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Is Exercise Induced Asthma Real

What Is The Best Treatment For Exercise

Exercise Induced Asthma

The standard approach for treating this condition is with an albuterol inhaler, which can be taken with a prescription. So, what is the best treatment for exercise-induced asthma, the albuterol inhaler is considered the most practical solution. Its beneficial for 80% of patients, and you can take it anywhere with you.

What Factors Can Trigger Asthma

The triggers for asthma may vary depending upon the individual, but there are a number of common factors that may play a part in setting off symptoms for someone. Some people may have their condition managed well enough to rarely ever have symptoms aside from an occasional flare-up, while others may have such regular or severe symptoms that it impacts their daily quality of life and places heavy limitations on what they’re able to do and experience.

Irritants and allergens are some of the most common triggers for those with asthma. Cigarette smoke bothers even those without the condition, so it definitely is capable of further irritating the airways of someone who already struggles with this issue on a regular basis. Allergens also play a part by causing allergic reactions within a person’s body, and this often increases the level of inflammation present and can strongly impact someone with asthma. Dust, pollen, and harsh chemicals found in certain occupations or in certain cleaning supplies can also worsen symptoms when inhaled.

Respiratory infections cause all sorts of inflammation in a person’s sinuses, nasal cavities, chest, and lungs. For someone dealing with asthma, this can greatly impact their condition and cause a significant worsening of their symptoms and likely also cause flare-ups.

There is also a risk for asthma-related reactions to certain medications including beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, and pain relieving medications .

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Exercise Induced Asthma: Best Treatment Options Diagnosis And Management

Date : May 12, 2020

Categories : Articles, Education and Learning, Health Care

Many people wonder what the best treatment for exercise-induced asthma is. Since its incredibly complicated for new patients to control the condition, some have trouble determining the right exercise for their bodies.

All that tightness in the chests, wheezing, and breathlessness may feel like debilitating symptoms, but countless other people are going through the same thing. In fact, from 20% to 50% of Olympic athletes are living with this particular health problem, statistics show.

Its crucial to get the proper treatment and find the right ways to manage it, to keep the condition under control. Here, weve decided to cover all the valuable information you need on exercise-induced asthma, including the diagnosis, medications, and good fitness options.

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How Do You Treat Exercise

  • Is struggling to breathe
  • Canââ¬â¢t walk or talk
  • Shows other signs of a severe attack

1. Stop the activity.

  • Have the person sit down and rest.

2. Follow the personââ¬â¢s asthma plan, if possible.

  • Find out if the person has an individualized asthma action plan from a doctor.
  • If so, follow its directions.

3. Give asthma first aid.

4. Resume activity when itââ¬â¢s safe.

  • Wait until the person can breathe easily and is symptom-free before resuming exercise.
  • If symptoms return when person starts exercise again, repeat treatment and stop exercise for rest of day.

5. Follow up.

Myth : I’m Allergic To Exercise

Asthma Fitness Training

If asthma doesn’t stop weekend athletes in their tracks, why can’t they exercise? It’s not because they are allergic to exercise, but rather because many things trigger shortness of breath, including deconditioning or hyperventilation, inhalant allergy, airway irritants, vocal cord dysfunction, and, with preexistent airflow obstruction, air trapping.

Hammo and Weinberger studied child and adolescent athletes believed to have refractory exercise-triggered asthma. These athletes’ chest discomfort and cough on exercise were attributed to asthma, but testing failed to confirm that diagnosis . The authors postulated that these individuals reached their anaerobic thresholds earlier, which led to hyperventilation and the sensation of chest discomfort potentially attributable to lactic acidosis.

As already mentioned, some athletes with asthma present with symptoms related to allergic reactions to outdoor pollens or molds these reactions may be confused with exercise-triggered asthma.

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What Else Should I Know About Cold Air And Asthma

Every persons asthma is different. If cold weather triggers your asthma symptoms, you should treat it as you would any other flare-up.

