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HomeDoes Chewing Gum Help Asthma

Does Chewing Gum Help Asthma

It May Help Treat Ulcers

Toothpaste, Asthma Pumps & Chewing Gum In Ramadan #FastingAndFurious

H. pylori infections can cause peptic ulcers. Older research suggests that the antibacterial properties of mastic gum can fight H. pylori bacteria and six other ulcer-causing bacteria. This may be due to its antibacterial, cytoprotective, and mild antisecretory properties.

Researchers found that doses as low as 1 mg per day of mastic gum inhibited bacterial growth. Still, newer research is needed to further explore these properties and assess its efficacy.

How to use: Take a daily mastic gum supplement. Follow the dosage information provided by the manufacturer.

2015 review suggests that mastic gum may help ease the symptoms of Crohns disease, which is a common form of IBD.

In one small study, people who took mastic gum for four weeks experienced a significant decrease in the severity of their inflammatory symptoms. Researchers also found decreased levels of IL-6 and C-reactive protein, which are markers of inflammation.

Larger studies are needed to understand the exact mechanisms in which mastic gum works. More research is needed that focuses on using mastic gum to treat Crohns disease and other forms of IBD.

How to use: Take 2.2 grams of mastic powder divided into 6 doses throughout the day. Continue use for four weeks.

Saliva Protects Your Teeth

Many medications and illegal drugs reduce the flow of saliva and cause a condition called dry mouth syndrome. Dry mouth significantly increases the risk of tooth decay. This is because saliva:

  • reduces the population of bacteria in the mouth
  • neutralises mouth acids that cause tooth decay
  • contains substances crucial to the ongoing process of re-mineralisation, which is the repair of tooth enamel that has been damaged by acids
  • has a washing effect preventing food particles from sitting on teeth.

There are many medications that can cause reduction in saliva. Some examples include: antidepressants, diuretics , antihistamines, decongestants, medications for Parkinsons disease, blood pressure tablets and inhalers.

Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or dentist for more information about whether your medications could be causing dry mouth.

Medicines And Developing Teeth

  • tetracycline this antibiotic can give permanent teeth a yellowish or brownish colour
  • fluoride this strengthens teeth and is commonly added to water supplies and toothpaste. However, excessive amounts of fluoride can cause white or discoloured spots to form on developing permanent teeth. This is called fluorosis. Young children who routinely swallow fluoridated toothpaste are at increased risk.

Talk to your dentist for further information on medicines that can affect the development of your childs permanent teeth.

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Asthma And Your Dental Health

Asthma is a growing public health problem and its effects on your dental health can have a great impact on your quality of life. There are side effects of commonly prescribed asthma medications to reopen airways and reduce inflammation which need to be understood so that you can control your asthma but enjoy good oral health as well.

Your teeth may be more susceptible to dental decay and erosion due to the way asthma medication can reduce the flow and quality of saliva which is vital to neutralize acids and provide an antibacterial cleanser for your teeth. This problem is made worse by mouth breathing which dries the mouth.

Some asthma medications are acidic themselves which weakens tooth enamel or in the case of dry powder inhalers or syrups may contain carbohydrates which can directly lead to dental decay.

Being asthmatic may make you more susceptible to gum disease and oral thrush due to decrease saliva flow and suppression of your immune system. This all sounds bad but there are measures that can be taken to ensure your Dental health does not suffer.

  • Firstly speak with your Doctor and Pharmacist to ensure that your asthma medication is optimised for your situation.

  • See your Dentist regularly for check-ups.

  • Rinse out with water after taking your medication and try to stay more hydrated in general.

  • Chew sugar-free chewing gum.

Prevention as always is far better than a cure, and your team of Dentists here in Kenmore are more than happy to help.

For more information see

It May Help Treat Symptoms Of Allergic Asthma

You love to chew gums ? You think its a style statement ...

Mastic gum has anti-inflammatory properties that may make it useful in treating allergic asthma. This type of asthma often includes airway inflammation, eosinophilia, and airway hyperresponsiveness.

