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How To Know If My Baby Has Asthma

Will My Child Outgrow Asthma

How do I Know if my Child has Asthma?

Asthma is rarely outgrown it often persists into adulthood. However, some parents see the symptoms of asthma go away as their child grows. This could be the result of the childs lungs growing larger or the immune system adapting over time. However, sensitivity to allergens as an asthma symptom trigger may still remain. And for many, symptoms often reappear years later.

Common Allergy Symptoms To Watch For

Since children with allergies can experience respiratory symptoms including trouble breathing and asthma can be triggered by allergies, it can be hard for parents to know if the problems are caused by a simple uptick in the pollen count or something more serious.

If your child is experiencing itchy, watery eyes, the respiratory stress isnt severe and you know theyve been around a possible allergen, its probably just allergies.

However, if your child is experiencing any of the following symptoms, asthma is more likely the culprit:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • A whistling noise on exhale

What To Expect When You Visit The Doctor

Your doctor;may;ask whether you have any family history of asthma, eczema or hay fever.;

In children, doctors assess the severity of the asthma based on the pattern and frequency of the symptoms.;

Lung function tests are difficult to perform in children younger than;5;years and so are usually only used to diagnose;and assess;severity in children;5;years and older.;

It is recommended that a paediatrician or paediatric respiratory specialist diagnose and manage asthma in infants under 12 months. If your infant is wheezing your doctor should refer to you one of these specialists.;

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How Is Asthma Treatment Different For Older Children

Sometimes when asthma is suspected, the doctor will put your child on a trial of asthma medication to see if it helps. If your child gets better while taking the medicine, it can be a signal that your childs symptoms are due to asthma. The medication will depend on how severe your childs symptoms are and how often they occur.

The goal of treatment for children include:

  • Managing the childs environment to avoid triggers
  • Treating the airway inflammation and bronchospasm with medication
  • Keeping asthma in control so activity does not need to be limited
  • Teaching the child about asthma, their medications and how to be as healthy as possible in a way they can understand

When administering medication to your child, make sure to follow the instructions given to you by your doctor and on the package insert.

Asthma Signs & Symptoms

How Do I Know If My Child Has Asthma?

People with asthma experience symptoms due to inflammation in the airways. They might only occur when you encounter an asthma trigger. Common symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis of asthma include:

  • Persistent or recurring coughing: which often occurs at night or early in the morning, although it can happen at any time. Coughing is a major feature of asthma, especially in children and can sometimes be the only sign of asthma.
  • Wheezing: is difficulty breathing accompanied by a whistling sound coming from your airways
  • Shortness of breath: gives you the feeling that you cant get enough air into your lungs, and may even find it difficult to eat, sleep or speak
  • Chest tightness: an unpleasant sensation of heaviness or pressure in the chest that can make it hard to breathe
  • Increased mucus production: is characterized by high levels of thick fluid or phlegm accumulating in your airways
  • Difficulty breathing while exercising: having trouble breathing while performing physical activities can be a sign of asthma
  • Losing Sleep: Being unable to sleep through the night because of breathing troubles

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How To Tell You Have Asthma

In this section: Diagnosis and Lung Testing | How To Tell You Have Asthma | Your Healthcare Team

Asthma is a complex disease to diagnose, and only a healthcare professional is able to make a proper diagnosis.

If you are concerned that you may have asthma, contact your healthcare provider. In order to confirm an asthma diagnosis, your healthcare provider will take into account your medical and family history, allergies, and conduct lung function testing such as spirometry.

Diagnosing Allergies In Children

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, approximately 40 percent of children suffer from some type of allergy and this number appears to be on an upward trend. Anyone can technically be allergic to anything but common allergens for children include:

  • Foods such as nuts, shellfish and milk
  • Animals and insects such as dogs, cats and bees
  • Medicines and their ingredients such as antibiotics and sulfites
  • Environmental factors such as grass, pollen, dust and ragweed

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Know The Signs Of Childhood Asthma

Asthma is one of many conditions for which no cure exists. While the condition can be managed and plenty of people can live a full life regardless of the respiratory condition, a positive outcome is only possible with proactive medical care. While adults can easily explain asthma symptoms to physicians, children might not be able to easily explain some of the stereotypical signs and symptoms to parents or a caregiver. So, parents need to be aware of the common signs that a child might have asthma.

Dr Chacko Can Diagnose & Treat Your Childs Asthma

How can I tell if my Child has Asthma?

If you are worried your child may be suffering with asthma, make getting a diagnosis a priority. Dr. Chacko can provide an accurate diagnosis and discuss your treatment options. Make an appointment at one of our locations in Alpharetta, Atlanta, Canton, Cumming, Duluth and Johns Creek by calling us at , or request an appointment online.