Monitor the weather and try to stay inside on the very coldest days. Wear a scarf or face mask if you must go out. Guard your health so a virus doesnt cause an asthma flare-up. Humidify the air indoors to the level that makes your breathing most comfortable.

Follow your doctors direction for medication use. If you are prescribed an inhaler or other medication to manage your asthma, dont skip using it when youre feeling fine. Always follow the plan you have in place to avoid unnecessary flare-ups.

  • Make sure all your prescriptions are current. Refill if needed.
  • Your Asthma Action Plan should include how to handle asthma when you have no symptoms, if symptoms begin, and if they become severe. Be prepared for all eventualities.
  • Keep a notebook to write down notes whenever symptoms worsen. This could shed light on new or old triggers. Keep track of your medication usage your doctor will appreciate a big-picture view.

Tips For Kids With Exercise

For the most part, kids with exercise-induced asthma can do anything their peers can do. But be sure to follow the suggestions given by your child’s doctor.

Here are some tips for kids and teens:

  • If symptoms start, don’t exercise until they stop.
  • Warm up before exercise to prevent chest tightening.
  • Take quick-relief medicine as close to the start of exercise as possible.
  • Breathe through the nose during exercise.
  • Take brief rests during exercise and use quick-relief medicine, as prescribed, if symptoms start.
  • Cool down after exercise to help slow the change of air temperature in the lungs.

It’s also best not to exercise outside during very cold weather. If your child plays outside when it’s cold, wearing a ski mask or a scarf over the mouth and nose should help.

If air pollution or pollen are triggers, your child may want to exercise indoors when air quality is poor or pollen counts are high. And kids shouldn’t exercise when they have a cold or other upper respiratory infection.

Kids should always have access to their quick-relief medicine. Keep extras on hand and be sure to check all supplies so your child isn’t carrying an empty inhaler.

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Student Athletes Who Specialize Early Are Injured More Often Study Finds

In 2014, Olin discovered a breathing technique to help athletes overcome EILO by chance. He was testing a patient for EILO by having her perform increasingly rigorous exercise. During this test, the patient’s vocal cords began closing up. Frustrated, she began crying. At the moment she gasped for air, her vocal cords opened. Bingo! Olin and his team worked to develop a technique to help patients replicate that same action without crying.

The technique, which he calls the Olin EILOBI breathing technique, involves having patients intentionally control their airflow. For example, a patient starts inhaling with high resistance, placing the lower lip against the upper teeth. Then that patient abruptly removes the resistance in the same inhalation to allow unimpeded airflow. The upper airway tends to open up in response, ultimately helping patients breathe comfortably.

While physical practice is key, Olin says mindset also plays a critical role. He strings a tiny camera through an athlete’s nose so he can see the vocal cords in action during exercise tests.

“The images of the upper airway become a window into the brain in some cases,” says Olin, whose team includes psychologists. “Unspoken frustration or harsh self-criticism are some of the emotions that, when corrected, seem to have a positive effect on the visual appearance of the throat.”

Which Activities Are Ok For Kids With Eia

How Do Doctors Treat Exercise-Induced Asthma?

Exercise is a great idea for everyone, including kids with exercise-induced asthma. Besides keeping kids fit, exercise can improve lung function by strengthening the breathing muscles in the chest.

Encourage your child to be active while also keeping asthma symptoms under control by following the asthma action plan. Ask your doctor which exercises, sports, and activities are safe for your child.

These activities usually are OK for people with EIA:

  • easy walking, jogging, or hiking
  • golf
  • gymnastics
  • shorter track and field events

Endurance sports and those requiring extended energy output can be more challenging. So can cold-weather sports, like cross-country skiing and ice hockey.

But that doesn’t mean kids can’t play these sports if they enjoy them. In fact, many athletes with asthma have found that with proper training and medicine, they can do any sport they choose.