In a 2011 study on mice, mastic gum significantly inhibited eosinophilia, reduced airway hyperresponsiveness, and inhibited the production of inflammatory substances. It had a positive effect on lung fluid and lung inflammation. In vitro tests found that mastic gum inhibited cells that react negatively to allergens and cause airway inflammation.

Although these results are promising, further studies are needed to determine efficacy in human cases.

How to use: Take 250 mg of mastic gum capsules 4 times per day.

explain how this interaction works. Human studies are needed to confirm and expand upon these findings.

How to use: Take 250 mg of mastic gum capsules 4 times per day.

Research from 2017 suggests that mastic essential oil may also help suppress tumors that can lead to colon cancer. Researchers found that mastic oil inhibited the increase of colon cells in vitro. When given orally to mice, it inhibited the growth of colon carcinoma tumors. Further study is needed to expand upon these findings.

How to use: Take a daily mastic gum supplement. Follow the dosage information provided by the manufacturer.

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What Is Chewing Gum

It consists of seven distinct base ingredients that are combined to make the chewing gums that we absentmindedly munch on.

Gum: this is the rubber and the non-digestible part of the chewing gum that gives it the distinct chewiness that we tend to like a lot.

Resin: the resin is much like the gum because it contributes to holding the shape of the gum and to strengthen it so that it doesnt lose its shape after packaging.

Fillers: these are the artificial additives like that of calcium compounds and talc which add a bit of texture to the gum.

Softeners: now, nobody like a hard as rock gum, do they? The softeners are what ensure that the gum retains the necessary moisture so it is chewy and not rock hard. Some common softeners include paraffin wax and vegetable oils etc.

Preservatives: a majority of the chewing gums include the compound butylated hydroxytoluene which is added to these chewing gums to extend their shelf life.

Sweeteners and flavourings: these two compounds are the primary ones that vary from brand to brand depending on their choice of flavourings and the kind of sweetener they want to add . Sometimes these flavours are either natural or even synthetic. Some of the common types of sweeteners include sugar, corn syrup, beet syrup etc. and the non-sugar ones usually contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

Lower Your Risk By Avoiding Triggers

You can lower the risk that your asthma will lead to gum disease by taking some practical preventive measures, such as avoiding asthma triggers to the extent possible. Some common triggers, such as low temperatures or high humidity, are nearly impossible to avoid. Others, however, are easier to stay away from. For example, you might be able to reduce your exposure to pet dander and dust by adjusting your home cleaning routine. If you smoke, it would be advisable to make plans to quit as soon as possible.

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Effect Of Medications On Teeth And Gums

Some medications, including prescription and over-the-counter preparations, can damage your teeth. Medications can cause gum problems such as inflammation, bleeding or ulceration. Diseased gums can lead to other dental problems, including tooth loss.Some of the medications that can damage teeth and gums include:

Some medications can cause the gum tissue to thicken and grow over the teeth. This condition is called gingival hyperplasia. Medications linked to an increased risk of gingival hyperplasia include epilepsy medications, cyclosporin , some blood pressure medications and calcium channel blockers.

Medications can also alter the taste in the mouth.

Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or dentist about whether the medications you are taking could harm your teeth.

Use Breathing Strips During Exercise And At Night

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Physical exertion can cause nasal passageways to narrow from negative pressure, making breathing with nasal congestion from allergies all the harder. Breathing strips that go on the outside of the nose below the hard bone of the bridge help hold these passages open, allowing increased airflow. Likewise, nasal passages can narrow during sleep, but breathing strips help keep them open allowing you to breathe more freely.

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Chewing Gum Benefits For Cavities

Before we jump straight into claiming the health benefits of chewing gum for cavities, let us not get ahead of ourselves.

If you want to ensure that the chewing gum actually does help treat your cavities and other oral problems, you need to ensure that it is the sugar free kind, the one which consists of non-cavity causing sweeteners like that of aspartame, sorbitol etc. If the gum is loaded with artificial sweeteners, chances are that it would make the cavities worse rather than the complete opposite of it.

