Saturday, October 15, 2022
HomeFactsHow To Reduce Asthma Cough

How To Reduce Asthma Cough

Fiding The Cause Of Your Nighttime Cough

Is my room ? When was the last time I cleaned off my upholstered headboard? The nightstands? Vacuumed under my bed? Dust is one of my asthma triggers, so I wanted to make sure my room was very clean. So all of that was cleaned.

And what about what’s ON my bed? I’m a stickler for keeping my bedding clean and washing the sheets once a week, as recommended.5 I also decided that I was going to wash everything else on the bed too. So it took most of my Saturday morning, but I washed the sheets, thermal blanket, coverlet, and a decorative pillow.

So, everything that could get dusty was washed or vacuumed.

But – it’s also allergy season. A quick look at my local pollen count showed that cottonwood, willow, ash, cedar, oak and birch are all in the “very high” category. And willow, maple and sycamore are all in the “high” category. Oh boy. No wonder my allergies are off the chart!

I know that it won’t help to have clean sheets if I am climbing into bed covered in . The asthma doctor has told us to shower before we go to bed at night. That way, your body is clean and the pollen has been washed away. Otherwise, you lay down in bed and toss and turn all night and the pollen in your hair and on your skin is spread all over the bed. You breathe that in, and you can wake up wheezing, sneezing, and coughing.

Using A Natural Remedy Arsenal For Asthma

Asthma symptoms are a nuisance at best and dangerous at worse. Luckily there are some natural remedies for asthma that can help you prevent the onset of asthma symptoms for you or your child, and make daily life more enjoyable.

Do you or a family member suffer from asthma? What remedies work best for you?

  • Wood, L. G., Garg, M. L., Blake, R. J., Garcia-Caraballo, S., & Gibson, P. G. . Airway and circulating levels of carotenoids in asthma and healthy controls. Retrieved from 
  • Matsui, E. C., & Matsui, W. . Retrieved from 
  • The effects of vitamin C on asthma should be also be studied. . Retrieved from 
  • Hill, J., Micklewright, A., Lewis, S., & Britton, J. . Investigation of the effect of short-term change in dietary magnesium intake in asthma. Retrieved from 
  • Role of omega-3 fatty acids and their metabolites in asthma and allergic diseases. . Retrieved from 
  • Lucas, S. R., & Platts-Mills, T. A. . Physical activity and exercise in asthma: Relevance to etiology and treatment. Retrieved from 
  • Breathing exercises for asthma. . Retrieved from 
  • Paudyal, P., Jones, C., Grindey, C., Dawood, R., & Smith, H. . Meditation for asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Retrieved from 
  • Cernomaz, T. A., Bolog, S. G., & Mih?escu, T. . The effect of a dry salt inhaler in adults with COPD. Retrieved from 
  • Complementary And Alternative Medicine

    Alternative medicine practitioners may turn to any of several approaches to relieve wheezing or prevent spasms and constriction of the airways that lead to acute respiratory symptoms.

    It’s important to note that most have little scientific evidence to support their use. If you decide to incorporate complementary medicine into your treatment plan, let your doctor know so they can track any side effects and prevent drug interactions.

    Is Magnesium Sulfate Effective

    The scientific evidence supporting the use of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of severe asthma is mixed.

    The researchers randomly assigned the children to receive either nebulized magnesium sulfate or a , in addition to standard asthma medications.

    They concluded that nebulized magnesium sulfate in combination with standard treatment did not produce a clinically significant improvement in the childrens asthma symptoms.

    However, the authors noted that children with more severe asthma symptoms showed the most significant response to magnesium treatment.

    In 2014, another large British trial set out to establish how effectively magnesium sulfate could reduce asthma symptoms.

    The authors recruited 1,109 adults with severe acute asthma and randomly assigned participants to receive either IV magnesium, nebulized magnesium, or standard therapy alone.

    The researchers were reportedly unable to demonstrate a clinically worthwhile benefit of magnesium sulfate treatment. However, they found some weak evidence that IV magnesium sulfate could reduce the number of hospitalizations due to asthma attacks.

    The findings of a systematic review, published in the same year, were more positive. The researchers analyzed data from 14 trials that had compared IV magnesium sulfate treatment to placebos in adults with acute asthma.