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Meds For Long Term Management

In the case of a chronic condition, the typical exercise-induced asthma medication will be focused on drugs for long-term usage. They will curb the condition and help you manage the symptoms. Such medications are often administered daily, like:

Combination inhalers are designed to loosen up the airways and are often meant to be used before any physical activity. They can provide relief for chest tightness and wheeziness.

Inhaled corticosteroids are intended to stifle the irritation in the airways. The formula will immediately enter the lungs and hinder any inflammatory functions that result in asthma.

Leukotriene modifiers are pharmaceuticals usually used in case of allergies. They can stop the leukotrienes, the substances released in the human body from the mast cells that produce airway obstruction, swelling, irritation, or mucus.

Sports For People With Exercise

There’s no reason to stop playing sports or working out because you have EIA. As well as keeping you fit, exercise can strengthen the breathing muscles in the chest and help your lungs work better. Doctors no longer tell people with asthma to avoid exercising and, in fact, often recommend it as part of asthma treatment.

Some sports and activities are less likely to cause problems, though. These include:

  • an easy walk, jog, or hike
  • golf
  • shorter track and field events

Some sports are more challenging for people with exercise-induced asthma, such as:

  • long-distance running, cycling, or other endurance sports
  • soccer, basketball, and other sports that demand a lot of energy
  • cold-weather sports like cross-country skiing or ice hockey

You probably still can do even the most challenging sports if you truly enjoy them. It just takes careful management, the right medicine, and proper training.

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Why Is Cold Weather Hard On People With Asthma

  • Wild weather: Winter often brings rain, wind and fluctuations in air pressure, even for those in mild climates. Rainy and windy weather can stir up mold spores and barometric pressure changes can trigger sinusitis. These can also cause asthma flare-ups.
  • Illnesses: Colds, flu and viruses are common in winter and can lead to more inflammation of your airways. Such illnesses thicken the mucus in bronchial tubes and make it harder to breathe. This can worsen symptoms or cause asthma flare-ups.
  • Time spent indoors: When the weather is cold, you may stay inside longer with the windows closed and the heat on. And you may be exposed to more indoor allergens, irritants and respiratory viruses. For example, you could be at risk for an asthma flare if your symptoms are triggered by dust, mold or pet dander, or cigarette smoke if theres a smoker in the house.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Eib


It is important to know the difference between being out of condition and having EIB. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will take a thorough history and may perform a series of tests. Your doctor will measure your breathing before, during and after exercise to test your lung functions. Then, your doctor will help you create a plan so you can take steps to prevent asthma symptoms and enjoy physical activity. Your doctor will also tell you what to do should a full-blown asthma episode occur.

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What Types Of Medicines Treat Or Prevent Eib

There are three types of medicines to prevent or treat the symptoms of EIB. Your health care provider can help you find the best treatment program for you based on your asthma history and the type of activity.

  • Short-acting beta agonist / bronchodilator : This medication can prevent symptoms when taken 10 to 15 minutes before exercise. It will help prevent symptoms for up to four hours. This same medication can also treat and reverse the symptoms of EIB should they occur.
  • Long-acting bronchodilator: This needs to be taken 30 to 60 minutes before activity and only once within a 12-hour period. Salmeterol can help prevent EIB symptoms for 10 to 12 hours. This medication is for preventing symptoms. It does not offer any quick relief, so it not for treating symptoms once they begin.
  • Mast cell stabilizers: Cromolyn sodium or nedocromil sodium need to be taken 15 to 20 minutes before exercise. These medications may also help to prevent the late phase reaction of EIB that some people experience. These medications are only for preventing EIB because they do not relieve symptoms once they begin. Some individuals use one of these medicines in combination with a short-acting bronchodilator.

If you have frequent symptoms with usual activity or exercise, talk to your doctor. An increase in your long-term control medications may help. Long-term control medicines, such as inhaled steroids, can help EIB.