The chewing of gum increases the secretion of saliva in the oral cavity which helps keep it moist and washes away the deposited plaque acid, thereby getting rid of the tooth decay and the associated problems.

How Can I Quit Smoking

  • Discuss quitting with your doctor. Decide when youll quit and prepare for that day.
  • Discard all cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays.
  • Avoid all situations that may trigger your desire to smoke. For example, if you always have a cigarette after a meal, get up and take a walk instead or immediately begin to clear the table, etc.
  • Whenever you get the urge to smoke, take a deep breath and hold it for five to ten seconds.
  • Dont let others smoke in your home.
  • Keep finger foods, like carrot sticks, handy. Or, chew gum when you get the urge to smoke.
  • Stay active to keep your mind off smoking. Go for walks or read a book.
  • Join a support group or smoking cessation class.
  • Talk to your doctor about nicotine replacement aids that can help when you are trying to quit.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/30/2021.


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How Is Asthma And The Mouth Linked

The mouth and asthma are closely linked. Dry mouth, fungal infections and dry mouth are some of the problems asthma sufferers may face and these are explored in greater depth later on. Inhalers are used to prevent and manage asthma attacks. Since these inhalers contain steroids, they can increase the risk of developing tooth decay, enamel erosion, gum disease and fungal infections. This increased risk means that asthma sufferers must ensure they take extra care of their oral health and focus on prevention of tooth decay and gum disease. One of the ways to prevent these problems is to regularly get checkups and cleans. At Riverstone Family Dental we urge patients to get 6 monthly checkups and cleans to ensure problems are tackled early or prevented. You can book in by calling us on 8678 3538. It is important to tell your dentist if you have asthma and any medications you are taking. If these medications change, then remember to update your dentist as well.

Asthma And Dental Caries

Does Chewing Gum Help With Double Chin : We

McDerra et al. pointed out that asthmatic children have more tooth decay affecting permanent teeth. A study by Reddy et al. suggested that asthmatic children have a high prevalence of caries and this increases with the severity of bronchial asthma. Ersin et al. showed that asthma, through its disease status and its pharmacotherapy, includes some risk factors such as a decrease in the salivary flow rate and salivary pH for caries development. They also demonstrated that the duration of medication and illness has a significant influence on the risk of developing caries in asthmatics. Shashikiran and co-workers revealed that asthmatic patients, especially those using salbutamol inhalers, have more caries than the control group. The results of a study by Stensson et al. also indicated that preschool children with asthma have a higher prevalence of caries than children without asthma. Factors leading to this may be due to a higher intake of sugary drinks and mouth breathing.

In contrast to the above mentioned studies, there are other studies that do not demonstrate a positive correlation between asthma and dental caries. Bjerkeborn et al. showed that neither asthma per se nor disease severity affects the prevalence of caries in asthmatic children. A study by Eloot et al. also did not recognize any connection between the severity of the asthma, the period of exposure to medication and the prevalence of caries.

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What Causes A Dairy Allergy

A dairy or milk allergy happens when your immune system goes into overdrive and thinks milk and dairy products are harmful. Most people with a dairy allergy are allergic to cows milk. Some people may also have a reaction against milk from other animals such as goats, sheep, and buffalo.

If you have a dairy allergy, your body is reacting against the proteins found in milk. Dairy contains two types of proteins:

  • Casein makes up 80 percent of milk protein. Its found in the solid part of milk.
  • Whey protein makes up 20 percent of milk. It is found in the liquid part.

You may be allergic to both types of milk protein or just one. Antibiotics given to dairy cows may also be linked to milk allergies.