    Dont Exercise In Cold Dry Weather

    What is the permanent cure for Asthma?

    For some people, exercising in dry, cold weather can cause their airways to tighten. As your breathing increases, you may start to wheeze. This is known as exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, and it can affect people both with or without chronic asthma.

    If you only wheeze when exercising in cold conditions or your wheezing gets worse when you do, try moving your workout indoors when the weathers cold. Get more tips for managing asthma triggered by cold weather.

    Top Home Remedies For Asthma: Do They Actually Work

    Living with asthma can be demanding, between recognizing potential asthma attack triggers to managing day-to-day symptoms. Those suffering from asthma are often looking for more tips and solutions beyond their physicians office to manage their condition.

    Many online organizations and forums list different herbs, fruits and other natural substances that are supposed to relieve asthma symptoms, but do some of these actually work? In this post, we take a look at the scientific evidence behind some of the internets most popular natural asthma remedies.

    Ginger For Asthma Cough At Night Remedy

    Ginger acts as an anti inflammatory drug and offers multiple benefits for your body and health. Its also considered as a superfood and is very effective against asthma. Add pomegranate, honey and ginger in equal proportions and consume it 2-3 times a day to get beneficial results.

    Also Read Why Natural Treatments For Asthma Are Becoming Prominent?

    Gargle With Warm Salt Water

    Salt water is a good home remedy for alleviating irritation in the throat, a common by-product of constant coughing.

    This beneficial effect rests on the principle of homeostasis and osmosis. The saline solution will suck in the moisture from the inflamed throat and, thereby, bring down the swelling. Moreover, gargling with warm salt water has been found to be effective in preventing upper respiratory tract infections, which can often trigger a CVA episode.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of warm water.
  • Stir until the salt completely dissolves.
  • Gargle with this water 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Cough Suppressants And Expectorants

    Although your local drugstore probably carries a wide variety of brands and formulations, there are really only two types of OTC cough medicine available: cough suppressants and cough expectorants.

    Cough suppressants quiet your cough by blocking your cough reflex. This is helpful for dry coughs that are painful or keeping you up at night.

    Expectorants are better for wet coughs. They work by thinning the mucus in your airway so you can more easily cough it up. You may already have some natural expectorants at home, too.

    Home Remedies To Stop Coughing At Night Get Some Sleep In

    There is a difference between being sick and coughing all the time without any kind of possible cause to it. If you have been waking up in the middle of the night with a persistent cough day after day, chances are that there could be something causing it that you arent aware of. Opting for the home remedies to stop coughing at night can be helpful in avoiding putting strain on the throat.

    As mentioned before, there could very well be a number of factors influencing the condition of the nighttime cough. It is always best to get the problem checked by a doctor to avoid any kind of further issues.

    In here, we are going to walk you down some of the best remedies for coughing at night that will provide with relief eventually.

    Part 2 Of 3:getting Comfortable

  • 1Drink plenty of water. Keep the mucus in your throat loose by drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day. If you have a dry cough that doesn’t produce anything, you need to stay hydrated so the coughing doesn’t irritate your throat. This is especially important if colds and flu are triggers for your asthma symptoms.XResearch source
  • Increase your fluid intake if you’re coughing up yellow or green mucus.
  • 2Purify the air. Keep the air in your home as pure as possible. Check any air filters in your home and avoid smokers. Since smoke is a common asthma trigger, talk to any smokers about not smoking around you. You should also avoid spraying hairspray and perfume.XResearch source
  • Since pollen can trigger your asthma, you should consider running an air conditioner on days when the pollen count is high. Just take care to regularly clean the air vents in your home so dust and mold isn’t blown around.
  • Consider running a humidifier or leaving bowls of water around your home. This will add moisture to the air which can improve your breathing.
  • 3Relax your breathing. Avoid deep over breathing when you have an asthma cough. Some doctors believe that this can irritate your lungs even more. Instead, slowly breath only through your nose, keeping your inhalations and exhalations the same length. For example, breathe in through your nose while counting to 8. Hold your breath for as long as you can and breathe out for 8 counts. Stay calm, relaxed and still while you breathe.
  • Create Your Own Supplement Plan: Dos And Donts To Remember

