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Allergies Causing Asthma Like Symptoms

The Best Decongestants For Asthmatics

Allergies and Asthma: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Decongestants work by reducing nasal congestion which can lead to stuffiness, pain, and infections. These are often used to help treat acute illnesses, such as colds, but may also be used as long-term treatments for sinusitis and allergies.

If you have sinusitis and allergic asthma, a doctor may recommend starting with an over-the-counter decongestant first. A prescription formula may be recommended if your symptoms arent getting better with an OTC decongestant.

Oral decongestants typically contain pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine that work by reducing blood vessel swelling in your nasal passages.

Decongestants may also come in the form of nasal sprays that contain oxymetazoline. However, you shouldnt use these for more than 3 days at a time, as these are associated with rebound congestion.

If youre currently taking any other medication for allergies, asthma, or another condition, its important to talk with a doctor before trying decongestants as these may interact with each other. Also ask your doctor before taking decongestants if you have high blood pressure, as there could be complications.

Do Allergy Seasons Really Vary In Intensity From Year To Year

Many doctors and scientists say allergy seasons are intensifying, starting earlier and lasting longer. Climate change is a factor. Its fueled in part by rising temperatures and mild winters, allowing pollen-producing trees and grass to bloom earlier. The extended growing seasons leads to increased levels of airborne allergens.

In addition, snowmelt in late winter or early spring can increase moisture that allows trees to produce more pollen when they bloom.

What Does Allergic Asthma Feel Like

Distinguishing between non-allergic vs. allergic asthma can be challenging. This is because the asthma symptoms remain the same cough, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath. The major difference is people with allergic asthma normally experience symptoms after inhaling an allergen. They may also experience other non-respiratory allergy symptoms such as hives on the skin.

Does an asthma attack triggered by allergies feel different than a typical asthma attack? No, there is not really any difference between the two. But if you know you have allergic asthma, you may be able to predict when you may be most at risk for an attack. By knowing what triggers your asthma, you can be extra cautious if exposed.

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What Are The Common Triggers Of Allergic Asthma

Learning to avoid your allergens is key to managing your allergic asthma. Find out how to avoid these common allergens:

These spider-like creatures are too small to see with the naked eye. They feed on human skin flakes. Both the body parts and feces of dust mites are considered allergens. They are found in mattresses, pillows, carpets, upholstered furniture, bedcovers, clothes, stuffed toys, fabric, etc.

Molds can grow on almost anything when moisture is present. Outdoors, many molds live in soil, or on leaves, wood, and other plant debris. Indoors, they can be found in a damp basement, near a leaky faucet or pipe, or a wet shower stall or bathtub. Molds produce tiny spores, which are like seeds, to reproduce. These spores become airborne easily.

Pet urine, feces, saliva, hair or dander are all allergens. But you don’t have to have pets in your house or visit places where animals are kept in order to be exposed to their allergens. Animal allergens are often detected in places where no animals live. People who own or have been around animals may have carried the allergens into the place.

Are Allergies And Asthma Related

Allergic rhinitis

Allergies and asthma are related conditions linked by a common airway. They both affect our breathing by blocking the free passage of air between the nose and the lungs.

With allergies, the obstruction occurs in the upper area of the airway when the layers of the nose become inflamed. Sneezing helps to clear the mucus from the upper part of the airway. With asthma, the breathlessness and wheezing are caused by a narrowing of the bronchioles. Inflammation of the small airways layers may cause mucus to increase, making the obstruction worse. The dry cough that develops in the airways helps to clear out the mucus. An allergic reaction in the lungs can develop into asthma, so its important to immediately address the symptoms to control both conditions.

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How To Manage The Impact Of Pollen On Your Asthma

If your asthma seems to be triggered by pollen, you can try the following measures to reduce your pollen exposure however, research has not yet shown whether this approach effectively controls asthma symptoms.

Several strategies that dont involve avoiding pollen may also be helpful.

  • Make sure your asthma is as well controlled as possible by seeing your doctor before the pollen season gets under way. Ask about adjusting your preventive medicine for the likely increased exposure you will have to pollens over the coming months.
  • Also ask your doctor about having your pollen allergy confirmed with a skin-prick test or blood tests.
  • Monitor your asthma control, and follow your asthma action plan to adjust your medicine as instructed when your asthma control drops.
  • If you have both asthma and hay fever, ask your doctor about treatments for hay fever that may help improve asthma control.
  • Immunotherapy may be a possibility for some people with pollen allergy ask your doctor.


Does An Asthma Attack Trigged By Allergies Feel Different Than A Typical Asthma Attack

When you have an asthma attack thats triggered by your allergies, it is a severe flair up of your asthma symptoms. During an asthma attack, your airways will tighten, making it difficult to breathe. You may also feel chest pressure, wheeze and cough. The symptoms of an allergic asthma attack are the same as an asthma attack caused by something else. The difference between the two is the cause of the asthma attack. When you experience severe asthma symptoms after breathing in an allergen, this is typically allergic asthma.