Signs That Exercise Is Triggering Your Asthma Symptoms

Whether youre out for a run, playing team sports, or cycling to work, dont ignore important signs like:

  • needing to use your reliever inhaler
  • stopping to catch your breath.

Exercise or allergy?

  • If exercise is the trigger, you might notice symptoms coming on after youve exercised. You may need about 30-60 minutes to recover.
  • If an allergy is the trigger, , you might notice symptoms during exercise.

Normal exercise symptoms or asthma symptoms?

Its normal to breathe faster or more deeply when we do any strenuous exercise, whether thats Zumba or running up the stairs.

So how can you tell if youre breathless because of the exertion or because your asthma symptoms are flaring up?

Look out for these asthma signs:

  • Feeling very short of breath, or like you cant breathe enough air in
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • A tight feeling in your chest.

If you have any of these symptoms when you exercise, see your GP to review your asthma.

Always carry your reliever inhaler

Always have your blue reliever inhaler with you so you can quickly deal with asthma symptoms or an asthma attack. Call 999 if your reliever inhaler is not helping.

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Is It Mandatory To Avoid Exercise In Case One Suffers From Exercise Induced Asthma Or Eia

Please keep a strong assured note that you are not to avoid your fitness move because of exercise induced asthma or EIA. The star athletes like Tom Donal, Amy ven Dyken, Jackey-Joyner etc are finest examples. You must keep a strong aim to fight against exercise induced asthma or EIA and keep yourself fit by health.

What Are The Causes Of Exercise

Exercise-Induced Asthma

There are 2 theories about the cause of exercise-induced asthma:

  • Water-loss theory. Some researchers believe that the cool air you breathe in when you exercise dries the lining of your airways. This triggers your airways to spasm and become tight.
  • Heat-exchange theory. Another theory is that increased breathing during activity cools your airways. When activity stops, the blood vessels dilate to heat the lining of your airways. The airways narrow and cause shortness of breath and wheezing.
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    Take These Before Hitting The Gym

    • Short acting beta agonist or bronchodilator: Using this inhaler 10 to 15 minutes before exercise can prevent symptoms. It can also be used to treat symptoms after they occur.
    • Long-acting bronchodilator: Inhaled 30 to 60 minutes before exercise, it prevents symptoms for 10 to 12 hours but offers no rescue benefit once symptoms occur.
    • Mast cell stabilizers: Taken 15 to 20 minutes before exercise to prevent EIB.

    Don’t Let Your Asthma Get In The Way Of Achieving Your Running Goals

    Running can be hard. Starting to run can be even harder. Especially if you have asthma.

    Im a runner. And I have asthma. Those two facts are not mutually exclusive.

    In general, if you put in the time and effort, youll be wearing out those Asics in no time. Just turn on Spotify and Zombies 5k, and youre just 9 short weeks away from being a certifiable beast.

    Unless you have asthma. At which point, what might be a difficult task for most peoplesuch as runningbecomes exponentially worse for you.

    Lucky for you and me, though, having asthma doesnt mean you cant be a runner. It doesnt mean you can’t get fit, that you cant lose weight, that you cant be a beastly lifter at the gym. All having asthma means is that when exercising, you have to account for your asthma.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    Im living proof of that. I have a pretty severe case of exercise-induced asthma , and my typical weekly mileage before my last race was 25-30 miles a week. And then, I had only been running for about 5 months.

    But during those 5 months, I learned a lot about running with asthma. And now, Im okay with my condition.

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    Test Of Normal Lung Function

    Your doctor will likely administer a spirometry test to assess how well your lungs function when you aren’t exercising. A spirometer measures how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale.

    Your doctor might have you repeat the test after you take an inhaled medication to open your lungs . Your doctor will compare the results of the two measurements to see whether the bronchodilator improved your airflow. This initial lung function test is important for ruling out underlying chronic asthma as the cause of symptoms.


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