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How To Tell The Difference Between Covid

These two conditions have the same warning signs. Once you notice the above signs just checked whether it is Covid or asthma attack. If you have a fever, then you may be having Covid-19. Fever is the listed symptom of Covid-19, but it’s not listed as asthma symptom. Asthma flare-ups will occur owing to seasonal allergies or infections.

Here are some precautions that people with asthma need to take:

Treating Your Childs Asthma

There are two types of medications commonly used to treat asthma: controller medications, meant to decrease the underlying inflammation; and reliever, or rescue, medications, which calm the symptoms of an asthma exacerbation or attack, like coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. There are a few kinds of controller medications, but the most commonly prescribed is a corticosteroid thats taken every day using an inhaler . Less commonly, daily pills are used to control asthma.

Asthma relievers, or rescue medications, are used to open up the airways when asthma symptoms, such as coughing or wheezing, are present. Ideally, your childs asthma will be well-controlled with an inhaled corticosteroid and these medications will not be used very often. Relievers are always taken by inhaler to get the medication to the lungs quickly.;

Parents work closely with their childs doctor to make sure the medications are working as they should and to check whether the dose or type of medication needs adjusting.;

Your doctor might give you something called an Asthma Action Plan, which outlines what medication your child should be taking on a regular basis and when to give the rescue inhaler or seek medical attention. It can be helpful to work with an asthma or respiratory educator who can help you fine-tune your understanding of the medications and symptoms, says Andrea White Markham, a registered respiratory therapist and certified respiratory educator.;

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How To Notice The Signs Of Asthma In Your Child

There are various signs your child may have asthma, and these signs may also be found in unrelated illnesses. Pay attention to the following breathing-related issues, and make an appointment with your doctor to get a professional diagnosis.

  • Breathlessness Look for fast breaths and body movements that indicate forced breathing.
  • Coughing A recurring cough thats usually experienced in the morning or late at night.
  • Wheezing Wheezing is a whistling sound that accompanies each breath.
  • Chest Tightness This usually involves stomach or chest pains.

Notice and record when these signs of asthma are occurring. Symptoms are usually found in the morning or at night. There may also be an obvious trigger such as pollen that can indicate allergic asthma. If these symptoms keep on coming back, you must speak to your doctor.

Determine Allergies And Reduce Exposure

Allergies & Asthma in Babies

Researchers have found a big correlation between allergies and asthma about 60 percent of people with asthma also have allergies like hay fever. Babies who suffer food and skin allergies have also been found to have higher rates of asthma. So what can you do about it? Cut down on irritants in the air in your babys nursery and your home that may cause or exacerbate asthma.

Here are a few ways to do this:

  • You can change your homes HVAC air filters every six weeks to ensure the airflow in your home is healthy.
  • You can also make sure to vacuum, dust, and mop thoroughly every month.
  • Although, the easiest way to ensure your baby is breathing allergen and irritant-free air is by purchasing an;air purifier for your babys bedroom. Some air purifiers also double as a;pink noise;producing devicehelping your baby sleep through the night.
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    Vaping And Lung Damage

    • Talk with your teen about the dangers of vaping.
    • Vaping can cause severe lung damage. It can become permanent.
    • Vaping can even cause death .
    • Vaping tobacco also causes nicotine addiction.
    • For these reasons, the legal age to purchase vaping products is 21 in the US.
    • Encourage your teen to not start vaping or to give it up.
    • Warning: home-made or street-purchased vaping solutions are the most dangerous.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Asthma

    Asthma causes difficulty breathing because of narrowed, mucus-filled airways. This may cause a child to have trouble breathing and/or develop a tight feeling in the chest. Other asthma symptoms include fast breathing, wheezing, coughing, or needing to use extra muscles in the neck, chest, or abdomen to bring air into the lungs.

    Symptoms of asthma are not the same for everyone. Some children have symptoms nearly every day and need to take medications. Other children may only have occasional symptoms, one or two times a week. These people may only need medications when they have asthma symptoms.

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    How To Know If Your Child Has Asthma

    A telltale sign of asthma in kids is frequent coughing, says Padmaja Subbarao, a respirologist, and allergy and asthma researcher at SickKids. If you notice your child coughing while running, coughing when asleep or coughing from a cold that doesnt seem to be going away, these are signs they could have asthma. Experiencing two or more episodes of wheezing in a year is also an indication of the condition, says Subbarao.;

    A kid is more likely to develop asthma if it runs in the family or if they have allergies or eczema. Having a mother who smoked during pregnancy, being exposed to second-hand smoke or air pollution, or being obese can also raise the risk.

    Kids often show signs of asthma, like wheezing or persistent coughing, from an early age, but because its difficult for a doctor to know for sure, they often arent given an official diagnosis until age four or five. Some will develop asthma later in childhood or even as adults. To diagnose asthma, doctors sometimes use a lung function test, which requires the child to rapidly breathe into a tube. The test, called spirometry, measures the amount of air a person can breathe in and out of their lungs, and how fast they can breathe out. But this test isnt typically used for kids under five, because they will have trouble doing it properly.;Heres one really easy way to lower your babys risk of developing childhood asthma

    Tips To Care For Your Baby

    How can I find out if my child has asthma?