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Why Do We Sneeze

People sneeze in response to an irritation or tickle in their nose. When the inside of your nose gets a tickle, the nerve endings send a message to the sneeze center in your brain. This transmits a call to an amazingly complex set of muscles to get rid of the tickle quickly.

In a split second, your stomach, chest, diaphragm , vocal cord, throat, face and eyelid muscles flex and Ah-Choo! At a roaring 600 miles per hour, your body tries to dislodge the pollen, dust, mold, virus or bacteria trapped in your nose.

Some people sneeze when they breathe cold air. Others sneeze in threes. And still others sneeze when stepping from dark into bright light. If this happens to you, then you have a condition called photic sneezing.

Does Allergic Asthma Go Away

Tips to Reduce Allergy & Asthma Symptoms

Some people think you can outgrow asthma, but this isnt really true. Asthma can cause airway remodeling, so even if your symptoms subside over time, you dont really outgrow it.

However, some people do outgrow certain allergies or rather their body doesnt have as strong of an allergic response. You may believe that your allergic asthma is going away, but think of it more like being in remission. Even after years without symptoms, an allergen exposure can trigger an allergic asthma attack.

Conversely, there is also increasing awareness that allergies and allergic asthma can develop in adulthood.

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How Do You Know If You Are Having An Asthma Attack

An asthma attack happens when the body is exposed to a triggerlike pollen or smokethat causes the airways to become inflamed and swollen.

Asthma attacks are uncomfortable to experience and can be frightening, especially for children. If you or someone you know is having any of the following symptoms, they may be having an asthma attack:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Coughing or wheezing

An asthma attack may go away after a few minutes with proper treatment, but symptoms can last longer and become life-threatening if untreated. Seek medical attention immediately if you or someone you know is having a severe asthma attack with one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of panic about the asthma attack
  • Pale and sweaty face

How To Prevent An Allergic Reaction

The key to managing allergies is avoiding your triggers, Dr. Parikh says. But it can be difficult to completely stay away from some allergens like pollen, dust, and traces of food. So you may need to take preventative medications, keep injectable epinephrine on hand, and have an emergency plan ready in case of a severe reaction. Allergy shots, a form of immunotherapy to desensitize yourself to certain allergens, may also be helpful in controlling your allergies long-term, she says.

If you suspect youre dealing with symptoms of an allergic reaction, dont hesitate to reach out to an allergist. They can help you come up with a personalized treatment plan and arm you with tools to prevent allergic reactions in the future.

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Are All Asthma Symptoms Caused By Allergies

No. While a strong connection exists, other triggers can lead to asthma attacks such as strong odors, exercise, cold air, and other respiratory infections. Many people suffering from asthma have more than one trigger. The best way to manage symptoms is to be aware of the triggers and pay close attention as they may change over time.

Schedule An Appointment With An Allergy Specialist

Asthma Symptoms and Treatment with Allergy Drops

Congestion, wheezing, runny nose, and other symptoms dont have to keep interrupting your daily life. Allergists like Dr. Sami Nallamshetty at Florida Medical Clinic can help diagnose the causes of your allergies and help get your asthma under control year-round using treatments like allergy shots, medications, and more.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Asthma

If you have allergic asthma, you may have many of the same symptoms you would experience with other types of asthma. These symptoms can include:

  • Coughing frequently, especially at night.
  • Experiencing chest tightness .

These symptoms can be very intense during an asthma attack. Make sure you have a treatment plan in place if you have severe asthma symptoms this plan often includes an inhaler .

You can also experience symptoms more closely related to allergies. These are usually less intense than asthma symptoms and can happen when youre exposed to an allergen. These symptoms can include:

Is There Such Thing As A Hypoallergenic Cat

If you suffer from allergy induced asthma brought on by exposure to cats, but really want to care for a kitty of your own, you may want to consider a hypoallergenic breed. There is certainly no guarantee that these breeds will prevent your asthma attacks, however these cats have been specially bred to produce less of the problematic Fel D1 protein and may be a better choice for you.

Here are a few breeds of hypoallergenic cats that you may want to find out more about:

  • The need for inhaler frequently

Contact Oklahoma allergy and asthma clinic, OKOA for allergy treatment.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctors advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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Allergic Asthma And Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic insects that are found in every home that like to live in soft furnishings, carpets, curtains and bedding. Their droppings are a common cause of allergies and allergic asthma.

You cant eliminate dust mites, but you may find it helpful to:

  • Have hard flooring instead of carpets
  • Vacuum regularly
  • Wash laundry at 60 degrees Celsius
  • Use dust mite covers on the bed.

If your child has an allergy to dust mites, you can put soft toys in the freezer to kill the dust mites, then wash them.