    Heres the list of Do/Donts in order to get rid out of asthma cough in the night

    • Do a careful review clinical studies of any supplement you are considering
    • Do a proper research for manufacturing processes, 3rd party tests, and brand reputation as well
    • dont assume that expensive supplements are more effective than reasonably priced supplements
    • dont try introducing more than one supplement at a time
    • do prepare notes in terms of what you notice and how a particular supplement affects you

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    What Happens During An Asthma Episode


    During normal breathing, the airways to the lungs are fully open. This allows air to move in and out of the lungs freely. Asthma causes the airways to change in the following ways:

  • The airway branches leading to the lungs become overly reactive and more sensitive to all kinds of asthma triggers
  • The linings of the airways swell and become inflamed
  • Mucus clogs the airways
  • Muscles tighten around the airways
  • The lungs have difficulty moving air in and out
  • These changes narrow the airways. Breathing becomes difficult and stressful, like trying to breathe through a straw stuffed with cotton.

    Use Air Filters And Allergy

    When your immune system overreacts to an allergen, allergy symptoms such as coughing can occur. Dust allergy is a common cause of cough, especially at night when youre exposed to dust mites or pet dander on your bedding.

    Here are some strategies to mite-proof your bedroom:

    • Use for pillow cases, duvets, mattresses, and box springs to reduce and prevent dust mites.
    • Wash bedding in hot water once per week.
    • Run a in your bedroom to remove common allergens.
    • Dont let pets on your bed or in your bedroom.
    • If you have carpeting, vacuum frequently with a .

    Using The Papworth Method

    The Papworth method has been used since 1960 to help people with asthma. It is a type of breathing and relaxation technique. It makes use of the nose and diaphragm to develop breathing patterns that will suit the asthma patient. These breathing patterns can then be used while engaging in activities that can possibly flare up your asthma. Papworth method is a way of controlling over-breathing that is basically rapid and shallow breaths taken at the top of the chest.

    How Should An Asthma Cough Be Treated

    If your doctor diagnoses you with cough-variant , treatment is generally the same as treatment for other types of asthma. These inhaled medications are available in rapid-acting, long-acting, and combination formulations. Your cough should get better gradually with the use of these common asthma medications:

    • Bronchodilators rapidly relieve coughing and other asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and . You generally take quick-relief medications by breathing them into your lungs with an inhaler. A commonly prescribed quick-relief medication is , a bronchodilator that relieves your cough by relaxing and opening your narrowed airways.

    • Inhaled corticosteroids help relieve your cough by reducing airway inflammation.

    How To Cure Asthma Permanently At Home With Natural Remedies

    Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Very common symptoms of asthma are shortness of breath, hearing a wheezing or whistling sound in the chest, or cough for a long time. 26 million people have asthma in the USA, out of which 7 million asthma patients are children. Asthma is a genetic disease that runs from one generation to another generation.

    50 % of patients suffer because their family had this disease at some point in time in their lives, and the rest are suffering because of environmental effects. There are treatments that can cure this disease. You can cure Asthma at home with natural remedies without medicine and live a healthy and active life.

    Asthma affects on airways system of the body

  • Airway obstruction: Airways are tubes that carry air to the lungs, and it gets inflamed if a person has Asthma. The airways tube can swell because of inflammation, and it reacts strongly to a certain inhaled substance. When the airway responds, the muscle got tight and caused less airflow into the lungs.
  • Inflammation: If you have asthma your bronchial tubes are red and swollen because of inflammation. Inflammation can cause long-term Asthma and that leads to damage to your lungs. One way to manage asthma is to control inflammation.
  • Airway Irritability: Asthma patient tends to have very sensitive airways. They narrow down and overreact to pollen, animal dander, dust, or fumes.
  • Try Himalayan Salt Therapy

    Some asthma sufferers swear by salt therapy for their symptoms. Salt caves or  are two ways of experiencing salt therapy. Theres not much information about salt therapy for asthma. However, one study published in Pneumologia does say it could be beneficial . Salt therapy seems to be safe, so it may be worth a try.

    What Are Common Asthma Attack Triggers

    An asthma attack happens when someone comes in contact with substances that irritate them. Healthcare providers call these substances triggers. Knowing what triggers your asthma makes it easier to avoid asthma attacks.

    For some people, a trigger can bring on an attack right away. Sometimes, an attack may start hours or days later.

