symptoms happen more often and are getting worse, or you have to use a quick-relief inhaler often , you should contact your doctor for a change in medication or other steps to control your asthma.

Asthma affects so many people and should be managed and controlled to keep the dilemma from getting out of hand. Using and sticking to a plan that works for both you and your doctor is the only way to ensure that your asthma is controlled properly.

  • Tags

How To Use Home Remedies In Emergency Asthma Attacks

In case of a sudden asthma attack, it would be best to call for medical help. However, you can try breathing techniques and drink warm tea or coffee. Some more emergency home remedies for asthma attacks include standing or sitting upright and taking a puff from the inhaler/reliever every 60 seconds until medical help arrives.  

Take the Activ Living Asthma control questionnaire to know whether your condition is in control. Find out how you can work out with asthma and stay fit.

The Bottom Line: Are Natural Remedies Safe For People With Asthma

Peters points out that just because studies havent established a definite benefit doesnt mean that some of these wont help some people. Each individual may react differently, and what works for some people with asthma may not work for others. But until many of these complementary and alternative options have stronger scientific evidence to back up their role, they cant be recommended on a large scale to people with asthma, says Hill.

So, if you see something marketed as a natural remedy for asthma, approach it with caution, and dont make changes to your asthma action plan without discussing it with your doctor first.

Additional reporting by Moira Lawler and Christina Vogt.

Try Himalayan Salt Therapy

Some asthma sufferers swear by salt therapy for their symptoms. Salt caves or  are two ways of experiencing salt therapy. Theres not much information about salt therapy for asthma. However, one study published in Pneumologia does say it could be beneficial . Salt therapy seems to be safe, so it may be worth a try.

/8home Remedies For Treating Asthma Naturally

Are you looking for some natural home remedies to keep asthma at bay? Asthma can be a life threatening condition. It is a lung disease that causes difficult breathing. It is triggered by infections, emotions, weather conditions, pollution and certain medications. Common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness. You will be surprised to know some ingredients in your kitchen can help you keep those asthma attacks at bay.For example, honey is one the oldest natural remedies to treat asthma.Before going to bed, swallow one teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder. It will help in removing phlegm from the throat and allow you to sleep better. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water and add some sugar according to your taste. Drink this regularly to reduce asthma attacks.Drinking coffee is the easiest and the most effective way to treat asthma. A hot cup of coffee helps in relaxing and clearing the airways and helps to breathe easily.Boil 3-4 cloves of garlic in half a cup of milk. Allow it to cool at room temperature and then drink it. It helps in clearing congestion in the lungs during the early stages of asthma. Here is the list of natural remedies that you can use to get relief from asthma and its symptoms.

Practicing Buteyko Breathing Technique

This is also a system of breathing exercises. Buteyko Breathing Technique focuses on breathing out through the nose and not the mouth. Breathing out through the mouth can dry up the mouth and the airways very fast resulting in more problems. Practising and using BBT also makes you less prone to suffering from respiratory infections. Buteyko Breathing Technique can also be instrumental in decreasing your asthma symptoms with the help of slow and gentle breathing through the nose.

Pick Your Cleaning Products Wisely

Design 50 of Home Remedies For Asthma Cough At Night ...

Getting rid of dust, mold, dirt, and pet hair is important, but it matters what you use to clean.

Stick with natural cleaners as much as possible, as many commercial cleaning products are considered respiratory irritants that can cause inflammation in your lungs, leading to more asthma flare-ups, according to a 2021 study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

Breathing Exercises For Asthma

People with asthma often have different breathing patterns than healthy people asthmatics may breathe more quickly or have uneven breath lengths. This can lead to stale air building up in your lungs and leaving less room for your diaphragm, the muscle that sits underneath your lungs, to expand and bring in new oxygen.

One way to change this is by using breathing exercises. The goal of breathing exercises is to help you get rid of stale air, take in more fresh oxygen, and train your diaphragm to move normally while you breathe.