The scientific evidence is not unanimous, so we cant say for sure how far housekeeping measures can make a difference. Some methods take a lot of effort and can be expensive, so dont be hard on yourself if it doesnt help as much as youd hoped.

One pest that can be well controlled is cockroaches: their droppings can also trigger allergic asthma. You can avoid attracting them by keeping your kitchen clean dont let dirty dishes or uncovered food sit out very long. If you do have cockroaches, try to exterminate them as soon as possible.

Asthma Vs Allergic Asthma

The differences in allergy, asthma, coronavirus symptoms

Asthma is a chronic health condition where the airways of the lungs are always inflamed. As many as 26 million people in the U.S. are affected by asthma symptoms over 8% of the population.

An asthma attack occurs when something triggers symptoms triggers can include anything from outdoor and indoor allergens, certain foods and medicines, smoke, strong odors, illness , exercise, weather and stress.

Once an asthma attack occurs, it makes it difficult for you to breathe and you may start coughing, wheezing, and having shortness of breath and chest tightness.

For some people, asthma is a minor inconvenience, but for others, it can be life-threatening. And while there is no cure for asthma, your symptoms can be controlled.

If you have allergic asthma, your breathing issues are generally triggered by inhaling something you are allergic to, such as pet dander, mold or tree pollen. Other irritants, such as cold weather and secondhand smoke, can also exacerbate symptoms of allergic asthma as well.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 60% of people with asthma have allergic asthma, which causes the same symptoms of non-allergic asthma.

Only your doctor can confirm if you have allergic asthma. Testing involves skin and blood tests to determine if, and what type of, allergens trigger your asthma symptoms.

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Can Allergic Rhinitis Make Asthma Worse

Hay fever can make asthma harder to control. People with asthma who also have allergic rhinitis have more visits to hospital or emergency departments and more time off work or school than other people with asthma.

Some people find that the things that trigger their asthma will also make their allergic rhinitis worse. These could include things they are allergic to or cold air, cigarette smoke or other irritating fumes.

Effective treatment for allergic rhinitis may reduce the chance of severe asthma attacks, and make the lungs work better.

People with allergic rhinitis who are allergic to grass pollens can have asthma attacks caused by springtime thunderstorms. These mainly occur in October-November, in places where there is a lot of grass pollen . Very severe asthma attacks triggered by thunderstorms are more likely in people who have asthma as well as allergic rhinitis especially if their asthma is not well controlled, or they are not taking regular preventer medication for their asthma.

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Common Allergens That Trigger Allergic Asthma

Among adults with asthma, 75 percent of those between ages 20 to 40 and 65 percent of those ages 55 and older have at least one allergy, according to research reported by Dr. Paula Busse, MD, associate professor of medicine in the Mount Sinai Department of Allergy and Immunology. She also reports that as many as 80 percent of children with allergies also have asthma.

There are certain allergens that typically trigger allergy-induced asthma in children and adults, such as:

Its important to note that not everything you are allergic to will cause asthma symptoms to develop, though another type of allergic reaction may develop. A doctor may perform a skin or blood test to determine the allergen triggering your allergic asthma.

In an allergy skin test, also referred to as a skin prick test, a nurse makes small marks in the skin and applies allergen extracts next to them. In adults, the skin test is usually conducted on the arm, and in children its done on the back. According to Mayo Clinic, a skin prick test can check up to 40 different substances at once.

Another option is an allergy blood test, which measures the level of IgE antibodies in the blood. A positive result for a total IgE test indicates an allergy after the overall number of IgE antibodies is measured. Alternatively, a specific IgE test identifies the levels of IgE antibodies in response to individual allergens so that you can discover whether or not you have allergies to a specific trigger, such as pollen.

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Asthma & Hayfever: Pollen Tracker


Mainly a low risk for weed pollen today and a moderate risk thereafter in some spots during good weather. The spore risk will be moderate to high. All allergens will be low on the eastern coasts due to onshore winds.

The Asthma Society of Ireland Hayfever Campaign is kindly supported by ALK. As part of the campaign, the Asthma Society pollen tracker will provide daily updates on pollen levels around Ireland including regional prediction levels for the current and following day.

Pollen Season runs from now until September, and people with asthma are advised to ensure their asthma and hayfever are well managed. The pollen tracker can help people to recognise the days when they need to take additional precautions to manage their asthma and hayfever.

Our Pollen Tacker will run from April 2021 to August 2021.

Check here daily for your pollen count update!

Our pollen tracker updates daily showing the pollen levels across the 4 provinces. It is important to check the tracker each day to best manage your asthma and hay fever.

Up to 80% of people with asthma also have hayfever. If you would like advice on how to avoid allergy triggers and cope with allergic rhinitis please contact our Asthma Adviceline on 1800 44 54 64. You can also now use our new free Beating Breathlessness WhatsApp patient support service. For more information click here.

Our Pollen Tracker service is kindly supported byALK.

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