    Build a plan and follow it: You need to have an asthma action plan with written instructions from the doctor. It will give you clear information about what medicines to take and when, what to do between flare-ups and how to avoid triggers. There will be daily medicines and there will be medicines that are to be used only during a flare-up. Take them as prescribed. Stick to this plan and call the doctor for help.

    Avoid triggers: A trigger can bother airways of your child and can lead to an asthma flare-up. Some of the most common triggers are weather changes, allergens like mold and pollen, and viral infections. The doctor can also help identify triggers. Once you identify triggers, you need to avoid them as much as possible.

    Know signs of a flareup: If your child has had a few flare-ups, you will notice when and why it happens. Some warning signs can help you identify flare-up hours or a day before the symptoms start. You might see changes in the way kids look, their breathing and their mood. You need to know the signs and be ready to adjust medicines.

    You need to know when the symptoms call for medical care. Have quick relief medication handy and ensure that the coaches or teachers know when and how to get the medicine.

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    Asthma Action Plans For Children

    An;asthma;action;planis a clear written summary of;instructions for when;your childs asthma;symptoms change. Everyone with asthma should have a personalised;asthma;action;plan written by their doctor.;

    Your childs;asthma;action;plan will tell you:;

    • how to recognise when your childs asthma is getting worse or an attack is developing, and the steps you should take to manage it;
    • symptoms that are serious, indicating a need for urgent medical help ;
    • your childs asthma triggers.;

    Make sure you;understand and can;follow the;asthma;action;plan from your doctor.;

    Asthma Patterns In Children

    Every childs asthma is different. Some children have mild, occasional episodes of asthma or only show symptoms after;exercising, or when they have a;cold. Some experience daily symptoms, while others have symptoms continuously, which limit their level of activity.;

    Each pattern of asthma requires a different treatment approach. It is important to remember that children can still have a;severe and even life-threatening attack, even if they generally have mild or occasional asthma.;

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    How To Tell If Your Baby Has Asthma

    Doctors can treat asthma in babies with medications that help open up the airways, which are already small. While it is not always possible to prevent asthma in babies, avoiding asthma triggers, such as smoke, pet dander, pollen, and dust mite exposure, may help reduce the symptoms.

    According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America , about half of all children with asthma show some signs of the condition before they reach the age of 5 years. Recognizing asthma in babies and seeking medical help can allow parents and caregivers to provide treatments that keep infants breathing well.

    People should also note that babies with asthma-like symptoms may not go on to have asthma later in life.

    How To Know If Your Baby Has Asthma

    Asthma in babies and children

    This article was co-authored by Laura Marusinec, MD. Dr. Marusinec is a board certified Pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, where she is on the Clinical Practice Council. She received her M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine in 1995 and completed her residency at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Pediatrics in 1998. She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association and the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care. This article has been viewed 2,296 times.

    Asthma is one of the most common medical conditions among people of all ages, and more than ten percent of small children have it. Even so, much about asthma is still a mystery, and diagnosing the condition is particularly difficult in babies who cannot express their symptoms or follow instructions for breathing tests. Diagnosing asthma in babies usually combines a process of elimination, tracking symptoms, and evaluating risk factors. Your babys doctor must play a central role in determining the presence of asthma, but you as a parent can help identify signs of the condition in your child, largely through close observation of the baby and evaluation of his or her risk factors.

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    Contact Doctor During Office Hours

    • Don’t have written asthma action plan from your doctor
    • Use an inhaler, but don’t have a spacer
    • Miss more than 1 day of school per month for asthma
    • Asthma limits exercise or sports
    • Asthma attacks wake child up from sleep
    • Use more than 1 inhaler per month
    • No asthma check-up in more than 1 year
    • You have other questions or concerns

    What Is Childhood Asthma

    Childhood asthma is the same lung disease adults get, but kids often have different symptoms. Doctors also call this pediatric asthma.

    If your child has asthma, their lungs and airways can easily get inflamed when they have a cold or are around things like pollen. The symptoms may make it hard for your child to do everyday activities or sleep. Sometimes, an asthma attack can result in a trip to the hospital.

    Thereâs no cure for asthma in children, but you can work with your childâs doctor to treat it and prevent damage to their growing lungs.

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    What Are The Signs My Child May Have Asthma

    Although 80-90% of asthmatics are diagnosed as children, its not always easy to know if this disease is whats making your child unwell. Young children arent always able to articulate their symptoms, and asthma in children can look different than asthma in adults.;

    To help you know whether or not your child could have asthma, here are the top signs to look for:


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