Practicing breathing techniques can also help you feel more in control of your breathing, which can be difficult for people with asthma, says Maureen George, PhD, RN, a professor at Columbia School of Nursing who specializes in respiratory disease.

Two of the most common exercises you can use are pursed lip breathing and diaphragmatic or belly breathing.

Can You Use Alternative Medicine For Your Childs Asthma

Alternative treatments have been in use for managing symptoms of asthma for a long time. However, proper evidence on such treatment is lacking. While some of them like the non-drug therapies are usually harmless, you can ask your childs pediatrician about the right one for your child.

Breathing exercises are forms of non-drug treatment that has been routinely used in the treatment of people with asthma. These include structured breathing programs, such as the Buteyko breathing technique, the Papworth method, yoga, and pranayama that manipulate the breathing pattern and help in asthma.

Emotionally stressed children suffer from more attacks of asthma. Try teaching them relaxation techniques, such as meditation, hypnosis, and progressive muscle relaxation.

If you do not know any of these non-drug approaches, learn from complementary and alternative practitioners, doctors, psychologists, social workers, or nurses who may be able to teach you all these.

A few home remedies have been tried for asthma, including

  • Black seed

Some Common Causes Of Cough

The cause of a cough is usually based on where itâs originating from. However, the most common causes of a cough comprise:

  • Allergies or asthma, chronic bronchitis
  • Common upper respiratory tract infections, leading from the secretions of the nose and sinuses draining to the throat, like in cases of sinus infections, chronic postnasal drip, diseases of the external ear, infections of the throat
  • Exposure to environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke, pollen, dust, pet dander, industrial compounds.
  • Smoking in addition to exposure to second hand smoke.
  • Side-effects of specific medications
  • Chronic fluid build-up from the lungs.
  • Blockage of the airway because of an inhaled object like food.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux is also a very common cause of cough. This occurs when acid from the stomach travels up the esophagus, leading to the reflex production of a cough. This is frequently associated with a feeling of heartburn; and worsens during the day or when a person lies flat on the back.

The Importance Of Prevention Before Using Home Remedies For Asthma

One of the main things with asthma is to try and prevent symptoms from exacerbating in the first place. Above, we talked about the various causes of asthma.

Its also important to stay on top of healthy hygiene habits like hand washing and cleaning main germ zones frequently.

If you do have a chronic condition like allergies, COPD or heart disease, staying on your treatment plans and keeping in contact with your doctor will go a long way to preventing trouble.

Here Are Some Ayurvedic Home Remedies That Could Help In Reducing The Symptoms Of Asthma And Controlling The Frequency Of Asthma Attacks

Mucus collected due to severe cold and flu can also result in an asthma attack. 


1.Ginger and Garlic Cloves: 

Home remedies for asthma: Ginger tea can help in preventing asthma attacks

2.Ginger and Turmeric Powder You can also make yourself a quick ginger and turmeric tea too. Boil a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger in a glass of milk and add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder to it. If taken twice a day, this Ayurvedic remedy could reduce the frequency of asthma attacks.

3. Cinnamon and Honey Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4th teaspoon trikatu into a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and add 1 teaspoon of honey before drinking, suggests Dr. Vasant Lad in his book on Ayurvedic remedies. Take this twice a day for maximum benefits. 

Home remedies for asthma: Cinnamon helps to alleviate the symptoms of asthma

4. Licorice and GingerLicorice also known as mulethi in Hindi is also loaded with anti- inflammatory properties. Dr. Lad in his book also suggests drinking a tea made with half teaspoon licorice and half teaspoon of ginger for managing asthma and it’s symptoms. 

Home remedies for asthma: Ginger tea normalizes airways to enable proper breathing.

5. Bay leafHalf teaspoon of bay leaf and 1/4th teaspoon of pippali mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey taken two to three times a day may also help prevent chronic symptoms of asthma.

Home remedies for asthma: Bay leaf helps to prevent chronic symptoms of asthma.