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8 Surprising Benefits Of Spearmint

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Spearmint, which has the scientific distinction as Mentha spicata, is a word that most people recognize, but often as the flavor of their favorite chewing gum. However, there is far more to this species of mint, which is why it has received so much attention in recent years. This type of mint is actually native to Europe and Asia, but has spread throughout the rest of the world in recent centuries and has now been naturalized on five continents. Spearmint is a herbaceous perennial plant with a square-shaped stem, broad leaves, and white/pink flowers. The leaves are where the value lies in spearmint, at least in terms of use, as they contain many of the active ingredients and a high concentration of the scent and flavor.

Spearmint has a wide range of applications, including its culinary uses to flavor cocktails, sauces, dips, entire dishes, or even as a garnish, in addition to hygienic products, toothpaste, mouthwashes, soaps, and body scrubs. Spearmint tea and its essential oil are perhaps the most direct and beneficial, aside from chewing the leaves directly.

Here you can check out 8 Surprising Benefits Of Spearmint:

Health Benefits Of Spearmint

The medicinal benefits of spearmint are particularly impressive, many of which can be enjoyed in any form. Lets take a closer look at the health benefits of this powerful variety of mint.

Antibacterial Capacity

Respiratory Health

Aids in Digestion

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Untreated Dry Mouth Can Damage Oral Health

Left untreated, dry mouth, which doctors call xerostomia, can lead to various problems, including:

  • Gingivitis .
  • Improper denture fit.

Over time, you may experience changes in taste, difficulty swallowing, and in some cases, speech changes. You may also notice cracks and cuts on your lips at the corners of your mouth, or you could experience a burning sensation on your tongue.

Dry mouth usually resolves on its own one to two months after completing chemotherapy, but it can last six months to a year after radiation to the head and neck, says Dr. Vyas.

What Is The Link Between Smoking And Asthma

[ASMR] Receptionist Roleplay (chewing gum, typing)

Smoke from cigars, cigarettes and pipes harms your body in many ways, but it is especially harmful to the respiratory system. The airways in a person with asthma are very sensitive and can react to many things, or “triggers.” Coming into contact with these triggers often produces asthma symptoms. Tobacco smoke is a powerful asthma trigger.

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Chewing Gum Causes Health Issues

Sometimes its the little things that make all the difference. In my personal case, it was chewing gum.

Now there are a lot of reasons why we chew gum, the obvious being fresh breath, but other popular reasons are to manage hunger and to distract you from various cravings and vices. I most certainly can vouch for the use of gum to manage hunger. This was not my proudest moments in time, but if I had not been through it, then I wouldnt be here sharing my experience with you.

Much like many young girls I wanted to look my best, which in my mind meant to be as thin as possible . So one of my favorite tactics for quelling hunger was to chew gum. I started chewing about 7 pieces a day, throwing one in as soon as I started to feel the need to eat. While this worked relatively well for stopping hunger pains, something much worse took its place actual stomach pains and bloating. This started to become a regular state of existence for me, sharp aches and chronic bloating that seemed to be an apparent mystery to me.

So whats the deal with Chewing Gum?

Asthma And Oral Candidiasis

Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a condition commonly associated with the use of nebulized corticosteroids. This side effect may be attributed to the topical effects of these medications on the oral mucosa, as only 10 to 20% of the dose from an inhaler actually reaches the lungs, while the rest remains in the oropharynx. The incidence of oral candidiasis can vary from 1 to 77% with ICS treatment, probably because of the difference in methods used to detect it. This local side effect is mainly seen among patients who use high doses of ICS regularly.

Generalized immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects of steroids are thought to play a major role in the pathogenesis of candidiasis. A study by Fukushima et al. suggested that ICS can decrease salivary IgA. This host factor can contribute to the development of oral candidiasis. Knight and Fletcher reported that patients who are treated with corticosteroids show a higher level of salivary glucose than the control group. Also, many of the dry powder inhalers contained lactose monohydrate as the carrier vehicle in proportion of 10â25 mg per dose. This higher glucose concentration can also promote growth, proliferation and adhesion of Candida to the oral mucosal cells. As mentioned earlier, asthmatics who are medicated with beta-2 agonist show a decreased salivary flow rate. This decreased salivary flow rate can be associated with higher oral Candida counts.

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