    Triggers can be different for each person. But some common triggers include:

    • Air pollution: Many things outside can cause an asthma attack. Air pollution includes factory emissions, car exhaust, wildfire smoke and more.
    • Dust mites: You cant see these bugs, but they are in many homes. If you have a dust mite allergy, they can cause an asthma attack.
    • Exercise: For some people, exercising can cause an attack.
    • Mold: Damp places can spawn mold. It can cause problems for people with asthma. You dont even have to be allergic to mold to have an attack.
    • Pests: Cockroaches, mice and other household pests can cause asthma attacks.
    • Pets: Your pets can cause asthma attacks. If youre allergic to pet dander , breathing in the dander can irritate your airways.
    • Tobacco smoke: If you or someone in your home smokes, you have a higher risk of developing asthma. The best solution is to quit smoking.
    • Strong chemicals or smells.

    With asthma, you may not have all of these symptoms. You may have different signs at different times. And symptoms can change between asthma attacks.

    Treating Cough Variant Asthma

    CVA is treated in the same way as regular asthma, given both of them engender the same effect on the airways and the lungs, only differing in severity. There are a number of treatment options, and the doctor may prescribe any or a combination of the following:

    • Rescue inhalers that work to provide instant relief by bringing down airway inflammation quickly in the case of an asthma attack
    • Inhaled corticosteroids or inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs that alleviate and prevent swelling in the bronchial tubes
    • Allergy medications such as antihistamines and a mix of inhalers that include both preventive medicines and fast-responding medicines
    • Preventive oral medications that work to keep the airways open

    Some options might give you better results than others, and thus the treatment strategy can vary from person to person. You will have to work closely with your doctor to come up with one that suits you best.

    Medical History And Physical Exam

    How to reduce mucus in the throat

    Your doctor will ask about your risk factors for asthma and your . They may ask also about any known allergies. This includes how often symptoms occur, what seems to trigger your symptoms, when or where symptoms occur, and if your symptoms wake you up at night.

    During the physical exam, your doctor may:

    • Listen to your breathing and look for of asthma
    • Look for allergic skin conditions, such as eczema

    What Causes An Asthma Cough

    The most well known symptoms of asthma are wheezing and feeling breathless, but a cough is also very common particularly if you suffer from cough-variant asthma.

    People who have asthma may cough for two reasons. Firstly, the lungs produce more phlegm when the airways become irritated. The coughing helps to bring some of this phlegm up and thereby clear the airways.

    However, an asthma cough can also simply be a response to the irritation of the airways. For most people with asthma, the coughing is worst at night, which can make it difficult to sleep and cause ongoing fatigue in the daylight hours. The cough is also normally accompanied by high-pitched wheezing, which indicates the narrowing of the airways.

    How Asthma Is Treated

    While there is no cure for asthma, there are a number of treatments that can help control the condition.

    Treatment is based on two important goals, which are:

    • relieving symptoms 
    • preventing future symptoms and attacks

    For most people, this will involve the occasional or, more commonly, daily use of medications, usually taken using an inhaler. However, identifying and avoiding possible triggers is also important.

    You should have a personal asthma action plan agreed with your doctor or nurse that includes information about the medicines you need to take, how to recognise when your symptoms are getting worse, and what steps to take when they do so.

    These symptoms are often worse at night and early in the morning, particularly if the condition is not well controlled. They may also develop or become worse in response to a certain trigger, such as exercise or exposure to an allergen.

    Read our page on the causes of asthma for more information about potential triggers.

    Speak to your GP if you think you or your child may have asthma. You should also talk to your doctor or asthma nurse if you have been diagnosed with asthma and you are finding it difficult to control the symptoms.

    Why Asthma Makes You Cough

    When is a cough more than just an annoying tickle in your throat? If you have a cough that won’t go away, you may have asthma. A chronic cough is one of the symptoms of asthma. For some people, a cough may be their only asthma symptom. Asthma medications can relieve your nagging cough and keep you feeling good.

    Home Remedies For Children With Asthma

    As a parent, you probably want to do anything and everything you can to keep your childs asthma from interfering with their life. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help your child manage their asthma symptoms.