Make An Asthma Action Plan

If you don’t have one already, work with your doctor to create an asthma action plan. This is something you talk about and write down. It helps you tell how well-controlled your asthma is and what to do about it. Your action plan might include:

  • How much medicine to take and when
  • A list of your triggers and ways to avoid them
  • What to do when you have specific symptoms of trouble

Causes Of Wheezing In Babies And Children

Newborns breathe only through the nose, so when they are congested or in the wrong position, they may make a wheezing or squeaking sound.

As long as they are breathing at a normal rate and the chest is not caving in, this is nothing to worry about.

If a babys chest begins caving, they are breathing rapidly, or wheezing is associated with an illness, they should be taken to a doctor or pediatrician.

When the airways narrow due to irritation, illness, or a blockage, air moving through them can make a squeaking sound.

Some people experience other symptoms as well, including discomfort when breathing or a choking sensation.

Causes include:

Can You Treat Asthma Without An Inhaler

Home Remedies

Unfortunately, there is no other effective first aid treatment for asthma. Placing the victim in a comfortable position to aid their breathing and keeping them calm will help, but these first aid measures will not stop the swelling and inflammation of the small airways. The victim will require treatment to improve their breathing.

Home Remedy Treatments For Asthma

©2007 Publications International, Ltd.The best approach is to not have a pet that can trigger your asthma, such as a dog, cat, or bird.
  • Enclose your mattress in an airtight cover, then cover it with a washable mattress pad.
  • Wash your sheets in hot water every week, and wash your mattress pads and synthetic blankets every two weeks.
  • Use polyester or dacron pillows, not those made of kapok or feathers, and enclose them in airtight dust covers.
  • Avoid carpeting, which is difficult to clean thoroughly; stick to bare floors with washable area rugs.
  • Choose washable curtains instead of draperies.
  • Avoid dust-catchers all over the house, especially in the bed; the less clutter the better. If possible, avoid storing out-of-season clothing or bedding in the bedroom; if you can’t, enclose them in heavy plastic.
  • Try not to do heavy cleaning, but if you must, use only a vacuum cleaner and damp cloth to clean; dust mops and brooms stir up the dust.
  • Wear a mask over your mouth and nose while cleaning, and leave the room when you have finished.
  • Run an air conditioner or dehumidifier in warm weather, especially in spring and fall when mites multiply. Aim to keep the humidity level in your home under 40 percent but above 25 percent.
  • Consider using an air purifier in the bedroom to keep the room free from dust particles.

There Are Two Types Of Asthma: Intrinsic And Extrinsic

Extrinsic asthma usually begins in childhood, is seasonal, and is usually caused by a definite number of substances that can more easily be identified. Asthma is the leading cause of disease and disability in the 2-17 age group.

Intrinsic asthma is more severe and generally begins after 30 years of age. Attacks can occur at any time, and the causes are much more difficult to identify.

About half of asthmatics are diagnosed between 2 and 17, another third after 30. The other one-sixth does not fit either the intrinsic or extrinsic category. For example, some may initiate the problem in their 20s and others may, after their 30s, develop reactions to only one or two seasonal allergens.

But asthma can be difficult to diagnose, for its symptoms are similar to those of bronchitis, emphysema, and lung infections. Over some time, the attacks can become more frequent, so it is best for the person with asthma to learn every possible way to lessen the problem. Here are several suggestions:

Ongoing Home Remedies For Asthma Management

  • Ginger is a bit of a continuous helper. Ginger is known to help reduce inflammation, in turn, assisting airways to stay more relaxed. Having some form of ginger daily can be helpful.
  • Breathing exercises are also an ongoing assistant. Training yourself with yoga or other lung exercises can help with both asthma and general stress. Ask your doctor for suggestions.
  • Foods like onions, garlic, turmeric, honey, and ginger are all known to help keep airways clear. Be sure to incorporate them into your diet.
  • Getting your daily amount of vitamins is important but make sure you add in some vitamin D3. D3 is known for its anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Allergy immunotherapy is a way to help prevent allergic asthma. If allergies mostly trigger your asthma, then you might be a good candidate for treatment. Usually, in the form of shots, you are giving small doses of the allergens at a time to help retrain your immune system to not react to the irritants.

While having symptoms of asthma can be scary, as you can see there are many ways to prevent getting to the attack phase in the first place.

Include Ginger In Your Diet

Just like garlic, ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities too. A study conducted in 2013 showed that ginger supplements were able to ease symptoms of asthma. Having some ginger daily can help you get some relief. Add ginger to your tea during winters. You can also add ginger while cooking your food and reap its benefits.

Effective Ways To Treat Asthma At Home

In people with asthma, the airways become narrow and produce a lot of mucus. It triggers difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. Several factors can increase the risk of suffering from asthma. Some of the risk factors include having a blood relative with asthma, smoking, being overweight, and passive smoking. For some people, asthma doesnt pose many problems. However, there are others who suffer from asthma attacks.

Are you tired of having to latch on to your inhaler and your asthma medications? Do not let them go just yet. Make a few changes to your lifestyle see your symptoms ease up a lot.

10 Home Remedies for Asthma are:

What Is An Asthma Attack

Asthma is a chronic illness that affects the lungs, which causes the person shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and some chest tightness.  Asthma often happens early in the morning or at night, and it affects people of all ages.

It is worth noting that there is no 100% cure for asthma, but the symptoms can be controlled. The herbs and plants below will relieve asthma symptoms and help you resume normal, daily activities.

Increase Your Vitamin C And D Intake

It is vital to consume a well-balanced diet with vegetables and fruits that are rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, such as vitamins C and D. These compounds also act as anti-inflammatory agents and aid relief.

How to use:

Include citrus foods such as orange and lemon, kiwi, potato, and vitamin D-rich foods such as milk, fish, egg, liver, cheese, and cereals in your diet. Use supplements only after consulting your doctor.

Alternative Therapy To Help Manage Asthma

9 Effective Home Remedies for Asthma

At present, acupuncture is one of the most popular alternative therapies for asthma and is performed by competent practitioners.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin at specified locations to regulate the flow of energy that is believed to control psychophysical function.

Emergency Asthma Treatment At Home In Case Of An Attack

  • Do not lie down
  • Sit up straight and try to calm down
  • Take a puff from a reliever every 30 to 60 seconds
  • Breathe in through the nose and out through pursed lips
  • Breathe in through nose with hands placed on the belly and exhale
  • Try sipping warm back tea or coffee
  • Try to inhale the vapour of eucalyptus essential oil from a diffuser

Try the natural home remedies for asthma and witness your symptoms get diminished. Try to maintain an asthma diary. Write down about your symptoms when you experience them, foods that seem to trigger the symptoms, where you were and what you were doing before your asthma flared up, how often you have to use your inhaler, if at all, and other such details. It will help you and your doctor to get a better insight and control your asthmatic symptoms more effectively.

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the readers situation. 

Home Remedies For Asthma Flare

When you have asthma, you should already have an emergency treatment plan in place with your doctor. Usually, an asthmatic can know their trigger symptoms and try to work to keep them from exacerbating their asthma.

Once you are feeling that respiratory distress coming on, here are some home remedies for asthma to try:

  • Steam Inhalation. Inhaling warm steam can be helpful with opening the sinuses and airways. If you dont have an actual room humidifier, you can do a hot water bowl and breathe it in. You can also close the bathroom door and steam up the bathroom. Any steam inhalation can also be helped with adding essential oils to the mix. Peppermint is known to be useful here.
  • Hot drinks and soups are also helpful in opening airwaves and relieving congestion. If using tea, try adding honey, peppermint or having a menthol tea.
  • Various essential oils may help with congestion. Clearing the congestion can help prevent an asthma flare. Some to try include peppermint, eucalyptus, oregano oil, kalonji oil, tea tree, and lavender.
  • Air filters in your home can help prevent difficulties but if you find yourself having troubles, try changing them once a month instead of every three months like the package suggests. Also, look for special allergy filters to keep as many irritants out of your air as possible.

Remember, if in any doubt, contact medical help immediately.


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