    • Your child spends around eight hours each night in bed, so asthma triggers there can really aggravate symptoms. You can use zippered dust mite covers for pillows and mattresses to help keep allergens from permeating their bedding. Additionally, washing bedding in hot water once a week can help reduce nighttime allergen exposure.
    • Being mindful about outdoor time can help reduce exposure to asthma triggers, such as pollen and industrial pollution. Monitoring the Air Quality Index on can help you decide whether it is a good day for your child to play outside. Any AQI rating above 100 is likely to be unhealthy for children with asthma.
    • Make sure that your childs school has an asthma action plan and that all supervisors know how to react if your child starts to show signs of an asthma attack. This includes outlining the specifics of your childs asthma treatment medicines.
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    Natural Ways To Manage Cough Variant Asthma At Home

    Dr. Ghassan Kanj, MD

    Cough variant asthma is a subtype of asthma, which presents solely with a cough without any other symptoms such as dyspnea or wheezing. CVA is one of the most common causes of a chronic cough. More importantly, 30 to 40 percent of CVA cases in adult patients, unless adequately treated, may progress to classic asthma.

    CVA shares some pathophysiological features with classic asthma, such as atopy, airway hyper-responsiveness, eosinophilic airway inflammation, and various elements of airway remodeling.

    The chronic cough that characterizes CVA is usually dry and unproductive and often tends to worsen at night. A nonproductive cough such as this does not expel any mucus from the respiratory tract and can last six to eight weeks.

    CVA is a milder form of asthma. Children are more likely than adults to have this type of asthma. This condition is often triggered by exposure to specific allergens and environmental factors or activities such as strong odors, pollen, cold air, exercise, and dust. In fact, patients with CVA are also likely to suffer from other allergic conditions, such as drug and food allergies, eczema, and hay fever.


  • Expert Answers
  • Step 1: Avoid Exposure To Allergens Or Irritants That Cause Asthma Symptoms

    The best way to prevent asthma at work is to minimize the sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution. Some key steps to solving indoor air problems are to identify the sources, remove the sources, and make sure the ventilation system is working properly and the airflow is not blocked.

    One of the most important steps you can take to prevent asthma symptoms is to identify what you are being exposed to at home and at work that may be causing your asthma to flare-up. Some exposures in the work environment have been associated with causing asthma symptoms.1 You may think of an industrial workplace or dirty job as a place where you may be exposed to things that could make your asthma worse. But, exposures to allergens and irritants in indoor office spaces are equally as important to consider when you have asthma. Office buildings can be a threat to lung health if not properly maintained. Below are ways to avoid exposure to allergens or irritants while at work: 

    Identify your asthma triggers at work.Learn ways to limit your exposure to things that make your asthma worse or avoid them all together. Asthma triggers found in the workplace include:

    • mold
    • cleaning chemicals and scented personal care products
    • pests
    • stress

    Outdoor workers who have asthma also face risks of breathing problems from exposures to outdoor air pollution, especially for jobs on the road and near roadways. Common triggers for outdoor workers include:

    • Outdoor air
    • Diesel
    • Vehicle exhaust

    Tips To Keep Your Asthma Under Control

    May 4th, 2015

    Almost three million Canadians and more than 300 million people worldwide have asthma, including many top athletes. Asthma is a common chronic lung disease that can make it difficult to breathe.  Although there is no cure for asthma, those with the condition can live healthy, active lives if their asthma is under control. 

    For World Asthma Day , the Canadian Lung Association has some helpful tips for people with asthma. 

    1.    Know your triggers and avoid themTriggers like allergens and irritants can make  your asthma symptoms worse by irritating your airways.  The best way to control your asthma is to know what your asthma triggers are and how to avoid them.

    2.    Take your asthma medication as prescribed by your doctorMany people think they can skip their asthma preventer medications when they don’t feel any symptoms that’s not true. Asthma is a chronic disease. If you have asthma, you have it all the time, even when you don’t feel symptoms. You have to manage your asthma every day, not just on days when you feel symptoms. Read more about asthma medications and how to use them.

    3.    Learn how to use your inhaler properlyYour health-care provider can show you how to use your inhaler properly so that  your medicine reaches the airways.  Ask him or her  to watch you useyour inhaler.  Your health-care provider may offer suggestions on how to improve your technique so that the medication gets to your airways. Watch our videos on how to properly use your inhalers.


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